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新疆野生油菜与野芥(Sinapis arvensis L.)遗传性状的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
官春云 《作物学报》1996,22(2):214-219
对新疆野生油菜和野芥(Sinapis arvensis L)的cpDNA,染色体数及核型,叶表皮气孔保卫细胞叶绿体数,生殖隔离,植株形态和生长发育等研究结果表明,新疆野生油菜就是野芥。鉴于野芥在我国还没有记载和报道,因此,新疆野生油菜的发现就是野芥在中国的新发现。野芥在加拿大被称为“毒草”。文章对防止野芥蔓延,野芥作为种质资源利用的可能性和在油菜起源进化中的地位等问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

根据GenBank中脂肪酸延长酶基因fae1序列(AY 888037)设计了PCR扩增引物,以野芥总DNA为模板进行扩增得到了特异扩增条带.测序结果表明,该片段长1 651 bp,序列分析表明其氨基酸编码区为55~1 575 bp,不含内含子序列,共编码506个氨基酸.该基因序列已提交GenBank,登录号为FJ870905.BLASTn分析结果表明,野芥中fae1基因与其他芸薹属品系的fae1基因核苷酸同源性为76%~98%;BLASTp分析结果表明,野芥中的FAE1与油菜中FAE1存在32个位点差异,其中部分差异可能导致了芥酸含量的不同.  相似文献   

The effects of stand establishment and nitrogen fertilizer on yield and yield stability of winter oil-seed rape ( Brassica napus L.) were investigated in two field experiments in north eastern Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern). During six years of testing from 1984/85 to 1989/90 three sowing dates (10 Aug, 20 Aug, 5 Sept) as combined with three plant densities (60, 100, 140 plants/m2 in autumn) were compared. Although seed yield did not respond to the main effects of these treatments, the two-way classification resulted in significant differences from the average yield. August sowing combined with lower plant densities caused comparably high yields, while delayed sowing was somewhat effective only with higher plant density. Highest yield stability was achieved at early sowing when combined with lower plant densities. From 1986/87 to 1988/89 nitrogen top-dressings were applied during early March, at start of stem extension and shortly before start of flowering at five locations. 200 kg N/ha in one dose resulted in lowest yield performance and enhanced instability. Contrastingly, the 240 kg N/ha treatment advanced yield stability regardless of split regimes. Nevertheless, split application to 100 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha + 50 kg N/ha also guaranteed that high yield performance and optimum yield stability were reached simultaneously and, that the total nitrogen input could be limited to 200 kg N/ha.  相似文献   

Competition between timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue ( Festucapratensis Huds.) under three levels of nitrogen was studied during three growing seasons under northern climatic conditions, 69° N latitude. Timothy initially had higher competitive abilities, particularly when nitrogen was added, but due to a higher regrowth capacity, meadow fescue was able to compete with timothy increasingly over time. The species differed in their growth patterns. Timothy had a higher proportion of reproductive tillers and a larger leaf area in the upper parts of the canopy at the first harvest, especially at high nitrogen-fertilization. Consequently, timothy shaded meadow fescue during the reproductive stage of growth. After defoliation, regrowth of timothy halted for one to two weeks. Meadow fescue, by contrast, had higher tiller numbers than timothy, a higher number of intact growing points, and resumed shoot-growth rapidly after defoliation. Due to these traits, the competitive abilities of meadow fescue increased each year relative to timothy.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted using a greenhouse hydroponics system to investigate the influence of N nutrition on leaf growth and chlorophyll content in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) during both vegetative and generative growth. Plants were treated continuously with one of three levels of N supply (30, 100 or 170ppm N). Leaf expansion in terms of lamina area of individual leaves and leaf area per plant, and chlorophyll content of leaves during both growth phases were increased significantly by N supply up to 100 ppm N, which was found to be the optimum level for oilseed rape. N supply of 30 ppm N resulted in N stress while 170 ppm N represents an excessive supply. N supply of 100 ppm N enhanced leaf expansion during H–6 weeks after transplanting by 88–260 % over that of 30 ppm N. Lamina areas of younger leaves responded to N nutrition better than did those of older leaves. Leaf area per plant increased 155–194 % due to increasing N supply but leaf number was increased less remarkably (by 25–44 %). N supply enhanced the contents of leaf chlorophyll a , chlorophyll b , and total chlorophyll but had very little influence on chlorophyll a/b ratios; except that increasing N supply tended to reduce these ratios. Results suggest that variation in leaf chlorophyll content of rape plants in response to N nutrition is a function of leaf age and position. The significance of these results in terms of certain physiological implications for the rape plant is discussed.  相似文献   

施氮对大豆根瘤生长和结瘤固氮的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用框栽试验研究了施氮对大豆根瘤生长和结瘤固氮的影响,结果表明,施氮对大豆根瘤形成、生长和固氮能力有显著影响,随着N用量的增加,根瘤干质量、根瘤数量呈现先逐渐增加而后降低的趋势,而固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量则表现为持续下降的趋势,适量施氮对根瘤生长有显著的促进作用,当氮素供应不足时则会抑制根瘤的生长,但当氮素供应过量时也会抑制根瘤的形成.从根瘤干质量和根瘤数量来看,各处理间表现为N100>N200>N50>N25>NO,以N100处理下根瘤干质量最大,根瘤数量最多,显著高于不施氮(N0)和其他施氮处理,从不同生育时期来看,根瘤干质量表现为从苗期到花期再到鼓粒期,大豆根瘤的数量呈现出先明显增加后逐渐减少的趋势,高峰出现在花期,而根瘤数量表现为花期>苗期.施氮显著抑制了固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量,随施氮水平的增加,固氮酶活性和豆血红蛋白含量显著降低,表现为NO>N25>N50>N100>N200,表明施氮使大豆根瘤的固氮效率显著降低,因此,从大豆固氮效率来讲,施氮对大豆根瘤固氮具有抑制作用.方差分析结果表明,施氮和不施氮处理间均达到了5%的差异显著水平.因此,从大豆固氮和氮肥施用平衡的角度来看,应适量施用氮肥,既可以充分利用大豆的固氮功能,节约氮肥,又可以获得较高的产量.  相似文献   

15N-aided investigations were conducted to ascertain the Nj fixation and the nitrogen (N) contribution by mungbean ( Vigna radiata L.) and groundnut ( Aracbis hypogaea L.) when intercropped with maize ( Zea mays ). The study involved growing seven genotypes of the above legumes with maize in alternate rows in two separate experiments. A sole crop of maize was used as the reference crop to determine N2 fixation by the 15N methodology. Significant genotypic differences in pod yield and stover N content were observed in intercropped mungbean and groundnut. The percentage N derived from the atmosphere showed a genotypic variation of 31 to 45 % (7 to 10 kg N2 fixed ha−1O in mungbean and 47 to 69 % (9 to 18 kg N2 fixed ha−1) in groundnut. Harvest index for N varied from 58 to 77 % in mungbean and 55 to 75 % in groundnut. In groundnut, the uptake of soil N was significantly affected by the genotype. Assuming that the N contribution to the soil by the helow-ground plant parts was negligible, the removal of seeds at maturity resulted in a negative N balance in the soil in all the genotypes of mungbean. In groundnut, some genotypes produced a positive N balance in the soil. Owing to high N2 fixation capacity and low harvest index for N, groundnut showed a greater N supplementing ability than mungbean.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during July 1986–April 1988 at New Delhi, to evaluate the relative contribution of rainy-season legumes towards the growth and productivity of succeeding wheat ( Triticum aestivum [L.] emend. Fiori & Paol), find out economic optimum dose of nitrogen for succeeding wheat and screen a legume which can be best knitted in wheat based cropping system.
HD 2329 wheat performed better when grown after legumes than when grown after Local fodder sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench). N economy in wheat was greater (65–78 kg/ha) after Sona clusterbean ( Cyamopsis tetragonoloba [L.] Taubert) and T-9 blackgram ( Phaseolus mungo L.) over sorghum. The economic optimum dose of N for wheat following pigeonpea ( Cajanus cajan [L.] Millsp.), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), groundnut ( Aracbis bypogaea L.), blackgram ( Phaseolus mungo L.) and clusterbean were 110.1, 103.6, 113.7, 109.6 and 92.3 kg/ha respectively.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Samaru, Nigeria to study the influence of nitrogen fertilization and plant density on the agronomic performance and nutrient concentration of maize ( Zea mays L.). The treatments were factorial combinations of five nitrogen fertilization rates (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 kg N/ha) and three plant density levels (25000, 50000 and 75000 plants/ha).
Nitrogen fertilization up to 150 kg N/ha enhanced grain and stover yields and increased kernel number and weight up to 100 kg N/ha. Nitrogen supply also increased maize ear length. Increased N fertilization rates increased concentrations of N, K and Mg but had no effect on P and Ca concentrations. Higher grain yield was closely associated with higher N concentration in ear leaf; with 0.1 % change in N concentration causing 177 kg/ha change in grain yield. Increased plant density increased stover yield up to 50 or 75 thousand plants/ha but depressed kernel number and weight and ear length.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study N distribution and dry matter accumulation in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. cv. Callypso ) in relation to N supply. Three levels of N supply (30, 100 or 170 ppm N) were tested as treatments. Stem and leaf dry weights increased at higher N fertility up to 170 ppm N but root dry weight did not respond to N. Dry matter yield during the vegetative phase was seriously depressed by N deficiency. Most of the plant dry matter was accumulated in the lower segments of the stem and roots. Dry weights of stem and axillary branches increased significantly as N supply increased up to 100 ppm N. Although hull dry weight increased with N supply up to 100 ppm N, seed dry weight did not respond to N. High root N concentration was maintained at 100 or 170 ppm N; but declined as plants advanced in age. N content of leaf and stem also declined with time. Leaf growth was particularly responsive to N fertility and N was mobilised from the older to the younger leaves over time. Nitrogen content of hulls and seeds increased significantly with N supply but N was translocated from the vegetative into the generative organs or from older into younger tissues during pod development. There is need for proper N fertility management in order to achieve successful rape production.  相似文献   

The effect of salinity on the nodulation, N-fixation and plant growth of selected chickpea- Rhizobium symbionts was studied- Eighteen chickpea rhizobial strains were evaluated for their growth in a broth culture at salinity levels of 0 to 20 dS m−1 of NaCl + Na2SO4. Variability in response was high. Salinity generally reduced the lag phase and/or slowed the log phase of multiplication of Rhizobium. Nine chickpea genotypes were also evaluated for salt tolerance during germination and early seedling growth in Petri dishes at five salinity levels (0–32 dS m−1). Chickpea genotypes ILC-205 and ILC-1919 were the most salt-tolerant genotypes. The selected rhizobial strains and chickpea cultivars were combined in a pot experiment aimed at investigating the interactive effect of salinity (3, 6 and 9 dS m−1) and N source (symbiosis vs. inorganic N) on plant growth. Symbiotic plants were more sensitive to salinity than plants fed mineral N. Significant reductions in nodule dry weight (59.8 %) and N fixation (63.5 %) were evident even at the lowest salinity level of 3 dS m-1. Although nodules were observed in inoculated plants grown at 6 dS m-1, N-fixation was completely inhibited. The findings indicate that symbiosis is more salt-sensitive than both Rhizobium and the host plant, probably due to a breakdown in one of the processes involved in symbiotic-N fixation. Improvement of salinity tolerance in field grown chickpea may be achieved by application of sufficient amounts of mineral nitrogen.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effect of N nutrition (30, 100 or 170 ppm N) on the concentrations and distribution of P, K, Ca, and Mg in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.). Leaf K concentration increased with increasing N supply up to 100 ppm N, as did leaf Mg after the bloom stage. Leaf Ca decreased with increasing N nutrition but P concentration was unaffected. Lower leaves had higher P concentrations than did the upper leaves. P, Ca and Mg concentrations in the roots at 34 days before bloom (DBB) declined when N supply was increased but K concentration was unaffected. At 10 and 44 days after bloom (DAB) P concentrations in the roots, stem and branches increased with N supply; whereas K, Ca and Mg concentrations did not respond. Concentrations of P in the pods increased with N nutrition up to 100 ppm N but those of K, Ca and Mg in the pods, hull and seeds were unaffected by N nutrition. P concentrations in the hull and in the seeds also increased with N supply. Most of the K and Ca were in the leaves while the least were in the seeds. Most of the P accumulated in the seeds and roots; whereas the hull contained the least. Of the four nutrients analyzed for, P concentrations were generally the lowest in the various plant parts and K concentrations the highest. Ca/Mg ratios for the hull and branches were increased by 100 ppm N and the ratios for the leaves, pods and seeds were unaffected by N nutrition.  相似文献   

Soil degradation and depletion of soil nutrients are among the major factors threatening sustainable cereal production in the Ethiopian highlands. Fertilizer use as a means of mitigating nutrient depletion has become widely accepted. The fate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) applied to a semidwarf bread wheat system was determined in microplots receiving 41 kg N ha?1 in the form of urea labelled with 5.617 % atom excess 15N, without and with the application of phosphorus (P) at 20 kg P ha?1. The study was conducted in three different agro‐ecological zones at 2200, 2400 and 2800 m above sea level (masl) (Kulumsa, Asasa and Bekoji, respectively) in the south‐eastern Ethiopian highlands. Yield and yield response to N diminished with elevation, while the response to P increased with elevation, with a significant increase in wheat grain yield observed at Bekoji (2800 masl). N harvest index and N use efficiency improved in response to P application at Asasa (2400 masl). Crop removal accounted for 25–64 and 36–64 % of the applied N without and with P, respectively. The corresponding fractions of 15N recovered in the soil ranged from 2.9 to 3.5 % and from 3.2 to 3.7 %, respectively. Recoveries of applied 15N were 67 and 52 % at Kulumsa and Asasa, but only 25 % at the highest elevation site, Bekoji. Fertilizer P significantly enhanced N recovery at Asasa (60 %) and Bekoji (36 %), but not at Kulumsa, where the soil had a high level of residual P from previous applications. The fraction of 15N recovered in the soil–plant system was rather low at Bekoji. However, the rate of 15N recovery was significantly improved (by 37 %) when fertilizer P was added to the soil. Across all locations, the unaccounted 15N may have been lost primarily through denitrification and volatilization.  相似文献   

In a field trial located in a northern region of Germany, characterized by a Podzol soil and increasing N fertilization resulted in an enhanced N uptake of the maize (Zea mays L.) variety “Felix” with increasing N fertilization ranging from 0 kg N ha-1 (N1) to 60 kg N ha-1 (N2) and to 160 kg N ha-1 (N3). The growth conditions reached only nearly optimal temperature for biomass allocation in a short period of July and August 1990. The plant productivity was stimulated due to higher N uptake and N utilization to values of nearly 1600 g ha-1. The N efficiency decreased with increasing N fertilization. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of varied nitrogen nutrition on the development of maize plants under standardized growth conditions, comparable to the sub optimal growth conditions of the field experiment. Physiological and anatomical parameters were measured. Within a range of 0.2—1.0 mg N cm-2 of leaf nitrogen, the chlorophyll concentration and the CO2 exchange rate showed a linear relationship with the reduced N in the leaf. Above 1.0 mg N cm-2 no further increases in chlorophyll levels or photosynthesis were observed. Nitrate reductase activity was stimulated throughout the N range supplied. The activities of photosynthetic enzymes (PEP carboxylase, Nadp malic enzyme, RubP carboxylase) was increased from the low (0.19 g N kg-1 soil) to the middle N level (0.37 g N kg-1 soil). Under conditions of a high N supply (0.75 g N kg-1 soil) the activity decreased, except Nadp malic enzyme. This effect was accompanied by alterations of the internal structure of the leaf. Leaf thickness and size of the mesophyll parenchyma were less at the medium nitrate supply. Other anatomical parameters were influenced in proportion to leaf nitrogen status. Stomatal index was not affected by N supply, but lengths and widths of epidermal and stomatal cells as well as the distance between stomata and vascular bundles were increased by high N supply. It is proposed that above an optimal range of leaf nitrogen, maize plants cannot use the potential advantage of the C4 mechanism and the N utilization shows maximum efficiency in the intermediate N level under the sub optimal growth conditions used in the greenhouse experiment.  相似文献   

The effects of panicle type and source‐sink relation on the variation in grain weight (GW) and quality within a panicle were investigated using four japonica (Oryza sativa L.) varieties differing in grain density and two source‐sink adjusting treatments. There were significant differences in GW and filling grain percentage (FGP) among superior and inferior grains for compact‐panicle varieties (Xiushui 994 and Xiushui 63), while not for loose‐panicle ones (Xiushui 11 and Chunjiang 15). The floret‐removal treatment significantly improved the development of inferior florets and reduced the differences in FGP and GW between superior and inferior grains for the compact‐panicle variety, while leaf‐deleting treatment reduced FGP and GW of both superior and inferior grains. For the loose‐panicle varieties, the two treatments had little effect. The difference in chalky grain percentage (CGP) and amylose content (AC) between the two kinds of florets was larger in compact‐panicle varieties than in loose‐panicle ones. Both floret‐removal and leaf‐deleting treatments caused the changes in CGP and AC of superior or inferior grains for compact‐panicle varieties, but not for loose‐panicle ones. The difference in starch content (SC) between superior and inferior grains was much larger for Xiushui 994 than for Xiushui 11, and the two varieties differed in the response of SC to the change of source‐sink relation. The differences in AGP‐glucose pyrophosphorylase (ADPG‐Ppase), starch branching enzyme (SBE) and soluble starch synthase (SSS) activities between the two kinds of grains were basically same for the two varieties, with superior being higher than inferior ones at early filling stage and smaller at later stage. In floret‐removal treatment, the activities of ADPG‐PPase, SSS, and SBE in superior grains of Xiushui 994 decreased at early filling stage and increased at middle or later stages. Meanwhile, the activities of SSS and SBE in both kinds of grains at early filling stage, and of ADPG‐PPase and granule‐bound starch synthase (GBSS) in inferior grains over the whole stage were increased. In leaf‐deleting treatment, the activities of ADPG‐PPase and SBE at early filling stage and GBSS at later filling stage were reduced in superior grains, while SSS activity at middle filling stage and SBE activity at later stage were increased.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted with different nitrogen regimes to assess the growth and yield performance of wheat genotypes which differ in nitrate assimilation potential. Genotypic differences in biomass accumulation were observed at different growth stages. The nitrogen treatment had little effect on biomass accumulation at early stages of growth, while at later stages of growth there was enhanced biomass accumulation when N was applied in more than two splits. On an average, genotypes with high nitrate reductase activity (the 'HNR' genotypes) accumulated 14.2 % more biomass than the genotypes with low nitrate reductase activity ('LNR' genotypes) when an extra dose (40 kg N ha−1) of nitrogen was given at the time of anthesis. The application of nitrogen in more than two splits increased grain yield of both 'HNR' and 'LNR' genotypes mainly by increasing grain weight per ear. The application of an extra dose of nitrogen (40 kg N ha−1) at the time of anthesis increased grain yield of 'HNR' genotypes by 38.5 % as compared to 'LNR' genotypes.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Samaru, Nigeria during the 1981–82 dry season to determine the yield and growth responses of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) to moisture stress imposed at various growth stages and to seeding rate. It was also to identify wheat growth stages that are most sensitive to soil moisture stress. Treatments tested include three seeding rates, namely, 75, 100 and 150 kg per ha, and seven drought treatments, effected by missing one or two consecutive irrigations at different growth stages.
Withholding irrigation at any growth stage prior to anthesis had detrimental effects on most of the growth characters and stress during crown root initiation (CRI) and jointing reduced most of the yield characters. Missing two consecutive irrigations at any given growth stage reduced grain yield more than did missing one irrigation; the greatest reductions in grain yield were 13 and 65% when one irrigation was missed at CRI and two consecutive irrigations were missed at jointing (the most sensitive growth stage) respectively. Moisture stress was also detrimental to number of grains, spike number, spike length, leaf area and number of tillers. A seeding rate of 100 kg per ha produced the best wheat performance in the present study.  相似文献   

Lodging is a serious problem in dry pea production in North-West Europe. Therefore, lodging and its effects on yields were studied in five field-experiments with two cultivars with two different canopy structures, both as single crop and in various mixing weight ratios. In 1985, mechanically simulated lodging decreased yield by about 45% in both the conventional type cv. Rondo and the semi-leafless type cv. Solara , by reducing both the number of seeds and seed weight. Natural lodging brought about the same effect in 'Rondo' but in 'Solara' , however, effects were less because of delayed lodging. In 1986, 1987 and 1988, mixtures of the conventional cv. Finale and Solara showed delayed lodging compared to 'Finale' single and tended to produce higher yields than the single crops of both cultivars. Polynomial analysis of the yields of all mixing experiments showed maximum yields at 53% 'Solara' (quadratic analysis) or 67% 'Solara' (cubic analysis). Thus, mixing high yielding, lodging sensitive conventional cultivars with lower yielding but lodging resistant semi-leafless cultivars may improve yield in dry peas.  相似文献   

In order to introduce the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) resistance from Nicotiana alata into Nicotiana tabacum, a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line of N. tabacum (N. tabacum L. cv. (gla.) S ‘K326’), was successfully crossed with N. alata. Despite a high DNA content variability, F1 hybrids could be classified in two subgroups, a major one encompassing fertile hybrids morphologically similar to their tobacco maternal parent but TSWV sensitive, and a minor one displaying sterile hybrids showing an intermediate phenotype and TSWV resistant. In order to elucidate the unexpected fertility recovery of the fertile F1 plants, some N. alata fertility restoration ppr genes were cloned and were shown to be differentially expressed between parental lineages as well as between both F1 subgroups, suggesting that N. alata contains fertility restoring allele able to overcome the CMS of N. tabacum.  相似文献   

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