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为探讨山羊体外培养胚胎发育阻滞的发生机理,用单胚mRNA差异显示技术,对来源于体内发育和体外培养的山羊早期8~16细胞期胚胎的基因表达进行了研究,获得体内发育胚胎特异表达的一些片段,并对其中1个片段进行了分析。结果表明,该片段与犬信号肽酶复合体25亚基(SPC25)基因具有92%的同源性。SPC蛋白可通过切除相关前体蛋白的信号肽,成为成熟的分泌蛋白而影响和作用于早期胚胎发育过程。该基因可望对克服早期胚胎发育阻滞有重要作用。  相似文献   

捻转血矛线虫感染性三期幼虫对干燥环境具有很强的抵抗力,环境适宜时可恢复到正常状态并继续感染宿主.为初步探讨捻转血矛线虫感染性三期幼虫抗干燥的分子机制,试验对该期幼虫施以不同干燥条件的处理,筛选出虫体存活率达到90%的干燥条件.在筛选到的条件下(相对湿度为50%,时间为60 h)处理虫体,采用mRNA差异显示技术分析干燥环境下培养的虫体和正常虫体的mRNA表达差异.经验证获得了48个差异表达的EST序列,其中25个(52.08%)序列与现有捻转血矛线虫基因组数据库有高度同源性;15个(31.25%)序列与已知线虫的cDNA序列或基因组序列有较高同源性;9个(18.75%)序列与其他线虫已知蛋白质氨基酸序列同源性较高.差异表达序列AF-U01C与多种线虫的蛋白酶体β亚基家族成员同源性达90%,差异表达序列AG-U01A与多种线虫的β酮脂酰CoA硫解酶(3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase)同源性达65%.结果为进一步研究寄生性线虫抗干燥机制奠定基础.  相似文献   

用单胚构建的mRNA差异显示技术,对体外培养的山羊早期2、4、8~16细胞期胚胎的基因表达进行了研究,并筛选到了1条在8~16细胞期胚胎特异表达的条带进行分析。结果表明,该片段与犬细胞周期蛋白B3(CCNB3)基因具有82%的同源性。该基因作用和调控细胞的分裂活动,是羊早期胚胎发育过程中的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

以培养获得的捻转血矛线虫滞育期虫体及同期正常发育的虫体为研究材料,采用设计的锚定引物和随机引物,通过mRNA差异显示PCR技术对滞育期幼虫的差异表达基因进行了筛选。结果获得了74个滞育期差异表达的基因EST。生物信息学分析表明:29个差异序列与已知的捻转血矛线虫基因组序列具有同源性;14个差异序列与已知线虫的EST具有同源性。同源基因中的rps-30、T24F1.2等已被证明参与了秀丽隐杆线虫的滞育形成。差异序列的克隆为捻转血矛线虫滞育相关基因及滞育形成机制的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为探讨松辽黑猪背最长肌持水力的分子遗传学机理,利用基因芯片技术对松辽黑猪群体内背最长肌持水力高和低的个体进行了转录分析,利用实时定量PCR对部分转录差异基因进行了检测。差异表达分析显示,共有657个基因显著变化;差异基因经G分类显示,主要参与脂肪细胞因子信号通路、胰岛素信号传导、氨基酸代谢、脂类代谢等生物学过程;所验证的PGM1、PPARGC1α、CXCL14基因与芯片结果基本一致。  相似文献   

羊草种质资源中储存着潜在的优良基因,本研究从分子生物学角度,对来自羊草基因型W4不同幼穗的愈伤组织中差异表达的基因进行了研究。采用DDRT-PCR技术对其差异表达的基因进行了分离,通过银染技术显示差异片段。将得到的差异片段进行回收、克隆测序,得到2个差异片段序列,经过序列分析表明,其中1个片段是与水稻翻译延伸因子eEF-1基因高度同源;另一差异片段与水稻谷胱甘肽转移酶GST基因高度同源。  相似文献   

以北京鸭、法国番鸭及其正反杂交1代为试验材料,采用mRNA差异显示(DDRT-PCR)方法分析不同试验组肌肉组织基因表达差异,结合抑制性消减杂交(SSH)加以验证,发现生长激素受体(GHR)基因在杂种中上调表达。鸭GHR基因3′端578bp片段测序及比对结果表明,该基因与鸡GHR基因核苷酸序列同源性为90%,氨基酸序列同源性为93%。  相似文献   


1. Lipid metabolism is an indispensable process in an organism, though little is known about the regulatory mechanisms of fat deposition in different types of adipose tissues.

2. The differentially expressed genes related to triglyceride (TG) metabolism between abdominal and intramuscular fat (IMF) of Beijing-You chickens were investigated in this study.

3. TG content in abdominal fat (AF) (349.7 mg/g) was significantly higher (P < 0.01) than in the breast and thigh (12.3 mg/g and 24.8 mg/g, respectively).

4. Using Agilent chicken gene-expression profiling in adipose tissues between AF and muscle (breast and thigh), certain representative genes related to fatty acid metabolism, lipoprotein catabolism and esterification reactions were significantly upregulated (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01).

5. Genes involved in fatty acid oxidation or carbohydrate utilisation were significantly up- or downregulated (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), including those involved with highly enriched pathways of lipid metabolism (PPAR, Wnt pathway and inositol phosphate metabolism), cell junctions (focal adhesion and regulation of actin cytoskeleton) and muscle contraction.

6. Overall, higher TG levels were observed in AF tissue than in adipose tissues of breast and thigh, which could be regulated through gene expression of pathways related to lipid metabolism (PPAR, Wnt pathway and inositol phosphate metabolism), cell junctions (focal adhesion and regulation of actin cytoskeleton) and muscle contraction. These results provide clues to understanding the molecular mechanisms of TG metabolism between abdominal and IMF.  相似文献   

Most feedlot animals in Australia experience 2 to 3 moderate heat waves during summer. This study aimed to gain understanding of the physiological drivers in response to and during recovery from such events with a view to designing strategies to ensure rapid and safe recovery. Two hypotheses were tested during thermal challenge and recovery in climate-controlled rooms (CCR): firstly, the feedlot steer on a grain-based diet mounts appropriate physiological responses during moderate heat load and in recovery so that its performance and physiology state after recovery is not different to the feed restricted thermoneutral (FRTN) steer. Secondly, commonly used indicators of increased heat load, e.g., respiration rate (RR), panting score (PS), body surface temperatures (ST), and water consumption (WC), reflect rumen temperature (RT) during thermal challenge and recovery at the level of daily means. In this study, 36 Angus steers (live weight (LW) 451.5 ± 22.6 kg) made up 3 cohorts of 12 animals that sequentially underwent the CCR phase. For this 18-d phase, the steers were allocated to either a moderate heat load treatment (thermally challenged, TC, n = 18) or a FRTN treatment (n = 18). The TC group underwent 3 periods, Pre-Challenge (4 d, temperature humidity index (THI) range of 68 to 71), Challenge (7 d, THI 73 to 84 with diurnal cycling), and Recovery (7 d, THI 68 to 71). The FRTN group were held at thermoneutral conditions in the CCR (THI 66.9 ± 0.3), and each animal was offered an amount of feed was based on the feed intake of its LW matched TC pair. Thus, as DMI fell in the TC group during Challenge, feed restriction was imposed on the FRTN group. The data were collected by trained observers were DMI, RT, RR, PS, body STs (forehead, shoulder, leg, rump), and WC. Challenge induced a heat stress response in the TC group with reduced DMI and LW, and elevated RT, RR, PS, body STs, and WC (P < 0.001). These measures were unchanged or reduced in the FRTN group (P < 0.001). At the end of Recovery, the TC and FRTN groups had converged on most measures including LW. Daily mean RT of both groups showed strong linear relationships with THI, RR, PS, head ST, and WC (P ≤ 0.0022) but opposing elliptical relationships with DMI; that is, as DMI fell with increasing RT for the TC group, DMI increased with rising RT for the FRTN group. In all, the feedlot steers in this study demonstrated sufficient homeorhetic capacity to adjust to moderate heat load and recover from it.  相似文献   

A novel macro in vitro system was used to test the theory that rumen proportions of acetate, propionate and butyrate are not representative of their respective net production rates. Whole rumen content (10–16 kg) from two cows was mixed with a bicarbonate buffer and incubated separately in two 40‐l in vitro vessels for 3 h. A total of six experimental periods were used. In this study, a total of six cows were used and fed 1/8 of the daily ration by hand every 3 h. To obtain differences in rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) composition, 1 l of acetate (416 mm ), propionate (108 mm ), butyrate (79 mm ), lactic acid (300 mm ) or nothing was infused during 24 h into the rumen before collection of representative samples of rumen contents. Infusions of acids were then continued during the in vitro incubations in exact proportion to the digesta removed from the rumen. In Periods 1 and 2, the cows were alternatively infused with acetate or nothing. In Periods 3 and 4, the infusions consisted of propionate or butyrate and in Periods 5 and 6 of lactate or nothing. Nine liquid samples were obtained between 3 and 180 min after the start of incubation and analysed for concentrations of VFA. Changes in proportions of individual VFA were estimated by linear regression. No differences in VFA proportions were observed in the absence of infusion (p > 0.5) over time, but when individual VFA were infused, their respective proportions increased. This was interpreted as the result of a decreased in vitro fermentation rate of digesta substrates compared with that in the rumen. Lactate infusion increased butyrate proportion in vitro. It is concluded that this study could not provide any evidence that ruminal VFA proportions are unrepresentative of the proportions of net production.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of increasing levels of extracts of Byrsonima crassifolia, Celtis pallida, Enterolobium cyclocarpum, Fraxinus excelsior, Ficus trigonata, Phoradendrom brevifolium and Prunus domestica on in vitro gas production (GP) and ruminal fermentation of a high concentrate diet. Plant extracts were prepared at 1 g dry matter (DM)/8 mL of solvent mixture (methanol : ethanol : water, 1:1:8) and added at levels of 0, 0.6, 1.2 and 1.8 mL/g DM of a high concentrate diet. In vitro GP was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation. Increasing addition of extracts linearly increased (P < 0.001), the GP24, GP48 and GP72 (mL/g DM), and linearly decreased (P < 0.001), the discrete GP lag time. Moreover, increasing extract doses linearly increased (P < 0.001) the asymptotic GP and decreased (P < 0.001) the rate of GP. GP6 was not impacted by treatments and GP12 increased linearly (P = 0.01) with increasing addition of extracts. Rumen pH declined linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing doses of extracts added. As no interactions (P > 0.05) occurred between the extracts and doses, it could be conclude that all extracts positively modified rumen fermentation at doses of 1.2 to 1.8 mL extract/g diet DM.  相似文献   

为鉴定细菌活的非可培养状态(VBNC)下的转录基因,本研究采用液体LB培养基在4℃条件下诱导鸡白痢沙门氏菌(S.pullorum) CVCC578株进入VBNC状态,并利用mRNA差异显示RT-PCR技术(DDRT-PCR)分析S.pullorum VBNC状态与正常状态所表达的差异基因.结果表明,在S.pullorum的VBNC状态下克隆得到两个转录基因片段,分别为422 bp和573 bp.序列分析表明:422bp的cDNA片段与不同沙门氏菌株的tRNA硒尿核苷合成酶(tRNA 2-selenouridine synthase)的ybbB基因的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性均为99%;573bp的cDNA片段则与不同菌株S.pullorum的ATP依赖性的RNA解旋酶基因(rh1B)的核苷酸同源性为95%~100%,氨基酸同源性为98%以上.在VBNC状态下这两个转录基因的发现,将为S.pullorum的VBNC机理研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

分蘖与株高是禾本科草类植物重要的农艺性状,明确参与调控分蘖与株高的基因类型对牧草和草坪草分子辅助育种具有重要意义。以表型差异明显的两个高羊茅品种“Kentucky-31”(K31)和“Regenerate”为材料,旨在构建高羊茅分蘖节转录组图谱,挖掘在分蘖节部位调控生长发育相关的差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes,DEGs)。基于高通量测序技术平台Illumina HiSeq 2500×Miseq 300进行转录组测序,并将得到的数据进行de novo组装,结果共获得77872条单基因簇(unigene)。将获得的unigenes与非冗余蛋白数据库(non-redundant protein database,NR)、蛋白质数据库(universal protein,Uniprot)、基因本体数据库(gene ontology,GO)、东京基因与基因组数据库(kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes,KEGG)以及直系同源蛋白簇(clusters of orthologous groups,COG)数据库进行比对,结果显示:分别有59927、40213、44447、15146和13767条unigenes成功获得注释。“Regenerate”与“K31”对比有1573个上调DEGs和1441个下调DEGs。GO富集分析发现,DEGs主要富集在细胞、细胞组分、大分子复合物组装等生物过程。DEGs中共注释到42个差异表达转录因子,主要包括TCP、WRKY和ARF等19种类型。还注释到与8类植物激素相关的DEGs,包括生长素、细胞分裂素、脱落酸、赤霉素、乙烯、油菜素甾醇、水杨酸和茉莉酸。利用实时荧光定量PCR对DEGs进行表达模式验证,发现其与RNA-Seq测序结果一致,证实了测序结果的准确性。研究结果丰富了高羊茅的转录组序列资源,初步获得控制株高及分蘖发育的候选因子,为进一步开展基因功能及分子育种研究提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to study the effect of the administration of young leaves of Quercus pyrenaica (OL) on in vivo ruminal fermentation in relation to oak tannin toxicosis in cattle. In Experiment 1, six bulls were fed up to 5 kg fresh matter (FM) of OL per animal and day for 14 days. In Experiment 2, another six bulls were first subjected to severe feed restriction for 8 days and then fed a higher amount of OL (approximately 10 kg FM daily) for 3 days. In Experiment 3, three bulls received the same amount of OL as in Experiment 1 for 6 days, but adding a severe feed restriction as in Experiment 2. In situ DM disappearance of grass hay and OL, and pH and ammonia and volatile fatty acid concentrations were recorded throughout the three assays. Daily administration of up to 5 kg OL did not considerably affect ruminal fermentation, unless it was preceded by a severe feed restriction period. Administration of 10 kg OL preceded by undernutrition triggered a critical reduction in rumen fermentation activity concomitantly with an acute intoxication. Interestingly, some results differ from those observed previously in vitro, which highlights the importance of validating in vitro data with in vivo measurements, given the complexity of extrapolation in ruminants.  相似文献   

Discovery of differentially expressed genes aids in understanding molecular mechanisms underpinning normal and pathological states. When studying animals such as sheep where the entire genome has not been characterized, techniques that do not require knowledge of gene sequences are particularly advantageous. We used one such technique, differential display polymerase chain reaction (DD-PCR), to identify genes that had different degrees of expression in response to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. ptb), the organism that causes Johne's disease in ruminants. Differentially expressed genes were validated by quantitative PCR using especially selected reference genes established in this study. Sheep (n = 47) were classified according to history of exposure to M. ptb and infection status by histology and faecal and tissue culture. Differences in levels of gene expression were analyzed using restricted maximum likelihood (REML) in a linear mixed model. Five genes from the ileum and 17 genes from lymph node were differentially expressed in ovine Johne's disease. Expression of seven of these genes was also significantly different in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Genes identified in association with M. ptb infection had a wide range of functions in pathways including: antigen presentation, signal transduction and cell differentiation, TLR signaling, immune cell activation and chemokine functions, granulomatous inflammation, Th1 suppression and apoptosis.  相似文献   

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