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An 8-y-old jenny was presented because of anorexia and mild depression. The jenny had weaned her colt 10 d before the admission. Upon arrival at the University of Illinois Veterinary Teaching Hospital, the heart rate was elevated, and the right udder was painful and swollen on palpation. Milk stripping of the affected side revealed purulent content; the contralateral udder had normal-appearing milk. Cytology of mammary gland secretions from the affected side revealed a large number of hypersegmented reactive neutrophils with phagocytized bacteria. Complete blood count, serum chemistry, and fibrinogen were within normal limits. A diagnosis of clinical mastitis was made, and the jenny was started on a 5-d course of broad-spectrum antibiotics, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, hydrotherapy, and milk stripping. Clinical signs reduced over time, and the cure was attained by 96 h post-admission. Aerobic culture and subsequent MALDI-TOF MS analysis identified a bacterium of the Streptococcus genus but not the species. Whole-genome analysis was performed, and 16S rDNA sequencing and analysis determined that our isolate 20-37394 clustered with 2 other Streptococcus strains (27284-01 and 28462). Single-nucleotide variations and phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that Streptococcus 20-37394 had 96.8% and 94.9% identities to Streptococcus strains 27284-01 and 28462, respectively; therefore, the bacteria isolated in our case was deemed as a new Streptococcus species.  相似文献   

鸡骨型因病即国外报道的osteopetrosis(OP),是由禽白血病/肉瘤群病毒引起的传染性骨病,其译名不一,特征性症状是两侧跖骨”长靴样”肿大,曾被误认为零星发生,要比淋巴细胞白血病少得多,其实只是特征性症状的临床型病例少见。经X线诊断普查发现,它是一种广泛性,高发性和亚临床性疾病,大多数为隐性病难缺乏症状。该文就OP病原及生物学特性、流行病学、发病机制、病理变化等方面作了综述,该病目前尚缺乏确实可行的诊断防治方法。  相似文献   

采用胫骨 X线摄片与病理切片对照的方式 ,检测了鸡骨型白血病 (下称 OP) X线诊断效果 ,即以自然发生和人工诱发的 OP病例为对象 ,作出 X线诊断后 ,选择有代表性的 5 0例分 5组作病理切片对比观察 :OP轻度阳性 ( )组15例 ,中度阳性 ( )组 5例 ,重度阳性 ( )组 15例 ,OP可疑 (± )组 10例 ,OP阴性 (- )对照组 5例 ,并对一批佝偻病合并 OP病例作了比较。结果 ,OP的 X线 3个阳性组全部有明显组织学病变 ,且轻重程度相一致 ;OP可疑组也有轻度组织学病变 ,提示可判为阳性 ;OP阴性对照组 5例 ,只有 3例 (6 0 % )组织学完全正常 ,余 2例 (4 0 % )虽然组织学也绝大部分正常 ,但有局部 OP样病变。病理切片对比表明 ,X线 OP阳性 (含可疑 ) 10 0 %获病理组织学证实 ;X线OP阴性则应审慎判断  相似文献   

鸡骨型白血病(骨质石化病)的X线投照检疫技术   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
用于鸡骨型白血病的诊断,对鸡的全身骨骼侧位投照、一翼与一肢骨骼侧位投照、鸡群大批检疫时群鸡胫骨组合X线片常规投照和专用遮线筒接触投照的技术作了详细报告。全身侧位投照通常可在一张177.8mm×279.4mm的X线片上同时显示包括脊椎、胸骨、肋骨、乌喙骨、锁骨、骨盆骨、股骨、胫骨、腓骨、跖骨、趾骨及鸡翼的臂骨或桡、尺骨等在内的全身骨骼的清晰X线影像。骨型白血病鸡群大批检疫时,一张279.4mm×355.6mm的X线胶片可作30只鸡的检疫,不仅能大幅度降低成本费用,而且可基本消除辐射对工作人员的不利影响,消除影像的运动性模糊。该项技术可供检疫现场实际应用。  相似文献   

为了探索特异性免疫学诊断方法对鸡骨型白血病(OP)的检测效果。用双盲法分批采样同时进行羽髓琼脂扩散试验和胫骨X线摄片检查对比,共检834只鸡(433羽属天然自发OP鸡群,401羽属人工诱发实验鸡群)。结果羽髓琼扩试验的OP阳性检出率为3.48%(29/834:)。阳性病理符合率为75.86%(22/29)。阳性误诊(假阳性)率24.13%(7/29),阴性误诊(假阴性)率36.15%(291/805)。而X线摄片检查的OP阳性检出率为38.37%(320/834)。X线阳性完全可获病理组织学证实,不存在假阳性或假阴性。把禽白血病羽髓琼扩试验试用于检测鸡骨型白血病尚属初次报道,其阳性检出率低而误诊率高,尚不宜作OP检测手段。放射摄片诊断的阳性检出率高而误诊率低,可快速诊断,故适用于OP检疫。  相似文献   

An adrenocortical carcinoma was found in an eight-year-old male donkey. The main clinical feature was severe depression and inappetence. The animal died 24 hours after hospitalization. Necropsy revealed a large tumor around the anterior pole of the left kidney and metastases to liver, heart and lung. Fibrous adhesions were seen between the tumor and the intestinal serosa. The abdominal cavity contained a large amount of red-brown fluid.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old male miniature donkey ( Equus asinus ) from a herd of eight was presented with a 9-month history of pruritic dermatitis, lethargy and anorexia. Physical examination revealed diffuse lichenification and scales involving the skin of the face, head and dorsum from the neck to the pelvis. The main histological alteration within the superficial and deep dermis was the presence of multiple large, spherical, thick walled, protozoal Besnoitia cysts. In addition, the inflammatory response consisted of a moderate, superficial and deep perivascular, mixed mononuclear cell infiltrate, with epidermal hyperplasia and compact orthokeratosis. Based upon the large size of the protozoal cysts and the ultrastructural features of the bradyzoites contained therein (conoid, polar ring, rhoptries, micronemes and microtubules), a diagnosis of cutaneous besnoitiosis was established. Treatment with trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole resulted in significant clinical improvement. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of besnoitiosis in a miniature donkey in North America.  相似文献   

A 24‐hour‐old Standardbred filly was referred with an acute history of weakness, respiratory distress and subcutaneous emphysema. Radiographic evaluation revealed left sided rib fractures, unilateral pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum. Serial arterial blood gas measurements pre‐ and post rib repair showed pulmonary dysfunction. Post operative radiographs revealed the presence of air bronchograms and a bronchointerstitial pattern, suggestive of alveolar parenchymal pathology consistent with pulmonary contusion, pulmonary oedema or ALI/ARDS. The filly was treated with intranasal oxygen and an active chest draining unit and recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   

This case report describes the clinical presentation and management of a donkey admitted with acute signs of abdominal pain that was diagnosed with a bilateral Morgagni hernia, a rare type of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. For more than 8 months before presentation, the donkey had been showing signs of recurrent mild abdominal pain that responded favourably to medical treatment. On admission, the donkey had mild tachycardia and tachypnoea. Radiography and ultrasound of the thorax and abdomen showed thoracic herniation of the large colon. Exploratory laparotomy was performed, and the sternal and diaphragmatic flexures of the large colon, as well as the left hepatic lobe, were found incarcerated in a bilateral Morgagni hernia. Intestine and liver were removed from the hernia, and the large colon was exteriorised. The defect in the diaphragm was repaired by stapling a polyester mesh circumferentially around the hernia ring and covering the mesh with an excised section of the greater omentum. No further complications and no recurrence of colic were observed during an 8-month follow-up period.  相似文献   

A case of a type I rectal atresia (also known as membranous rectal atresia) in a newborn donkey is reported. Clinical examination, survey radiographs and barium enema radiographs suggested rectal atresia. An exploratory laparotomy was performed; however, surgical correction of the defect was not possible due to the narrow pelvic cavity. Euthanasia was performed. At necropsy, it was possible to observe a fibrous cord connecting the small colon to a residual rectal ampulla, which opened to a normal anus. The radiographic and anatomical characteristics enabled the classification of the defect as type I rectal atresia, which is a rare congenital anomaly that is difficult to correct through surgery. This report contributes to the study of rectal atresia in newborn equids, alerts for the occurrence in donkeys and is, to our knowledge, the first to be reported in this species in Brazil.  相似文献   

Objective To compare three combinations of injectable anesthetics in miniature donkeys for quality of induction, recovery, muscle relaxation, cardiopulmonary changes during anesthesia and duration of recumbency. Design Prospective, randomized experimental study. Animals Six miniature donkeys (< 90 cm in height at the withers) weighing 92–127 kg were used. Materials and methods The drug combinations were: xylazine?butorphanol?ketamine (XBK), xylazine?butorphanol?tiletamine?zolazepam (XBT) and xylazine?propofol (XP). Each miniature donkey was anesthetized with each combination at 1‐week intervals in random order. Heart and respiratory rates, indirect blood pressure and temperature were measured before and at 5‐minute intervals during recumbency. Arterial blood samples were drawn for blood‐gas analysis before and at 5, 15 and 30 minutes of anesthesia when samples could be collected. Recumbency time to sternal and time to standing were recorded and a subjective evaluation of induction, muscle relaxation and recovery were made. Results Mean recumbency time ± SD was 14.7 ± 9.4, 33.8 ± 6.3 and 14.6 ± 1.9 minutes with XBK, XBT and XP, respectively. Mean time to standing ± SD was 28.4 ± 11.3, 43.7 ± 7.2 and 26.3 ± 2.9 minutes with XBK, XBT and XP, respectively. Heart and respiratory rates and blood pressures varied from baseline but were always within normal ranges. Hemoglobin saturation, pH and PaO2 tended to be lower with these doses of XBT and XP. Conclusions and clinical relevance Overall quality of anesthesia was poor with XBK. At the doses used this combination did not provide sufficient anesthesia compared with the combinations of XBT and XP, which appeared to provide acceptable anesthesia of short duration in miniature donkeys.  相似文献   

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