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Objective To describe the perceptions of final‐year veterinary science students regarding the importance of a variety of personal, interpersonal and professional attributes for new graduates, and to compare these with the views held by employers of new veterinary science graduates. Design Final‐year veterinary science students at The University of Queensland and a sample of employers of new graduates from The University of Queensland were surveyed using a written questionnaire. Results The distributions of responses given by students and employers did not differ significantly for 44 of 54 attributes listed. Communication skills, teamwork, respect for co‐workers, honesty and an awareness of personal limitations were valued highly by students and employers. Conclusion Final‐year students and employers of new graduates from The University of Queensland ascribe similar importance to a variety of personal, interpersonal and professional attributes for new veterinary science graduates.  相似文献   



To investigate the course‐related and other costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia and how these costs are met. The study also aimed to identify sociodemographic and course‐related factors associated with increased financial stress.


Students from seven Australian veterinary schools were surveyed using an online questionnaire. A total of 443 students participated (response rate 17%). Responses to survey items relating to finances, employment and course‐related costs were compared with sociodemographic factors and prior research in the area of student financial stress.


Respondents reported spending a median of A$300 per week on living costs and a median of A$2,000 per year on course‐related expenses. Over half of respondents received the majority of their income from their parents or Youth Allowance (56%). A similar proportion (55%) reported that they needed to work to meet basic living expenses. Circumstances and sociodemographic factors linked to perceived financial stress included requiring additional finances to meet unexpected costs during the course; sourcing additional finances from external loans; an expected tuition debt at graduation over A$40,000; being 22 years or older; working more than 12 hours per week; living costs above A$300 per week; and being female.


The costs involved in obtaining a veterinary education in Australia are high and over half of respondents are reliant on parental or Government income support. Respondents with certain sociodemographic profiles are more prone to financial stress. These findings may have implications for the psychological health, diversity and career plans of veterinary students in Australia.  相似文献   

Objective To examine factors that influence career choies by veterinary graduates.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 77 female and 77 males - who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course, and in the second year after graduation. The data were arranged into an aggregated data set, then analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results These students chose veterinary science, many cases at an early age, because of their attitude towards animals rather than advice from other people. Most had extensive experience with animals, and many gained this in cities rather than on farms. Between half and two-thirds of them looked forward to a career in private practice when they were in first year. The proportion planning a career in private practice was highest for those who chose veterinary science before they were 12 years old. One-quarter of those in first year were undecided about what they would do after graduation. When they were surveyed in fifth year, most planned to enter mixed private practice at least initially. In fact, 59% entered mixed practice and 28% small animal practice. There were no significant relationships between prior experience with animals and either career plans or success in the job market. When asked in their second year after graduation, about half planned to continue in private practice over the longer term, and a quarter were undecided.
Conclusions The decision to study veterinary science is often made at a young age, and is influenced mainly by attitudes towards animals. The career path planned by the majority involves private practice, but for about a quarter the future is unclear, both when they enter the course and after they have worked as veterinarians.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the development of attitudes and opinions relating to the veterinary profession.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students, 154 in all, who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results Few changes in opinion over time were found on the role of the profession, or on the status and prestige of veterinarians. Changes did occur in views on the characteristics of a successful veterinarian, with increases in the perceived importance of interpersonal skills, and of the capacity to work hard, and decreases in the perceived importance of honesty and integrity, dedication and the prevention of cruelty. Attitudes hardened over time in relation to costs of treatment, non-payment of fees and availability out of hours. Individuals changed their opinion on whether to counsel or report an incompetent colleague, but the changes in one direction were approximately equal to those in the opposite direction.
Conclusions The attitudes and opinions of veterinary graduates result from experiences before and during their veterinary course. In general the perceived importance of interpersonal skills increases during the course, and the level of altruism decreases.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the attitudes and opinions on veterinary education at the beginning and end of the veterinary course, and after graduation.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 154 in all – who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results When they entered the course, the students were looking forward more to learning about animals than about basic sciences. At fifth year and after graduation most believed that more emphasis should have been placed on all facets of their education except the basic sciences. It may be difficult to increase this emphasis without placing undue pressure on the students, although more than half of the fifth year students and graduates agreed that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian. Only one-third or less agreed that veterinarians are well equipped to practise veterinary science immediately they graduate. There was no relationship between the level of agreement with this statement, and the academic grades obtained.
Conclusions A majority of veterinary graduates do not believe that they are well equipped to practice immediately they graduate. They believe that more emphasis should have been placed on most facets of their education, but, conversely, that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the costs to the student of veterinary education. METHOD: A questionnaire was completed by 180 fourth-year veterinary students from the four veterinary schools in Australia. Frequencies and median costs were estimated using the SAS System for Windows 95. RESULTS: The median direct living costs were about $5000 per academic year, but were higher in Sydney and for those with additional expenses including children, pets and cars. Other costs associated with the course including text books, equipment and travel to practical work were of the order of $1000, and income foregone while doing practical work placed additional burdens on some. More than half the students from Sydney and Murdoch needed to work to provide basic necessities. Most of this work involved interaction with animals or people. The percentage of Queensland and Melbourne students needing to work was lower, 47 and 24 respectively, and fewer of those worked directly with animals or people. The students expected to repay a median of $14,000 after they graduate, with 70% of this being due to the Australian government as part of the Higher Education Contribution Scheme. CONCLUSIONS: Although parents contributed an average of between one-third and one half of the costs of obtaining a veterinary degree, the extent of parental contributions was very uneven and almost one half of all students needed to work to provide basic necessities. The average total debt on graduation was about half the annual starting salary, but those starting the course from 1997 are subject to much higher charges, and their average debt is likely to exceed one year's salary.  相似文献   

Objective To study differences in experiences, attitudes and opinions between female and male veterinary students and recent graduates.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 77 males and 77 females – who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course, and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results Females decided to study veterinary science at a younger age than males and were more influenced by 'a love of animals', the image of veterinarians as portrayed on television, an interest in living things and in the scientific study of disease. Males were more influenced than females in aspects of the workplace: bosses and money. There were no gender differences in their background in relation to farms, or to animals, or in their career plans. However females when in first year expected a lower initial income than males; an expectation that was realised in the first year after graduation. As first year students and also as veterinarians, females had stronger views than males on animal welfare issues, and also felt that the veterinary profession had a lower status relative to other professions.
Conclusions Significant differences in attitudes and experiences exist between males and females entering the veterinary profession. The situation of females in relation to income and status is consistent with that in other professions, where females have been disadvantaged compared with males.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the career paths of veterinary graduates from the University of Queensland during the first 15 years after they graduated, paying particular attention to the fifteenth year. PROCEDURE: Longitudinal study. Questionnaires were completed by 154 first year veterinary students in 1985 and 1986, then while they were in fifth year, and after 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. This paper describes findings from the most recent questionnaire but includes comparisons with previous ones. RESULTS: Completed questionnaires were received from 134 of the 137 graduates. They were spread widely, but 58% were in Queensland and 20% in New South Wales; 17% were overseas. Most (85%) were in private practice, and 56% of them were part or sole owners; 58% were working in cities with > 100,000 people, and 28% in centres with < 10,000 people. Overall 80% of the workload of the group was with dogs and cats, 8% with horses and 11% with farm animals. Most felt that their income was too low. Of those doing less than half-time or no veterinary work, 44% were at home with family, 8% in another business, 11% another profession, and the rest in a wide variety of occupations. Changed interests, need for greater challenges, poor remuneration, loss of interest in veterinary work, and caring for family were, in order, the top five (of 15) reasons for leaving veterinary work. Three-quarters (78%) of all those doing veterinary work, but 52% of those no longer doing veterinary work agreed that their career had lived up to their expectations. CONCLUSION: After 15 years 77% were still doing veterinary work, 85% in private practice, and 80% of their work was with dogs and cats. Almost all were either very glad or generally glad that they had done the veterinary course, though most (78%) felt that their income was too low.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the career paths of veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals with those of veterinarians from other backgrounds, during the first 15 years after they graduated. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by veterinary students in their first and fifth year, and after 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. The most recent questionnaires were returned by 134 of 137 graduates, 20% of whom had grown up, or lived for at least two years, on farms where animals were a primary source of income. This paper includes findings from that questionnaire but also contains comparisons with previous ones. RESULTS: Fifteen years after they graduated, veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals were more likely than those of other backgrounds to be living in centres with < 10,000 people (58% farm, 20% other), irrespective of the type of work they were doing. Although they were more likely to be doing no veterinary work (42% farm, 21% other), they were also more likely to be working in mixed practice (15% farm, 9% other) and with cattle and sheep generally (11% full time equivalent farm, 5% full time equivalent other). However, > 80% of those who had started their careers in mixed practice were no longer in mixed practice after 15 years. Veterinarians of farm origin who were in private practice were more likely to be sole or part owners (93% farm, 46% other) and less likely to be employees (7% farm, 54% other). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals seemed slightly more likely than those from other backgrounds to continue working in mixed practice and to work with cattle or sheep, although the numbers were small and the differences not significant. Whatever their background, the majority who started their careers in mixed practice left over the next few years, and by 15 years only 15% remained.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the circumstances of dogs biting people in New Zealand.

METHODS: Veterinary science and veterinary nursing students enrolled at Massey University in 2003 completed a questionnaire detailing their lifetime experience of dog bites and their opinions of dog control legislation.

RESULTS: The response rate was 100%. There were 228 completed responses to the survey, and 87 (38%) respondents had been bitten by a dog. Most bites caused minor injury, but 17 (20%) required medical attention. Male respondents were more likely to have been bitten. The highest proportion of respondents (27; 31%) had been bitten while between 6 and 10 years of age, and the hand was the part of the body most often injured. Eighteen (21%) bites involved a stranger's dog, but most bites were by a dog known to the victim. Respondents from rural areas were three times more likely to have been bitten than city dwellers. The victim's home was the place where most (31; 36%) bites occurred. Male dogs were responsible for a larger proportion of bites (38; 44%) than females (24; 28%); respondents were unsure about the sex of the remainder of the dogs (25; 29%) that bit them. Protecting the home, play, accidents, rough handling and pain were identified as the common reasons for dogs to bite. Most (46; 52%) respondents did not believe legislation could have prevented their bite. Only four (5%) bites were reported to authorities.

CONCLUSION: Rural dwellers, people with more experience of dogs, children <11 years of age, and male respondents were bitten by dogs most often. Only legislation relating to the fencing of dog owners′ properties may have prevented a reasonable proportion (25; 29%) of the bites reported here.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the role of lectures from the perspective of staff and students involved in the veterinary course at The University of Queensland. METHODS: The Nominal Group Technique of Delbecq et al, which provides the maximum opportunity for group members to put forward points, was used to help develop a questionnaire which was completed by 351 students (a response rate of 84%) and 35 staff (76%) from the five years of the veterinary course, and was analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: Almost all the staff and students agreed that lectures should fulfil many roles including stimulating and motivating students and encouraging them to think, as well as presenting ideas and concepts and an indication of the structure and relevance of the material. They should provide a guide for effective deep learning, but not encourage rote (or superficial) learning. A smaller percentage of staff and even fewer students agreed that lectures did fulfil these roles, especially those directed at encouraging students to look beyond simple memorisation of facts. The perceived disparity between reality and the ideal was greater amongst the older, clinical students than amongst their more junior colleagues. CONCLUSIONS: The focus of attention in lectures needs to change from the superficial, rote learning of information to deep, active learning directed at using information to solve problems that are perceived by the students to be relevant. If done in a stimulating and interesting way, this should develop skills in reasoning and critical analysis as well as providing a framework for storage and recall. It should also increase the motivation towards learning both during the veterinary course, and over the professional lifetime. Furthermore, the place of the lecture in veterinary education needs to be reassessed regularly in the face of newly-emerging educational technology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine and compare some family issues and work experiences of males and females who graduated as veterinarians 15 years ago. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by 134 of 137 veterinarians who graduated 15 years ago, and who had been surveyed in their first and final years as students, and 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. Comparisons were made with official statistics, information from earlier surveys in this longitudinal study, and data from a previously published national study. RESULTS: By 15 years after they graduated, 82% had been married or in a comparable long-term relationship, and 23% of these were to another veterinarian. Thirteen percent of those who had been married were now separated or divorced, and 50% of them had remarried, a similar proportion to official statistics for Australians of comparable age. Approximately 20% of both males and females were doing no veterinary work, but more males (68%) than females (37%) were doing veterinary work full time. Most who were doing veterinary work were in private practice, and of these, small animals represented 76% of the work of the males and 88% of the work of the females. Females in private practice were more likely to be employees, especially if working part time, but those working full time were just as likely as males to be practice owners. In general males earned more than females. CONCLUSION: By 15 years after graduation, the percentages of males and females doing some veterinary work are similar, although males are more likely than females to be working full time. Females and males in full time private practice are equally likely to be practice owners, but female owners and female employees earn less than comparable males. Males and females have similar attitudes to having done the veterinary course.  相似文献   

Objectives To determine the patterns of work undertaken by veterinarians during the first 5 years after graduation, and to study the background to career decisions. Design Longitudinal study. Population Veterinarians (119) who started the veterinary course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who responded to a mailed questionnaire 5 years after they graduated. Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the veterinary course, and in the second and after the fifth year after graduation. The data were coded numerically and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. Results Most respondents (61%) planned to work in mixed practice and 61% entered mixed practice initially, but only 39% of these (26% of the total) remained in mixed practice after 5 years. Those who had grown up on a farm which derived primary income from animals were more likely to enter mixed practice, but half of this group had left mixed practice after 5 years. Most decisions to change career direction involved a move away from negative factors including inadequate private time and/or rewards, issues involving other people including the practice principal and sometimes clients, or aspects of the work itself. However, some cited positive reasons, including opportunities to learn, to help others or to travel. There were no significant differences between males and females in the numbers entering mixed practice or leaving it, or entering small animal practice, or in attitudes to many issues involving veterinarians. However, more females than males found their remuneration too small, and females did receive significantly smaller incomes than males. Conclusions Most graduating veterinarians, especially those from farms with animals, seek to enter mixed practice initially. Negative experiences are mainly responsible for moves to small animal practice. Gender does not affect the distribution of young veterinarians between mixed and small animal practice.  相似文献   

Objective To provide information on changes in the social and educational backgrounds of veterinary students over a 10 year period in an effort to determine the extent to which they are representative of the community.
Methods Questionnaires were completed by first-year veterinary students at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986 (152 students), and 1995 and 1996 (154), and the data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results The gender ratio of first-year veterinary students was 50:50 (male:female) in 1985 and 1986 but 10 years later it had changed to 38:62. In 1985 and 1986 77% had come directly from school, with 43% of the total coming from government schools, 17% from Catholic schools and 34% from other private (Independent) schools. A decade later the percentage coming directly from school had decreased to 40%, that from Independent schools increased to 45% and that from cities increased from 53% to 64%. The educational backgrounds of parents varied widely though a high percentage had university degrees; mothers had received less formal education than fathers, and the educational attainments of both parents were higher at the beginning than at the end of the study. More than half (57% initially; 67% 10 years later) the fathers were in professional or managerial occupations, and a similar number (50% initially; 48% 10 years later) of mothers were teachers, nurses or clerks. The number of males from country areas decreased from 26 to 16 over this period.
Conclusion These veterinary students differed from the community generally in that progressively more were female, more were from Independent schools, their parents had more formal education and more of their parents were in professional, managerial or clerical occupations.  相似文献   

Test data generated by ~60 accredited member laboratories of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) is of exceptional quality. These data are captured by 1 of 13 laboratory information management systems (LIMSs) developed specifically for veterinary diagnostic laboratories (VDLs). Beginning ~2000, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) developed an electronic messaging system for LIMS to automatically send standardized data streams for 14 select agents to a national repository. This messaging enables the U.S. Department of Agriculture to track and respond to high-consequence animal disease outbreaks such as highly pathogenic avian influenza. Because of the lack of standardized data collection in the LIMSs used at VDLs, there is, to date, no means of summarizing VDL large data streams for multi-state and national animal health studies or for providing near-real-time tracking for hundreds of other important animal diseases in the United States that are detected routinely by VDLs. Further, VDLs are the only state and federal resources that can provide early detection and identification of endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are estimated to be responsible for 2.5 billion cases of human illness and 2.7 million deaths worldwide every year. The economic and health impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is self-evident. We review here the history and progress of data management in VDLs and discuss ways of seizing unexplored opportunities to advance data leveraging to better serve animal health, public health, and One Health.  相似文献   

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