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Anthocyanin in purple corn (Zea mays L.) has been reported to show several functional and biological attributes, displaying antioxidant, antiobesity and antidiabetic effects in monogastric animals. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of feeding anthocyanin‐rich corn (Zea mays L., Choko C922) silage on digestibility, milk production and plasma enzyme activities in lactating dairy cows. The cows were fed diets based on the control corn or the anthocyanin‐rich corn silage (AR treatment) in a crossover design. The anthocyanin‐rich corn silage‐based diet had a lower starch content, nutrient digestibility and total digestible nutrients content when compared to the control diet. The milk yield, lactose and solids‐not‐fat contents in the AR‐treatment cows were lower than in the control cows. The feeding of the anthocyanin‐rich corn silage led to a reduction in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity and an increase in superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the plasma. These data suggest that the anthocyanin‐rich corn has a lowering effect on AST activity with concomitant enhancement of SOD activity in lactating dairy cows. However, a new variety of anthocyanin‐rich corn with good nutritional value is needed for practical use as a ruminant feed.  相似文献   

Six lactating Holstein cows were divided into two groups (n = 3) and used in a double reversal trial with three periods of 14 days each to evaluate the rumen fermentation, milk production and milk composition of cows fed brewer's grain (BG). The control diets contained 14% chopped Sudangrass hay, 24% corn silage, 18% alfalfa hay cube, 34% concentrate mixture‐1 and 10% concentrate mixture‐2 (wheat bran, soybean meal and cottonseed). In the experimental diet, wet BG replaced the concentrate mixture‐2. The protozoal population, concentration of ammonia‐N and volatile fatty acids in the ruminal fluid did not differ between the control and BG diets. The molar percentage of acetic acid was significantly higher (P < 0.05) with the BG diet at 5 h after feeding. The milk yield, the percentage of protein, lactose, solids not‐fat and somatic cell counts of milk did not differ between the two diets. The percentage of milk fat tended to increase with the BG diet. The BG diet significantly increased the proportions of C18:0 and C18:1 in milk fat (P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively) and tended to increase that of conjugated linoleic acid.  相似文献   

Feeding unsaturated oils to lactating dairy cows impair ruminal biohydrogenation (BH) of unsaturated fatty acids (USFA) and increase ruminal outflow of BH intermediates such as trans‐10, cis‐12 CLA that are considered to be potent inhibitors of milk fat synthesis. Supplementing lactating dairy cow’s rations containing plant origin oils with monensin and/or vitamin E may minimise the formation of trans‐10 isomers in the rumen, thereby preventing milk fat depression. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the effects of monensin and vitamin E supplementation in the diets of lactating dairy cows containing whole cottonseed, as the main source of FA on feed intake, milk production and composition, milk fatty acid profile, efficiency of nitrogen (N) utilisation, efficiency of net energy (NE) utilisation and nutrients digestibilities. Four multiparous Holstein lactating dairy cows (86 ± 41 days in milk) were assigned to a balanced 4 × 4 Latin square design. Each experimental period lasted 21 days with a 14 days of treatment adaptation and a 7 days of data collection. The control diet was a total mixed ration (TMR) consisted of 430 g/kg forage and 570 g/kg of a concentrate mixture on dry matter (DM) basis. Cows were randomly assigned to one of the four dietary treatments including control diet (C), control diet supplemented with 150 mg of vitamin E/kg of DM (E), control diet supplemented with 24 mg of monensin/kg of DM (M) and control diet supplemented with 150 mg of vitamin E and 24 mg of monensin/kg of DM (EM). Dry matter intake (DMI) ranged from 19.1 to 19.5 kg/d and was similar among the dietary treatments. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E or monensin had no effect on milk production, milk fat, protein and lactose concentrations, efficiency of utilisation of nitrogen and net energy for lactation (NEL). Digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) was not affected by the dietary treatments. Digestibility of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) was higher in cows fed with the M and EM diets in relation to those fed the C and E diets. The concentrations of C4:0, C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, trans‐10‐16:1, cis‐9‐16:1, 17:0, 18:0, trans‐11‐18:1, cis‐9‐18:1, cis‐9, trans‐11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), trans‐10, cis‐12 CLA, and 18:3n‐3 FA in milk fat were not affected by the dietary supplementations. While feeding the M diet tended to decrease milk fat concentration of C16:0, the milk fat concentration of C18:2n‐6 FA tended to be increased. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E or monensin had no effect on milk fat concentrations of saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, short chain and long chain FA, but feeding the M diet numerically decreased milk fat concentration of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). The results showed that vitamin E and/or monensin supplementations did not improve milk fat content and did not minimise the formation of trans‐10 FA isomers in the rumen when whole cottonseed was included in the diet as the main source of fatty acids.  相似文献   

The objective of this trial was to investigate the influences of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA ) and vitamin E (Vit. E) and their interactions on fatty acid composition and vitamins in milk (α‐tocopherol, retinol and β‐carotene) as well as on α‐tocopherol in blood of pluriparous cows from week 6 ante partum until week 10 post‐partum (p.p.). We assigned 59 pluriparous German Holstein cows to four treatment groups with the treatment factors CLA and Vit. E at two levels in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Milk fatty acid composition and milk vitamins were analysed on lactation days 7 and 28. α‐tocopherol in blood serum was analysed on days ?42, ?7, 1, 7, 14, 28 and 70 relative to parturition. Milk concentration of α‐tocopherol was influenced by Vit. E (p  < .001) and CLA (p  = .034). Percentage of cis ‐9, trans ‐11 CLA in total milk fat was influenced by treatment with CLA (p  < .001), while for percentage of trans‐ 10, cis ‐12 CLA an interaction between treatment and day (p  = .019), driven by an increase in both CLA groups from day 7 to day 28, was found. Serum ratios of α‐tocopherol to cholesterol were influenced by Vit. E (p  < .001). Results suggest that treatment with CLA during late pregnancy and early lactation is suitable to enhance the proportion of trans‐ 10, cis ‐12 CLA in milk and thereby influencing nutritional properties. As treatment with Vit. E did not have an impact on milk fatty acid composition, it might be possible to increase the antioxidative capacity of the dairy cow without affecting milk properties. Consequently, combined treatment with CLA and Vit. E might elicit synergistic effects on the cow and milk quality by increasing the proportion of CLA in milk fat as well as the excretion of Vit. E and the Vit. E levels in serum.  相似文献   

薛瑞婷  李栋 《饲料研究》2021,44(4):11-14
试验评估不同水平柑橘渣对奶牛泌乳性能、养分消化及乳成分的影响.将32头泌乳性能一致的奶牛随机分为4个组,每组4个重复,每个重复2头.对照组饲喂粗脂肪水平为3%的日粮,处理组分别饲喂粗脂肪水平为5.5%的日粮同时添加0 (T1)、5%(T2)和10% (T3)柑橘渣.结果 显示,与对照组相比,处理组奶牛的粗脂肪摄入量、干...  相似文献   

Stearoyl‐CoA desaturase (SCD) is an important enzyme in the bovine mammary gland, where it inserts a cis‐double bond at the Δ9 position in a wide range of fatty acids. Investigating SCD expression in the bovine mammary gland generally requires invasive biopsy to obtain mammary tissue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of milk somatic cells as a non‐invasive alternative to biopsy for measuring mammary SCD expression in dairy cows. Both milk somatic cells and mammary tissue were collected from 14 Holstein‐Friesian cows and used for analysis of SCD expression by real‐time PCR. The SCD5 mRNA levels in mammary tissue compared with SCD1 were low, and for several milk somatic cell samples, SCD5 expression was even below the limit of detection. A significant relationship was found between SCD1 expression in milk somatic cells and in mammary tissue. In addition, SCD1 expression in milk somatic cells was significantly related to Δ9‐desaturase indices in milk, which are commonly used as an indicator of SCD1 activity within the mammary gland. Our study showed that milk somatic cells can be used as a source of mRNA to study SCD1 expression in dairy cows, offering a non‐invasive alternative to mammary tissue samples obtained by biopsy.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of Bacillus subtilis natto fermentation product supplementation on blood metabolites, rumen fermentation and milk production and composition in early lactation dairy cows. Thirty-six multiparous Holstein cows (DIM = 29 ± 6 days, parity = 2.8 ± 1.1) were blocked by DIM and parity and then randomly assigned to three treatments (12 per treatment) in a 9-week trial. Cows in control, DFM1 and DFM2 were fed TMR diets supplemented with 0, 6 and 12 g of B. subtilis natto solid-state fermentation product per day per cow respectively. Plasma non-esterified fatty acids were lower (p = 0.03) in DFM1 and DFM2 compared with control cows (633 and 639 vs. 685 μm). Ruminal propionate increased (23.9 vs. 26.3 and 26.9/100 mol, control vs. DFM1 and DFM2 respectively) and acetate decreased (64.2 vs. 62.7 and 62.1/100 mol, control vs. DFM1 and DFM2 respectively) with increasing B. subtilis natto fermentation product supplementation. DMI of the cows in three treatments was not affected by B. subtilis natto fermentation product supplementation, but milk yield was 3.1 and 3.2 kg/day higher for DFM1 and DFM2 than that for control cows on average across the 9-week trial, and significant differences were observed during weeks 5-9 of the trial, which resulted in 9.5% and 11.7% increase in feed efficiency. B. subtilis natto fermentation product supplementation did not affect milk fat percentage and protein yield but increased (p < 0.05) milk fat yield and lactose percentage (p < 0.01) and tended to decrease protein percentage (p = 0.06). The findings show that B. subtilis natto fermentation product was effective in increasing lactation performance of early lactation dairy cows possibly by altering the rumen fermentation pattern without any negative effects on blood metabolites.  相似文献   

试验通过在产奶牛日粮中添加胡萝卜,研究胡萝卜不同饲喂量对舍饲奶牛的奶产量和乳成分的影响。试验牛选用中国荷斯坦奶牛,体重500~600 kg,胎次为头胎、泌乳100 d左右的健康荷斯坦奶牛30头,采用完全随机区组设计,分为3个处理组,试验1组为对照组(基础日粮),试验2组(基础日粮+5 kg胡萝卜)、试验3组(基础日粮+7.5 kg胡萝卜)为试验组,基础日粮由全株青贮玉米、羊草和精料组成。研究结果显示,奶牛在添加胡萝卜后能够显著提高产奶量,90 d后试验2组的产奶量比对照组提高了11.94%(P<0.05),试验3组的产奶量比对照组提高了16.17%(P<0.05),牛奶的风味也得到很大的改善。  相似文献   

The objective was to compare pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) with conventional (CS) or sex‐sorted semen (SS) in dairy cows subjected to one of the three timed AI protocols. Cows (n = 356) were randomly assigned to synchronization with Ovsynch (OVS), Presynch–Ovsynch (PO) or Double‐Ovsynch (DO) and inseminated on Day 77 ± 3 postpartum with either frozen‐thawed SS (n = 182) or CS (n = 184) of the same bull. More cows were cyclic at the beginning of breeding Ovsynch increased (p < 0.01) with presynchronization and it was greater for DO than PO (OVS = 78.5%, PO = 85.1%, DO = 95.6%). Overall, P/AI for SS and CS increased with presynchronization (p < 0.05) on Days 31 (OVS = 35.5%, PO = 47.1%, DO = 48.3%) and 62 (OVS = 30.1%, PO = 43.8%, DO = 43.9%). Regardless of synchronization treatments, insemination with SS reduced P/AI (p < 0.02) on Days 31 (38.1% vs. 50.6%) and 62 (34.5% vs. 45.6%) compared with CS. No interaction was observed between synchronization treatment and type of semen for P/AI, although in cows receiving CS, P/AI was numerically greatest for PO (OVS = 42.0%, PO = 59.3%, DO = 49.0%), and in cows receiving SS, it was numerically greatest for those inseminated following DO (OVS = 27.9%, PO = 35.5%, DO = 47.6%). Thus, presynchronization improved P/AI in cows inseminated with sex‐sorted or conventional semen.  相似文献   

试验为研究日粮中添加菌糠对荷斯坦奶牛产奶量、乳品质、血液生化指标及抗氧化功能的影响,根据单因素随机设计,将健康、体重接近的90头荷斯坦奶牛随机分为3个处理组,每组30头.对照组奶牛饲喂基础日粮;试验1组饲喂5%的菌糠;试验2组饲喂10%的菌糠.预试期7d,正式试验期30 d.结果 表明:与对照组相比,菌糠组的乳品质指标...  相似文献   

The present study investigated over 9 months the changes of fermentative quality of total mixed rations (TMR) containing grass silage (GS) as a major component, associated with changes in the volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) levels in an experimental dairy farm. Effects of VBN levels in TMR on metabolic parameters, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and conception rates for dairy cows were analyzed. According to VBN levels in TMR during survey periods, three distinct phases were identified; phase A with low VBN; phase B with high VBN; and phase C with mid‐VBN. Metabolic parameters in blood were all within normal range. However, during phases B and C, nitrogen metabolic indices such as blood urea nitrogen and milk urea nitrogen showed higher levels compared to those in phase A, and a simultaneous increase in ROS production by blood PMNs and the load on hepatic function in metabolic parameters was observed in the cows with a lower conception rate. This suggests that feeding TMR with elevated VBN levels due to poor fermented GS results in stimulation of ROS production by PMNs by ammonia, and negatively affects metabolism and reproductive performance in lactating dairy cow.  相似文献   

The aim of the present trials was to determine the effect of an experimental Brown‐midrib (Bm) corn hybrid in relation to a commercial corn hybrid (Con) on digestibility in wethers and on dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield and milk composition in dairy cows. Digestibility of crude fibre (CF), neutral detergent fibre (NDFom) and acid detergent fibre (ADFom) were higher for Bm (CF Con: 57.8%; Bm: 67.2%; NDFom Con: 56.8%; Bm: 64.8%; ADFom Con: 52.0%; Bm: 63.9%), but concentration of net energy for lactation did not differ (Con: 6.4 MJ/kg DM; Bm: 6.3 MJ/kg DM). A total of 64 lactating German Holstein cows were assigned to one of the two dietary treatments Con or Bm according to milk yield, lactation number, days in milk and live weight. In Trial 1, cows were fed a total mixed ration consisting of 50% corn silage (Con or Bm) and 50% concentrate on dry matter (DM) basis. In Trial 2, the same animals were fed the respective silage for ad libitum intake and 5.3 kg of concentrate DM per animal per day. In Trial 1, DMI and milk‐fat content were decreased significantly for the Bm‐treatment (DMI Con: 22.5 kg/day; Bm: 21.5 kg/day; milk fat Con: 3.8%; Bm: 3.3%). In Trial 2, milk yield and fat‐corrected milk (FCM) were increased significantly, whereas milk‐fat% was decreased significantly (milk yield Con: 25.8 kg/day; Bm: 29.4 kg/day; FCM Con: 27.2 kg/day; Bm: 29.6 kg/day; fat Con: 4.4%; Bm: 4.0%). Diets did not influence ruminal pH or temperature. Diets, furthermore, did not influence rumination in either trial. Additional research on digestibility and rumen fermentation should, however, be carried out using dairy cows at respective intake levels as trials with wethers cannot be transferred to high‐yielding ad libitum fed cows.  相似文献   

Methane production from co‐digestion of dairy manure and waste milk, milk from cows treated with antibiotics for mastitis, was tested in a 2 × 4 factorial design. Four different waste milk percentages (w/w): 0% (SM), 10% (SMWM10), 20% (SMWM20) and 30% (SMWM30), were tested with two slurry percentages (w/w): 50% (A) and 25% (B) and the rest being manure at 55°C for 12 days in batch digesters. The results analyzed using a Gompertz model showed SMWM10 produced the highest methane production potential (Pm)/g volatile solids added followed by SM in both A and B. This Pm of SMWM10 in A and B was statistically non‐significant (P > 0.05). More than 96% of cefazolin‐resistant bacteria and 100% of multi‐drug‐resistant bacteria reductions were observed in all the treatments. Inclusion of waste milk at 10% in single stage digester enhances the methane production from dairy manure and could offer added benefit of waste milk treatment and disposal.  相似文献   

To investigate effects of Aspergillus oryzae culture (AOC) and 2‐hydroxy‐4‐(methylthio) butanoic acid (HMB) on milk performance and rumen fermentation of dairy cows. Sixty‐four multiparous Chinese Holstein cows were randomly allocated into four experimental diets: (i) Control diet; (ii) AOC diet: 5 g AOC/day per head; (iii) HMB diet: 25 g HMB/day; and (iv) AH diet: 5 g AOC plus 25 g HMB/day. Added HMB tended to increase the yield of milk protein (P = 0.06) and 3.5% fat‐corrected milk (P = 0.08) and milk fat content (P = 0.09). Milk fat yield (P = 0.03) and the contents of milk protein (P = 0.05) were increased by adding HMB. The cows fed on AOC diet had a tendency for higher body weight (BW) gain (P = 0.08). Addition of AOC, HMB and AH increased content of microbial protein (MCP) and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) (P < 0.01) in rumen fluid. Populations of rumen fungi, Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens relative to total bacterial 16S rDNA (P ≤ 0.03) and activity of carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) (P < 0.01) were increased with added AOC or HMB. It is inferred that added AOC or HMB can increase the contents of MCP and total VFA potentially by stimulating rumen microbe populations and CMCase activity.  相似文献   

In the present study, 42 multiparous Holstein cows were used to investigate the relationship between fat accumulation in the liver and dry matter intake, milk yield and blood metabolites. Based on the percentage of fat in the liver cell at 2 weeks post‐parturition, the cows were classified into three groups. These groups were: (i) less than 10% of fat (normal group, n = 29); (ii) 10–20% of fat (mild group, n = 6); and (iii) more than 20% of fat (moderate group, n = 7). The bodyweight of the moderate group was high (771 kg) before calving. The sufficiency rates of total digestible nutrients (TDN) were remarkably decreased (approximately 65%) in early lactation. The milk fat yield and milk fat composition of the moderate group were higher (P < 0.05) than the other groups at 1 and 2 weeks post‐parturition. It was suggested that non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA) mobilized from adipose tissues was directly used by the mammary gland for synthesis of milk fat. The percentage of bromsulfalein (BSP) retention of the moderate group was high (21.1%) at 30 min, and it showed that the BSP clearance function was significantly decreased. The concentrations of NEFA, β‐hydroxybutyric acid and glucose were appropriate indicators of energy status; however, aspartate aminotransferase, γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase and total bilirubin were not sensitive indicators of a moderate fatty liver. Thus, high‐yielding cows that calve in an overweight condition are more likely to develop excessive fat accumulation in the liver because of great mobilization from adipose tissues post‐parturition. In cows with a moderately fatty liver, a decrease in TDN sufficiency rates, an increase of milk fat yield and a reduction of liver function were observed in early lactation. The increase of serum NEFA and milk fat composition resulting from mobilization of adipose tissues helped to diagnose moderate fatty liver.  相似文献   

试验旨在探讨苜蓿青贮料替代不同比例苜蓿青干草对奶牛生产性能、乳品质、营养物质表观消化率、血液生化指标及经济效益的影响。选取体重、产奶量、胎次相近的健康泌乳中期中高产中国荷斯坦奶牛15头,随机分为3组,每组5个重复,每个重复1头牛。对照组饲喂4.0 kg苜蓿青干草,试验A、B组分别用4.4,8.8 kg苜蓿青贮料代替2.0和4.0 kg等干物质的苜蓿青干草,正试期64 d。结果表明,1)各组间干物质采食量差异不显著(P>0.05),B组产奶量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),A组与对照组、B组间差异不显著(P>0.05); 2)用50%,100%的苜蓿青贮料替代等干物质的苜蓿青干草,其乳蛋白、乳脂率、乳糖均有所改善,但只有B组的乳脂率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),其余指标各组间差异均不显著(P>0.05);3)A、B组与对照组的中性洗涤纤维表观消化率、钙表观消化率无显著性差异(P>0.05),A、B组间粗蛋白和磷表观消化率差异不显著(P>0.05),但是粗蛋白表观消化率均显著低于对照组、磷表观消化率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);4)苜蓿青贮料替代苜蓿青干草其血清总蛋白、白蛋白、血尿素氮、血糖、二氧化碳结合力等指标没有显著性改变(P>0.05);5)试验A、B组经济效益均有所增加,其中A组的净增收益最高,为0.61元/(头·d)。综上,用4.4 kg苜蓿青贮料代替2.0 kg苜蓿青干草对中高产奶牛是适宜的,能提高其生产性能,改善乳品质,增加收益。  相似文献   

Low plasma total cholesterol (TC) concentrations are characteristic during the negative energy balance in early lactating dairy cows. The objective was to investigate short-term effects of different TC concentrations during an aggravated energy deficiency through a 1-week concentrate withdrawal on adaptations of metabolism and milk production. Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 15) were investigated during 3 week beginning at 24 ± 7 DIM (mean ± SD). Cows were kept on pasture and received additional concentrate in experimental week 1 and 3, while in week 2, concentrate was withdrawn. Blood was sampled once and milk twice daily. Based on their average TC concentration during week 1 (prior to concentrate withdrawal), cows were retrospectively assigned into a high (H-Chol; n = 8, TC ≥ 3.36 mmol/L) and a low TC groups (L-Chol; n = 7, TC < 3.36 mmol/L). Concentrations of phospholipids and lipoproteins were higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol throughout the study (p < 0.05). During concentrate withdrawal, milk yield, glucose and insulin concentrations decreased similarly in both groups, while milk fat, milk acetone and plasma BHB were higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol (p < 0.05). Compared to initial values, plasma NEFA, TAG and VLDL increased in both groups within 2 days after concentrate withdrawal (p < 0.05). Concentrations of NEFA during week 2 were greater in L-Chol compared to H-Chol (p < 0.05). Despite reintroduction of concentrate, milk yield in H-Chol remained lower for two more days compared to week 1 (p < .05), whereas milk yield recovered immediately in L-Chol. Activity of aspartate aminotransferase was higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol in week 2 (p < 0.05). Greater plasma TC concentrations were associated with a reduced increase of NEFA. Further research is warranted if TC concentrations are related to adipose tissue mobilization and fatty acid turnover.  相似文献   

We evaluated the lactation performance, liver lipid content and plasma metabolites indicating the energy balance of dairy cows supplemented with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) pre‐ and post‐partum (PP) vs. only PP. A total of 60 cows were divided into three groups (n = 20). Daily diet of cows was supplemented with 14 g of CLA (7 g cis‐9, trans‐11 and 7 g trans‐10, cis‐12 isomers) from week 3 before the expected date of calving (group CLA1), or from the day of calving (group CLA2) until 77–91 days PP. Control cows were fed an isocaloric, isonitrogenous and isolipidic diet without CLA. Between week 3 and week 6 PP, the milk yield of cows in both CLA‐treated groups was approximately 4.5 kg higher (p < 0.05) than in control. Milk fat concentrations decreased from week 3 and were lower in both CLA groups than in control (p < 0.01). Body condition score loss was lower (p < 0.05) in the CLA1 than in the control group on week 5 PP. By week 11 PP, the body condition of both CLA1 and CLA2 groups exceeded that of control. Plasma non‐esterified fatty acid was lower in CLA1 compared to CLA2 and control during the early PP period (p < 0.05), while this difference faded away by the late PP period. Beta‐hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) increased rapidly in all groups following calving. In CLA1 group, it began to decrease sooner than in CLA2 and control. The prevalence of subclinical ketosis (BHBA > 1.2 mm ) was lower in CLA1 group than in CLA2 and control (p < 0.05). Liver biopsy analyses showed that CLA1 treatment decreased (p < 0.05) the total lipid content of liver compared to control at week 5 after calving. Our results show that CLA supplementation is more efficient in alleviating body mass mobilization and decreasing the incidence of subclinical ketosis when applied as early as 3 weeks before calving than started feeding after calving.  相似文献   

文章旨在确定在不影响牛奶产量、牛奶成分、乳脂肪酸组成和牛奶感官质量的情况下,用不同水平甘油代替大麦对泌乳中后期奶牛的影响。试验选择了40头荷斯坦奶牛,采用4×4拉丁方试验设计。在部分混合日粮中,粗甘油替代大麦的含量分别为日粮干物质的0、6%、12%和18%。每天记录个体产奶量、采食量和挤奶频率,每周分析牛奶成分。对新鲜牛奶和贮藏7 d的牛奶样品进行感官分析。部分混合日粮的摄入量随甘油添加水平由0升高至12%,增加近1 kg,甘油由12%升高至18%,减少约1 kg。甘油水平由0升高至6%时,精料摄入量下降0.5 kg。随着日粮中甘油比例的增加,牛奶产量呈线性下降(P<0.05),而牛奶中的脂肪和蛋白质含量呈上升趋势(P=0.08),导致能量校正乳水平随甘油水平的升高表现为二次曲线效应,其中6%甘油组产量最高,18%甘油组产量最低。蛋白质和乳糖产量随日粮中甘油比例的增加线性下降(P<0.05)。随着日粮甘油比例的增加,牛奶中棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和共轭亚油酸的比例线性下降(P<0.05),而短链和中链脂肪酸的比例大部分呈上升趋势。综上所述,甘油作为一种能量饲料可以在不影响牛奶品质的前提下,在泌乳中后期奶牛日粮中替代大麦的水平高达18%。但日粮甘油水平超过12%时可能会降低能量校正乳的产量。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of peppermint feeding on dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation and milk production in early lactating cows. Four Holstein cows were offered a diet with 5% dried peppermint and four Holstein cows remained on a diet without 5% of dried peppermint on a dry matter basis. The addition of peppermint to feed did not affect dry matter intake, although the eating time of feed was increased by mixing the feed with peppermint. There were no significant differences in the nutrient digestibilities between the two treatments. The ruminal ammonia and volatile fatty acids concentrations were similar in the two treatments, however, peppermint ingestion by cows led to a decrease in ruminal pH. The lowered pH value was within the stable pH condition range. No significant differences in the treatments were observed in milk production or milk composition except for the milk fat content. These results suggest that feeding peppermint to early lactating cows had little effect on their dry matter intake, nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation and milk production.  相似文献   

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