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Milking performance of milking machines that matches the production capability of dairy cows is important in reducing the risk of mastitis, particularly in high‐producing cows. This study used a simulated milking device to examine the milking performance of the milking system of 73 dairy farms and to analyze the factors affecting claw vacuum. Mean claw vacuum and range of fluctuation of claw vacuum (claw vacuum range) were measured at three different flow rates: 5.7, 7.6 and 8.7 kg/min. At the highest flow rate, only 16 farms (21.9%) met both standards of mean claw vacuum ≥35 kPa and claw vacuum range ≤ 7 kPa, showing that milking systems currently have poor milking performance. The factors affecting mean claw vacuum were claw type, milk‐meter and vacuum shut‐off device; the factor affecting claw vacuum range was claw type. Examination of the milking performance of the milking system using a simulated milking device allows an examination of the performance that can cope with high producing cows, indicating the possibility of reducing the risk of mastitis caused by inappropriate claw vacuum.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve dairy performance have been focused on increasing milk productivity of cows through improved feeding systems and genetic potential. However, methods for evaluating milking system performance based on milk productivity have not yet been established. Milking system performance was evaluated by measuring the claw vacuum at five flow rates (1.9–8.7 kg/min) produced using a flow simulator for a single eight‐swing milking parlor with a high‐line system. Based on these results, a double eight‐parallel milking parlor with a low‐line system was installed and tested. Farmers can take data obtained from evaluations of milking system performance into account for future management decisions, such as renewing the milking system. By renewing the milking system, average milking productivity, somatic cell linear score (LS) of bulk milk, and LS of each cow were significantly improved in the year after installing the new system (p < .01). In addition to checking conventional milking systems, this novel diagnostic method using a flow simulator can be used for checking new installations and also for proposing renovations.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to know whether all cows have been showing declining fertility or only a proportion of cows are attributed to the declining fertility, and to describe factors affecting the level of fertility. A total of 131 cows calved from February 2005 to December 2007 in a dairy herd were examined. Fourteen cows were excluded from the study because of early culling. Of the remaining 117 cows, 47 (40%) conceived within 115 days postpartum after 1–3 artificial insemination (AI) (normal fertility cows), 42 (36%) conceived after 115 days postpartum following 1–3 AI or were culled after 1–2 (sub‐fertility cows/culled), and 28 (24%) were inseminated more than three times without detectable genital tract abnormalities (repeat breeders). Calving to conception interval in the normal fertility group was 72 + 3 days, while in the sub‐fertility/culled and repeat breeding groups the intervals were 170 + 8 and 259 + 16 days, respectively. Endometritis was the risk factor for sub‐fertility/culled (odds ratio (OR) = 3.76). Prolonged luteal phase (OR = 4.08), delayed first ovulation (OR = 6.02), and delayed corpus luteum formation after AI (OR = 8.55) were the risk factors for repeat breeding. In conclusion, 60% cows showed reduced fertility in a herd, while the other 40% had normal fertility. Uterine infection and some ovarian disorders contributed to reduced fertility.  相似文献   

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