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The productivity of herds may be negatively affected by inbreeding depression, and it is important to know how intense is this effect on the livestock performance. We performed a comprehensive analysis involving five Zebu breeds reared in Brazil to estimate inbreeding depression in productive and reproductive traits. Inbreeding depression was estimated for 13 traits by including the individual inbreeding rate as a linear covariate in the standard genetic evaluation models. For all breeds and for almost all traits (no effect was observed on gestation length), the performance of the animals was compromised by an increase in inbreeding. The average inbreeding depression was ?0.222% and ?0.859% per 1% of inbreeding for linear regression coefficients scaled on the percentage of mean (β m) and standard deviation (β σ), respectively. The means for β m (and β σ) were ?0.269% (?1.202%) for weight/growth traits and ?0.174% (?0.546%) for reproductive traits. Hence, inbreeding depression is more pronounced in weight/growth traits than in reproductive traits. These findings highlight the need for the management of inbreeding in the respective breeding programmes of the breeds studied here. 相似文献
对江苏省徐州市某奶牛场约800头荷斯坦奶牛1998到1999年产犊间隔与产犊季节、产奶量、产犊胎次、犊牛初生重、犊牛性别等基础资料进行统计分析,结果表明:产犊季节对产犊间隔有极显著的影响(P<0.01);奶牛的产奶量对产犊间隔也有极显著的影响(P<0.01);产犊胎次、犊牛初生重及犊牛性别对产犊间隔无显著影响(P>0.05)。 相似文献
AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment programmes that included controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone (P4) in improving synchrony of oe- strus, and conception and pregnancy rates in cycling, anoestrous and inseminated dairy cows, using meta-analysis. To describe the difference in response between cycling and anoestrous cows to CIDR-based synchrony programmes. METHODS: Scientific papers written in the English language between 1989 and 2002 that investigated the effects of treat- ment programmes including CIDR devices on reproductive per- formance in dairy heifers or lactating dairy cows were identified using a computerised literature search. The criteria for inclusion incorporated evidence that treatment allocation was completely randomised; the population studied was lactating dairy cows; and that data were available on submission, conception and pregnancy rates and their associated measures of variability. Re- productive outcomes from 25 synchrony trials (total n= 11,058 cows) were analysed. Summary measures of the effect of treat- ment on reproductive outcome were assessed using fixed- and random-effects Bayesian meta-analysis models. RESULTS: Treatment programmes including a CIDR device increased the risk of submission in cycling cows (predicted Bayesian RR=2.86, 95% credible interval 1.46–5.67). Compared with controls, synchrony programmes including CIDR devices in cycling dairy cows had no effect on the risk of conception to first service post-treatment (predicted Bayesian RR=1.00, 95% credible interval=0.80-1.24). Compared with controls, synchrony programmes including CIDR devices had no effect on the risk of pregnancy throughout the mating period (pre- dicted Bayesian RR=1.02, 95% credible interval=0.89-1.17). In anoestrous cows, CIDR treatment had no effect on the risk of conception to first service post-treatment and no effect on the risk of pregnancy throughout the mating period, compared with anoestrous, untreated controls (predicted Bayesian RR=0.91 and 0.97, respectively; 95% credible interval=0.68–1.26 and 0.59-1.60, respectively). CONCLUSION: The results of this meta-analysis showed that synchrony programmes using CIDR devices combined with other hormones reliably enhanced submission rates in lactat- ing dairy cows. The relatively small number of trials with data suitable for analysis and the heterogeneity of results at the indi- vidual trial level limited our ability to confirm either a beneficial or deleterious effect of treatment on conception or pregnancy rates. Further randomised, controlled trials to evaluate the ef- fectiveness of this form of reproductive therapy in commercial dairy farms are needed. 相似文献
The performance of alternative threshold models for analyzing calving difficulty (CD) in Holstein cows was evaluated in terms of predictive ability. Four models were considered, with CD classified into either three or four categories and analysed either as a single trait or jointly with gestation length (GL). The data contained GL and CD records from 90 393 primiparous cows, sired by 1122 bulls and distributed over 935 herd-calving year classes. Predictive ability of each model was evaluated using four criteria: mean squared error of the difference between observed and predicted CD scores; a Kullback-Leibler divergence measure between the observed and predicted distributions of CD scores; Pearson's correlation between observed and predicted CD scores and ability to correctly classify bulls as above or below average for incidence of CD. In general, the four models had similar predictive abilities. The joint analysis of CD with GL produced little, if any, improvement in predictive ability over univariate models. In light of the small difference in predictive ability between models treating CD with three or four categories and considering that a greater number of categories can provide more information, analysis of CD classified into four categories seems warranted. 相似文献
Extract I t has long been established that antibodies to the major anaerobic infections in sheep are transferred to the suckled lamb in the colostrum or first milk. Effective absorption of such antibodies from the gastro-intestinal tract takes place during the first fifteen hours of life; hence, in order to acquire protection the lamb must have suckled during this period. The degree of protection available in the colostrum will depend on the success of the immunization procedures in the ewe. 相似文献
In this study, the utility of a commercial intravaginal thermometer was evaluated as an automated method for the prediction of calving in a total of 257 healthy pregnant Holstein–Friesian female cattle. The accuracy and the sensitivity of predicting calving within 48 hr before calving were also evaluated. The intravaginal temperature changes from 72 hr before and up to calving were significantly ( p ≤ .001) affected by parity, season (summer vs. autumn), the time of day (8 a.m. or 8 p.m.) and the 6-hr time intervals (38.19°C: first interval 0 to 6 hr before calving vs. 38.78°C: twelfth interval 66 to 72 hr before calving), while the gender ( p = .943), and the weight of the calf ( p = .610), twinning ( p = .300), gestation length ( p = .186), foetal presentation ( p = .123), dystocia ( p = .197) and retention of foetal membranes ( p = .253) did not affect it significantly. The sensitivity of the SMS of expecting calving within 48 hr and the positive predictive value were 62.4% and 75%, respectively, while the sensitivity and the positive predictive value for the SMS of expulsion reached 100%. It can be concluded that the investigated thermometer is not able to predict calving within 48 hr accurately; however, imminent calving can be accurately alerted. 相似文献
AIMS: To investigate the effect of targeted resynchronisation of cows treated for non-observed oestrus before the planned start of mating (PSM), that were not detected in oestrus or pregnant 23 days after treatment (phantom cows), on the proportion pregnant at 42 days after PSM and the end of mating. METHODS: Farm staff from eight herds in two regions of the South Island of New Zealand identified 1,819 cows not showing oestrus by 10 days before PSM. These cows were treated with intravaginal progesterone for 7 days, and I/M gonadorelin 10 days and 1 day before PSM. Three days before PSM they were injected with cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophin, with fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) at PSM. By 23 days after PSM, 1,218 cows had not returned to oestrus. Of these, 161 cows confirmed not pregnant by transrectal ultrasonography were randomly assigned to no treatment (control group; n=74) or were resynchronised 25 days after PSM using the same treatment programme as above, with FTAI 35 days after PSM (n=87). All cows that returned to oestrus were artificially inseminated until 42 days after PSM, when natural mating was used. All cows were examined using transrectal ultrasonography 80 to 90 days after PSM to confirm conception dates. RESULTS: Of the 1,819 anoestrous cows treated before PSM, 526 (29 (95% CI=23.1–34.0)%) had not been observed in oestrus by 23 days after PSM and had not conceived, so were diagnosed as phantoms cows. For resynchronised cows, 42/87 (48 (95% CI=37.8–58.8)%) were pregnant by 42 days after PSM compared to 21/74 (28 (95% CI=18.1–38.7)%) control cows (p=0.009). At the end of mating 58/87 (67 (95% CI=56.6–76.7)%) cows in the resynchronised group were pregnant and 46/74 (62 (95% CI=50.9–73.2)%) in the control group (p=0.554). The hazard of conception from 21 to 42 days after PSM was 1.9 (95% CI=1.07–3.12) times greater for resynchronised than control cows (p=0.026). CONCLUSION: In cows not observed in oestrus and treated before PSM, resynchronisation increased the proportion pregnant by 42 days after PSM. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The benefit of resynchronisation depends on the number of anoestrous cows before PSM and the number of phantom cows after PSM. However at the herd-level it is likely that providing advice to reduce the known risk factors for cows not being observed in oestrus before the PSM may well be more cost effective than identifying and treating a sub-population of phantom cows. 相似文献
A 3-week-old Thoroughbred colt was presented for weakness and cyanosis. A pansystolic regurgitant murmur and other physical findings suggested that the foal developed pulmonary oedema as a consequence of congenital heart disease. A large atria1 septal defect, a high ventricular septal defect and dysplasia of the atrioventricular valves were visualised echocardiographically. A persistent common atrioventricular canal was observed at necropsy. 相似文献
In a continuous design study the claw health of 54 Holstein-Friesian heifer calves was recorded from three months of age until six months after first calving (30 months of age). Pre-calving heifers were either fed a wet, fermented grass silage-based diet (WF) or a dry, unfermented straw and concentrate based diet (DU), apart from grazing during their first summer. Approximately one month before calving both groups were fed a silage-based diet and afterwards all received a silage and concentrate lactation ration. Claws were examined four times during rearing, once pre-calving, and four times during lactation. Both white line and sole lesions were significantly worse for WF than DU both during rearing and throughout first lactation although the effect was not as consistent over time for white line lesions. It is concluded that for optimal claw health youngstock diets should not be heavily based on wet grass silage (less than 25% DM). 相似文献
The aim of the study was to assess crossbreeding effects for 305‐day milk, fat, and protein yield and calving interval (CI) in Irish dairy cows (parities 1 to 5) calving in the spring from 2002 to 2006. Data included 188 927 records for production traits and 157 117 records for CI. The proportion of genes from North American Holstein Friesian (HO), Friesian (FR), Jersey (JE) and Montbéliarde (MO) breeds, and coefficients of expected heterosis for HO×FR, HO×JE and HO×MO crosses were calculated from the breed composition of cows’ parents. The model used to assess crossbreeding effects accounted for contemporary group, age at calving within parity, linear regression on gene proportions for FR, JE and MO, and linear regression on coefficients of expected heterosis for HO×FR, HO×JE and HO×MO, as fixed effects, and additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual as random. Breed effects for production traits were in favour of HO, while for CI were in favour of breeds other than HO. The highest heterosis estimates for production were for HO×JE, with first‐generation crosses yielding 477 kg more milk, 25.3 kg more fat, and 17.4 kg more protein than the average of the parental breeds. The highest estimate for CI was for HO×MO, with first‐generation crosses showing 10.2 days less CI than the average of the parental breeds. Results from this study indicate breed differences and specific heterosis effects for milk yield traits and fertility exist in Irish dairy population. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to investigate three different calving detection systems in order to assess and compare their efficiency. The study was conducted at a large-scale dairy farm involving 54 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows and heifers. Animals were fitted with multiple devices: a rumination measuring device (Ruminact ® (RA)), an intravaginal thermometer (Vel’Phone ® (VP)) and a tail movement sensor (Moocall ® (MC)) 5 to 7 days before expected calving and were removed after parturition. RA detects rumination time (RT) and calculates it in 2-hr intervals. VP detects a decrease in vaginal temperature that might indicate calving within 48 hr and the drop in temperature resulting from the expulsion of the device at calving (EXP message). MC detected increased tail movements and if they persisted for one hour, 1HA message was sent. If they continued during the subsequent hour, then 2HA message was sent. Messages sent by MC within 4 hr before calving (C4) were selected retrospectively as true positives for the prediction of calving, using the significant changes in RT as a baseline. All other messages were categorized as false positive. The mean value of RT decreased in a non-significant manner between interval −22 and −4 before calving. Significant decrease of RT was detectable between the two intervals of −4 and −2 before calving (24.7 ± 18.6 min/2 hr and 14.0 ± 13.0 min/2 hr, respectively). There was no significant difference between RT of primiparous and multiparous animals. EXP messages were accurate (positive predictive value 100%) indicators of the onset of calving. We received on average 12.7 ± 15.2 messages/animal (11.0 ± 10.1 and 16.6 ± 22.2 for cows and heifers, respectively). Positive predictive value was 12.6%. The number of false-positive messages was significantly higher in heifers. All three automatic systems could be used in a large-scale farm environment. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To assess the association between the findings from vaginoscopic examination of postpartum dairy cows with peripartum reproductive disease and their subsequent reproductive performance, and to determine the factors that might be associated with a positive vaginoscopic examination (VV). METHODS: Cows (n=1325) from 17 seasonal calving dairy herds were enrolled if they had been calved at least 7 days and had at least one of the following conditions that placed them at risk of endometritis: retained fetal membranes (RFM), dystocia, a dead calf, hypocalcaemia, twin birth, calving induction or an observed vulval discharge (VD). Examination was undertaken 28-37 days before mating start date (MSD) within each herd. All cows were body condition scored (BCS) and were VV scored on a scale of 0 (clear) to 3 (purulent). The uterus and ovaries were assessed by rectal palpation. RESULTS: Cows with a positive VV score (1-3) were less likely to conceive to first service and had a lower pregnancy proportion than cows that had a negative VV score (score 0). Mean MSD to conception interval was longer in VV-positive cows. A positive VV score was associated with a low BCS, primiparity, intrapelvic uterus, poor uterine tone, large uterus, RFM, VD, dystocia, dead calf and twins. CONCLUSION: In the present study a positive VV score was associated with reduced reproductive performance and was more common in primiparous and low BCS cows. Of the at-risk cows, those with RFM, VD, dystocia, dead calf or twins were more likely to have a positive VV score. 相似文献
Objective Part 1: compare the use of a Metricheck™ device (a stainless steel probe with a semi-spherical rubber cup attached at one end) to sample the contents of the anterior vagina with a vaginal speculum examination for the diagnosis of pus in the vagina of postpartum dairy cows and to investigate the association of that pus with reproductive performance. Part 2: assess the effect of a single intrauterine infusion of 500 mg cephapirin in cows diagnosed with vaginal purulent or mucopurulent discharge 7 to 28 days after calving on reproductive performance. Procedure Six herds were visited fortnightly to examine cows that had calved between 7 and 28 days (n = 423) with both the Metricheck device and a vaginal speculum to score, by each method, the vaginal discharge from 0 (clear or absent) to 3 (purulent) for each animal included in the study. Half of the cows that had a positive discharge score (1 to 3 by either examination method) were then treated with an intrauterine infusion of 500 mg of cephapirin. The relationship between Metricheck score, vaginoscopy score, treatment and reproductive performance was assessed. Results There was a substantial measure of agreement between each method when scores were analysed by status. Cows that were positive with either method had inferior reproductive performance compared with cows with a score of zero. Treatment of cows diagnosed with a purulent or mucopurulent discharge with intrauterine cephapirin improved reproductive performance in both the vaginoscopy and Metricheck groups. 相似文献
A study was conducted in two adjacent locations. Nharira (communal) and Lancashire (small-scale commercial) farming areas in Zimbabwe to characterize the breeds and evaluate the reproductive and lactation performance of dairy cattle under smallholder management. The types of cows identified were Friesian, Jersey and Red Dane, and an indigenous Sanga breed called the Mashona and its crossbreds. Both sectors used more exotic and crossbred cows than indigenous cows. The mean monthly weights of the dairy cows were higher in Lancashire than in Nharira and the calving intervals were longer in Nharira than in Lancashire. The mean age at first calving was higher and the mean total lactation yields were greater in Nharira than in Lancashire, but the mean 305-day lactation yields were not significantly different. The mean lactation lengths were longer for the cows from Nharira. It was concluded that the reproductive and lactation performances were low. The calving intervals were extended, probably owing to suboptimal nutrition and heat stress, particularly during the dry season, and to poor management practices, such as delayed mating due to the poor availability of bulls. 相似文献
Multivariate procedures are used for the extraction of variables from the correlation matrix of phenotypes in order to identify those traits that explain the largest proportion of phenotypic variation and to evaluate the relationship structure between these traits. The reproductive traits (days from calving to first estrus [CFE], days from calving to last service [CLS], calving interval [CI] and gestation length [GL]) and milk production traits (milk yield at 305 days of lactation [MY305], peak yield [PY] and milk yield per day of calving interval [MYCI]) of 5,217 Holstein females (primiparous and multiparous) were measured. Principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis of the correlation matrix were used to estimate the correlation between traits. Analysis grouped the seven traits into three principal components and four latent factors that retained approximately 81.5% and 88.9% of the total variation of the data, respectively. The production variables exhibited positive phenotypic correlation coefficients of high magnitude (>.67). The phenotypic correlation estimates between the productive and reproductive traits were low, ranging from .13 to .22. A strong association (.99) was observed between CLS and CI. Our results indicate that multivariate analysis was effective in generating correlations between the traits studied, grouping the seven traits in a smaller number of variables that retained approximately 81% of the total variation of the data. 相似文献
The results of most studies show the beneficial effect of milking automation on production parameters of dairy cows, but its effect on fertility traits is debatable. Therefore, a study was undertaken to predict cow fertility – services per conception (SC) and calving interval (CI) – based on automatic milking system (AMS) data collected in the periparturient period subdivided into the second and first week before calving, 1–4, 5–7, 8–14, 15–21 and 22–28 days of lactation. SC and CI were predicted using daily indicators such as concentrate intake, number of milkings, cow box time, milking time, milking speed, colostrum and milk yield, composition, temperature and electrical conductivity. The study material was derived from the AMS management system and from the SYMLEK milk recording system. The analysis covered data for 16,329 milkings of 398 Polish Holstein-Friesian (PHF) cows, which were used in three AMS herds. The collected numerical data were statistically analysed by correlation analysis in parallel with decision tree technique (SAS statistical package). The present study showed that due to the low, mostly non-significant coefficients of correlation between AMS data collected between 2 weeks before and 4 weeks after calving, it is not possible to predict cow fertility based on single traits. It has been established that the decision tree method may help breeders, already during the postcalving period, to choose the level of factors associated with AMS milking, which will ensure good fertility of cows in a herd. The most favourable number of services per conception is to be expected from cows that were milked <1.6 times per day from 1 to 4 days of lactation and electrical conductivity of their colostrum did not exceed 69 mS during that time. In turn, shortest CI (366 days) will be characteristic of the cows whose average daily colostrum yield did not exceed 20.2 kg and their daily concentrate intake from 8 to 14 days of lactation was at least 5.0 kg. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of intrauterine cephapirin (0.5 g) treatment on the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as at risk of developing endometritis. METHODS: Cows (n = 1325) from 17 seasonal calving dairy herds were enrolled if they had been calved for more than 6 days and had a condition that placed them at risk of endometritis. Half were treated with intrauterine cephapirin at an examination performed 28-37 days prior to mating start date (MSD). Cows were scored for body condition, their vaginal discharge was scored using vaginoscopy (VV), and the uterus and ovaries were assessed by rectal palpation. RESULTS: Overall, there was no significant treatment effect on reproductive performance. In 945 modified at risk (MAR) cows the effect of treatment varied with the calving to treatment interval (CTI) and VV status. For the subset of 229 MAR cows with CTI < or = 28 days, treatment improved the proportions of first-service conception (OR 3.1; P < 0.01) and 6-week in-calf (OR 2.1; P < 0.05), and reduced the mean MSD to conception interval by 20 days (P < 0.05). The difference was greater in cows with a positive VV score (1-3). Treated VV-negative cows with CTI > 48 days had a reduced proportion of cows in-calf by 6 weeks (OR 0.58; P = 0.056) compared with untreated cows. CONCLUSION: Intrauterine cephapirin infusion of MAR cows improved reproductive performance, depending on CTI. The greater treatment effect in VV-positive cows suggests that VV scoring is a useful tool for the diagnosis of endometritis. 相似文献
繁殖性状是奶牛生产的重要经济性状。繁殖性状属于数量性状,受多基因的调节和环境的影响,并且遗传力低(一般不到0.05)。采用传统的选择方法提高奶牛繁殖力很难奏效,而基因组学的发展为有效提高繁殖力提供了可能。介绍了繁殖性状的遗传变异、繁殖性状与产奶量的关系,传统育种和基因辅助育种策略,奶牛繁殖的功能基因组学和基因组选择的研究进展和发展前景,特别是基因组和蛋白质组学的研究有望提高遗传选择的效率,预计在不久的将来,能对改善奶牛的繁殖性能发挥重要作用。 相似文献
There is evidence that supplementing methionine has positive effects on uterine environment, oocyte quality and embryo development in cattle. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate reproductive traits of cows supplemented with rumen‐protected methionine (RPM) during early to mid‐lactation in comparison with an untreated control group (CON). An additional focus was on the effect of puerperal diseases on reproductive performance parameters in RPM‐supplemented group MET and in CON. A total of 1,709 multiparous Holstein‐Friesian cows were enrolled in this field trial conducted on a commercial dairy farm in Slovakia. Cows were allocated at approximately 12 days post‐partum (dpp) to either CON or MET, the latter supplemented with 25.0 g–27.2 g RPM per cow per day incorporated into the total mixed ration (TMR) until leaving the study pen at approximately 140 dpp. The amount of RPM was calculated based on individual feed ingredients analysis and adjusted during the study period when TMR changed. Cows were monitored during the post‐partum period by vaginal examination (day 5 pp), measuring of beta‐hydroxybutyrate in blood (3, 5, and 8 dpp) and by vaginal examination, uterine cytology and measuring of back fat thickness by ultrasound (all at 31 ± 3 dpp). Compared with CON, cows supplemented with RPM did not show better reproduction performance parameters (first service submission rate, days to first service, conception risk, days open 140). Results from binary logistic regression model for the risk of conception showed that metritis had a significant effect, but the supplementation of methionine had not. Results of Cox regression analysis for the odds of conception within 140 dpp revealed only metritis and clinical endometritis as significant factors. In conclusion, supplementation of RPM had no beneficial effect on reproductive performance in this study farm compared with an untreated control group. 相似文献