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Inoculation of seed potatoes withVerticillium biguttatum and three other hyperparasitic fungi, alone or in combination, resulted in statistically significant reduction of infestation of potato plants byRhizoctonia solani. Gliocladium roseum, Trichoderma hamatum andHormiactis fimicola did not show prolonged protection againstR. solani under farming conditions.H. fimicola, however, inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani in vitro, particularly in the lower temperature range whereV. biguttatum did not show any growth. Combining these two antagonistic fungi may be advantageous as they cover the entire temperature range in whichR. solani is active. At the end of the vegetation period,V. biguttatum was superseded byG. roseum.Production of sclerotia on newly formed tubers from seed potatoes inoculated withV. biguttatum (alone or in combination with the other three antagonists) was significantly reduced.Samenvatting Inoculative van pootaardappelen metVerticillium biguttatum, apart of sament met drie andere hyperparasieten, had een gunstig effect op het onderdrukken vanRhizoctonia solani op de plant;Trichoderma hamatum, Gliocaldium roseum enHormiactis fimicola, ieder apart toegediend, boden de plant op lange termijn geen bescherming tegenR. solani onder praktijkomstandigheden.H. fimicola bleek bij lage temperatuur, waarbijV. biguttatum geen groei-activiteit meer vertoonde, op hyfen en sclerotiën vanR. solani te kunnen groeien. Toepassing van deze schimmel enV. biguttatum in een gemengde inoculatie zou over een breder temperatuurtraject effectief kunnen zijn.Tegen het einde van het groeiseizoen vond er op de ondergrondse plantedelen een verschuiving plaats, waarbijG. roseum meer op de voorgrond trad. Verondersteld wordt dat de afname vanV. biguttatum op stolonen hiervan een gevolg was.De produktie van sclerotia op nieuwe aardappelen afkomstig van metV. biguttatum behandeld pootgoed (alleen of met andere hyperparasitaire schimmels) bleek sterk verminderd te zijn. Vooral dit gegeven maakt de biologische bestrijding vanR. solani interessant:V. biguttatum blijkt ook op lange termijn effectief te zijn.  相似文献   

A collection of 241 isolates of Rhizoctonia solani obtained from potato plants grown in different areas in France was characterized for anastomosis grouping, symptomatology on tubers of different cultivars and sensitivity to three fungicides. Most isolates collected belonged to (anastomosis groups (AGs)) AG 3, but 2% and 4% of the isolates were AG 5 and AG 2-1. AG 3 and AG 2-1 isolates were mostly obtained from sclerotia on tubers, but all AG 5, some AG 3 and some AG 2-1 isolates were recovered from superficial tuber alterations, like deformations, corky or scabby lesions. Sclerotia were formed on tubers produced by healthy stem cuttings grown in soil artificially infested with AG 3, but not on tubers grown in soil infested with either AG 5 or AG 2-1. No variation in susceptibility to sclerotial formation was observed among five potato cultivars. In all cases, a large proportion of tubers showed superficial corky lesions, often associated with deformations. The proportion of tubers with lesions and deformations was highest in soil infested with AG 2-1 and significantly lower on cv. Samba in all treatments. All isolates were highly sensitive to flutolanil, iprodione and pencycuron, except the AG 5 isolates, moderately sensitive to pencycuron. These results show that, although AG 3 is the most common R. solani group on potato in France, AG 5 and AG 2-1 may be present. Isolates differed for pathogenicity. In vitro sensitivity to fungicides varied among AGs.  相似文献   

Gliocladium roseum was found to be the most common and probably the most effective mycoparasite in potato fields in the northern parts of the Netherlands. It is able to parasitize and kill living hyphae at temperatures of 12°C and higher. Sclerotia ofR. solani are often infected and killed by this fungus under suitable conditions, i.e. at temperatures of 16°C and more. Killing of sclerotia by other antagonistic organisms was also observed. It is also shown by not parasitic fungi and is caused by toxins produced by the antagonist.The development of theG. roseum population was studied during the growth of a potato crop in two soils. In both soils its initial level was very low. In both a slightly acid sandy soil and a neutral sandy loam, suppression ofR. solani can occur;G. roseum accumulated in the former mainly under continuous potato crops,Colletotrichum coccodes was the main antagonist in the latter.Samenvatting In de meeste Nederlandse aardappelakkers komen schimmels voor dieRhizoctonia solani kunnen aantasten en doden. De meest algemene, en waarschijnlijk ook de meest belangrijke, die we tot nu toe vonden, isGliocladium roseum (Tabel 1). Het is bekend, dat deze schimmel stoffen produceert die voorR. solani giftig zijn. Met behulp hiervan kanG. roseum, evenals andere antibiotisch actieve micro-organismen, ook de sclerotiën doden (Tabel 2). Voor doding doorG. roseum is de temperatuur een factor van belang. Hyfen worden nog gedood bij een temperatuur van 12°C, waarbij de sclerotiën niet meer aangetast kunnen worden. Gedurende het winterseizoen worden sclerotiën door deze schimmel naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niet gedood.De ontwikkeling van de populatie vanG. roseum en andere antagonisten vanR. solani werd gevolgd in aardappelvelden op een licht zure zandgrond en op een neutrale zware zavel. Op de zandgrond werden twee proefplekken bemonsterd: één waarop voor het vierde achtereenvolgende jaar aardappelen werden geteeld en één met een vruchtwisselingsschema van graan, bieten en aardappelen.In de zandgrond nam in het groeiseizoen de populatie vanG. roseum toe. Op de proefplek waar voor het vierde jaar achtereen aardappelen stonden werdR. solani vanaf half augustus onderdrukt, evenwel niet volledig. Ook in het vruchtwisselingsstuk breiddeG. roseum zich flink uit, doch een onderdrukking vanR. solani werd niet bereikt.In de zware zavel nam de populatie vanG. roseum niet toe. Hier werdR. solani — uit besmet pootgoed — onderdrukt doorColletotrichum coccodes (zelf een pathogeen van stolonen) en antagonistische bacteriën. De resultaten zijn vermeld in Tabel 3.De besmetting van de geoogste knollen met sclerotiën, zoals die voorkwam op de zandgrond, is in Tabel 4 vermeld. Op de zavel leverde schoon pootgoed een bijna schone oogst (2% van de knollen was zeer licht bezet met sclerotiën). Besmet pootgoed leverde een oogst met 58% schone knollen, 35% met een zeer lichte en 7% met een iets zwaardere sclerotiënbezetting. Hoewel uit 100% besmet pootgoed een veel schonere oogst werd verkregen, was eerder toch een beschadiging van het gewas opgetreden. Pas tegen het eind van het groeiseizoen werdR. solani flink onderdrukt.  相似文献   

Inoculation of seed potatoes with the mycoparasiteVerticillium biguttatum, isolate M73 (combined withGliocladium roseum in 1981, either alone or mixed with isolate M180 plus antibiotics-producing isolates ofAzotobacter chroococcum in 1982) repeatedly proved successful in reducingRhizoctonia solani on stolons and stems. In field experiments, this ultimately led to a reduced formation of sclerotia on new tubers, particularly in neutral sandy loam and clay loam soils. In 1981 inoculation with antagonists led, when compared with no inoculation, to average reductions of 22 and 42% for the harvest from clean, and 15 and 26% for the harvest from infected seed tubers grown on slightly acid sandy soils and on neutral loam soils, respectively. The harvest from clean, inoculated seed tubers had the lowest sclerotium index. In 1982 inoculation of seed tubers planted in slightly acid sandy soils gave reductions of the sclerotium index of up to 22%. In the neutral marine loam soils considerable reductions were often achieved, viz., in slightly infected loams 51–68% and in rather heavily infected ones 4–43%. Chemical disinfection of seed tubers proved effective only in loam soils that were slightly infested withR. solani. In both years inoculation of seed tubers with antagonists led to significantly lower sclerotium indices of the harvest (p=0.1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was present more frequently and in greater densities on stems and stolons of plants from inoculated than from non-inoculated seed tubers. The latter were colonized by wildV. biguttatum strains from the soil, apparently less effective antagonists.Early in the season, the soil temperature was too low for growth ofV. biguttatum. Nevertheless, inoculation of tubers that were planted early resulted in a considerable cotrol ofR. solani.Samenvatting Het beënten van poters met de opRhizoctonia solani parasiterende schimmelVerticillium biguttatum isolaat M73 in combinatie metGliocladium roseum (1981) of metV. biguttatum M73 alleen of in combinatie met isolaat M180 plus antibiotische isolaten van de bacterieAzotobacter chroococcum (1982), bleek effectief in het terugdringen of het onderdrukken vanR. solani op stengels en stolonen en het verminderen van de aantasting.Beënting van het pootgoed leidde tot een vermindering van de sclerotium (lakschurft)-vorming op de nieuwe knollen, vooral in klei-en zavelgronden. In 1981 leidde beënting van poters tot reductie in de sclerotiumvorming van gemiddeld 22 en 42% voor de oogst uit schoon en 15 en 26% voor de oogst uit besmet pootgoed geteeld op respectievelijk zandgrond en klei- en zavelgrond.In 1982 leidde beënten van de poters uitgeplant in licht zure zandgrond tot een gemiddelde reductie van de sclerotiumindex van de oogst van 22%. In zwaar besmette zandgrond trad evenwel geen reductie op; de infectiedruk was hier te groot. In de neutrale zavel- en kleigronden, vaak ook in de zwaarder besmette percelen werden aanzienlijke reducties bereikt, in de licht besmette gemiddeld 51–68% en in de zwaarder besmette 4–43%. Ontsmetten van pootgoed bleek alleen effectief in percelen die licht metR. solani waren besmet.In beide jaren bleek beënten van pootgoed met antagonisten te resulteren in een significant lagere sclerotiumindex van de oogst (p=0,1% in 1981; p=5% in 1982). V. biguttatum was veel vaker en meer aanwezig op de ondergrondse stengeldelen en stolonen van planten uit beënt pootgoed dan op die van niet beënte poters. De laatsten werden gekoloniseerd door wilde stammen vanV. biguttatum uit de grond, die vaak minder effectieve antagonisten waren. Beënting van vroeg gepote knollen — als de temperatuur nog te laag is voor de groei vanV. biguttatum — leverde toch gunstige resultaten op.  相似文献   

Findings from 2 years of field experiments investigating the relationship between Globodera rostochiensis and Rhizoctonia solani on unique field sites are reported. In 2000, a field experiment was positioned on land that had previously been used for experimental work investigating integrated potato cyst nematode (PCN) management methods. This study had produced an ‘untypical’ mosaic of PCN population densities ranging from 5 to 221 eggs g−1 soil. In 2001, the field experiment was conducted on a different field site and overlaid on a focus of G. rostochiensis population densities ranging from 11 to 108 eggs g−1 soil. In each experiment, potatoes (cv. Désirée) were grown in plots with similar population densities of G. rostochiensis that were either uninoculated or inoculated with R. solani. A series of potato plant harvests were undertaken to investigate the effects of nematode infestation on the incidence and severity of R. solani diseases and the associated development of plants. In both experiments, a clear relationship was found between the density of G. rostochiensis juveniles present in potato roots and the incidence of stolons infected by R. solani, 6 weeks after planting. For the first time this interaction has been determined under field conditions. The results of the study suggest that the interaction between nematode and fungus is indirect and possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of chemical and biological treatments on gummy stem blight of cucumber caused by Didymella bryoniae in vitro and under greenhouse conditions. Eleven strains of Bacillus subtilis, strain AGB10 of B. cereus, and strain B8Fr of Enterobacter agglomerans produced antagonistic zone against D. bryoniae in vitro. Of four experiments conducted, the chemical treatments Nova,1 kresoxim-methyl, and azoxystrobin controlled the disease in three experiments and the biological treatments E. agglomerans (B8Fr), B. subtilis (AGS-4), and lysozyme in one experiment when applied as sprays on lesions caused by D. bryoniae on cucumber plants under greenhouse conditions. Fruit rot of cucumber was significantly reduced when the fruit was treated with Nova or kresoxim-methyl. These results suggest the potential of azoxystrobin, kresoxim-methyl, E. agglomerans (B8Fr), and B. subtilis (AGS-4) applied post-inoculation to control gummy stem blight on greenhouse cucumbers.  相似文献   

The effects of a seed tuber treatment with antagonistic isolates of fluorescentPseudomonas spp. were investigated on potato plants from 1981 to 1984. The experimental plots were located in fields in short and long rotations of potato. The short rotations are characterized by serious yield reductions which are caused by unknown microbial factors. The reductions varied from 30% in 1982 to only 3% in 1983 in the 3-year rotations. A statistically significant increase in yield (four to five months after planting) of ware potatoes varying from 9 to 20% was obtained in these plots through tuber bacterization, but only in 1981. In 1982 and 1983 initially significant improvements in shoot or tuber weight of seed potatoes were no longer detectable at ware potato harvest at the end of the growing period. Seed tuber bacterization had no effect on tuber yield in long rotations. Initial colonization of basal root parts by 53×104 colony forming units (cfu) of antibiotic-resistant mutants per gram of root (fresh) dropped significantly to 20×104 cfu per gram after three months. The bacterization effect on tuber yield depended on the development of harmful microbial activity and of introduced antagonists during the growing period. Seed tuber bacterization is more promising for seed potatoes than for ware potatoes in short rotations, the latter being harvested two months later.Samenvatting De invloed van pootgoedbehandeling met antagonistische isolaten van fluorescerendePseudomonas-soorten op de aardappelteelt, werd onderzocht in de periode van 1981 tot en met 1984. De proefvelden maakten deel uit van zowel ruime als nauwe rotaties met aardappelen. Kenmerkend voor de nauwe rotatie is, dat de opbrengst aanzienllijk gereduceerd wordt als gevolg van de aanwezigheid van nog onbekende microbiële factoren. Deze opbrengstverlaging varieerde van 30% in 1982 tot slechts 3% in 1983 in de 3-jarige rotaties. Pootgoedbacterisatie had in deze proefvelden een significante toename van de eindopbrengst (vier tot vijf maanden na pootdatum) van consumptieaardappelen tot gevolg, die varieerde van 9 tot 20%, echter allen in 1981. In 1982 en 1983 werd het effect van bacterisatie ook in de loop van de groeiperiode onderzocht. Aanvankelijk significante toenames van zowel spruit-als knolgewicht waren aan het einde van het groeiseizoen niet meer aantoonbaar. Pootgoedbacteristie bleek geen effect te hebben op aardappel in ruimte rotaties. Aanvankelijk werden de basale wortelgedeelten gekoloniseerd door antibioticum-resistente mutanten met 53×104 kolonievormende eenheden (kve) per gram wortel(vers); dit aantal liep (drie maanden na pootdatum) echter significant terug tot 20×104 kve per gram. Het effect van bacterisatie op de eindopbrengst werd bepaald door de ontwikkeling van de schadelijke microbiële activiteit en de ontwikkeling van de geïntroduceerde antagonisten tijdens het groeiseizoen. Pootgoedbacterisatie in nauwe rotaties biedt meer mogelijkheden voor de teelt van pootaardappelen dan die van consumptieaardappelen, die geruime tijd later geoogst worden.  相似文献   

西北地区马铃薯疮痂病病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确西北地区马铃薯疮痂病病原菌的种类和生物学特性,分别采用常规组织分离法和土壤混悬液分离法从宁夏、陕西和甘肃3个省区采集的29份疮痂病发病薯块和8份发病地块土壤中进行病原菌分离,并利用形态特征、生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列分析对病原菌进行鉴定。结果表明,从发病薯块和发病土壤中共分离到50株链霉菌Streptomyces spp.,通过回接法验证获得6株马铃薯疮痂病致病菌株。6株致病菌株的培养特性和形态特征差别较大;其中菌株G4-1、G9和SYN13不能以果糖和木糖为单一碳源,菌株SYNT3不能以棉子糖为单一碳源;除菌株NLG4-1外,其余5株菌株均能在络氨酸琼脂培养基上产生黑色素。经16S rDNA序列分析,菌株G4-1、G9与疮痂病链霉菌S. scabiei的相似率分别达99.47%和99.34%,菌株NLG4-1、SYNT3与S. enissocaesilis的相似率分别达97.90%和98.18%,菌株GBH2与加利利链霉菌S. galilaeus的相似率达99.93%,菌株SYN13与S. turgidiscabies的相似率达97.56%,表明西北地区马铃薯疮痂病病原菌至少存在4个种。  相似文献   

Tsror  Leah  Aharon  M.  Erlich  Orly 《Phytoparasitica》1999,27(3):215-226
Potato seed tubers are imported to Israel from northern Europe and planted in spring; tubers harvested early from the spring crop are used as seed for the autumn crop. Although only seed lots registered as certified are imported, a previous survey (1984–1994) indicated that most imported lots were affected by latent or active infections caused byErwinia carotovora,Streptomyces scabies, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium spp. andSpongospora subterranae. The survey was extended until 1998, and included additional pathogens:Ralstonia solanacearum,Helminthosporium solani, Colletotrichum coccodes andVerticillium dahliae. Most of these pathogens were also monitored in domestic seed tubers, and are reported for the first time. Brown rot was not observed in any of the imported lots. Blackleg and soft rot caused byErwinia spp. were detected in most of the imported lots; however, less than 7% of the lots were contaminated at high levels, while approximately 65% were contaminated at moderate levels. Common scab was detected in most of the imported lots; 51% of the imported lots were contaminated at moderate or high levels, whereas only 6.5% of the domestic seed lots were contaminated at these levels. Black scurf was detected in most of the imported lots; on average, 47.3%, 44.2% and 1.4% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 7.1% were disease-free. In contrast, most of the domestic lots were either disease-free (45.4%) or had a low disease incidence (37.3%). Only 16.7% of the lots were moderately infected and 0.2% were highly contaminated. Silver scurf was observed in most of the imported lots during all years of the survey, with no differences among the producing countries; on average, 22.7%, 66.1% and 7.5% of the lots were contaminated at low, moderate and high levels, respectively, and only 3.7% were disease-free. Most of the domestic lots (76%) were disease-free and only 6.6% were infected at moderate or high levels. Black dot was observed in a considerable portion of the shipments from Holland during all years of the survey, particularly in 1998, when 34% of the lots were infected. The shipments from France and Germany were infected at low levels, except in 1998, when 19% and 11% of the lots, respectively, arrived infected. In shipments from Scotland and Ireland low incidences of the disease were observed in 1994 and 1995. In the domestic lots, black dot incidence was low (<2.4%) except in 1996, when 11% of the lots were infected.V. dahliae was monitored only in domestic seed tubers. The incidence of disease-free lots was 56–64%, whereas in 20–30% of the lots the level of infection was <5%, and in 6–16% of the lots the level was >5%. The survey findings demonstrate transmission of seedborne pathogens; most of these pathogens can become established in the soil and eventually cause severe outbreaks of disease in potatoes grown in Israel. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 16, 1999.  相似文献   

Using differential hybridization, two DNA fragments, VDf35 and VDf90, specific to Verticillium dahliae, were isolated. These fragments contained truncated open reading frames (ORFs) homologous to the gypsy-type retrotransposon. The ORFs of VDf35 and VDf90 were pol and gag homologs, respectively. In addition, VDf90 had a pol homolog without an ORF sequence. The pol homologs in VDf35 and VDf90 were similar to each other, and these two DNA fragments had completely identical sequences. Genomic Southern analysis revealed that numerous copies of these homologs existed in V. dahliae, suggesting that V. dahliae carries a gypsy-like retroelement. Genomic Southern and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis also indicated that a large number of these homologs exist in V. longisporum as well as in V. dahliae, but only a few were present in V. albo-atrum. No homolog was found in either V. nigrescens or V. tricorpus. The uneven distribution of these homologs of the retroposon-like elements among Verticillium species suggested a close genetic kinship between V. dahliae and V. longisporum. PCR primers designed from VDf35 showed species- or pathotype-specific amplification. Therefore, this sequence may be useful as a DNA marker to identify species and pathotypes of V. dahliae. This is the first report on a retrotransposon-like sequence in the genome of phytopathogenic Verticillium species.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB095264 (VDf90) and AB095265 (VDf35)  相似文献   

Colletotrichum coccodes is currently being investigated as a mycoherbicide against the weed velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti). Two isolates ofPseudomonas spp. (Ps2 and Ps5) reduced the percentage of germ tubes and increased appressorial formation ofC. coccodes on detached leaves of velvetleaf. A study was conducted to see whether this effect could be attributed to competition for nutrients or iron betweenC. coccodes andPseudomonas spp. Ps2 and Ps5 had no effect on early spore germination, but reduced the percentage of germ tubes at 24 and 30 h, compared to the nontreated control. This reduction was diminished by the addition of nutrients but not Fe3+. Ps2 and Ps5 stimulated the formation of dark-coloured appressoria without germ tubes (AWGT), but this stimulation was diminished by the addition of nutrients or Fe3+. Germ tube branching at 30 h was also inhibited by the bacteria, but was not diminished by the addition of nutrients or iron. EDTA stimulated conidial germination at 10 h, which was reduced by the addition of Fe3+. However, EDTA did not stimulate the formation of appressoria (AWGT). These results suggest that the reduction in the percentage of germ tubes and the increase in the percentage of appressoria induced by the bacteria may be due to the competition for carbon or nitrogen. Iron competition may also be involved in the stimulation of appressorial formation, but not in the reduction in germ tube percentage and branching. Phylloplane bacteria may compete for carbon, nitrogen and iron, limiting the saprophytic phase of the pathogen on the phylloplane and accelerating the development of the parasitic phase. This may enhance the field efficacy ofC. coccodes as a biocontrol agent against velvetleaf.  相似文献   

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