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Solanum malacoxylon was given orally to four pigs. The animals were examined clinically and subjected to post mortem examination. Macroscopic lesions were not seen with the exception of a small calcified plaque in the endocardium of one animal. Microscopic examinations revealed slight calcification of elastic fibres in the soft tissues. The pathological changes in the bones were extensive and are described in detail. The pigs showed minimal lesions at dose levels which cause considerable systemic calcification in cattle and sheep.  相似文献   

Young rabbits on high (0.57%) or low (0.24%) calcium were given an aqueous extract of Solanum malacoxylon (S.m.) leaves (20 g dried leaves/200 ml distilled water) intragastrically at 0, 12 and 36 hours. On bothe diets S.m. induced progressive hypophosphatasemia but serum calcium and phosphorus underwent only minor changes. In rabbits necropsied at 0, 12, 36, 60, 84 and 108 hours, S.m. was shown to have a negative effect on the resorbing osteocytes. With retarded osteocytic osteolysis, osteopetrosis resulted. Further regressive changes in the osteocytes resulted in osteonecrosis which was observed within 12 hours after administration of S.m. extract. The osteonecrosis, combined with retarded apposition, later resulted in osteopenia. It was concluded that the recommended dietary calcium for growing rabbits--about 0.6%--is too high. Whereas the histologic appearance of bone in rabbits fed low calcium was normal, bones from rabbits on high calcium showed retarded resorption and the rabbits had a relative hypophosphatasemia.  相似文献   

The proportions of fibres of the collagenous and elastic systems were measured in the aortas of three normal heifers and in nine heifers given the calcinogenic plant Solanum glaucophyllum for 15, 30 or 60 days. There were decreases in the amount of collagen relative to reticulin, and in the proportion of elastic fibres which were related to the period of dosing. These changes may have an adverse influence on the animals' cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

A neurological disease of cattle (maldronksiekte), occurring in a localized area of the Northern Transvaal, was experimentally reproduced by feeding Solanum kwebense plants to cattle. The disease is characterized by temporary loss of balance and transient epileptiform seizures precipitated by a variety of stimuli, such as exercise, handling (dipping, loading, etc) and fright. When not disturbed, most affected animals appear to be completely normal. The most conspicuous histopathological lesion is a neuronopathy manifested by vacuolar degeneration and eventual necrosis of neurones, particularly of the Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. An atrophy of the cerebellar cortex is seen grossly. The history, clinical signs and experimental reproduction of the disease, as well as the pathology of 4 experimental and 18 natural cases, are described.  相似文献   

Larkspur poisoning is a major cause of acute death of cattle on mountain and high plains rangelands of western United States. A nonlethal method to quantify dose response in cattle is needed to better estimate the toxicity of larkspur plants and the response of cattle to larkspur poisoning and to provide a basis for reference during studies. A numerical system of rating the clinical signs of larkspur poisoning was developed and used to describe the response of 10 Hereford cows given a repeated single daily dose of larkspur (Delphinium occidentale x barbeyi) by gavage. Larkspur poisoning resulted from a short-term cumulative effect, and a statistically significant increase in score was essentially maximal by 4 days. At the dose given, this effect did not persist for more than 4 days after cessation of dosing. Poisoning was most severe between 5 and 9 hours after dosing. Early signs of poisoning can be subtle and sometimes brief. The effect of larkspur poisoning can be exacerbated temporarily by exertion. Therefore, cattle could probably repeatedly consume an otherwise toxic daily dose, without manifesting marked signs of poisoning, if consumption decreased to a sufficient degree intermittently at 2- to 4-day intervals.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the pattern of lectin binding in the cerebellum of calves poisoned with Solanum fastigiatum var. fastigiatum. For the experimental reproduction of the illness, S. fastigiatum var. fastigiatum was collected from farms where the intoxication occurs. The dried ground plant was administered to two 1-year-old cattle by a ruminal cannula. The animals received 5 g/kg b.w. daily, 5 days a week, during periods of 107 and 140 days. After these periods the animals were bled to death. For the histological study, transverse sections of the cerebellum were used. Paraffin-embedded sections were incubated with the following biotinylated lectins with different specificity: Concanavalia ensiformis (Con-A). Glycine max (SBA). Dolichos hiflorus (DBA), Ulex europeus-I (UEA-I). Triticum vulgaris (WGA), succynyl-WGA (sWGA). Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Ricinus communis-I (RCA-I) and Bandeirea simplicifolia-I (BS-I). Avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex was applied as a detection system. Purkinje cells showed vacuolation in the pericaryon. The stored material present in the cells reacted strongly with the following lectins: Con-A. sWGA, WGA and RCA-I. An irregular affinity was observed with PNA and DBA. The lectin-binding pattern was compatible with a glycolipid storage disease.  相似文献   

In rabbits calcinosis was induced experimentally by feeding of Trisetum flavescens or Vitamin D3 injections. Calcifications in kidneys and lungs were proved by biopsies and x-ray examination respectively. Histological examination at intervals up to 26 months following the calcinogenic insult indicated signs of limited reversibility of calcification in lung, kidney and aortic wall. The degree of resorption of calcified deposits apparently was dependent on dosage, time and kind of tissue affected. Aortic wall and tendons had the least tendency to demineralisation and developed focal cartilage metaplasia. Two cows with proven enzootic Trisetum-calcinosis were kept under altered conditions for 31 and 32 months. At slaughter besides severe calcification and cartilage or osseous metaplasia in soft tissues a limited reabsorption of the calcifications could be observed. There were focal fibrous scars in the aortic wall.  相似文献   

Kidneys from cattle at slaughter were examined for the presence of leptospires. Of 218 (8.3%) kidneys leptospires were isolated from 18; all were identified as Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo. None of the leptospire-infected kidneys had histopathological lesions indicative of leptospirosis and leptospires were demonstrated in only 2 by immunogold silver staining. Leptospires infected kidneys remained viable for at least 21 days when stored at 4 degrees but became non-viable within 14 days when stored frozen at -15 degrees.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in structures and mechanical properties of the intramuscular connective tissue during the fattening of Japanese Black steers, using the cell maceration method for scanning electron microscopy. During the early fattening period, from 9 to 20 mo of age, collagen fibrils of the endomysium in longissimus muscle associated more closely with each other, and collagen fibers in the perimysium increased in thickness and their wavy pattern became more regular. These changes were closely related to the increase in mechanical strength of the intramuscular connective tissue and resulted in a toughening of the beef during the period. The shear force value of longissimus muscle decreased after 20 mo of age, concomitantly with the rapid increase in the crude fat content. Scanning electron micrographs of the longissimus muscle dissected from 32-mo-old steers clearly showed that the adipose tissues were formed between muscle fiber bundles, that the honeycomb structure of endomysia was partially broken, and that the perimysium separated into thinner collagen fibers. In semitendinosus muscle, in which the crude fat content was lower (P<.05) than that in longissimus muscle, the structure of the intramuscular connective tissue remained rigid at 32 mo of age. The shear force value of the muscle increased even in the late fattening period, from 20 to 32 mo of age. Thus, the development of adipose tissues in longissimus muscle appears to disorganize the structure of the intramuscular connective tissue and contributes to tenderization of highly marbled beef from Japanese Black cattle during the late fattening period.  相似文献   

Cattle in western Uruguay that were eating Solanum bonariense developed periodic episodes of ataxia, hypermetria, hyperesthesia, head and thoracic limb extension, opisthotonus, nystagmus, and falling to the side or backward. Similar clinical signs were experimentally reproduced in cattle by administration of S. bonariense via rumen cannula at a dose of 1,024 g/kg body mass. No significant gross lesions were observed in field cases or experimentally induced cases. Spontaneous and induced histologic lesions were similar and included vacuolation, degeneration, and loss of Purkinje cells. Axonal spheroids, microcavitations, and other changes of wallerian-type degeneration in cerebellar white matter were also observed. Ultrastructural changes included increased number of electron-dense residual storage bodies in membrane-bound vesicles in affected Purkinje cells, and similar vesicles and mitochondria in axonal spheroids. No histologic lesions were detected in the other examined tissues. The Purkinje-cell swelling and vacuolation with subsequent cerebellar degeneration are suggestive of Purkinje-cell specific toxin that produces abnormal lysosome function and cell specific axonal transport. This is the first report of S. bonariense toxicity.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: Mature, in-calf, non-lactating, Friesian or Friesian-cross cows were fed dicyandiamide (DCD) at daily doses of 0.15 g/kg (Group 1; n=31), 0.45 g/kg (Group 2; n=21) and 0.75 g/kg (Group 3; n=12), as part of a safety trial, which also included a control group (n=15). Daily health observations were carried out on each cow until Day 86 of the study. On Day 28 one cow from Group 3 was observed with signs of disease, and subsequently disease was noted in other cows.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Clinical signs in the first case included depression, pyrexia (40.9°C), salivation and dehydration, in addition to progressive weight loss, followed by death on Day 32. Other cows from all treatment groups developed clinical signs of disease resulting in euthanasia of seven animals. Disease occurred in 10/12 (83%) cows in Group 3, 11/21 (52%) cows in Group 2, and 7/31 (23%) cows in Group 1. Clinical signs were variable and included dermatitis and pruritus of the head and neck, petechial haemorrhages, pyrexia, weight loss, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, and regenerative anaemia.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Gross findings included generalised lymphadenopathy, subcutaneous oedema, petechiation of mucosal and serosal surfaces, and gastrointestinal haemorrhage. Histologically, multiple organs and tissues contained inflammatory foci characterised by infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages and occasionally prominent multinucleated giant cells and eosinophils.

DIAGNOSIS: Multisystemic granulomatous and haemorrhagic syndrome resembling cell-mediated hypersensitivity, associated with DCD ingestion.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE:: This is the first report of toxicity in cattle associated with ingestion of DCD. The proportion of affected cows increased with increasing dose of DCD, but not all cattle in the high dose group developed disease, therefore additional factors may determine whether or not an individual cow will develop DCD-associated disease.  相似文献   

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