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Objective: To provide a synthesis of information learned by the veterinary community during the care and treatment of search and rescue dogs in a large‐scale urban disaster. Summary: Disaster medicine requires several stages. The most important stage is the planning stage. To function effectively and safely in a disaster situation, a disaster response plan and prior training in disaster response are essential. The execution of a disaster plan requires coordination and communication with multiple agencies. Treatment of search and rescue dogs involves front line field care for life‐threatening emergencies, a first aid station or MASH unit in close proximity to the disaster and/or base of operations for stabilization and general medical care, and local full service veterinary hospitals for specialty and extended care. New or Unique information provided: This report is a summary of experiences gained in preparing for and implementing veterinary care in a major disaster. Medical conditions that affected search and rescue dogs and were treated by veterinary disaster responders at the World Trade Center are presented.  相似文献   

A long-term surveillance study was conducted on 95 search-and-rescue (S&R) dogs deployed to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack sites; an additional 55 nondeployed S&R dogs served as controls. After 5 years of surveillance, 32% of the deployed dogs have died and 24% of the nondeployed dogs. The mean age at the time of death in these 2 groups of dogs is not significantly different. Causes of death in both groups of dogs include inflammatory, degenerative, and proliferative conditions. No primary pulmonary tumors have been identified to date nor has any significant level of toxicant been found in the tissues from these dogs using assays for general organic compounds and metals or, specifically, for polychlorinated biphenyls. However, significant numbers of both deployed and nondeployed dogs have evidence of inhaled matter as demonstrated by the presence of anthracotic pigments or refractile particulate matter in pulmonary tissue. Although S&R activities in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks exposed dogs to a wide variety of potentially toxic compounds, to date, these dogs do not appear to suffer from higher mortality or increased pulmonary disease compared with nondeployed dogs. To the authors' knowledge, the current survey represents the first long-term and large-scale survey of the pathology and toxicology of S&R dogs deployed to a major disaster site.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine deployment logistics of New York Police Department (NYPD) working dogs that assisted in relief efforts at the World Trade Center (WTC) site following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack; establish types and rates of related acute injuries and illnesses; identify environmental toxin exposures; and determine long-term (ie, 5-year) health effects of deployment. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 27 working dogs. PROCEDURES: Deployment logistics for the period from September 11, 2001, through May 30, 2002, were determined, and acute health disorders were identified by means of physical examination; a questionnaire; interviews with dog handlers; and toxicologic (blood and hair samples), clinicopathologic, microbiologic (nasal swab specimens submitted for Bacillus anthracis culture), and radiographic methods. Long-term health surveillance ended September 21, 2006. RESULTS: Dogs worked a total of 1,428 days (15,148 hours) at the site. Seventeen of the 27 (62.9%) dogs had health disorders during the first week. Specific conditions included fatigue (incidence rate [events/1,000 active deployment hours], 13.1), conjunctival irritation (13.1), respiratory tract problems (12.4), decreased appetite (10.8), dehydration (10), and cuts (9.3). Only minor hematologic and serum biochemical abnormalities were identified. Bacterial culture of nasal swab specimens did not yield B anthracis. Only mild and infrequent health conditions were identified during the 5-year follow-up period. None of the dogs were identified as having chronic respiratory tract disease. Six dogs died of various causes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that acute injuries and illnesses were common among NYPD working dogs deployed to the WTC disaster site, but that longterm health complications were minimal.  相似文献   

对浙江世界贸易中心广场草坪的建植、养护技术和管理经验进行了报导。首次证实大面积(20000m  相似文献   

A total of 27 clinical isolates of Mannheimia haemolytica from cattle in Japan from 2001 to 2002 were examined for antimicrobial susceptibility to 25 antimicrobial agents. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of 25 different antimicrobials were determined by an agar dilution method according to the guidelines of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards. Of the 27 isolates, seven isolates (26.9%) were resistant to at least one of the 25 drugs and resistance rates ranged from 3.7 to 18.5%. Resistance rates to dihydrostreptomycin (18.5%), oxytetracycline (11.1%), and doxycycline (11.1%) were relatively high and those to the remaining drugs were less than 10%.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare outcomes of dogs with pyothorax treated medically versus surgically and to identify prognostic indicators for dogs with pyothorax. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 26 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed to obtain information regarding signalment, results of physical and laboratory evaluations at the time of initial examination, results of bacterial culture of pleural fluid, radiographic abnormalities, treatment (surgical vs medical), complications, whether the disease recurred, disease-free interval, survival time, and cause of death. RESULTS: Calculated proportions of dogs free from disease 1 year after treatment were 25 and 78%, respectively, for dogs treated medically and surgically. Treatment was 5.4 times as likely to fail in dogs treated medically as in dogs treated surgically. Two regression models relating treatment group (medical vs surgical) to disease-free interval were found to be significant. The first contained terms for medical treatment and isolation of Actinomyces spp from pleural fluid; the second contained terms for medical treatment and radiographic detection of mediastinal or pulmonary lesions at the time of initial examination. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that surgical treatment is associated with a better outcome than medical treatment in dogs with pyothorax. In addition, surgery should be considered if radiographic evidence of mediastinal or pulmonary lesions is detected or if Actinomyces spp is isolated from the pleural fluid.  相似文献   

Reports of clinical scrapie in Great Britain between January 1, 1993 and December 31, 2002 were reviewed. Scrapie was confirmed in 4142 sheep on 1099 holdings. The cumulative case and holding incidence risks decreased in 2001, probably owing to the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, although there were regional variations. Sheep aged between three and four years old constituted the largest affected group. In the period between 1998 and 2002, 51.3 per cent of the cases had the genotype ARQ/VRQ, 19.3 per cent were ARQ/ARQ and 18.9 per cent were VRQ/VRQ; Swaledale, Shetland and Welsh mountain sheep were the most common pure breeds reported. The areas at highest risk were the Shetland Islands, followed by the south and east of England.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO在即,面对竞争激烈的国际市场,中国畜牧业如何发展,中国的畜产品如何才能占领国际市场,这是摆在我们每个畜牧兽医工作者面前的一个新课题,我们必须认真地分析、研究,找出一条适合中国畜牧业发展的路子.   ……  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of midazolam were investigated following intravenous and intramuscular administration of 0.5 mg of midazolam hydrochloride/kg of body weight to five healthy mixed-breed dogs. One dog also received the same dose of midazolam by oral and rectal routes. The disposition of midazolam following intravenous administration was characterized by very rapid and relatively extensive distribution followed by rapid elimination. Mean (+/- SD) apparent volume of distribution was 3.0 +/- 0.9 l/kg, mean elimination half-life was 77 +/- 18 min, and clearance was 27 +/- 3 ml/kg/min. Following intramuscular administration, absorption was rapid and complete. A mean peak midazolam concentration of 549 +/- 121 ng/ml was reached within 15 min, and systemic availability was over 90% in each dog. Oral administration to one dog resulted in peak midazolam concentrations within 10 min and a systemic availability of 69%. Rectal administration to the same dog yielded very low systemic availability. Midazolam was extensively bound to canine plasma proteins, with the unbound fraction representing less than 4% of the total plasma midazolam concentration. Plasma samples were also assayed for the presence of the major metabolites, 1-OH and 4-OH midazolam. Neither metabolite were detected, probably as a result of rapid elimination of these compounds by hepatic glucuronidation. Behavioral responses to administration of midazolam included initial signs of profound weakness, ataxia and transient agitation followed by a period of quiesence. A normal behavior pattern returned within 2 h of midazolam administration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a behavioral intake questionnaire in animal shelters for the presence of biased results and assess its use in the characterization of behavioral problems of dogs relinquished to shelters. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. Animals-54 dogs being relinquished to a shelter and 784 dogs belonging to veterinary clients. Procedure-Owners who were relinquishing their dogs and agreed to complete the behavioral questionnaire were alternately assigned to 1 of 2 groups; participants were aware that information provided would be confidential or nonconfidential (i.e., likely used for adoption purposes). Data from confidential and nonconfidential information groups were compared, and the former were compared with data (collected via the questionnaire) regarding a population of client-owned dogs. RESULTS: Analyses revealed significant differences in 2 areas of reported problem behavior between the confidential and nonconfidential information groups: owner-directed aggression and stranger-directed fear. Compared with client-owned-group data, significantly more relinquished shelter dogs in the confidential information group were reported to have owner-directed aggression, stranger-directed aggression, dog-directed aggression or fear, stranger-directed fear, nonsocial fear, and separation-related behaviors. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Among persons relinquishing dogs to a shelter, those who believed questionnaire responses were confidential reported owner-directed aggression and fear of strangers in their pets more frequently than relinquishers who believed responses were nonconfidential. Confidentiality had no apparent effect on the reporting of other assessed behavioral problems. Results suggest that behavioral questionnaires may sometimes provide inaccurate information in a shelter setting, but the information may still be useful when evaluating behavior of relinquished dogs.  相似文献   

Objective: To correlate the sodium chloride dosage and the serum sodium concentration to clinical signs, to determine if the dosage of homemade play dough (and, therefore, sodium chloride) is the most reliable way to predict clinical signs and prognosis, and to review previously reported treatment options. Design: Retrospective case series. Animals: Fourteen dogs with a history of homemade play dough ingestion. Procedure: Cases were examined for each animal's signalment including body weight, age, approximate amount of play dough ingested, the estimated sodium chloride dosage, clinical signs, serum sodium concentration, and outcome when available. The literature was reviewed to determine pathophysiology and treatment regimens. Results: Twelve of 14 dogs (86%) that ingested homemade play dough showed clinical signs. Vomiting (9 of 14, 64%), polydipsia, and seizures (4 of 14 each, 29%) were the most common signs followed by polyuria, tremors (3 of 14 each, 21%), and hyperthermia (2 of 14, 14%). The lowest calculated dosage associated with objective clinical signs was 1.9 g/kg. Seizures were reported in all animals with serum sodium levels greater than 180 mEq/L. Conclusions and clinical relevance: Homemade play dough ingestion can be a serious and life‐threatening problem. Many factors can contribute to the toxicity of homemade play dough. This study indicates that the serum sodium concentration is a more reliable indicator of the clinical course of the toxicity rather than the amount of play dough and, therefore, the dosage of sodium chloride ingested. Treatment should be based on a clinical evaluation of the patient and laboratory results, and consists of controlling seizures, reducing serum sodium concentrations slowly, and supportive care.  相似文献   

This study examined the difference in dog owning between Japan and the United States, and the effect of these differences on dogs’ behavioral characteristics. Behavioral evaluations of privately-owned dogs were obtained by using online questionnaire. We compared background and demographic information from the two countries and analyzed the effects of these differences on behavioral characteristics in dogs. The results indicated that there was a bias in the dog breeds kept in Japan compared to the United States and that Japanese dogs’ body weight was lower than the US dogs. The main source of dog acquisition was pet stores in Japan and breeders and/or shelters in the United States. Multiple linear regression analysis found that Japanese dogs showed more aggression to household members and higher energy, restlessness and fear of non-social stimuli than US dogs, while US dogs showed more fear of unfamiliar persons, separation-related behavior and excitability. US dogs also showed higher levels of trainability and attachment to owners. The lower dog’s body weight was, the higher the behavioral scores except for trainability were. When dogs that were obtained under 3 months of age were analyzed, the younger the dogs were when their owners obtained them, the higher the scores on some behavioral problem factors were. The higher rates of problem behaviors among Japanese dogs compared with US dogs suggest that the preference for small breed dogs and poor early development environment influenced the behavioral characteristics of dogs.  相似文献   

Between 1991 and mid 2000, the surveillance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in France was based solely on clinical surveillance through a Mandatory Reporting System. Since 2000, the implementation of active surveillance programmes using rapid tests, as a complementary tool targeted at dead and slaughtered cattle has shown that part of the BSE cases were not detected with the clinical surveillance. In order to obtain a better knowledge of the strength of the clinical surveillance, we analysed a vigilance index defined as the ratio of negative clinical suspicions to the cattle population in the region and period of interest. The temporal analysis of the vigilance index showed that it did not vary much between 1991 and 1999, increased sharply since 2000, and then decreased partly in 2001. The geographical analysis of the variations of the vigilance index was performed at the department level by comparing the observed number of negative clinical suspicions per department to the expected number, computed on the basis of the national average index and standardised on the production type of the cattle - dairy versus beef suckling cattle. As assumed, the data followed a Poisson distribution. We observed a high geographical variation of the vigilance index: ten departments out of 91 presented a significantly higher vigilance index than the national one, and four a significantly lower vigilance index. The vigilance index showed that the clinical surveillance was heterogeneous during the past twelve years, both in time and geographic location, in a range of one to ten. So the apparent trend in the BSE epidemic during this period as well as the differences in the spatial incidence of BSE have to be analysed with caution.  相似文献   

2019年5月美国将中国2 000亿美元输美商品的关税从10%上调至25%,暂停数月的中美贸易摩擦再度重启,世界猪肉生产、贸易格局迎来新的变化。总结了世界猪肉生产、贸易的地区格局,分析了主要进出口国的猪肉生产、贸易特征及显示性比较优势,探讨了中美贸易争端对世界猪肉生产、贸易格局的影响。主要结果和结论为:世界猪肉市场的相对垄断格局及高波动性在较长时期不会改变;美国与加拿大、巴西等其他主产国的猪肉生产、出口将呈现此消彼长的态势;相对分散的世界猪肉进口格局存在较多变数;中国大量进口猪肉的基本态势短期内不会改变。  相似文献   

12001年广东渔业生产回顾2001年广东全年渔业总产量超过605万吨,比上年增长2%,其中,捕捞渔业产量200万吨,比上年略有减少,养殖渔业405万吨,比2000年略有增长。水产品总产值410亿元,与2000年接近。淡水养殖渔业2001年全年稳定在24.7万公顷规模,根据市场需求情况,调减了罗氏沼虾养殖面积,增加了6000公顷白对虾养殖;调减了鳗鱼养殖面积,增加了2000公顷甲鱼养殖;罗非鱼养殖规模继续扩大,总产量达到28万吨,四大家鱼总产量130万吨,鲩鱼、鳙鱼占四大家鱼总产量的比重超过65…  相似文献   

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