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棉花海南冬繁技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏省宿迁市农业科学研究院在40余年品种改良历程中.始终坚持棉花海南冬繁工作,并培育出泗棉3号等一大批优良棉花品种。以多年进行棉花南繁经验,针对海南特殊气候特点与冬繁制约因素,总结出适期播种、合理运筹肥水、中耕除草、防病治虫的关键技术.从而保证棉花冬繁成功。  相似文献   

湖南棉花育种采取北育南繁的模式以加快育种进程,经过多年的棉花南繁实践,在了解海南特异气候特点与冬繁不利因素的基础上,结合冬繁基地局城环境条件状况,总结出播种适期操作要领、肥水管理、病虫防治等关键技术,从而保证棉花冬繁的成功。  相似文献   

农作物冬繁是加速育种工作进程的重要措施.海南冬繁充分利用海南岛得天独厚的气候条件,具有促进育种材料的选择、组合的选配、亲本提纯复壮和纯度鉴定、加速新品种稳定等重要的作用.因此,如何搞好冬繁期间的农作物管理,是决定冬繁工作成败关键.  相似文献   

研究了插栽密度、赶粉、喷“九二○”等关键栽术对水稻光温敏核不育系C815S在海南保亭冬繁产量的影响.结果表明:C815S可在海南保亭进行冬季繁殖,在11月中旬播种,育性敏感期处在1月下旬至2月上中旬,在插栽密度较低条件下其结实率可达72.7%,产量可达4.34 t/hm2;C815S繁殖的适宜移栽密度是30.3万穴/hm2;赶粉对C815S繁殖产量的提高最为经济有效;喷施“九二○”对C815S繁殖产量的提高不明显,生产中可以不使用.  相似文献   

根据笔者多年的南繁经历和体会,提出棉花冬繁时要选择最佳时机播种,并做好前期准备和苗期管理,以及肥水培管、化学调控、减灾防灾等栽培技术措施,为海南冬繁育种工作者提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对云光 9号等 6个优质两系杂交粳稻组合和冬繁 1号等 14个优质粳稻恢复系进行抗病鉴定 ,筛选出高抗组合云光 9号、70优 9号、70优 0 4,中抗组合云光 8号可应用于生产 ;高抗恢复系冬繁 1号、冬繁 4号、冬繁 2 3、冬繁 85 ;中抗恢复系冬繁 2号、冬繁 3号、冬繁 5号、冬繁 47、冬繁 5 4、冬繁 86用于新组合测配选优 ,为两系杂交稻进一步发展提供了一批优良的后备亲本  相似文献   

棉花海南岛冬繁栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨洪理 《中国棉花》2001,28(3):32-33
南充市农科所从 70年代初开始 ,连续 2 0多年在海南省陵水县进行棉花冬繁工作 ,先后培育出了棉花“洞 A”雄性不育系及南杂 l号、川杂 6号、川杂7号等优良品种。经过 2 0多年的探索 ,总结出了一套棉花南繁育种栽培技术和经验 ,现介绍如下。1 海南冬季气候概况及对棉花冬繁的影响海南省属热带季风气候 ,平均日照时数在 2 0 0 0小时以上 ,平均温度 2 2~ 2 6℃ ,终年无霜 ,年降水量多在 1 50 0~ 2 0 0 0 mm之间 ,堪称日照多、热量足、雨量充沛 ,是全国农作物重要的南繁育种基地 ,但冬季气温变幅较大 ,对南繁工作常造成诸多不利影响。一般 9…  相似文献   

中国农科院棉花研究所海南野生棉种植园,有土地50多亩,一栋二层楼,农机具齐全,食宿方便。为发挥其优势,已于1988年冬开始对全国棉花界同仁开展棉花代繁业  相似文献   

中国农科院棉花研究所海南野生棉种植园,有土地50多亩,一栋二层楼,农机具齐全,食宿方便。为发挥其优势,已于1988年冬开始对全国棉花界同仁开展棉花代繁业务。委托单  相似文献   

泗棉2号(原名泗阳835)是江苏省泗阳棉花原种场用泗阳437为母本,墨西哥910为父本进行杂交,经连续多年海南冬繁加代,异地选择,培育而成的陆地棉高产品种。1、审定情况。泗棉2号1984年通过江  相似文献   

Abstract The diversity, abundance, spatial distribution, and phenology of the mygalomorph spider community in the "Ernesto Tornquist" Strict Nature Reserve were analyzed in this study. Located in southwestern Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Reserve is representative of the Ventania system, which is a sigmoidal mountain belt 180 km in length. This exceptional hilly ecosystem is home for many endemic species and rich native fauna and flora. Spider abundance was sampled monthly from October 2009 to October 2010 by hand capture and pitfall traps on grassland slopes. The species recorded in the study area were: Actinopus sp.1 (Actinopodidae); Grammostola vachoni and Plesiopelma longisternale (Theraphosidae); Acanthogonatus centralis (Nemesiidae); and Mecicobothrium thorelli (Mecicobothriidae). Grammostola vachoni and Acanthogonatus centralis were the dominant species in hand capture and pitfall traps, respectively. The seasonal variation, diversity, and abundance of the mygalomorph community are analyzed and discussed here. The Mygalomorphae of the Ventania system comprises an important group of sedentary and cryptozoic spiders that seem to be highly dependent on habitat type and environmental factors.  相似文献   

Summary Potato tubers (cvs Fina, Marfona and Spunta) were stored in a clamp in the region of Mount Vermion in Northern Greece (altitude about 1400 m) from October 1985 to April 1986. No sprout inhibitor was applied. Tubers were analysed for dry matter and sugar content at 2–4 month intervals. Cultivar and date of sampling had a no significant effect on dry matter but had a significant effect on the total and reducing sugar contents. A significant interaction between cultivar and date of sampling was observed for dry matter and sugars. A continuous increase of total and reducing sugars from October to April was found in tubers of cv. Marfona. In tubers of cvs Fina and Spunta the total and reducing sugars increased, significantly only until March, and thereafter decreased.  相似文献   

20 0 4年 8月 31日 ,接群众举报 ,反映射阳县某种业经营部经营的大麦种涉嫌假冒。射阳县农业行政执法大队随即派员前往调查。经查 ,该经营部经营的“新啤 2号”大麦种 ,包装上标注的生产单位为 :盐城市某农场 ,经销商为 :盐城某种业有限公司 ,品种说明中介绍为 ,品种来源为 :江苏某农场开发有限公司和盐城市某种业有限公司对俗名“趴地虎”大麦进行穗选改良、提纯复壮后选育而成。当事人于 2 0 0 4年 8月 30日从盐城市某种业有限公司购进该批种子 9375kg ,至检查时尚未销售。执法人员进行了询问笔录 ,随机抽取了样品 ,并当场扣押了该批种子…  相似文献   

A pastoral fallow, which involves no defoliation of pasture for a period, generally from spring to autumn, is a management tool that can be used either to reduce plant population density through self-thinning prior to oversowing improved plant germplasm or to encourage natural reseeding in order to increase sward persistence and productivity. Two field experiments were carried out in a hill pasture in New Zealand to quantify the response of the seed population, germinated from soil plugs under glasshouse conditions for over 7 months, to pastoral fallow, as influenced by the timing and duration of the fallow, fertilizer application and aspect, and to identify the germination patterns of different plant species in fallowed and grazed swards. A spring–autumn pastoral fallow increased the germinated seed population of grasses, legumes and weeds by 161%, 51% and 59%, respectively, compared with the grazed control. The variation in germinated seed population during the pastoral fallow showed that seed quantity can be controlled by manipulating the timing and duration of a pastoral fallow. Short duration (2–3 month) pastoral fallows resulted in a significantly lower germinated grass seed population than the full (spring–autumn) fallows. Fertilizer application reduced the germinated grass seed population by 26%. The germinated legume seed population was higher with a shady than a sunny aspect. Regression analysis revealed that the germination patterns of all plant species followed a negative exponential function. Partial differentiation of this function derived a germination rate curve on which a two-pool (ephemeral pool and base pool) model was developed to describe quantitatively the dynamics of germinable seed reserves in the soil.  相似文献   

水稻中的磷转运蛋白基因在异源表达系统中的功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地研究植物在磷素吸收过程中的分子机制以及生物化学过程的变化,将水稻中分离得到的一个磷转运蛋白基因(OsPT6)用于互补实验。互补实验结果表明,OsPT6能够与缺失磷转运功能的酵母突变体实现互补,并在低磷条件下促进酵母突变体对磷的吸收。进一步分析表明OsPT6属于水稻Pht1家族运输蛋白基因,所编码的蛋白对磷酸盐(Pi)的吸收Km值为96 μmol/L,属于高亲和的磷转运蛋白。不同的酵母转化子对不同pH环境的响应实验显示,OsPT6是一个与质子相偶联的磷运输蛋白,其吸收磷素的最佳pH为6.0。对OsPT6在人的胚胎肾细胞(HEK293)中的表达分析表明,该基因能够编码蛋白并定位于细胞膜,证明OsPT6的功能与酵母磷转运子PHO84相似,是一个定位于细胞膜上的具有吸收转运磷素作用的运输蛋白。  相似文献   


Populations of insect pests sometimes increase beyond the economic threshold to become serious problems in crop production. However, their populations are usually maintained below the economic injury level by natural predator insects and parasites. Living bodies often develop a degree of immunity against pest invasion, such as macrophages in the human body. In this case, macrophages reproduce in the human body at the expense of blood and body fluid, but are suppressed below the level of illness to the human body. This is analogous to crops, which have developed defense mechanism in the biotic community against pests by means of natural enemies and provided immunity in a total system. However, natural enemies, parasites and predators, must be maintained themselves with little compensation or support from the agroecosystem. Some years ago I proposed a model “reproduction curve with two equilibrium points” to describe the fluctuation of insect populations (Takahashi, 1964). The lower equilibrium point in the model can be regarded as a latent period and the higher one as the outbreak level. This model is based on the S-shaped functional response curve of predator to prey density and is applicable in a biotic community where polyphagous predators predominate. To ensure stable populations of natural enemies in the biotic community, it is necessary to maintain their food supply in the field. The populations of monopha-gous predators, such as parasitoids, fluctuate in response to prey or host populations sometimes inducing dramatic increases in pest populations above the economic injury level. On the other hand, polyphagous predators can utilize ordinary organisms as alternate food sources and keep their population stable even when a pest population (i.e., their target food) decreases to low level. This model will be discussed with respect to the diversity of a biotic community.  相似文献   

A residue consisting of tomato peel and seeds is a byproduct of thetomato paste industry. This product had, after drying and grinding,101.4 g water, 175.6 g protein, 95.9 g lipids, 36.4 g ash and590.7 g total carbohydrates per kilogram of residue. The carbohydratesin the residue were mainly dietary fiber (495.3 g) from which 405.4 gwere insoluble fiber. Additionally, the residue had ascorbic acid 0.25 g, P 3 g, Ca 1.7 g, K 13.1 g, Mg 2.4 g, Cu 0.013 g, Fe0.248 g, Mn 0.018 g and Zn 0.174 g per kilogram of residue. Theresidue fed to rats at increasing concentrations in the diet (0, 134, 263and 387 g/kg diet) over 18 days had no effect on body weight gain;caused an increase in food intake and slightly reduced feed efficiency.Incorporation of the residue in the diet caused a substantialincrease in fecal mass, which was proportional to the dietary fiber providedby the residue (r = 0.89); apparent absorption of protein, energy,Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn and Cu present in the diets was reduced. These reductions were proportional to the amount of dietary fiber provided by the residueand became substantial when the residue was included at 263 or 387g/kg. However, when the residue was included at 134 g/kg, little effect onthe apparent absorption of the dietary nutrients was noted. Because thisconcentration provided the rats with approximately 10 times more fiberthan that recommended for humans, one can expect that if this tomatoresidue were consumed at concentrations recommended for humans, itshould have no effect on nutrient availability. These results indicate that thistomato residue represents an attractive source of fiber, which in rats had alow apparent absorption (52–56%). In addition, it was very effective inincreasing fecal mass with no negative effects on growth performance.  相似文献   

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