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Onions are cured in order to form a complete, dry, outer skin which reduces water loss and suppresses incidence of disease, and can promote a darker skin finish. Currently in the UK, standard curing practises for onions involves heating at 28 °C for six weeks (65–75% RH), however, reducing curing temperatures may help to reduce energy usage. There is little empirical data on the effects of curing temperature on flavonol concentration in the skin of brown onions and on flavonol and anthocyanin concentration in the skin of red onions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to elucidate the compounds responsible for the change in onion skin colour when cured at different temperatures.Brown cvs. Sherpa and Wellington, and red onions cv. Red Baron, were cured at 20, 24 or 28 °C for six weeks. Replicated skin samples were analysed immediately after curing and after seven months cold storage at 1 ± 0.5 °C. Measurement of objective colour showed that skin of cvs. Sherpa and Wellington was darker and had a lower hue angle (H°) immediately after being cured at 28 °C compared to 20 °C. In contrast, skin of cv. Red Baron had a higher H° but no change in lightness (L*) when cured at 28 °C compared to 20 °C. Fructose, sucrose and glucose concentrations were analysed as they are thought to play a role in regulating the synthesis of flavonols and anthocyanins, both coloured compounds found in onion skin; however no significant correlations were found between colour data and sugar concentrations. Flavonols were measured in the skin of all cvs. and anthocyanins in the skin of cv. Red Baron. Quercetin glucoside and anthocyanin concentrations in the skin of onions cv. Red Baron immediately after curing were higher in those cured at 20 °C. Total flavonols and total anthocyanins were negatively correlated with H° in the skin of onions cv. Red Baron, but there was no similar correlation between total flavonols and H° for onion cvs. Sherpa and Wellington. This suggests that anthocyanins and flavonols may play a major role in varying skin colour of red onions cv. Red Baron cured at different temperatures; however, the difference between curing temperatures may not have been sufficient to represent a correlation between darkening of cvs. Sherpa and Wellington and flavonol concentration. Further investigation is therefore required to fully elucidate the compounds responsible for colour changes observed in brown onions.  相似文献   

The main objective of the CHIP project was to perform ‘standardised’ investigations of potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv Bintje) responses to increased O3 and CO2 concentrations by means of open-top chambers (OTC) and free air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) systems. The experimental sites are located across Europe representing a broad range of different climatic conditions. In 1998 and 1999 a total number of 12 OTC experiments and four FACE experiments were conducted. According to the specific needs for subsequent modelling purposes, environmental data were collected during experiments, i.e. air temperature, global radiation, air humidity (vapour pressure deficit (VPD)), soil moisture and trace gas concentrations. In the present paper, the results of these measurements are summarised. It was shown that the experiments covered a considerable range of growing season mean air temperatures (13.8–19.9 °C) and global irradiances (12.0–21.3 MJ m−2 per day), the most important driving variables for crop growth simulation models. Analysis of the soils used during the experiments demonstrated that in most cases sufficient nutrient elements were available to guarantee an undisturbed growth. Mean concentrations of CO2 and O3 in ambient air and in different treatments illustrate the observed variability of trace gas exposures between different sites and experiments. However, the effects of these parameters on growth and yield are subject of separate papers. The general climatic conditions across Europe are also causing important growth and yield effects. Comparison of marketable tuber yields revealed an increase at higher latitudes. This result was associated with lower temperatures and VPD and longer day lengths at the higher latitudes, which in turn were associated with longer growing seasons.  相似文献   

The influence of aqueous 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) concentration, immersion duration, and solution longevity on the ripening of early ripening-stage tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has been investigated. Tomato fruit at the breaker-turning stage were fully immersed in aqueous 1-MCP at 50, 200, 400 and 600 μg L−1 for 1 min, quickly dried, and then stored at 20 °C. Ethylene production, respiration, surface color development, and rate of accumulation of lycopene and polygalacturonase (PG) activity were suppressed and/or delayed in fruit exposed to aqueous 1-MCP. Suppression of ripening was concentration dependent, with maximum inhibition in response to 1 min immersion occurring at concentrations of 400 and 600 μg L−1. Climacteric ethylene peaks were delayed approximately 6, 7, and 9 d and respiration was strongly suppressed in fruit treated with aqueous 1-MCP at 200, 400, and 600 μg L−1, respectively, compared with control fruit. Fruit firmness, lycopene content, PG activity, and surface hue of fruit treated at the three higher levels remained strongly suppressed compared with control. Skin hue values and pericarp lycopene content in response to treatment at the subthreshold 50 μg L−1 provided evidence for differential ripening suppression in external versus internal tissues. Maximum delay of softening and surface color development in response to 50 μg L−1 aqueous 1-MCP occurred following immersion periods of between 6 and 12 min. Factors affecting fruit penetration by aqueous 1-MCP and mechanisms contributing to recovery from 1-MCP-induced ripening inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

Accumulation of sludge-borne copper (Cu) by field-grown maize and its distribution between the different plant organs was studied in detail in a long-term sewage sludge field trial. Since 1974, field plots on a coarse sandy soil have been amended each year with farmyard manure (FYM) at a rate of 10 t dry matter (DM) ha−1 year−1 and with sewage sludge at the two levels of 10 t DM ha−1 year−1 (SS 10) and 100 t DM ha−1 per 2 years (SS 100). All field plots have been cropped annually with maize. In 1993, five replicate plants per treatment were examined at six different growth stages from seedling to grain maturity. Each plant was separated into at least 12 different parts and the Cu content of each was determined. Regarding growth parameters, no visible deleterious effects on plant development due to the different soil treatments could be observed, although the dry matter yield of roots and stalks of SS 100-treated plants was significantly reduced. Significantly increased Cu concentrations of up to 60 mg Cu kg−1 DM in the roots of young SS 100-grown maize plants and of up to 20 mg Cu kg−1 DM in the upper leaves at silage stage were found. No critical Cu amounts were reached in the grains until harvest.  相似文献   

Postharvest life of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) is limited due to their high respiration rate, loss of firmness and freshness and susceptibility to fruit rot. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of various packaging solutions on physico-chemical, nutritional and aromatic properties of raspberries during storage at +4 °C up to 7 days. Plastic materials with low (LDPE) and high (LDPE/EVOH/LDPE) gas barrier, a biopolymeric film (PLA) with medium gas barrier and micro perforated stretch film (PVC) were used. The packaging material modified the composition of the atmosphere in the package, which depended on the combined action of the respiration activity of the fruit and the permeability of the material. Results showed that the most sensitive parameters for the assessment of raspberry decay were percentage of damaged berries, weight loss, fruit softening and the aromatic profile development, evaluated by an electronic nose; these parameters showed significant changes during storage and were influenced by the packing material. All samples showed a clear loss of firmness after 4 days of storage, which was maximally reduced in the case of LDPE/EVOH/LDPE and PLA packages. Raspberries stored in PVC packaging material had an aromatic development similar to the control, whereas berries stored in the medium and high barrier materials showed important changes in the aromatic profile, reflecting anaerobic metabolism of fruit. Soluble solids, pH, total phenolics and ascorbic acid did not change significantly; changes in colour and total anthocyanins were observed, with differences depending on the kind of packaging.  相似文献   

The storability of onion bulbs is dependent on the incidence and rate of sprout growth. Exogenous ethylene applied continuously has been demonstrated to act as a sprout suppressant in onion. However, the ethylene binding inhibitor, 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), can also suppress sprouting in onion. Given this seemingly contradictory result, the precise role that ethylene plays during onion storage and the effect of curing on its efficacy is not understood.‘Sherpa’ and ‘Wellington’ onion bulbs were treated before or after curing (28 °C for 6 weeks) with a single dose of 10 μL L−1 ethylene or 1 μL L−1 1-MCP for 24 h at 20 °C, or no treatment (control). Replicated out-turns were sampled during 38 weeks storage at 0–1 °C. Sprout growth (31 weeks after harvest) was reduced in ‘Sherpa’ treated before curing with ethylene or before or after curing with 1-MCP. However, sprout growth of ‘Wellington’ was not affected by any treatment. Following treatment, the cured, thick-skinned ‘Wellington’ released a lower concentration of treatment gas compared with the newly harvested, thin-skinned ‘Sherpa’. Onion bulb respiration rate increased immediately after being treated with ethylene but to a lesser extent or not at all when treated with 1-MCP. Fructose concentrations of onions treated with ethylene or 1-MCP before curing were not significantly different, however, after curing concentrations were about 2-fold higher compared with the control. Mean glucose and sucrose concentrations for both cultivars were higher immediately after being treated before curing with ethylene or 1-MCP than control bulbs. It appears that inhibition of sprout growth can be achieved using just a short 24 h treatment with ethylene or 1-MCP. However, skin thickness or permeability, which is dependent on cultivar and curing, may affect ethylene or 1-MCP influx and therefore efficacy of sprout suppressant action.  相似文献   

This paper reviews current knowledge regarding the influence of plant density on the growth and yield of the faba bean crop (Vicia faba L.). An analysis is also made of sowing rate and other factors that may modify optimum plant density, including environmental conditions; in this sense, should be made a differentiation between faba crops grown in temperate conditions and those grown in Mediterranean and semi-arid conditions. The genotype also prompts variations in optimum plant density, depending on the botanical type (mayor, equina or minor) and the growth habit (determinate versus indeterminate) of the cultivar selected. Sowing date also influences optimum seeding rate, which is lower for autumn–winter sowing under temperate and Mediterranean conditions and increases as the sowing date is delayed. For the spring-sown crops typical of temperate conditions, optimum plant density will be higher due to the shorter growing season. With a longer growing season and under optimum environmental conditions, there is normally no additional response to densities over 20 plants m−2, while in suboptimal conditions, optimum plant density may increase to over 60 plants m−2. Although the faba bean crop displays considerable plasticity in response to variations in plant density, mainly with regard to number of pods per square meter, it is not wholly clear to which component of yield this should really be ascribed. Number of stems per plant appears to be the most influential factor, although further research is required to confirm this.  相似文献   

Low temperature is a serious abiotic stress affecting rice production in subtropical and temperate areas. In this study, cold tolerance of rice at the germination and seedling stages were evaluated using one recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between Daguandao (japonica), with highly cold-tolerant at the seedling stage, and IR28 (indica), with more cold-tolerant at the germination stage, and the quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was conducted using the multiple interval mapping (MIM) approach. Continuous segregation in low temperature germinability (LTG) and cold tolerance at the seedling stage (CTS) were observed among the RIL populations. Most RILs were moderately susceptible or tolerant at the germination stage, but were susceptible at the seedling stage. No significant relationship was found in cold tolerance between the germination and seedling stages. A total of seven QTLs were identified with limit of detection (LOD) >3.0 on chromosomes 3, 8, 11 and 12, and the amount of variation (R 2) explained by each QTL ranged from 5.5 to 22.4%. The rice LTG might be regulated by two minor QTLs, with the CTS controlled by one major QTL [qCTS8.1 (LOD = 16.1, R 2 = 22.4%)] and several minor loci. Among these loci, one simultaneously controls LTG (qLTG11.1) and CTS (qCTS11.1). Several cold-tolerance-related QTLs identified in previous studies were found to be near the QTLs detected here, and three QTLs are novel alleles. The alleles from Daguandao at six QTLs increased cold tolerance and could be good sources of genes for cold tolerance. In addition, only one digenic interaction was detected for CTS, with a R 2 value of 6.4%. Those major or minor QTLs could be used to significantly improve cold tolerance by marker-assisted selection (MAS) in rice.  相似文献   

T.C.A.E. Wouters  G. Booy 《Euphytica》2000,111(3):161-168
Polymorphisms in electrophoretic patterns obtained by isoelectric focusing (IEF) were examined to evaluate their suitability for cultivar identification in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). It was possible to discriminate 64 (94%) of 68 cultivars by combining results from esterase and total protein analysis. Discrimination was based on quantitative differences (relative band intensity) rather than on qualitative differences (presence or absence of bands). Esterase patterns from different recent (fresh to seven years old) seed lots of the same perennial ryegrass cultivars were very stable. Occasionally, minor differences in band intensity were observed between recent and old (up to 30 years old) seed lots of a cultivar. Storage of meal samples up to two years at −20 °C had no effect on the total protein patterns. No correlation was found between esterase patterns and ploidy level, cultivar type (pasture or turf), heading date or breeding company. Esterase patterns appeared to be unsuitable markers for the selection of reference cultivars for distinctiveness, uniformity, and stability (DUS) testing, because no correlation was found between cultivars on the basis of esterase banding patterns and morphological characteristics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Several DNA marker systems and associated techniques are available today for fingerprinting plant germplasm but information on their relative usefulness in particular crops is limited. The study investigated PCR based DNA fingerprinting in a set of 39 potato cultivars using RAPDs (20 primers), ISSRs (6 primers), AFLPs (2 primers) and SSRs (5 primer pairs). Results show that each of the four techniques can on their own, individually identify each cultivar, but that techniques differ in the mean number of profiles generated per primer (or primer pair) per cultivar, referred to as Genotype Index (GI). The order of merit based on this criterium and in this material was AFLPs (GI = 1.0), a multi-locus SSR (GI = 0.77),RAPDs (GI = 0.53), ISSRs (GI = 0.47) and single locus SSRs (GI = 0.36). Problems in relating banding patterns to individual loci and alleles for polyploid genomes, using these techniques as they are currently employed, are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) of rice caused by X. oryzae pv. oryzae is a major production constraint in commercial hybrid rice production in the Philippines because most of the parental lines used in hybrid production do not carry resistance genes against the pathogen. In this study, three bacterial blight resistance genes, Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21, were introgressed to a temperature-sensitive genetic male sterile (TGMS1) line. A three-way cross of AR32-19-3-3/TGMS1//IRBB4/7 (PR36944) was made to produce 1,364 F2 plants carrying various combinations of Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21. Individual plants were characterized for reaction to bacterial blight PXO61 (race 1), PXO86 (race 2), PXO99 (race 6) and pollen sterility. Of 144 F2 plants demonstrating resistance against PXO61, PXO86 and PXO99, 22 exhibited highly resistant phenotypes with mean lesion lengths ranging from 0.37–2.97 cm. Analysis of disease reaction identified 20 potential TGMS F2 plants containing Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21 while 78 plants with Xa4 + Xa7. Phenotypic and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses confirmed PR36944-450, PR36944-473 and PR36944-700 as homozygous for Xa7 and Xa21 and highly resistant to all three Xoo races. Fertility of PR36944-450 and PR36944-700 was restored at permissive temperature in a growth chamber. BB-resistant TGMS lines should facilitate breeding two-line hybrids in the tropics.  相似文献   

A plant pulling device was developed to measure vertical pulling resistance in maize as evaluation method for root lodging resistance. This device allows pulling in a standardized way because it is operated by an alternating current motor with ample capacity so as not to slow down during pulling. Due to its small proportions it remains easily manoeuvrable within the experimental field. Four replicated experiments (three with single cross hybrids and one with populations) on two locations (with sandy and clay soil) were carried out to estimate various statistical and quantitative genetic parameters of pulling resistance. The number of plants pulled per plot ranged from four to seven. The mean coefficient of environmental variation was 0.14 and the heritabilities for pulling resistance in the used material, based on experimental units, ranged from 0.61 to 0.77. Selection for pulling resistance seems therefore very well possible. The correlation between the pulling values from a location with clay soil and a location with sandy soil was 0.87, so genotype × environment-interaction was small. It is argued that one obtains reliable results with the least effort by using three replications and pulling four plants per plot.Paper resulting from a study as part of the requirements for a Masters degree at the Agricultural University in Wageningen, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

A comparison of two male sterility systems was carried out in wheat for hybrid seed production and hybrid performance. Seventeen hybrid combinations based on Triticum timopheevi cytoplasm were compared with their genetically equivalent CHA-facilitated combinations. The same set of restorer lines was used as parents in CMS- and CHA-based hybrids to maintain genetic equivalence. In the first experiment aimed at study of female line behavior and crossed seed production, the CHA treated lines showed significantly shorter heights whereas CMS lines were similar to the control. The two systems were equally effective in sterilizing rate. The outcrossing percentage of the CMS lines was almost twice that of the CHA treated lines. Thousand-grain weight of the crossed seeds on CMS lines was greater than on the CHA treated lines and control. On average, the germination percentage of seeds on CMS lines was double that of the CHA treated lines and the percentage of effective outcrossed seeds in CMS lines was 3 times more than that from CHA treated lines. The second experiment was conducted to examine the yield performance of the hybrids derived from the two systems of male sterility. A total of 40 entries including 20 hybrids and 20 parents were evaluated in the experiment. The mean grain yield of the CMS-based hybrids was greater than that of the CHA-based hybrids,the B and R lines. All the CMS-based hybrids showed significantly higher grain yields than their better parents whereas all the CHA-based hybrids, except two,showed no significant yield increases over their better parents. Possible reasons for differences in CMS- and CHA-based hybrid performance are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Iceberg lettuce stored under normal atmosphere and controlled atmosphere (CA) with about 3% oxygen at low temperature for 1 week was compared with fresh lettuce for their response to 2 d ultralow oxygen (ULO) treatment with 0.003% oxygen at 10 °C for control of western flower thrips. Lettuce which had been stored for 1 week under normal or CA tolerated ULO treatment while over 30% of fresh lettuce sustained minor injury to heartleaves. Therefore, pre-treatment storage at low temperature enhanced tolerance of lettuce to the subsequent insecticidal ULO treatment. A sequential combination of CA storage and ULO treatment was demonstrated to be effective against western flower thrips and lettuce aphid and safe to all seven lettuce cultivars tested. The study indicated that ULO treatment can be made safer to lettuce through pre-treatment storage to increase lettuce tolerance.  相似文献   

H. Vermeer 《Euphytica》1990,49(3):229-236
Summary Coefficients of variation for genotypic differences, genotype-location, genotype-year and genotype-location-year interaction were computed from reported data of potato trials in order to use them in a decision support system. The obtained coefficients of variation not only varied considerably between traits, but also between trials within traits. It is argued that only parameter values representative for the pertaining breeding situation should be used for optimising a selection programme.  相似文献   

Previously, novel cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS) caused by DCGMS cytoplasm was discovered in radish (Raphanus sativus L.) introduced from Uzbekistan. We performed extensive progeny tests and identified two fertility restorer lines (‘R171’ and ‘R121’) for this new CMS. Two F1 hybrid populations were self-pollinated and backcrossed to produce F2 and BC populations. Inheritance patterns of male-sterility in segregating populations varied depending on paternal lines. Segregation of male-sterility in F2 populations originating from the cross between MS19 and R121 showed that a single locus was involved in fertility restoration. However, populations originating from the cross between MS15 and R171 showed the involvement of more than one restorer-of-fertility genes. The single fertility restorer locus identified in the cross between MS19 and R121 was designated Rfd1 locus. Bulked segregant analysis was performed using RAPD and AFLP, which identified one marker each. Both RAPD and AFLP markers were converted into simple PCR-based co-dominant markers after their isolated flanking sequences were analyzed. Indels 773-bp and 67-bp in length were identified between two Rfd1 allele-linked flanking sequences of the RAPD and AFLP fragments, respectively, then utilized to develop simple PCR markers. In addition, we prove that the newly identified Rfd1 locus is independent of the Rfo locus, another radish fertility restorer for CMS caused by Ogura cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Summary Microspore embryogenesis technology allows plant breeders to efficiently generate homozygous micros-pore-derived breeding populations of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) without traditional generations of inbreeding. This study was conducted to compare the frequency distribution of microspore-derived population and single seed descent populations with respect to fatty acids of seed oil. Both microspore-derived populations and single seed descent populations were produced from each of three crosses made between selected parents containing contrasting amount of erucic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The fatty acid content of F3 plants derived lines (F5 seed) developed by single seed descent was compared to that of microspore-derived populations. The means, ranges and distribution pattern of seed fatty acid contents were similar in both populations for each fatty acid studied, although a few heterozygous lines were observed in the single seed descent populations. The results indicated that microspore-derived population form random, homozygous F1 plant derived gametic arrays for all fatty acids evaluated. Selection for altered fatty acid composition in microspore-derived and single seed descent homozygous populations should be equally efficient, in the absence of linkage of traits investigated.  相似文献   

Experiments to investigate the effects of periods of low radiation, combined with different rates of nitrogen fertilization, on growth, grain yield, mean grain weight, grain size distribution and concentrations of nitrogen and water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) were carried out in 1991 and 1993. The low radiation (60% of ambient radiation) was achieved by placing shading nets in fields of barley (cv. Prisma). There was an unshaded control (S1), plus three shading period treatments during the main phenological phases, with three rates of nitrogen fertilization (unfertilized control, 90 kg ha−1 minus soil nitrogen and this rate plus 60 kg ha−1 at the flag leaf stage). It was found that total grain yield was 5% lower after shading during tillering (S2), 35% lower after shading during stem elongation (S3) and 45% lower after shading during grain filling (S4). Treatments S2 and S3 considerably reduced the concentration of WSC in plant organs and increased the nitrogen concentration and, in general, the concentrations returned to the values of the control after the shading period. The S3 treatment markedly reduced the number of grains m−2, mainly because there were 35% fewer grains per spike. This treatment resulted in a mean grain weight 14% above that of the control, but only in 1991. Weather was probably responsible for this disparity: in 1991, the spring was cold and wet and the summer was warm and dry, but in 1993 the spring was warm and dry and the summer was cool and wet. The S4 treatment reduced mean grain weight by 40% in 1991 and by 25% in 1993 and shifted the median of the size distribution towards smaller grains in both years. In S4, the N concentration in the grains was markedly increased, resulting in unacceptably high protein concentrations (14–21%) for malting quality. Higher rates of nitrogen fertilization increased leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter production and grain N concentration. Nitrogen had a positive effect in establishing yield potential because it increased grain number per unit area; however, it did not improve assimilate supply during grain filling, and hence grain number and mean grain weight were negatively correlated. Only in 1993 did nitrogen increase grain yield. It is concluded that shading during the growing period and high rates of nitrogen fertilization adversely affect the quality (in terms of grain size, size distribution and grain nitrogen concentration) of malting barley.  相似文献   

Ultralow oxygen (ULO) treatments with different oxygen levels, treatment times, and temperatures were studied to determine effects on western flower thrips mortality and postharvest quality of iceberg lettuce. Thrips mortality increased with reduced oxygen level and increased treatment time and temperature. At 0.003% oxygen, over 99.6% mortality rates of thrips were achieved in three ULO treatments of 2, 3, and 4 d at 10, 5, and 1 °C, respectively. No treatments caused injury to lettuce surface leaves and there was no reduction in visual quality for treated lettuce. However, about 9–33% of lettuce heads sustained injury to heartleaves. The 2 d ULO treatment with 0.003% oxygen had the lowest injury rate to heartleaves and the injury increased with increased treatment duration. The amount of injured leaves was small (<2 g per head). There were also some variations among the lettuce cultivars in susceptibility to heartleaf injury by ULO treatments. Four out of eight cultivars tested tolerated the 2 d ULO treatment at 10 °C without any injury. Therefore, ULO treatment has potential to be developed as an alternative postharvest treatment for western flower thrips on iceberg lettuce.  相似文献   

Soil salinization is a serious environmental problem worldwide. To explore the comparative effects of soil salinity and sodicity on physiological, biochemical and nutritional quality attributes of four quinoa genotypes (A1, A7, Puno, Vikinga), pot and field experiments were performed on non‐saline soil and two types of salt‐affected soils designated as SS1 (saline) and SS2 (saline‐sodic). The results of both the experiments showed similar reduction pattern in biomass (11%–44%), chlorophyll content (10%–36%), stomatal conductance (18%–32%) and grain yield (30%–47%) of four genotypes on SS2 compared with SS1. Higher sodicity level of SS2 resulted in more Na accumulation (23%–40%) and oxidative damage (12%–35% decrease in membrane stability) leading to an increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT) in all the genotypes. Grain mineral contents (except Na and Mg) were decreased more in SS2 than SS1. Multivariate analysis revealed that grain Na content has negative correlation with all the nutritional quality attributes except Mg and fibre contents. Genotypes A1 and A7 were more salt tolerant with better grain nutritional quality than Puno and Vikinga. It is concluded that soil sodicity is more detrimental than salinity, and quinoa genotypes A1 and A7 are better than Puno and Vikinga for cultivation on saline and saline‐sodic soils.  相似文献   

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