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1. Apparent amino acid digestibilities determined in the lower ileum of broilers given free access to a diet containing normal or heat‐damaged soya protein were similar to “true” digestibilities determined with excreta using the Sibbald rapid bioassay.

2. Higher ileal digestibilities were obtained with the Farrell rapid bioassay than with birds given free access to food. This pattern was reversed when measurements were made on excreta.

3. Maximum absorption of amino acids had occurred by the time the di‐gesta had reached the upper ileum in birds fed on normal but not heat‐damaged soyabean protein.

4. Heat damage to the soyabean protein was detected with all the bioassay procedures.


The performance and gut measurements of broilers fed on diets containing different amounts of chaya (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) leaf meal (CLM) were examined in two experiments. In the first experiment, 60 Hubbard chickens (30 males and 30 females; 2 weeks old) were fed on five maize diets; these were formulated using 0, 150 (CLM150), 250 (CLM250) or 350 (CLM350) g CLM/kg, and the fifth diet contained soyabean. In the second experiment, 148 Ross male chicks, 1 day old, were fed on three isonitrogenous and isoenergetic maize–soyabean-based diets, which included 0 (control), 150 (C150) or 250 (C250) g CLM/kg. The diets were offered ad libitum for 2 or 3 weeks in the first and second experiments, respectively. Food intake, weight gain and the food:weight gain ratio were recorded. The weight of the gizzard and intestine and the weight and length of the caeca were also determined in the second experiment. In experiment 1, the birds fed on the maize–soyabean diet had a higher (p<0.05) weight gain and final weight than birds fed on maize only or on the CLM150 diets. There were no differences for any of the variables studied between the birds fed on the maize–soyabean diet and those fed on the CLM250, nor between males and females. In the second experiment, weight gain, food intake and the food:weight gain ratio for birds fed on C250 were lower (p<0.05) than those in birds fed on either the control or C150 diets. The weights of the gizzard and intestine were the lowest and the highest, respectively, in birds fed on C250 (p<0.05). The length and weight of the caecum from birds fed on the control diet were lower (p<0.05) than those of birds fed on either the C150 or C250 diets. The results from this study suggest that CLM may be included up to 150 g/kg in commercial diets without having an adverse effect on poultry performance, and may also be mixed with maize up to 250 g/kg to improve the performance of chickens fed on low-protein diets.  相似文献   

A study was conducted using the ileal digestibility technique with grower-finisher pigs to evaluate the effects of particle size reduction of soybean meal (SBM) on amino acid and energy digestibility. Soybean meal was processed through a hammer mill to achieve average particle sizes of 900, 600, 300, and 150 microm. The treatments included the use of two soybean meal sources and soy protein concentrate. One source of SBM was ground to four different particle sizes (i.e., 949, 600, 389, 185); a second source was a common SBM source used in other trials (i.e., 800 microm). The soy protein concentrate had an average particle size of 385 microm. A low-protein (5% casein) diet was fed to determine endogenous amino acid losses. This experiment was conducted in a 7 x 7 Latin Square design in two replicates using 14 crossbred barrows ([Landrace x Yorkshire] x Duroc) that averaged 28 kg BW and 60 d of age. Animals were surgically fitted with a T-cannula at the distal ileum. Treatment diets were fed in meal form, initially at 0.09 kg BW(0.75) and at graded increases at each subsequent period. Pigs within replicate were fed a constant quantity of their treatment diet for a 5-d adjustment period followed by a 2-d collection of ileal digesta samples. Apparent and true digestibility of amino acids was calculated by use of chromic oxide (0.5%) as an indigestible marker. Apparent digestibility of isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and valine increased linearly (P < 0.05) as particle size decreased. True digestibility of isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, and valine increased linearly (P < 0.05) as particle size decreased. When the essential amino acids were averaged, apparent digestibility increased (P < 0.10) from 83.5% to 84.9% as particle size decreased, whereas, nonessential amino acid digestibility increased only slightly (P > 0.15). Essential amino acid true digestibility increased numerically from 91.0% to 92.4% as particle size decreased. Energy digestibility was not affected by particle size (P > 0.15). These results suggest that a reduction in particle size of soybean meal resulted in a small increase in the digestibility of its amino acids with the essential amino acids being affected more than the nonessential amino acids. The largest improvement in digestibility, however, was obtained when the particle size was reduced to 600 microm.  相似文献   

  1. The apparent (AIAAD) and standardised ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) of wheat distillers dried grains with solubles (wheat-DDGS) was determined for broilers and turkeys at 28 d using two experiments.

  2. A total of 84 male Ross 308 broiler chicks (Experiment 1) or 84 male BUT 10 turkey poults (Experiment 2) were offered a nutrient-adequate diet from d 1 to 23. On d 23, birds in each experiment were allocated to 4 treatments consisting of a nitrogen-free diet (NFD) (with or without protease) and an assay diet containing wheat-DDGS as the only source of amino acids (with or without protease) in a randomised complete block design.

  3. In Experiments 1 and 2, the coefficient of AIAAD or SIAAD of Lys and Asp were low irrespective of protease. In Experiment 1, the coefficient of AIAAD ranged from 0.35 (Ala) to 0.75 (Pro) without protease, whereas the range was 0.42 (Thr) to 0.82 (Pro) with protease. Protease improved the coefficient of AIAAD for Arg and Pro and tended to improve the coefficient of AIAAD for Met. Without protease, the coefficient of SIAAD ranged from 0.51 (Ala) to 0.84 (Pro), whereas the range was from 0.65 (Ala) to 0.93 (Pro) with protease. Protease improved the coefficient of SIAAD of Arg, Leu, Phe, Met, Val and Pro.

  4. In Experiment 2, the coefficient of AIAAD was lower than 0.50 for all amino acids except for Glu (0.70) and Pro (0.81) without protease. On the other hand, the coefficient of SIAAD ranged from 0.41 (Thr) to 0.89 (Pro) without protease, whereas the range was from 0.56 (Arg) to 0.88 (Pro) with protease supplementation. With the exception of Cys and Pro, protease improved the coefficient of AIAAD and SIAAD of all other amino acids by 0.05–0.19.

  5. It was concluded that the AIAAD and SIAAD of wheat-DDGS are variable and are generally greater in broilers compared to turkeys at 28 d of age. Protease improved the ileal digestibility of a large number of amino acids in wheat-DDGS for broilers and turkeys.


1. A total of 192 male broilers (Cobb 500) were used in a growth and digestibility assay, involving a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments, to assess the effects of an enzyme cocktail of xylanase, amylase and protease in maize-based diets. 2. The following two diets were formulated: a positive control diet containing adequate nutrient concentrations for broiler starters as per breeder recommendations and a negative control diet to contain approximately 0.63 MJ/kg apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and 3% amino acids less than the positive control. 3. A further two dietary treatments were developed by supplementing each control diet with an enzyme product containing xylanase, amylase and protease. 4. Birds fed on the negative control diet had poorer weight gain and feed efficiency than those given the positive control diet. There was no effect of diet or enzyme on feed intake. The digestibility of nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and most amino acids were unaffected by dietary nutrient density. 5. Supplementation of both the positive and negative control diets with the enzyme improved weight gain and feed efficiency compared with the unsupplemented diets. In the case of the negative control, supplemental enzyme improved performance to that of the unsupplemented positive control diet. There was no interaction between diet and enzyme for either weight gain or FCR, suggesting similar beneficial responses regardless of the nutrient density of the diet. 6. In both diets, enzyme supplementation improved AME by an average of 3% (0.35 MJ/kg DM) and nitrogen retention by an average of 11.7% (26 g/kg DM intake vs 29 g/kg DM intake). There was no interaction between diet and enzyme for AME or nitrogen retention. 7. Ileal digestibilities of calcium and phosphorus were not influenced by supplemental enzyme, whereas the digestibility of nitrogen and most amino acids was improved by enzyme addition compared with the unsupplemented control diets. There was no interaction between diet and enzyme for the ileal digestibility of nitrogen and amino acids. 8. These data demonstrate that it is possible to improve the nutritional value of a maize/soy-based diet for broiler starters through the use of exogenous enzymes. The nutrient density of the diet does not appear markedly to influence the response to enzyme, offering flexibility in the use of enzymes for maize-based diets. 9. It is concluded that the energy and amino acid values of maize-based diets for broilers can be enhanced by supplementation with an enzyme cocktail of xylanase, amylase and protease, offering potential economic benefits to producers.  相似文献   

用近红外方法分析测定一个饲料原料样品的氨基酸含量只需几分钟 ,其测定误差一般在 5 %以下。我国从 2 0世纪 80年代初在农产品质量分析技术上开展近红外光谱分析研究。但定标粒度对测定样品氨基酸影响的报道不多 ,本试验围绕近红外光谱技术测试条件的研究 ,通过近红外光谱分析技术对两种粉碎粒度的 1 4个鱼粉和 2 7个豆粕样品中 1 0种氨基酸含量的测定 ,探讨粒度对测定效果的影响 ,为应用近红外光谱分析技术检测样品氨基酸含量提供技术参考。1 材料和方法1 1 样品制备  1 4个鱼粉样品、2 7个豆粕样品。样品均分别通过 0 75mm和 0 5…  相似文献   

In two experiments with colostomized broiler hens the influence of a straw meal supplement on the apparent digestibility of the amino acids of the ration and the 15N labelled basic amino acids in wheat was studied. In experiment 1 the animals received 120 g mixed feed plus 0, 20, 30 and 40 g straw meal per animal and day. The digestibility of the amino acids decreased on average from 86% to 83%, 80% and 79% with the growing straw intake. In contrast to the control variant, 20 g straw meal intake resulted in a significant decrease of digestibility for lysine, histidine, glycine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, cystine and methionine. 30 and 40 g straw meal reduced significantly the digestibility of all amino acids with the exception of arginine. The amino acid composition of the crude protein in faeces changed only very slightly due to the straw supplement. In experiment 2 15N labelled wheat was a component of the ration. Of the 15N labelled amino acids lysine, histidine and arginine, 88, 90 and 95% were apparently digested. The adaptation of the animals to straw meal intake did not change the digestibility of the amino acids.  相似文献   

选用48只体重一致的、健康的36日龄的爱拔益加(Arbor Acre)雄性肉鸡,随机分成6个处理,每个处理4个重复,研究等能和等蛋白情况下,在高油脂含量日粮中添加不同剂量(0、400、530、660、800g/t)的外源性乳化剂对肉鸡饲料营养物质表观和真实代谢率的影响。结果表明:高油脂饲料中添加不同水平的外源性乳化剂不同程度地提高了能量、粗脂肪和干物质的表观和真实代谢率以及表观和真实代谢能,并且随着乳化剂添加水平的提高而呈上升的趋势。其中800g/t乳化剂水平下,能量、粗脂肪的真实代谢率、真实代谢能都提高值最大,添加400g/t乳化剂处理组和对照组差异不显著。  相似文献   

The effects of purified cellulase and a commercial feed enzyme (FE) containing cellulase, hemicellulase, pectinase and so on, on the performance, abdominal fat content, digestibility of ileal contents and metabolizable energy of broilers were examined. Male broiler chicks (Cobb strain) were divided into three groups: control, cellulase (1 U/g feed) and FE (0.6 mg/g feed) with seven replicates. Chicks were raised under a temperature condition of 25°C in wire bottom cages for 12 days from 15 days of age. Feed (corn–soybean meal diet: crude protein, 21%; metabolizable energy, 3000 kcal/kg) and water were offered ad libitum. Dietary cellulase had a negative effect on the bodyweight gain and feed conversion ratio. The FE had no effect on bodyweight gain, but tended to improve the feed conversion ratio. The ileal crude protein and ash digestibilities were improved by the FE, but not by the cellulase. Furthermore, cellulase decreased the abdominal fat content and the FE increased metabolizable energy. In conclusion, digestion is enhanced and an improvement in performance is brought about by FE and, interestingly, fat metabolism is affected by cellulase by an unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

1. The study aimed to assess the effect of a commercially available microbial phytase on phytate phosphorus and total phosphorus content at the terminal ileum as well as true ileal amino acid digestibility. 2. Five diets, each containing a different plant-based feedstuff, were supplemented with microbial phytase and fed, along with a non-supplemented corresponding diet, to 28-d-old broiler chickens, Chromic oxide was used as an indigestible marker. Ileal contents were collected and analysed, along with the diets, for total phosphorus, phytate phosphorus and amino acids. 3. Endogenous phosphorus determined at the terminal ileum was 272 +/- 108 mg/kg food dry matter (mean +/- SE). Endogenous ileal amino acid flows ranged from 58 +/- 10 mg/kg food dry matter for methionine to 568 +/- 47 mg/kg food dry matter for glutamic acid. 4. Supplementation with microbial phytase resulted in a significantly greater phytate P disappearance from the terminal ileum for rice bran (17% units), but not for soyabean meal, maize, wheat or rapeseed meal. Similarly total phosphorus digestibility was significantly (P < 0.05) higher when microbial phytase was added to the rice-bran-based diet but not for any of the other feedstuffs. 5. Amino acid digestibility was significantly greater in the presence of microbial phytase for all the amino acids examined in wheat, for several of the amino acids each in maize and rapeseed meal and for one amino acid in rice bran and soyabean meal. The average increase in amino acid digestibility for those amino acids affected, was 13, 6, 10, 7 and 12% units for wheat, maize, rapeseed meal, rice bran and soyabean meal, respectively. 6. It appears that microbial phytase improves phosphorus digestibility and amino acid digestibility for certain plant-based feedstuffs.  相似文献   

Background:The nutritional value of rapeseed meal may be variable due to the variation of its chemical composition.And a precise understanding of the nutritional value of an ingredient is beneficial for the accurate diet formulation and reduction of feed costs.This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition,digestible energy(DE) and metabolizable energy(ME) content,and apparent ileal digestibility(AID) and standardized ileal digestibility(SID) of amino acids(AA) for growing pigs.Thirteen solvent-extracted double-low rapeseed meal(DLRSM) samples were obtained from the main double-low rapeseed producing areas in China.Methods:The DE and ME contents of the 13 DLRSM samples were measured in growing pigs(six pigs per DLRSM sample,average initial body weight(BW) = 48.3 kg).The AID and SID of AA of 10 DLRSM samples were determined in 12 crossbred barrows(average initial BW = 35.3 kg) by using two 6x6 Latin square designs.Each Latin square comprised one N-free diet and 5 DLRSM test diets.Results:The chemical composition of DLRSM varied among samples,and the coefficient of variation was greater than 10%for ether extract(EE),neutral detergent fiber(NDF),acid detergent fiber(ADF),calcium(Ca),and total glucosinolates.The AA content of DLRSM varied among samples especially for lysine(Lys) and methionine(Met).On a dry matter(DM) basis,the apparent total tract digestibility(ATTD) of gross energy(GE),the DE and ME and the ME:DE ratio of DLRSM averaged 62.39%,2862 kcal/kg and 2723 kcal/kg,and 94.95%,respectively.The mean value of SID of Lys was 70.52% which varied from 66.54-76.54%.The SID of crude protein(CP),Met,and threonine(Thr) averaged 72.81%,82.41%,and 69.76%,respectively.Conclusions:There was great variability in chemical composition especially in the concentration of EE,NDF and ADF,but no significant differences in energy content of the DLRSM samples were observed.In addition,the AID and SID of all AA were relatively similar among DLRSM samples except for that of Lys.  相似文献   



The nutritional value of rapeseed meal may be variable due to the variation of its chemical composition. And a precise understanding of the nutritional value of an ingredient is beneficial for the accurate diet formulation and reduction of feed costs. This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition, digestible energy (DE) and metabolizable energy (ME) content, and apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) for growing pigs. Thirteen solvent-extracted double-low rapeseed meal (DLRSM) samples were obtained from the main double-low rapeseed producing areas in China.


The DE and ME contents of the 13 DLRSM samples were measured in growing pigs (six pigs per DLRSM sample, average initial body weight (BW) = 48.3 kg). The AID and SID of AA of 10 DLRSM samples were determined in 12 crossbred barrows (average initial BW = 35.3 kg) by using two 6 × 6 Latin square designs. Each Latin square comprised one N-free diet and 5 DLRSM test diets.


The chemical composition of DLRSM varied among samples, and the coefficient of variation was greater than 10 % for ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), calcium (Ca), and total glucosinolates. The AA content of DLRSM varied among samples especially for lysine (Lys) and methionine (Met). On a dry matter (DM) basis, the apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of gross energy (GE), the DE and ME and the ME:DE ratio of DLRSM averaged 62.39 %, 2862 kcal/kg and 2723 kcal/kg, and 94.95 %, respectively. The mean value of SID of Lys was 70.52 % which varied from 66.54–76.54 %. The SID of crude protein (CP), Met, and threonine (Thr) averaged 72.81 %, 82.41 %, and 69.76 %, respectively.


There was great variability in chemical composition especially in the concentration of EE, NDF and ADF, but no significant differences in energy content of the DLRSM samples were observed. In addition, the AID and SID of all AA were relatively similar among DLRSM samples except for that of Lys.  相似文献   

The effects of two enzyme (Enz) products on ileal and total tract digestibility (ID and TTD) were evaluated in sows (n = 8) fed corn–soybean meal diets. Treatments were: 1) control diet; 2) control + Enz 1 (protease and cellulase activity); and 3) control + Enz 2 (xylanase activity). Ileal and fecal samples were collected at week 6–7 and 12–13 of gestation and week 2–3 of lactation. There were no improvements in digestibility during gestation. The ID% of dry matter (DM: 77.3, 79.3, 81.7) and N (81.2, 82.5, 84.3) as well as TTD% of DM (89.8, 90.7, 90.8) and N (89.0, 90.0, 90.6) during lactation were affected to varying degrees by the enzymes. The TTD of DM (P = 0.05) and N (P = 0.10) were positively affected by Enz 1. The ID of DM (P = 0.01) and N (P = 0.02) as well as TTD of DM (P = 0.05) and N (P = 0.02) were improved by Enz 2. The improvement in ID of N was not associated with any particular amino acids (AA) but represented small increases in ID of 8 of 10 essential AA with Enz 1 (P = 0.04) and 10 of 10 for Enz 2 (P = 0.01). The product containing xylanase activity, in particular, appears to have potential to increase digestibility of nutrients during lactation in sows.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined whether deficient dietary amino acid (AA) concentrations influence the precaecal (pc) AA digestibility when determined using the regression approach. We mixed two basal diets. Basal diet 1 was deficient in essential AAs, whereas adequate AA concentrations were ensured in basal diet 2 by adding free AAs. Rapeseed cake and full‐fat soya beans as test ingredients were included in the basal diets at levels of 100 and 200, and 150 and 300 g/kg, respectively, at the expense of maize starch. Each diet was tested with six replicates of 10 broiler chickens each. The feed intake of the chickens that were fed diets based on basal diet 2 was similar, whereas the feed intake of the chickens that were fed diets based on basal diet 1 differed considerably. The numerical differences in pc AA digestibility determined with basal diet 1 or 2 ranged from 2.6 percentage points to 20.8 percentage points in rapeseed cake and from 0.5 percentage points to 15.2 percentage points in soya beans. Across all measured AAs, the average differences were 10.1 percentage points and 5.4 percentage points in rapeseed cake and soya beans, respectively. The differences in the estimated pc AA digestibility between the basal diets were probably caused by different basal endogenous AA losses in the digesta between treatments as a consequence of different feed intake. Adequate AA concentrations and test ingredient levels that are specifically adjusted to avoid a negative effect on feed intake are recommended for future studies.  相似文献   

1. Herein, it was investigated whether different particle size distributions of feed ingredients achieved by grinding through a 2- or 3-mm grid would have an effect on precaecal (pc) amino acid (AA) digestibility. Maize and soybean meal were used as the test ingredients.

2. Maize and soybean meal was ground with grid sizes of 2 or 3 mm. Nine diets were prepared. The basal diet contained 500 g/kg of maize starch. The other experimental diets contained maize or soybean meal samples at concentrations of 250 and 500, and 150 and 300 g/kg, respectively, instead of maize starch. Each diet was tested using 6 replicate groups of 10 birds each. The regression approach was applied to calculate the pc AA digestibility of the test ingredients.

3. The reduction of the grid size from 3 to 2 mm reduced the average particle size of both maize and soybean meal, mainly by reducing the proportion of coarse particles. Reducing the grid size significantly (P < 0.050) increased the pc digestibility of all AA in the soybean meal. In maize, reducing the grid size decreased the pc digestibility of all AA numerically, but not significantly (P > 0.050). The mean numerical differences in pc AA digestibility between the grid sizes were 0.045 and 0.055 in maize and soybean meal, respectively.

4. Future studies investigating the pc AA digestibility should specify the particle size distribution and should investigate the test ingredients ground similarly for practical applications.  相似文献   

植酸酶不仅可以增加畜禽对矿物质的利用率还可以影响氨基酸在畜禽体内的消化吸收,本文将从必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸两个方面来阐述植酸酶对氨基酸在鸡体内消化率的影响。  相似文献   

为研究葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)、葡萄糖酸(GA)、蜜蜂源添加剂(HE)3种试验材料对肉鸡生长性能、饲料消化率及肠道酸度的影响,将320只5周龄的黄羽肉鸡母鸡随机分为4个处理(对照组、0.2‰GOD组、2‰GA组、2‰HE组),每个处理设4个重复,每个重复20羽,饲养试验持续6周,结束前测定日粮主要成分的消化率、肠道酸度。结果显示:6~11周试验全期的平均增重, GOD、GA、HE组比对照组分别提高2.4%(P0.05)、5.5%(P0.05)、5.0%(P0.05);采食量、料重比,组间差异不显著(P0.05);日粮干物质消化率, GOD、GA、HE组比对照组分别提高1.1%(P0.05)、6.0%(P0.05)、5.3%(P0.05);粗蛋白、总磷消化率,GA组、HE组比对照组有显著提高(P0.05);钙消化率,组间差异不显著(P0.05);十二指肠pH值,组间差异不显著(P0.05);空肠pH值,以GA组最低(P0.05),GOD组、HE组降低不明显(P0.05);回肠pH值, HE组最低(P0.05),其次GA组(P0.05)、GOD组(P0.05)。综合分析,日粮中添加GA、HE对试验黄鸡生长性能的改善优于GOD。  相似文献   

1. The objectives were to study the variation in amino acid (AA) digestibility of rapeseed meal in laying hens and to investigate whether the variation in AA digestibility can be explained by chemical constituents of the rapeseed meal. Nine rapeseed meals from different processing plants operating in Germany were used. The crude protein and crude fibre concentrations of the meals ranged from 367 to 410 and 137 to 175?g/kg dry matter (DM), respectively. The concentrations of total glucosinolates varied between 5·1 and 12·9?mmol/kg DM. Each meal was included in one of the experimental diets at an inclusion level of 200?g/kg at the expense of maize starch.

2. A total of 16 Lohmann Brown laying hens were used for this experiment and were surgically caecectomised. They were housed individually in metabolism cages. Each of the 10 diets was fed to at least 6 hens in 4 periods of two weeks duration. Excreta were collected during the last 5?d of each period. The digestibility coefficient of AA was calculated for each diet. The digestibility of the rapeseed meals was calculated by multiple linear regression analysis.

3. Mean essential AA digestibility of rapeseed meals varied between 0·78 and 0·84. Among the essential amino acids, the highest level of digestibility was found for arginine (0·88) and methionine (0·87), and the lowest for lysine (0·74) and threonine (0·75). The highest variation between rapeseed meals in digestibility was found for threonine (0·68 to 0·79) and lysine (0·68 to 0·78). The concentration of neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen of the rapeseed meals was negatively correlated with the digestibility of lysine, but was not significantly correlated with digestibility of any other AA. Glucosinolate concentration was significantly correlated with valine digestibility.

4. Multiple regression analysis showed that the concentrations of crude protein and ash together were the major factors considered to explain variation in digestibility of essential AA. Additional consideration of neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen and total glucosinolates improved the goodness of fit only marginally and was unlikely to be of practical significance.  相似文献   

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