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<正>笔者从农业部农药检定所了解到,为进一步提高农药环境风险评估水平,该所于近日在杭州举办了"农药环境风险评估程序培训班"。该所刘永泉书记、浙江省农业厅张火法副厅长出席开班式并讲话。刘永泉书记讲话中强调推进农药环境风险评估工作的重要意义,指出风险评估技术的应用,是提升我国农药管理水平和农药检定体系  相似文献   

<正>日前,笔者从农业部农药检定所环境审评处获悉,为了加快农药环境风险评估程序在农药登记管理中的应用,全面提升我国农药环境风险管理水平,日前农药部农药检定所在南京举办了"农药环境风险评估程序培训班"。环保部南京环境科学研究所蔡道基院士、农业部农药检定所刘永泉书记到会  相似文献   

正本刊讯记者从农业部农药检定所获悉,6月13~14日,该所在北京举办农药风险评估培训技术班,内容包括农药残留风险评估、健康风险评估和环境风险评估三个方面。农业部农药检定所严端祥副所长指出,农药是保障农业生产、粮食安全不可或缺的生产资料,使用不当也会影响公众健康和环境安全。开展农药风险评估是社会公众的要  相似文献   

<正>据悉,为了加强农药风险评估研究和学术交流,由中国农业科学院植物保护研究所、欧亚食品安全可持续国际合作网(SELAMAT)和中国植保学会农药残留与环境安全专业委员会主办,上海市农业科学院农产品质量标准与检测技术研究所、广东省农业科学院植物保护研究所协办的"农药风险评估模型构建国际学术研讨会暨农药残留与环境安全专业委员会成立大会"于近日在陕西西安召开。来自中国、荷兰、俄罗斯、韩国、美国、德国等6个国家的农药残留、食  相似文献   

<正>笔者从农业部农药检定所获悉,该所于2014年12月13日在北京组织召开了"氟苯虫酰胺环境暴露量监测与高级风险评估项目总结会"。来自农业和环境领域的9位专家参加会议,审议项目工作,提出意见建议。该所隋鹏飞所长出席会议并讲话。隋鹏飞所长指出,对已登记农药进行再评价是农药登记管理中一项必要的工作内容,通过再评价工作使农药登记管理工作更加符合农业生产实际,更加拉近了农业生产与生态环境保护的关系。通过对已登记农药的跟踪监测与再评价,从农业生产、农产品质量安全、人畜健康和环境保护方面对农药登记管理  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯国家质量监督检验检疫总局、国家标准化管理委员会10月10日批准发布《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》21项系列国家标准,均将自2015年3月11日起实施。据介绍,国家制订出台《化学农药环境安全评价试验准则》系列标准,将进一步提高我国农药环境风险评估和安全管理的科学水平,从源头上减少农药给生态环境带来的潜在危害。农业部农药检定所研究员姜辉在接受记者采访时表示,农药环评新国标是推荐性而非强制性标准,农业部门还将据此制定相关规范和办法,强化农药安全管理。姜辉同时表示,《农药管理条例》前几年就已经开始修订,  相似文献   

<正>笔者从农业部农药检定所获悉,为进一步提高农药登记毒理学试验技术水平,适应农药登记管理形势发展,该所于11月4~5日在北京举办了"农药登记毒理学试验技术培训班"。该所严端祥副所长出席开班式并讲话。在讲话中,严端祥副所长与大家分享了对农药风险评估重要性的认识和目前风险评估工作的进展情况,同时分析了农药毒理学试验在农药风险评估和登记评审中的重要作用和地位。对于  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯8月8日,农业部科技教育司、财务司、科技发展中心组织有关专家在北京对农业部农药检定所主持的公益性行业(农业)科研专项"农药风险评估综合配套技术研究"(200903054)进行了会议验收。农业部科技教育司魏锴处长,农业部科技发展中心郑戈处长,农业部农药检定所叶纪明副所长、计财处马凌副处长及项目组成员40余人参加了会议。叶纪明副所长代表项目单位就项目实施情况和取得的成果进行了汇报,毒理审评处陶传处长江、环境审评处姜辉处长分别就施药人员健康风险评估程序、环境风险评估程序等项目标志性成果做了重点介绍。验收专家组成员在认真听取汇  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯农药施用过程中的职业暴露及施药者健康风险日益受到施药者、相关企业和管理部门的关注,国务院新修订的《农药管理条例》中已明确要求在农药登记管理中需进行农药使用过程中的施药者健康风险评估。为介绍和推广农药施用过程中的职业暴露和健康风险评估技术,加强国内外不同农药使模型构建的信息交流,实现相关数据共享,由浙江省农科院与中  相似文献   

正近日,农药登记产品化学资料要求暨CCPIA团体标准宣贯培训班在江苏宜兴召开,农业农村部农药检定所所长周普国在会上发表重要讲话,并介绍了两个方面的意见。关于农药登记产品化学资料要求作为《农药管理条例》重要的配套规章,《农药登记资料要求》的修订从过去更多注重药效和质量,转向更加注重安全、科学和绿色导向。从产品化学资料要求来看,主要体现在以下几个方面:一是更加注重安全优先。新修订的《农药登记资料要求》首次提出了风险评估的要求。一方面,从膳食风险、环境风险、职业健康风险等方面对农药产品进行评估,更加注重科学性。另一方面,不仅对产品进行评价,也对助剂进行评  相似文献   

Environmental protection has been a basic national policy since the 1980s. The State Environmental Protection Committee was established in 1984 and the first Environmental Protection Law formally issued in 1989. After  相似文献   

The study aimed to address the optimal plant population density in maize that maximizes phenotypic expression and differentiation, and lessens environmental effects on genotypic expression in terms of the response to selection. A set of seven short-season hybrids (Rom set) was tested under rainfed conditions (2006, 2007) in Romania, and a set of seven long-season hybrids (Gr set) was tested with irrigation (2007) in Greece. Experimentation was conducted under ultra-low (ULD), low (LD), middle (MD), and high (HD) densities (0.74, 2.51, 4.20, 8.40 plants/m2 for the Rom set, and 0.74, 3.13, 6.25, 8.33 plants/m2 for the Gr set). Phenotypic expression and differentiation for grain yield were highest at the ULD. Coefficient of variation (CV) for grain yield, ear length and kernel row number decreased as density decreased. Environmental conditions and hybrid plant-yield potential (i.e., maximum yield per plant) were crucial for the optimal density that achieved the lowest environmental variance. For the Rom set the lowest CV for grain yield was obtained at the LD in the unfavourable season and at the ULD in the favourable season. The less acquired variance was achieved at the ULD for the highest yielding hybrids and at the LD for the lowest yielding hybrids, revealing a negative association between plant-yield potential and optimal density. Concluding, a density proximal to the ULD approximates absence of competition in maize, and optimizes three determinant parameters for successful selection: selection intensity, heritability and phenotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Selection criteria for agronomic characters in a potato breeding program at the diploid (2x) level may differ from selection criteria used when selecting breeding lines at the tetraploid (4x) level. Differences between selection criteria are expected, (1) when expression of the characters is different at both ploidy levels and/or (2) when the effect of diploid breeding lines on agronomic characters of tetraploid progenies is different from the effect of tetraploid breeding lines. In this investigation sets of diploid and tetraploid progenies, each set derived from the same 2x.2x cross, were compared as to the expression of six agronomic characters. Diploid progenies had significantly lower yields (due to smaller tubers) and significantly higher under water weights than tetraploid progenies. Vine maturity and chip colour were similarly expressed at both ploidy levels. Correlations between yield and yield components, and between under water weight and chip colour were similar at both ploidy levels. The lower yields and higher under water weights found in diploids point to the need of different selection criteria for selecting diploid and tetraploid breeding lines.  相似文献   

杭州市典型茶园土壤与茶叶中重金属的积累与来源分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了解杭州市茶园土壤与茶叶中重金属的污染状况及其重金属的可能污染来源,选择杭州市典型茶园20个,按区位与施肥的不同分为城郊-化肥、城郊-有机肥、山区-化肥和山区有机肥等4种类型,采集了0~15、45~60 cm分层土样及茶树新叶和老叶样品,分析土样和茶叶样品中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Hg、Cr和Co等重金属含量。结果表明,研究土壤Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Hg、Cr和Co污染程度较轻,其含量均低于土壤环境质量二级标准。除老叶样中Pb有25%样品超标外,新叶及老叶的其他重金属元素都在限值以下。城郊区茶园土壤的Pb、Cd和Hg含量普遍高于山区茶园。施用化肥的茶园土壤Cd略高于施用有机肥的茶园,施有机肥的茶园土壤Hg略高于施用化肥的茶园。施用有机肥的茶园土壤Zn和Cu明显高于施化肥的茶园。施用有机肥可轻微提高茶园土壤中Cr的积累;土壤中Co的积累受人为影响较小。研究认为,研究区茶园土壤中重金属Pb、Cd和Hg的积累主要与大气沉降有关,而Zn和Cu的积累主要与有机肥料的施用有关。  相似文献   

充分利用黄花蒿烟草秸秆制成秸秆混合醋液,并初步研究其对三线镰刀菌生长的影响。分离纯化真菌并对菌种进行传统形态学和分子学鉴定,利用干馏法制取黄花蒿烟草秸秆醋液,设置浓度梯度观察黄花蒿烟草秸秆醋液对三线镰刀菌2株菌的生长影响。鉴定获得的其中2株菌种均为三线镰刀菌,且在黄花蒿烟草秸秆醋液50%浓度下,生长抑制率的相对校正率近似为100%,达到完全被抑制的效果。研究结果为黄花蒿烟草秸秆潜在的利用价值研究及开发提供技术参考。  相似文献   

A procedure aimed at identifying cropping systems suitable for environmentally sensitive areas has been developed within the framework of a coordinated Italian project. It has been implemented as a DSS software named Multi-criteria Evaluation of Alternative CRopping Systems (MEACROS which makes it possible for decision-makers to compare different scenarios based on alternative cropping systems. A set of default technical—agronomic, economic, and environmental criteria have been included in MEACROS to allow for the different impacts induced by each scenario. Users can select between the proposed set of criteria and/or in-putting new ones. The software performs concordance analysis, providing preference rankings for the alternatives, based on computed indices and allowing a good sensitivity analysis of weighted values as well as displaying the results in graphic form. Indicative results are presented here in a case study concerning a farm in a flat, sensitive area in Northern Italy.  相似文献   

禾长蠕孢菌代谢物抑制水稻细菌性条斑病菌   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了充分研究利用现有的生防菌菌种资源,进行了禾长蠕孢菌(Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenhf.sp.echinochlone,HGE)发酵液及发酵液粗提物防治水稻细菌性条斑病的初步探讨。采用平板打孔灌药法和试管二倍稀释法比较了禾长蠕孢菌发酵原液、粗毒素及对照药剂20%噻菌铜、72%农用链霉素和叶枯唑对水稻细条病菌的抑制效果。试验结果表明,禾长蠕孢菌的代谢产物粗毒素对水稻细条病菌的抑制效果最好。  相似文献   

Summary Twelve inbred lines of tomato and their 132 hybrids (reciprocals were considered separately) were studied in four environments: glasshouse and open air, with and without plastic cover. Nine characters were recorded and the phenotypic and environmental correlations between them were obtained within environments and for the complete set of data. Characters showing the highest phenotypic correlation with yield were fruits per cluster and earliness in harvesting, but neither of them is useful for indirect selection for yield. To the contrary, leaves between racemes can be used when selecting for fruits per cluster. Environmental correlations were generally low, excepting total yield in fruits per cluster.Broad sense heritabilities were obtained, which were rather high for fruit weight, locules per fruit, fruits per cluster and leaves between clusters. Some cases in which phenotypic correlations were rather constant for the different environments in spite of the great differences recorded for the genotypic correlation coefficients, are explained because of the great weight (i.e., considering heritabilities) of environmental correlations on phenotypic correlations.  相似文献   

The beginning and duration of the seed set in the growth cycle determine the level and stability of the yield of a pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotype. The objective of the present study was to identify criteria for selecting genotypes, both in terms of timing of seed set and productivity. Genotypes were initially compared in field experiments for two different levels of inter-plant competition, but using the same photo-thermal conditions. These experiments showed that the initiation and, particularly, the duration of seed set were affected by plant growth rates, indicating that selection on these variables must be done by comparing genotypes under regular cropping conditions. When measuring seed production of the whole plant, we found that mean dry seed weight per podded node all over the plant and the number of podded nodes on any fertile stem were similar to those on the main stem. These results confirmed that branches and main stems have a similar reproductive pattern, and thus that any podded stem of the canopy is representative of every stem of the plant. Lastly, we showed that, when associated, the number of podded nodes, the mean dry seed weight per podded node on the main stem (or on any reproductive stem of the canopy), and the number of basal branches per plant are suitable criteria for selecting for productivity among genotypes with a similar duration of seed set. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

扑草净对人体健康及水生环境的安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在水产养殖中,扑草净作为一种三嗪类除草剂被违规使用。近年来中国水产品扑草净残留频频被检出,甚至超过水产品进口国命令检查的基准值,影响了正常的水产品出口贸易。但目前水产品中扑草净的最大残留限量(MRL)未见报道,而较难降解的扑草净对水生环境存在安全隐患。以美国环境保护署(EPA)公布的扑草净相关报告为主要依据,文章分析了国内外扑草净残留的限量标准现状,详细介绍了扑草净对人体健康的安全性评价,阐述了扑草净对水生环境的生态毒理效应,并综述了水产品中扑草净的检测方法及其风险评估研究现状,以期引起广泛的关注和重视,并为把扑草净作为水产用药纳入国家标准目录及建立正常的水产品出口贸易秩序提供基础资料。  相似文献   

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