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A coagulopathy with subcutaneous bleeding and muscular or peritracheal/periesophageal bleeding occurred in two male Japanese Brown calves of the same dam. One of the affected calves died three days after the onset of bleeding and the other survived normally until being slaughtered despite once suffering from subcutaneous hematoma. Hemostatic tests of the latter case showed prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), and severely reduced factor VIII activity. In addition, von Willebrand factor activity, determined by the human platelet aggregation test, was within the normal range; therefore, the calf was diagnosed with hemophilia A. These are the first bovine cases of hemophilia A definitely diagnosed clinicopathologically.  相似文献   

Ovine protozoan myeloencephalitis is a disease of sheep associated with the apicomplexan protozoan Sarcocystis tenella. This paper describes the clinical, pathological and epidemiological findings in three affected flocks from a well-defined geographical area. Clinical signs were restricted to sheep under one year old in their first winter and were first observed at least 42 days after they had been moved off the hill grazing areas to low ground pasture, or after they were given conserved forage. The findings are discussed in relation to the timescale of the life cycle of S. tenella and it is suggested that clinical disease was precipitated by the change from a low level of exposure to infection on the hill to a high level of exposure through contaminated pasture or forage. Possible preventive strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Traditionally, classification of leukaemia in dogs has relied on morphological examination and cytochemical staining patterns, but aberrant cellular morphology and stain uptake often curtails accurate categorization, and historical data based on this classification may be unreliable. Immunophenotyping is now the gold standard for classification of leukaemias. The purpose of this prospective study was to assess the clinical pathological and epidemiological features of a population of dogs with morphologically and immunologically confirmed leukaemia and to compare them within categories: acute and chronic lymphoid leukaemia (ALL and CLL), and acute and chronic myeloid leukaemia (AML and CML). There were 64 cases of morphologically and immunologically confirmed leukaemia: 25 cases of ALL, 17 cases of CLL and 22 cases of AML. Prevalence of B and T immunophenotypes in ALL and CLL was not statistically different. Dogs with AML were significantly younger than those with ALL at presentation (P = 0.04). Golden Retriever dogs in the study population were overrepresented in comparison with a control population of dogs (6/25 ALL cases, 8/64 leukaemia cases). No sex was overrepresented. Dogs with ALL had significantly more severe neutropenia (P = 0.001) and thrombocytopenia (P = 0.002) than those with CLL and had significantly more cytopenias. The severity and numbers of cytopenias seen in ALL and AML were not significantly different. Twenty‐one of the leukaemia cases showed one cytopenia, fourteen had two cytopenias and twenty‐one cases had pancytopenia. Anaemia was the most common cytopenia seen in isolation (17/21). No dogs had neutropenia without anaemia and/or thrombocytopenia. Total white blood cell counts were not different between the groups. The atypical cell counts within the peripheral blood were significantly higher in ALL than AML; both in isolation and as a percentage of the total white blood cell count (P = 0.03). This study strengthens the hypothesis that acute leukaemias give rise to more profound cytopenias, affecting more cell lines, than chronic leukaemias.  相似文献   

Elevated ambient temperatures affect animal production and welfare. Animal's reduced production performances during heat stress were traditionally thought to result from the decreased feed intake. However, it has recently been shown that heat stress disturbs the steady state concentrations of free radicals, resulting in both cellular and mitochondrial oxidative damage. Indeed, heat stress reorganizes the use of the body resources including fat, protein and energy. Heat stress reduces the metabolic rates and alters post‐absorptive metabolism, regardless of the decreased feed intake. Consequently, growth, production, reproduction and health are not priorities any more in the metabolism of heat‐stressed animals. The drastic effects of heat stress depend on its duration and severity. This review clearly describes about biochemical, cellular and metabolic changes that occur during thermal stress in farm animals.  相似文献   

本试验对重庆地区牛、猪和羊附红细胞体进行分子流行病学调查及危险性因素分析。在2006—2008年期间,采用鲜血压片法、姬姆萨染色法和基于16SrRNA-PCR方法,共检测了307头份牛血样,检测阳性率分别为46%、48%和11%;检测猪血样1 658头份,检测阳性率分别为63%、68%和76%;检测羊血样1 191份,检测阳性率分别为61%、70.4%和16.1%。危险性因素分析结果显示,山区牛附红细胞体感染阳性率极显著高于丘陵地区(OR=16.03,95%CI=5.47~17.11)(P<0.01),山区猪和山羊附红细胞体感染阳性率显著高于丘陵地区(猪:OR=1.38,95%CI=1.06~1.79;羊:OR=1.43,95%CI=0.54~3.82)(P<0.05)。农户散养牛和猪的附红细胞体感染阳性率极显著高于规模化养殖(牛:OR=3.2,95%CI=1.48~6.89;猪:OR=2.28,95%CI=1.79~2.89)(P<0.01)。农户散养山羊附红细胞体感染阳性率高于规模化养殖场(OR=1.19,95%CI=1.09~1.54)(P>0.05),但差异不显著。  相似文献   

In 2011, a catastrophic flood disaster in Thailand affected not only humans but also took animal lives. Data on livestock losses, including death, loss, and decreased production, were collected in Nakhon Sawan province. The time-series map of the flooded area from August to December 2011 was available online from the Geo-informatics and Space Technology Development Agency. To evaluate the high-density areas of livestock loss, a spatial hot spot analysis was performed. The Getis-Ord Gi statistic with weighted zone of indifference and the Euclidean distance measurement were employed to identify spatial clusters of species that were affected by the flood. The results indicated that the majority of livestock losses were from poultry and swine farms. The density of poultry and swine loss was significantly different between sub-districts with clusters of high-density loss alongside the river, particularly in Chum Saeng and Kao Liew. Using spatial hot spot analysis as a tool to classify and rank the areas with high flood risks provides an informative outline for farmers to be aware of potential flood damage. To avoid unexpected loss from flooding, poultry and swine farms in risk areas should be properly managed, particularly during the flooding season between August and December.  相似文献   

A survey of 120 Persian Shepherd stray dogs collected from the City of Shiraz was carried out in the Department of Clinical Studies, School of Veterinary Medicine, Pahlavi University, primarily for the purpose of establishing the incidence and aspects of elbow joint arthritis. In thirteen dogs arthritic changes were discovered in either one or both joints. The age and sex incidence of affected dogs is noted and the clinical, radio-graphical and pathological aspects of the condition, together with the changes discovered following maceration, are described and discussed. Résumé. On a fait, dans le Service des Etudes Cliniques, Ecole Vétérinaire de Médecine, Université de Pahlavi, une étude de 120 chiens de berger, persans, chiens errants ramassés dans la cité de Shiraz. Cette étude a été faite principalement dans le but d'établir l'incidence et les aspects de l'arthrite de l'articulation du coude. On avait découvert des changements arthritiques chez treize chiens soit dans une ou soit dans les deux articulations. L'incidence de l'âge et du sexe des chiens affectés est notée. On décrit et on discute des aspects cliniques, radio-graphiques et pathologiques de la condition de même que les changements découverts suivant la macération. Zusammenfassung. Ein Überblick von 120 streunenden persischen Schäferhunden, von der Stadt Shiraz aufgesammelt, wurde von der Abteilung für Klinische Studien, Schule der Tierärztlichen Medizin, Pahlavi Universität, ausgefürht - hauptsächlich für den Zweck, um das Vorkommen und die Aspekte von Ellbogengelenkarthritis festzustellen. In 13 Hunden entdeckte man arthritische Veränderungen in entweder einem oder beiden Gelenken. Das Alterund Geschlechtovorkommen und die klinischen, radiographischen und pathologischen Aspekte der Kondition, zusammen mit den Veränderungen die man nach Mazeration entdeckte, sind beschrieben und diskutiert.  相似文献   

An ununited medial coronoid process was found in the region of the medial ulnar articular rim of seven elbow joints in four Persian stray dogs in a survey of joint disease in dogs. The clinical, radiographical and pathological aspects of this condition are described and discussed.  相似文献   

邹婧汝  赵新全 《草业科学》2015,9(11):1748-1756
草地生态系统固碳能力对全球碳贮量的大小有重要影响。放牧作为草地最广泛的利用方式之一影响着草地的碳贮量,过度和不合理的放牧方式造成草地退化,引起草地碳的损失。围栏禁牧与放牧对草地生态系统固碳能力的影响主要包括对植被生产力和土壤碳贮量的影响,本文对有关的报道进行了综述。结果显示,由于受植被凋落物、群落结构和气候等多因素的影响,围栏禁牧对草地植被生产力有正面或负面的效应;放牧对植被生产力的影响也没有一致的结果,此外,放牧对植被生产力的影响还与放牧的强度有关。围栏禁牧与放牧可以通过多种途径对草地土壤碳贮量产生正面或负面的影响。总之,围栏禁牧与放牧对草地生态系统固碳能力的影响是复杂多样的,需要对草地碳贮量进行估算,并对相关的机制进行研究,这样才能在草地管理方面做出合理的决策。  相似文献   

'Going light' is a chronic but eventually fatal disease of budgerigars. Clinically the only consistent features are weight loss while maintaining a good food intake. The signs are caused by enteritis typified by lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltration and associated villous atrophy leading to a malabsorption syndrome.  相似文献   

Grazing lands and their management in livestock systems are a matter of special importance in the search for sustainability. Socio-economic and ecological objectives should be considered jointly in considering livestock production. In addition to the general issues of biodiversity and habitat preservation, the challenges for their management vary according to the regional conditions. In Southern European environments, where the past changes in livestock farming have led to a general decrease in their use, the questions under study are how to find ways to meet the threats to landscape amenity, biodiversity, the sustainability of local animal feeding resources and the rural population. Grazing lands and their management is also an important target of EU agri-environmental policy. The multifunctional use of this land, which is currently sought, reinforces the need for animal scientists to consider the use and management of grazing lands in reference not only to the techno-economical efficiency of animal feeding systems but also in reference to the long-term (e.g. biodiversity change) and at larger spatial scales (for example the landscape and watershed). An overview of the current challenges attached to grazing lands and their management in livestock farming systems in South European environments, an understanding of the ways to jointly meet production objectives and the realisation of sociological and ecological functions is presented.  相似文献   

Three principles governing the interpretation of biochemical criteria of trace element status are identified; they concern the relationships between the concentration of the marker and the intake of the element, the time on an adequate regimen and disturbances of tissue function. From these principles, the concentrations of liver copper, liver vitamin B12 and ovine serum vitamin B12 are shown to be insensitive indices of deficiency but good indices of surfeit. Plasma copper less than 9 mumol/litre is a good index of marginally deficiency but values may have to fall below 3 mumol/litre before there is risk of dysfunction and loss of production in sheep and cattle. Serum vitamin B12 values below 188 pmol/litre are indicative of functional deficiency in sheep whereas cattle with values between 38 and 76 pmol/litre may be only marginally deficient. Concentrations of methylmalonic acid in the plasma greater than 5 mumol/litre may offer a surer guide to diagnosis of functional vitamin B12 deficiency. Blood selenium or glutathione peroxidase concentrations may be unreliable in diagnosing selenium-responsive conditions because other nutrients determine what is adequate. For all elements the surest diagnosis is an improvement in growth or health in response to a specific supplement. The adoption of preventive measures should be prompted by biochemical evidence of marginal deficiencies in animals (rather than soils or pastures) although economic responses will not necessarily follow.  相似文献   

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