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辽宁泥质海岸植物群落与土壤的关系及其在造林中应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对辽宁泥质海岸盐、碱生植被与土壤盐分、有机质等之间的相关性进行了定性和定量研究。结果表明,土壤含盐量、有机质、pH值、地下水位决定植物群落类型、空间分布及演替情况。生长成片翅碱蓬或碱蒿、稀疏的白刺、碱蓬群落,指示土壤含盐量在1.0%以上,不经改造不能造林。獐毛、茵陈蒿、补血草群落土壤含盐量0.65%左右,可直接栽柽柳、枸杞、沙枣,修台田可栽群众杨、109柳等。白茅、罗布麻、狗尾草群落土壤含盐量0.1%~0.3%,可直接用于造林。  相似文献   

1997~1998年间全国鸟类环志中心承担国家林业局下达的黑嘴鸥专项调查。北起辽宁省,向南到达海南省,分别调查冬季和夏季的黑嘴鸥数量、分布及栖息地状况。“江苏盐城沿海地区繁殖季节几种水鸟的数量及分布研究(1)”主要讨论黑嘴鸥的数量和分布,本文主要讨论黑嘴鸥调查区内其它几种繁殖水鸟的数量。盐城国家级自然保护区是我国重要的湿地类型保护区,已经列入国际性重要湿地和东亚鹤类地点保护网络。保护区范围内不仅有大量黑嘴鸥(Larussaundersi)繁殖,还有普通燕鸥(Sternahirundo)、白额燕鸥(S.albifron…  相似文献   

辽宁泥质海岸植物群落与土壤的关系及其在造林中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对辽宁泥质海岸盐,碱生植被与土壤盐分,有机质等之间的相关性进行了定性和定量研究,结果表明,土壤含盐量,有机质,pH值,地下水位决定植物群落类型,空间分布及演替情况,生长成片翅碱蓬或碱蒿,稀疏的白刺,碱蓬群落,指示土壤含盐量在1.0%以上,不经改造不能造林,獐毛,茵陈蒿,补血草群落土壤含盐量为0.65%左右,可直接栽柽柳枸杞,沙枣,修白田可栽群众杨,109柳等,白茅,罗布麻,狗尾草群落土壤含盐量0.  相似文献   

运用双向指示种TWINSPAN分析方法将黄河三角洲芦苇(Phragmites communis)湿地植物群落划分为4个群落类型,分别是柽柳-翅碱蓬-青蒿-补血草-碱蓬群落(Tamarix chinensis Lour-Suaeda heteroptera-Herba Artemisiae Annuae-Limoninum bicolor Bunge-Suaeda glauca Bunge community)、柽柳-翅碱蓬-芦苇群落(Tamarix chinensis Lour-Suaeda heteroptera-Phragmites communis(L.) Trin community)、芦苇-罗布麻-苣荬菜-翅碱蓬-柽柳群落(Phrag-mites communis(L.)Trin-Apocyman venetum-Sonchus brachyotus-Suaeda heteroptera-Tamarix chinensis Lour community)和芦苇-香蒲-狐尾藻群落(Phragmites communis(L.) Trin-Lepiironia rticulate(Retz) Domin-Myriophyllum spicatumcommunity)。通过分析了解了影响芦苇湿地植被分布的关键因子,确定了黄河三角洲芦苇湿地的主要环境梯度是水位和土壤盐分、Na+、K+、Cl-。根据各环境因子之间的相关性,确定黄河三角洲湿地土壤盐分的主要构成形式是NaCl、KCl,并指出引水提高水深可以显著降低土壤盐分。  相似文献   

1研究区概况研究区位于黄河北岸,靠新黄河现行河道的入海口处,地理位置为37°46′58.96"N~37°47′31.18"N,119°6′28.73"E~119°8′45.29"E,面积为4.5km2。优势物种为翅碱蓬Suaeda salsa(L.)Pall.。该区域主要由于1997年黄河河道在清八断面处改道而逐渐淤积而成,土壤成土年龄短,盐分高,植被以翅碱蓬为主,存在大面积的光滩裸地。  相似文献   

在黄河三角洲地区,广利河口、黄河三角洲自然保护区及潮河河口是黑嘴鸥三处集中繁殖地。从1998年开始,作者对三处繁殖地进行连续跟踪调查,掌握了黑嘴鸥繁殖种群数量及其繁殖生境动态变化。研究结果发现,广利河口黑嘴鸥繁殖种群数量锐减,由1998年的460只至2007年已无繁殖种群,其原因是滩涂围垦、养殖池灌水利用,繁殖地已丧失。潮河河口是2002年发现的黑嘴鸥繁殖地,2002~2005年间有繁殖种群300只以上,2006年后数量锐减并在2008年无繁殖种群,繁殖地丧失的原因是滩涂围垦。黄河三角洲自然保护区在1998~2006年间有繁殖种群200~330只,2007年后数量镜增,其主要原因是自然保护区实施湿地工程形成黑嘴鸥新的繁殖地,但新繁殖地水位没有有效控制造成黑嘴鸥繁殖数量波动。对黑嘴鸥繁殖生境研究发现,自然生境由于围垦,黑嘴鸥繁殖地大部分丧失,人工生境虽然被黑嘴鸥繁殖利用但水位控制是影响其繁殖成功率的主要因素。在2002~2008年间,黑嘴鸥繁殖种群最高数量为839只,最低数量为413只。在环志跟踪中发现,黄河三角洲繁殖黑嘴鸥在日本九洲越冬。  相似文献   

根据黑长臂猿的分布情况,在云南哀牢山国家级自然保护区设置13块20 m×20 m样地进行栖息地森林群落结构调查.结果为黑长臂猿栖息地为以木果石栎、疏齿栲、红木荷等为代表的典型的中山湿性常绿阔叶林,栖息地受人为干扰较少、植被天然更新能力强、森林生态系统稳定.  相似文献   

江苏盐城沿海地区繁殖季节几种水鸟的数量及分布研究Ⅰ   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1998年6月,江苏盐城沿海地区黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)平均巢密度为1.06只/hm^2(XD=0.82,n=10),有卵巢密度为0.71只/hm^2(XD=0.71,n=10)。巢区上空黑嘴鸥成鸟数量与样带内巢密度及有卵巢数之间有显著相关性(R=0.989和0.978),虽然黑嘴鸥营群巢繁殖,但在集中繁殖区内,黑嘴鸥巢向均匀分布方向偏离随机分布(R=1.101)。根据黑嘴鸥集中繁  相似文献   

<正>南小河是黑嘴鸥的栖息地。在我的家乡辽河口湿地,南小河就是黑嘴鸥的代名词,就是喜爱黑嘴鸥的人们心驰神往的鸟乐园。曾经数次深入南小河。但是,那一年的记忆却最为深刻。深秋时节,随着几名关心、致力于黑嘴鸥事业的朋友一起,造访了黑嘴鸥的福地,是我对南小河、对黑嘴鸥的又一次注目礼。  相似文献   

黑嘴鸥栖息繁殖情况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑嘴鸥栖息繁殖情况的调查阎理钦(山东省林业厅)吕卷章(东营市林业局)黑嘴鸥Larussaunodersi(Swinhoe)是世界上稀有的鸥类。据世界野生生物基金会估计,全世界其数量不超过2000只,主要分布在亚洲东部沿海和内陆少数几个湖泊,只在中国繁...  相似文献   

自2001年5月至10月间,在韩国雪岳山国立公园大青峰地区进行了红喉歌鸲(Luscinia calliope)的生境选择研究。繁殖种群的调查结果表明,该研究地区可分成此种鸟的高、中、低3种密度分布区。红喉歌鸲多选择岳桦(Betula ermanii)和雪松(Pinus pumila)林为其栖息地,并喜欢在矮丛林和稠密灌丛中活动。表1参9。  相似文献   

贡觉县属藏东高山峡谷区,特殊的自然条件和地理环境,直接影响到水热条件在地域空间上的重新分配,导致水热条件差异明显,从而影响到植被和土壤的分布规律,而干热河谷的出现使得植被和土壤在垂直分布上不同于其他区域。研究该区域的植被和土壤分布规律,对于天然林保护、造林规划、造林树种选择及引种栽培工作,都具有极其重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Types and structure of plant communities in the Yellow River Delta were investigated by using detrended canonical correspondence analyses (DCCAs) and a two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN). The distribution pattern and influential factors of the plant communities were also analyzed by testing elevation, slope, soil characteristics, longitude and latitude of 134 vegetation samples collected by representative plot sampling methods. Results showed that all the 134 vegetation samples could be divided into seven vegetation groups, separately dominated by Robinia pseucdoacacia, Imperata cylindrical, Miscanthus saccharifleus, Suaeda salsa, Aeluropus sinensis, Phragmites australis and Tamarix chinensis. The vegetation distribution pattern was mainly related to elevation, ground water depth and soil characteristics such as salinity and soluble potassium. Among the factors affecting distribution pattern of the plant communities, the species matrix explained by non-spatial environmental variation accounts for 45.2% of total variation. Spatial variation and spatial-structured environmental variation explain 11.8%, and 2.2%, respectively. Remained 40.8% of undetermined variation is attributed to biological and stochastic factors.  相似文献   

北京水毛茛为北京特有的多年生水生植物,因其种群濒危、我国特有性和生境特殊,已被列为北京一级重点保护野生植物。研究表明:北京水毛茛模式产地种群已近消失,延庆松山国家级自然保护区内有少量分布,为该种的最大种群。为了探明濒危物种北京水毛茛的生境特征,以便进行及时、科学、合理的物种保护,本研究针对保护区内的水系进行水环境因子特征调查、分析。结果表明:除兰角沟水体富营养化较大外,北沟与塘子沟水体条件均能满足北京水毛茛的正常生长。可以进一步结合底质、季节、群落结构特征分析,选择适合水域,尽快开展该物种的近地保护繁育试验。  相似文献   

Artemisia ordosica is an excellent sand-fixing shrub for sand stabilization in northwestern China. Sand dune stabilization, a critically important process, leads changes in abiotic factors, such as soil structure and nutrient contents. However, the effects of factors on an A. ordosica community following sand stabilization remain unclear. In this study, we used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) to examine the relationships between A. ordosica communities and environmental factors at three habitats: semi-fixed dune (SF), fixed dune with low-coverage biological soil crust (F), and fixed dune with high-coverage biological soil crust (FC) in Mu Us desert. The mean height and coverage of plants increased with sand stabilization, while species diversity and richness increased initially and then reduced significantly. Correlation analysis and CCA revealed that slope, soil organic carbon, and nutrient contents, proportion of fine soil particles, soil moisture, and thickness of biological soil crust were all highly correlated with vegetation characteristics. These environmental factors could explain 40.42 % of the vegetation–environment relationships at the three habitats. The distribution of plant species was positively related to soil moisture in the SF dune. Soil moisture, soil nutrient, and fine-particle contents mainly affected plants distribution in the F dune. In the FC dune, distribution of plant species was positively and negatively correlated with the thickness of biological soil crust and soil moisture at a depth 0–20 cm, respectively. The dominance value of typical steppe species increased significantly following sand-dune stabilization and relations between species and samples in CCA ordination bi-plots showed that perennial grasses could invade the A. ordosica community on FC, indicating A. ordosica communities had a tendency to change into typical steppe vegetation with the further fixation. We conclude that the significant differentiation not only occurred in community characteristics, but also in the relationships between vegetation and environmental factors among the three stages of dune fixation. So, restoration of degraded dune ecosystems should be based on habitat conditions and ecological needs.  相似文献   

Spatial scale is an important consideration when managing forest wildlife habitat, and models can be used to improve our understanding of these habitats at relevant scales. Our objectives were to determine whether stand- or microhabitat-scale variables better predicted bird metrics (diversity, species presence, and abundance) and to examine breeding bird response to clearcut size and age in a highly forested landscape. In 2004-2007, vegetation data were collected from 62 even-aged stands that were 3.6-34.6 ha in size and harvested in 1963-1990 on the Monongahela National Forest, WV, USA. In 2005-2007, we also surveyed birds at vegetation plots. We used classification and regression trees to model breeding bird habitat use with a suite of stand and microhabitat variables. Among stand variables, elevation, stand age, and stand size were most commonly retained as important variables in guild and species models. Among microhabitat variables, medium-sized tree density and tree species diversity most commonly predicted bird presence or abundance. Early successional and generalist bird presence, abundance, and diversity were better predicted by microhabitat variables than stand variables. Thus, more intensive field sampling may be required to predict habitat use for these species, and management may be needed at a finer scale. Conversely, stand-level variables had greater utility in predicting late-successional species occurrence and abundance; thus management decisions and modeling at this scale may be suitable in areas with a uniform landscape, such as our study area. Our study suggests that late-successional breeding bird diversity can be maximized long-term by including harvests >10 ha in size into our study area and by increasing tree diversity. Some harvesting will need to be incorporated regularly, because after 15 years, the study stands did not provide habitat for most early successional breeding specialists.  相似文献   

南方雨雪冰冻灾后林业生态恢复的措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了2008年南方雨雪冰冻灾害对植被和土壤生态系统等产生的影响,认为林木受灾、珍稀濒危植物和名木古树受损、动物栖息地破坏和土壤生态系统受损等雪灾引发的生态问题影响巨大而长远。探讨了灾后生态恢复与重建的措施:开展植被与生态环境受损情况监测与调查,受损生境及土壤生态系统恢复,受损植物物种的恢复,受损森林生态系统恢复与重建,野生动物栖息地的恢复与完善,以及灾区可持续发展规划与防灾减灾对策制定等。  相似文献   

对东川播卡金矿周边地区昆虫资源调查的结果表明,在鉴定类群中,以鞘翅目(COLEOPTER)种类最多,有19科84种;物种数量占所有昆虫种总数的39.1%;鳞翅目(LEPIDOPTERA)次之,有17科55种,物种数量占25.6%。昆虫种类及分布与其生境和植被类型有关,在海拔1 000~2 500m的中山地带昆虫种类最为丰富。东川播卡周边地区是我国特有种三尾褐凤蝶Sinonitis thaidina tongchuanensisLee的主要分布区。三尾褐凤蝶是国家II级保护物种,同时亦是珍稀蝶类,该地区开发建设时应注意保护。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):111-116
Despite the importance of edaphic factors in influencing woody vegetation diversity and structure in savannas, there is still limited research on the topic across most savanna ecosystems. Here we investigate the differences and/or similarities of woody vegetation diversity and structure across areas with different edaphic factors (i.e. soil group) in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe. We stratified our study area into two strata based on soil group, namely siallitic soil in northern Gonarezhou and regosol soil in central Gonarezhou. Data were collected from 96 sample plots between March and April in 2011. Our results showed significantly higher woody species diversity in siallitic soil stratum compared to regosol soil stratum. In contrast, there were no significant differences in woody vegetation structure between the two study strata. Our results suggest that soil variations play an important role in influencing woody vegetation diversity more than woody vegetation structure in Gonarezhou. Future studies should investigate the role of soils on a specific woodland type's composition and structure, and also determine the interactive effects between soils and other environmental determinants in Gonarezhou and similar protected areas in savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

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