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各位领导、各位专家、各位来宾、同志们: 大家上午好! 在全国上下认真学习贯彻党的十七届三中全会精神,全党开展深入学习科学发展观之时,中国农科院麻类研究所迎来了五十周年华诞,在此,我谨代表农业部向麻类研究所表示热烈的祝贺,向麻类研究所的广大干部职工致以诚挚的问候!  相似文献   

尊敬的各位领导、各位专家、各位来宾: 今天我们在这里隆重聚会,庆祝中国农业科学院麻类研究所建所50周年,我代表中国农业科学院党组和全院职工向麻类研究所全体职工致以热烈的祝贺!向各位领导、各位专家、各位来宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

弘扬麻业特色优势,为新农村建设做贡献   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
正值全国上下掀起建设社会主义新农村热潮之际,在"十一五"开局之年,我们在此召开全国麻业峰会.大家聚集一堂,共商麻业发展大计,联手再造麻业辉煌.在这里,我谨代表中国农业科学院麻类研究所向不辞劳苦、远道而来的各位领导、各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!向为麻业发展屡建功勋的老专家、老前辈表示亲切的慰问和崇高的敬意!向奋斗在麻业战线的各位同仁表示亲切的问候和良好的祝愿!  相似文献   

麻类所麻类育种五十年   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文全面回顾了麻类研究所麻类育种工作五十年的历程,较为详尽地阐明了麻类育种工作开展的过程.五十年的麻类育种工作经历了资源的收集整理和评价、鉴定与利用,常规育种技术运用和现代高新技术的引入.基本形成了我国麻类育种技术和新品种选育及配套技术推广应用体系.先后收集和整理麻类资源近万余份.选育出新品种30余个,在生产上发挥了重要作用.其中红麻品种"7804"、苎麻品种"圆叶青"和"中苎1号"及黄麻品种"湘黄麻1号"等品种在生产上大面积推广利用,取得了社会经济效益近100亿元.选育了亚麻品种中亚麻1号,结束了我国南方没有自育亚麻品种的历史.现代的麻类育种向多元化育种目标发展,为麻类的不同用途选育出专用品种.  相似文献   

我国麻类生产的现状与政策建议   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
本文简要介绍了我国麻类生产的现状:包括苎麻、红麻、黄麻、亚麻、大麻、剑麻的种植和加工;育成品种数量和育种技术;种质资源;麻类作物的多种用途.提出了目前麻类产业面临的主要问题:种麻效益下降;生产技术滞后;品种质量有待提高.着重提出了麻类生产的建议:树立大纤维观念,扩大纺织原料种类;南麻北棉,以麻代棉;苎麻向山坡地、黄/红麻向盐碱地、亚麻向南方冬闲地拓展;加快麻类科技平台建设,加速成果转化进程.  相似文献   

正《中国麻业科学》杂志于1979年创刊,系中华人民共和国农业农村部主管,中国农业科学院麻类研究所主办,面向国内外公开发行的我国唯一的麻类作物、麻类纺织科技专业期刊。主要报道苎麻、红麻、亚麻、大麻、剑麻等麻类作物、麻类纺织最新科研成果、试验研究进展、科技动态、麻纺动态和麻类作物基础知识等。面向科研、面向社会,为麻类科研、纺织、生产、教学服务。目前被评为"中国农林核心期刊""中国科技核心期刊""RCCSE中国准核心学术期  相似文献   

各位来宾、各位专家: 上午好!我代表中国作物学会向全国麻业峰会致以衷心的祝贺! 我国是世界上植麻最早和麻类资源最丰富的国家之一。早在6000多年前的新石器时代已开始麻类种植,在陕西西安半坡和华县泉护村出土的陶器上都有麻布的印迹。我国古代种植的麻类有大麻、苎麻和苘麻。国际上称中国大麻为“汉麻”,苎麻为“中国草”;以后又陆续引进黄麻和亚麻等。  相似文献   

<正>《中国麻业科学》系中国农业科学院麻类研究所主办,国家麻类产业技术体系、中国农业科学院南方经济作物研究中心协办的麻类作物、麻类纺织科技专业期刊。主要报道苎麻、红麻、亚麻、大麻、剑麻等麻类作物、麻类纺织最新科研成果、试验研究进展、科技动态、麻纺动态和麻类作物基础知识等。辟有"综述"、"遗传育种·种质资源"、"原料生产·生态环保"、"纤维特性·纺织加工"、"新拓展·新用途"、"调查研究"、"麻业  相似文献   

麻类作物是重要的特色经济作物,为高端纺织、食品医药、生物材料等领域提供重要工业原料,持续加强麻类产业科技创新对我国农业农村现代化建设具有重要意义。针对新时期麻类产业发展承担的新职能,文章梳理了近年来我国麻类产业技术研发重要进展,分析了麻类产业发展面临的新挑战,并结合新兴技术研发态势,提出了我国麻类产业科技创新的重点任务。研究建议:新时期我国麻类产业科技创新应进一步夯实种质资源研究,推进现代生物育种技术应用;加快抗逆丰产技术创新,在盐旱渍涝污染等边际土地中拓展种植空间;研发全产业链绿色低碳技术,促进麻类生产高产高质高效;创新加强麻类新材料创制,带动麻类产业创新发展,赋能粮食安全与重要农产品有效供给。  相似文献   

各位来宾、各位专家:上午好!我代表中国作物学会向全国麻业峰会致以衷心的祝贺!我国是世界上植麻最早和麻类资源最丰富的国家之一。早在6000多年前的新石器时代已开始麻类种植,在陕西西安半坡和华县泉护村出土的陶器上都有麻布的印迹。我国古代种植的麻类有大麻、苎麻和苘麻。国际上称中国大麻为“汉麻”,苎麻为“中国草”;以后又陆续引进黄麻和亚麻等。麻是世界上生长最快、对生长环境要求最低的经济作物之一。发展麻业要分类指导,发挥优势生态区的作用。我国主要麻类有亚麻、黄麻、红麻、苎麻、大麻、青麻和龙舌兰等。大麻主要分布于我国…  相似文献   

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) pictures of small millet starch granules showed more large polygonal and few small spherical or polygonal granules. The granules of small millets resembled those of rice starch granules. The size of the starch granules ranged from 0.8–10 m. The size of the granules was larger in barnyard millet and smaller in proso millet. Several granules showed deep indentation caused by protein bodies. SEM of starch isolated from 24 hour-germinated kodo millet showed pitting or pinholes at some points due to the attack of amylases (preferentially on bigger granules). Brabender viscoamylograph studies on small millet starches revealed that the gelatinization temperatures ranged from 75.8 to 84.9 ° C. Barnyard millet possessed lower amylograph viscosity, minimum breakdown, and relative breakdown values when compared to the other small millets.  相似文献   

Effects of timing and rate of N fertilizer application on concentrations of P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn in herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover pastures were studied at two sites in south-western Victoria, Australia. Nitrogen fertilizer (0, 15, 25, 30, 45 and 60 kg ha–1) was applied as urea in mid-April, early May, mid-May, early June and mid-June 1996 to pastures grazed by dairy cows. At Site 1, N fertilizer resulted in a linear increase in P, K, S, Mg and Cl concentrations in herbage and a linear decrease in Ca concentration. For all times of application, concentrations of P, K, Ca, Mg and Cl in herbage increased by 0·0048, 0·08, −0·010, 0·0013 and 0·053 g kg–1 dry matter (DM) per kg N applied respectively. For S concentration, maximum responses occurred in mid-May (0·012 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied). At Site 2, N fertilizer resulted in a linear increase in P, S and Na concentrations in herbage, a linear decrease in Ca concentration and a curvilinear increase in K and Cl concentration. The maximum responses for P, S and K concentrations in herbage occurred for the N application in mid-June and were 0·015, 0·008 and 0·47 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied respectively. For Cl concentration, the maximum response occurred for the N application in early June and was 0·225 g kg–1 DM per kg N applied. Overall, applications of N fertilizer up to 60 kg ha–1 did not alter herbage mineral concentration to levels that might affect pasture growth or animal health.  相似文献   

Various parameters,e.g. types of microtiter plate for DAS-ELISA (double antibody sandwich-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), use of fresh or frozen amplifier solutions for enzyme-amplified-ELISA, and use of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (NaDIECA) in sample buffer in cocktail-ELISA were evaluated for the detection of potato viruses A, M, S, X, Y and leafroll from potato foliage. Dynatech Immulon immunoplates provided higher readings for all viruses. Fresh amplifier solution in amplifed-ELISA was superior to frozen solutions. Amplified ELISA gave only marginal improvement in the sensitivity over the standard DAS-ELISA. Addition of NaDIECA in sample buffer did not improve the detection of viruses in DAS-, amplified-, or cocktail-ELISA. Cocktail-ELISA can reduce antigen incubation time to as short as 15 min for PVA, PVM and PVX; 1 hr for PVY and PLRV; and 2–4 hr for PVS using pre-coated plates. Although amplified-ELISA is slightly more sensitive than DAS-ELISA for certain potato viruses, it is not suitable for large-scale indexing of potato viruses in Seed Certification Laboratories, in view of the additional steps needed in carrying out this procedure.  相似文献   

The milling potential of hulled barley, hulled oat, triticale, rye and wheat was studied using a long tempering process and a laboratory four-roller mill. Regardless of the investigated cereal, the results indicated a significant influence (p < 0.05) of volume per surface area ratio on the milling yield and ash contents of the flour. The lowest milling yield was obtained in case of hulled oat. Solvent retention capacity profiles were determined for all investigated whole cereals and flours for predicting the contribution of different polymers to the functionality of samples. For all solvents higher values were obtained for the whole cereals compared to the corresponding flour. Thermo-mechanical properties of the whole cereals and refined flours were also investigated. If in case of wheat the gluten proteins play an essential role on dough behaviour during kneading at 30 °C, in case of triticale, rye, hulled barley and hulled oat, the fibers play a major role as well. Thermo-mechanical properties of starch registered a large variation between cereals and/or flours. The lowest torque value corresponding to starch gelatinization (C3) was registered in case of the hulled oat flour, 1.92 Nm, while the highest value in case of rye flour, 2.65 Nm.  相似文献   

Aloevera, chitosan, and curcumin were applied in alone and in combination with each others on cotton, wool and rabbit hair by exhaustion method for the assessment of their antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity of these natural ingredients was better in peroxide treated cotton, formic acid treated wool/rabbit hair fibrous substrates than their corresponding intact ones. Aloevera shown better antimicrobial activity than chitosan and curcumin when applied alone and its antimicrobial activity was enhanced by addition of both chitosan and curcumin. The application of aloevera+chitosan+curcumin combination on peroxide treated cotton and formic acid treated wool/rabbit hair fibrous substrate was fast up to twenty five washing cycles.  相似文献   

The concentration of mineral elements in herbage from permanent swards of mixed species composition (predominantly Agrostis spp., Holcus lanatus, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Poa spp., etc.) was compared with that from sown perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne ) at two fertilizer rates (0 and 300kg N ha−1 year−1, both with P and K) and with L. perennel Trifolium repens (at 0 N with P and K). The investigation was conducted over four years at sixteen contrasting sites in England and Wales. Herbage samples for mineral analysis were taken at first and fourth harvests (May and August) each year from plots under 4-weekly cutting. There was a wide degree of variation between sites, particularly for concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na and all trace elements analysed. Herbage from L. perenne reseeds had significantly higher concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na, Co and S, but K, Mo, Zn, Cu and P were generally lower than in the permanent swards. L. perennel T. repens swards had the highest concentration of major cations, but trace element levels were generally intermediate between those for 0 N permanent and L. perenne swards. Fertilizer N reduced concentrations of Ca, Mn, Mo and S, and increased Mg, Na and Zn, with no consistent effects on K, Co and Cu. Herbage at harvest 4, compared with harvest 1, had higher Ca, Mg, Na, Mn, Zn and S. Permanent and L. perenne swards responded similarly to fertilizer N and between harvest dates. Results are discussed in relation to previous reports of botanical and fertilizer effects on mineral concentrations, and the mineral requirements of livestock. Changes in mineral concentration resulting from reseeding permanent swards are considered unlikely to increase mineral-related livestock disorders, and in many cases could be beneficial, though problems might arise on sites where some elements, e.g. Cu and Mg, are low.  相似文献   

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