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Because CO2 is needed for plant photosynthesis, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) has the potential to enhance the growth and yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.), but little is known regarding the impact of elevated [CO2] on grain quality of rice, especially under different N availability. In order to investigate the interactive effects of [CO2] and N supply on rice quality, we conducted a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment at Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, in 2001–2003. A long-duration rice japonica with large panicle (cv. Wuxiangging 14) was grown at ambient or elevated (ca. 200 μmol mol−1 above ambient) [CO2] under three levels of N: low (LN, 15 g N m2), medium (MN, 25 g N m2) and high N (HN, 35 g N m2 (2002, 2003)). The MN level was similar to that recommended to local farmers. FACE significant increased rough (+12.8%), brown (+13.2%) and milled rice yield (+10.7%), while markedly reducing head rice yield (−13.3%); FACE caused serious deterioration of processing suitability (milled rice percentage −2.0%; head rice percentage −23.5%) and appearance quality (chalky grain percentage +16.9%; chalkiness degree +28.3%) drastically; the nutritive value of grains was also negatively influenced by FACE due to a reduction in protein (−6.0%) and Cu content (−20.0%) in milled rice. By contrast, FACE resulted in better eating/cooking quality (amylose content −3.8%; peak viscosity +4.5%, breakdown +2.9%, setback −27.5%). These changes in grain quality revealed that hardness of grain decreased with elevated [CO2] while cohesiveness and resilience increased when cooked. Overall, N supply had significant influence on rice yield with maximum value occurring at MN, whereas grain quality was less responsive to the N supply, showing trends of better appearance and eating/cooking quality for LN or MN-crops as compared with HN-crops. For most cases, no [CO2] × N interaction was detected for yield and quality parameters. These data suggested that the current recommended rates of N fertilization for rice production should not be modified under projected future [CO2] levels, at least for the similar conditions of this experiment.  相似文献   

The CO2 concentration in Earth’s atmosphere is increasing rapidly due to human activities, like fossil fuel combustion and rapid deforestation and is predicted to reach a concentration of 550 μmol/mol within this century [1]. The increase in atmospheric CO2 has a large potential to alter many ecosystem processes, particularly C and N cycling [2-4]. Plant C:N ratio not only serves as an important factor in maintaining the quality of plant tissue, but also a key index to keep balance betwee…  相似文献   

Over time, the relative effect of elevated [CO2] on the photosynthesis and dry matter (DM) production of rice crops is likely to be changed with increasing duration of CO2 exposure, but the resultant [CO2] effects on rice N concentration, uptake, efficiency and allocation remain unclear, especially under different soil N availability. Therefore, we conducted a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment at Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, in 2001–2003. A japonica cultivar with large panicle was grown at ambient or elevated (ca. 200 μmol mol−1 above ambient) [CO2] under three levels of N: low (LN, 15 g N m2), medium (MN, 25 g N m2) and high N (HN, 35 g N m2 (2002, 2003)). The MN level was similar to that recommended to local farmers. Averaged across all N levels and years, shoot N concentration (dry base) was lower under FACE by 1.8%, 6.1%, 12.2%, 14.3%, 12.1%, and 6.9% at early-tillering, mid-tillering, panicle initiation (PI), booting, heading and grain maturity, respectively. Shoot N uptake under FACE was enhanced by 46%, 38%, 6% and 16% on average during the growth periods from transplanting to early-tillering (period 1), early-tillering to mid-tillering (period 2), mid-tillering to PI (period 3) and heading to grain maturity (period 5), respectively, but slightly decreased by 2% in the period from PI to heading (period 4). Seasonal changes in crop response to FACE in ratio of shoot N uptake during a given growth period to that over the whole season followed a similar pattern to that of shoot N uptake, with average responses of 33%, 26%, −3%, −11% and 10% in periods 1–5 of the growth period, respectively. As a result, FACE increased final aboveground N uptake by 9% at maturity. FACE greatly reduced the ratio of leaf to shoot N content over the season, while allocation of N to stems and spikes showed an opposite trend. FACE treatment resulted in the significant increase in N use efficiency for biomass (NUEp) over the season except at early-tillering and in N use efficiency for grain yield (NUEg) at grain maturity. These results indicate that, in order to maximize grain output in a future high [CO2] environment, the recommended rates, proportion and timing across the season of N application should be altered, in order to take full advantage of strong N uptake capacity during the early growth period and facilitate N uptake after that.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of cultivar and grain position on rice quality under different water management treatments. Water treatments significantly affected all quality traits in the study, except alkali digestibility (AD). There were significant interactions of water treatment by grain position and genotype for brown rice rate (BRR), chalky grain rate (CGR) and amylose content (AC), and interactions of grain position by water treatment and cultivar for head milled rice rate (HMRR). The interaction of water treatment by genotype for protein content (PC) was also significant. Of all variance components, water treatment ranked the highest for PC. Similarly grain position was ranked the highest for AC, BRR, CGR and HMRR. In comparison with wet cultivation, plastic-film mulched cultivation had significantly lower BRR, HMRR, CGR and higher PC. There were marked differences in milled quality, appearance and AD among differently positioned grains within a spike. For appearance and PC, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for upland rice than paddy rice. For milled and cooking–eating quality, the difference between plastic-film mulched cultivation and wet cultivation was greater for the good quality paddy rice than the upland rice and the poor quality paddy rice. In plastic-film mulched cultivation, top grains showed lower milled quality and PC. While in wet cultivation, the opposite result was seen. With the decrease in soil water content, BRR and appearance showed increased and decreased differences among grains within a spike, respectively. The results indicate the possibility of improving rice quality by use of better water management and suitable cultivars.  相似文献   

Over time, the relative effect of elevated [CO2] on the photosynthesis and dry matter (DM) production of rice crops is likely to be changed with increasing duration of CO2 exposure. However, there is no systemic information on interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and nitrogen (N) supply on seasonal changes in phosphorus (P) nutrient of rice crops. In order to investigate the interactive effects of these two factors on seasonal changes in plant P concentration, uptake, efficiency and allocation, a free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment was conducted at Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, in 2001–2003. A japonica cultivar with large panicle was grown at ambient or elevated (ca. 200 μmol mol−1 above ambient) [CO2] and supplied with three levels of N: low (LN, 15 g N m2), medium (MN, 25 g N m2) and high N (HN, 35 g N m2 (2002, 2003)). The MN level was similar to that recommended to local farmers. FACE significantly increased shoot P concentration (dry base) over the season, the average responses varied between 7.3% and 16.2%. Shoot P uptake responses to FACE declined gradually with crop development, with average responses of 57%, 51%, 37%, 26% and 11% on average during the growth periods from transplanting to early-tillering (Period I), early-tillering to mid-tillering (Period II), mid-tillering to panicle initiation (Period III), panicle initiation to heading (Period IV) and heading to grain maturity (Period V), respectively. Seasonal changes in shoot P uptake ratio (i.e., the ratio of shoot P uptake during a given growth period to final shoot P acquisition at grain maturity) responses to FACE followed a similar pattern to that of shoot P uptake, with average responses of 19%, 14%, 3%, −5% and −16% in Periods I, II, III, IV and V of the growth period, respectively. As a result, FACE enhanced shoot P uptake by 33% at grain maturity. P allocation patterns among above-ground organs were not altered by FACE before heading, but it was modified after heading, with a shift in P allocation patterns towards vegetative organ. FACE resulted in the significant decrease in P-use efficiency for biomass across the season and P-use efficiency for grain yield and P harvest index at grain maturity. Generally, there were no interactions between [CO2] and N supply on above P nutrient variables measured. Data from this study has important implications for P management in rice production systems under future elevated [CO2] conditions.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the intra-specific variation of wheat grain quality response to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (e[CO2]), eight wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)cultivars were grown at two CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) (current atmospheric, 389 CO2 μmol mol−1vs. e[CO2], FACE (Free-Air CO2 Enrichment), 550  ±  10% CO2 μmol mol−1), at two water levels (rain-fed vs. irrigated) and at two times of sowing (TOS1, vs. TOS2). The TOS treatment was mainly imposed to understand whether e[CO2] could modify the effects of timing of higher grain filling temperatures on grain quality. When plants were grown at TOS1, TKW (thousand kernel weight), grain test weight, hardness index, P, Ca, Na and phytate were not significantly changed under e[CO2]. On the other hand, e[CO2] increased TKW (16%), hardness index (9%), kernel diameter (6%), test weight (2%) but decreased grain protein (10%) and grain phytate (11%) at TOS2. In regard to grain Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations and some flour rheological properties, cultivar specific responses to e[CO2] were observed at both sowing times. Observed genetic variability in response to e[CO2] in terms of grain minerals and flour rheological properties could be easily incorporated into future wheat breeding programs to enable adaptation to climate change.  相似文献   

Hybrid indica rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars play an important role in rice production system due to its heterosis, resistance to environmental stress, large panicle and high yield potential. However, no attention has been given to its yield responses to rising atmospheric [CO2] in conjunction with nitrogen (N) availability. Therefore we conducted a free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) experiment at Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China (119°42′0′′E, 32°35′5′′N), in 2004–2006. A three-line hybrid indica rice cv. Shanyou 63 was grown at ambient and elevated (ca. 570 μmol mol−1) [CO2] under two levels of supplemental N (12.5 g Nm−2 and 25 g Nm−2). Elevated [CO2] had no effect on phenology, but substantially enhanced grain yield (+34%). The magnitude of yield response to [CO2] was independent of N fertilization, but varied among different years. On average, elevated [CO2] increased the panicle number per square meter by 10%, due to an increase in maximum tiller number under enrich [CO2], while productive tiller ratio remained unaffected. Spikelet number per panicle also showed an average increase of 10% due to elevated [CO2], which was supported by increased plant height and stem dry weight per tiller. Meanwhile, elevated [CO2] caused a significant enhancement in both filled spikelet percentage (+5%) and individual grain weight (+4%). Compared with the two prior FACE studies on rice, hybrid indica rice cultivar appears to profit much more from elevated [CO2] than japonica rice cultivar (ca. +13%), not only due to its stronger sink generation, but also enhanced capacity to utilize the carbon sources in a high [CO2] environment. The above data has significant implication with respect to N strategies and cultivar selection under projected future [CO2] levels.  相似文献   

大气二氧化碳(CO_2)浓度和气温增高是全球气候变化的重要特征,本研究旨在揭示未来气候变化条件下生长的水稻,其种子活力是否受这两个重要环境因子的影响。利用稻田FACE(Free Air CO_2Enrichment)系统,以常规水稻武运粳23为供试材料,设置对照(Ambient,环境空气)、CO_2浓度增高(比Ambient高200μmol/mol)、温度增高(比Ambient高2℃)和CO_2浓度与温度同时增高四个处理,成熟期收获种子进行实验室标准发芽实验。结果表明,与对照相比,单独CO_2浓度增加使成熟种子浸种24h浸出液电导率平均增加16.5%,但使种子露白率、发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数分别下降7.8%、10.0%、17.4%和8.9%。相似地,单独温度增高或CO_2浓度和温度同时增高处理对上述参数影响的方向一致,但影响的幅度变小,多未达显著水平。与环境生长温度相比,高温环境下全生育期CO_2浓度升高使成熟种子浸种24h浸出液电导率、露白率、发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数的影响变小,表现在CO_2浓度与温度处理间存在一定程度的交互作用。种子发芽后芽和根系性状对高CO_2浓度或高温均无显著响应。以上结果说明,大气CO_2浓度增高200μmol/mol环境条件下,常规粳稻武运粳23成熟种子露白率、发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数等指标均明显下降,但在同时适度增温的生长环境下这种负面影响有减弱的趋势。  相似文献   

Hybrid rice cultivar plays an important role in rice production system due to its high yield potential and resistance to environmental stress. Quantification of its responses to rising CO2 concentration ([CO2]) will reduce our uncertainty in predicting future food security and assist in development of adaptation strategies. Using free air CO2 enrichment (FACE), we measured seasonal changes in growth and nitrogen (N) uptake of an inter-subspecific hybrid rice cultivar Liangyoupeijiu grown under two levels of [CO2] (ambient and elevated by 200 μmol mol−1) and two levels of N fertilization in 2005–2006. Average across the 2 years, FACE increased crop growth rate similarly by 22%, 24% and 23% in the periods from transplanting to panicle initiation (PI), PI to heading and heading to maturity, which was mainly attributed to an increase in green leaf area index rather than the greater net assimilation rate. Grain yield increased greatly under FACE as a result of similar contributions by panicle number per unit area, grain number per panicle and individual grain yield. Final aboveground N acquisition showed a 10.4% increase under FACE, which resulted from enhanced N uptake at both vegetative and reproductive growth stages. Compared with previous FACE studies on final productivity of two inbred japonica cultivars, inter-subspecific hybrid cultivar appears to profit more from elevated [CO2], which mainly resulted from its greater enhancement in photosynthetic production during reproductive growth due to a lack of N limitations late in the season.  相似文献   

通过盆栽实验,研究了水稻OsPIN2超表达材料(OXs)及其野生型材料(WT)在铝饱和度为20%和55%土壤中的生长及养分吸收的差异。结果表明,土壤铝胁迫明显抑制水稻根系和地上部的生长,水稻第一次分蘖出现的时间推迟,分蘖角减小,分蘖数减少。与WT相比,OXs的生长受抑制程度较小。在铝饱和度55%的土壤中,OXs茎叶中磷、钙和镁含量分别是WT的1.71、1.25和1.32倍。OXs的根系、根茎连接处和茎的铝累积比WT少,而叶片的铝累积比WT多28.5%~109.8%。这些结果表明,土壤铝胁迫下,OsPIN2超表达能增强水稻对磷、钙、镁的吸收,减少铝在根系和根茎连接处累积而增加其在叶片累积,这样减轻了铝对水稻根系和分蘖的毒害作用。  相似文献   

We investigated wheat (Triticum aestivum) grain quality under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) of 550 ± 10% CO2 μmol mol−1. In each of two full growing seasons (2008 and 2009), two times of sowing were compared, with late sowing designed to mimic high temperature during grain filling. Grain samples were subjected to a range of physical, nutritional and rheological quality assessments. Elevated CO2 increased thousand grain weight (8%) and grain diameter (5%). Flour protein concentration was reduced by 11% at e[CO2], with the highest reduction being observed at the late time of sowing in 2009, (15%). Most of the grain mineral concentrations decreased under e[CO2] - Ca (11%), Mg (7%), P (11%) and S (7%), Fe (10%), Zn (17%), Na (19%), while total uptake of these nutrients per unit ground area increased. Rheological properties of the flour were altered by e[CO2] and bread volume reduced by 7%. Phytate concentration in grains tended to decrease (17%) at e[CO2] while grain fructan concentration remained unchanged. The data suggest that rising atmospheric [CO2] will reduce the nutritional and rheological quality of wheat grain, but at high temperature, e[CO2] effects may be moderated. Reduced phytate concentrations at e[CO2] may improve bioavailability of Fe and Zn in wheat grain.  相似文献   

To understand the responses of flag leaf shape in rice to elevated CO2 environment and their genetic characteristics,quantitative trait loci(QTLs)for flag leaf shape in rice were mapped onto the molecular marker linkage map of chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)derived from a cross between a japonica variety Asominori and an indica variety IR24 under free air carbon dioxide enrichment(FACE,200μmol/mol above current levels)and current CO2 concentration(Ambient,about 370μmol/mol).Three flag-leaf traits,flag-leaf length(LL),width(LW)and the ratio of LL to LW (RLW),were estimated for each CSSL and their parental varieties.The differences in LL,LW and RLW between parents and in LL and LW within IR24 between FACE and Ambient were significant at 1%level.The continuous distributions and transgressive segregations of LL,LW and RLW were also observed in CSSL population,showing that the three traits were quantitatively inherited under both FACE and Ambient.A total of 16 QTLs for the three traits were detected on chromosomes 1,2,3,4,6,8 and 11 with LOD(Log10-likelihood ratio)scores ranging from 3.0 to 6.7.Among them,four QTLs (qLL-6*,qLL-8*,qLW-4*,and qRLW-6*)were commonly detected under both FACE and Ambient.Therefore,based on the different responses to elevated CO2 in comparison with current CO2 level,it can be suggested that the expressions of several QTLs associated with flag-leaf shape in rice could be induced by the high CO2 level.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the quality traits of durum wheat grains (protein and content, gluten content, yellow pigment content), semolina (gluten index and yellow index) and pasta (firmness, yellow index, cooking time) obtained from 12 durum wheat genotypes grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration in an open field Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment. The aims were to evaluate the impact of elevated CO2 on durum wheat pasta making related traits as well as investigate genetic differences existing in a panel of old and modern cultivars. The protein content showed a not significant decrease (7%), the GC decreased significantly (13.3%), while the GI showed an increasing significant tendency (14%). The overall pasta quality (firmness and weight) worsened in ELE. Correlation between all traits and pasta firmness demonstrated that the decrease in pasta firmness under ELE was correlated with GPC and GC while it was not with the GI. All varieties, although to different extent, showed lower pasta firmness values compared to the ambient condition. Among the varieties tested, some were more sensitive than others to the increased atmospheric CO2 concentration, a finding that can be exploited by breeding for designing novel genotypes with lower sensitivity to increased atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

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