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The results of soil surveys in the Khorinsk district of the Buryat Republic have been generalized on a map of the soil cover patterns on a scale of 1: 500000. The map reflects the soil cover patterns in the zones of mountainous tundra and taiga, mountainous forest-steppes, sand massifs on piedmonts, and plain steppes and dry steppes. The areas of each component of the soil combinations shown on the map have been calculated. In the course of the generalization of large-scale soil maps, information on the genetic types and subtypes of soils has been preserved. The new map adequately displays the real pattern of the soil distribution in the studied area.  相似文献   

Specific features of the soil formation and soil cover patterns in the mountainous alpine tundra and forest landscapes of the Central Khangai Range are analyzed. It is shown that the specific mucky grayhumus permafrost-affected soils are only formed under larch forests within the tundra-alpine and forest zones. Other soils have a wider geographic area. The morphological, physicochemical, and chemical characteristics of the widespread soils are given. A medium-scale map of the soil cover patterns—soil complexes, combinations, and mosaics—has been developed for the studied area.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的典型冻土区土壤制图研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于青藏高原大片连续多年冻土分布的东部边缘,青海省兴海县温泉地区的野外调查数据,通过对研究区遥感数据的分析,开展了土壤制图方法的探讨。以成土因素学说和土壤-景观模型理论为基础,筛选土壤分类潜在变量,在不同的变量组合下运用支持向量机(SVM)的方法建立土壤-景观模型,对整个研究区进行预测性分类。为了更好地检验该方法的有效性,采用五折交叉方式进行结果的验证。并通过对比不同变量组合的交叉验证结果和分布模拟结果图,确定了适合典型冻土区土壤分类的环境变量组合,以较少的样本知识较好地预测该区土壤类型的空间分布。  相似文献   

A method for interpolating field soil data to obtain the maps of soil taxa is suggested. It is based on representation of categorical data in the form of Voronoi map with barriers limiting the areas with particular combinations of indicative soil-landscape relationships. The predictive capacity of the proposed model depends on the level of the taxon and exceeds 80% for soil types and subtypes in the study area. At different levels of detail of the indicative soil-landscape relationships, the accuracies of prediction are different. The proposed method significantly reduces the time of soil mapping and opens new possibilities for investigating the soil-landscape relationships.  相似文献   

藏北高原土壤湿度MODIS遥感监测研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用Terra与Aqua两颗卫星的MODIS地表温度和植被指数数据,分别构建LST-NDVI与LST-EVI共四种不同组合的Ts-VI特征空间,并依据该特征空间提取温度植被干旱指数(TVDI)作为反映土壤干湿状况的指标,探讨一种合适的遥感监测藏北高原土壤湿度的方案,并基于同步的实地土壤表层含水量采样数据进行验证评价。研究表明,四种数据组合方案提取的TVDI分布图均能较好反映藏北土壤湿度,且Terra MODIS LST-EVI构建的特征空间提取TVDI指标效果最佳。在此基础上获得的藏北高原土壤湿度分级图表明,从东南到西北土壤湿度逐渐降低,并呈现明显的空间分异规律。  相似文献   

Methodological problems of large-scale soil mapping with the use of digital mapping technologies are discussed. Two variants of obtaining the maps of soil combinations for a test polygon (30 km2) in the area of soddy-podzolic soils with 996 studied soil pits are described. In the first variant, the initial state of soils at studied points was characterized by the taxonomic name of the soil (at the level of soil subtypes); the probability of occurrence of different subtypes within operation cells of the digital map was estimated, and the most probable soil subtypes were assigned to them. This approach was tested for the first time. In the second variant, the initial state of soils at studied points was described with the help of the grades of ecologically meaningful features of soil morphology; the degree of soil gleying and the degree of soil erosion or aggradation were indicated. The integral digital map represented the areas of different agroecological groups of soil combinations. The maps obtained with the help of these two approaches show a satisfactory agreement with the maps of soil cover patterns compiled by traditional methods earlier.  相似文献   

基于土壤-环境关系的更新传统土壤图研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
传统土壤图是流域管理、生态水文模型所需土壤空间分布信息的主要数据源。然而,受传统制图技术和基础数据质量所限,传统土壤图的空间详细度和属性精确度并不高。随着地理信息技术的发展,如何利用可获取的高质量空间数据和现代空间分析技术来更新传统土壤图显得十分必要。基于传统土壤图中的土壤多边形与通过模糊聚类所得环境因子组合之间存在着对应关系这一假设,本文提出了一种从传统土壤图中提取土壤-环境关系知识并利用该知识更新传统土壤图的方法。该方法包括四个步骤:对环境数据进行模糊c均值聚类获取环境因子组合;利用传统土壤图建立环境因子组合与土壤类型间的对应关系;提取土壤-环境关系知识;进行土壤推理制图。将该方法应用于加拿大New B runsw ick省的W akefield研究区,以更新该区现有的1∶20 000的传统土壤图。应用结果表明:更新后的数字土壤图显示了更详细的空间分布信息;经野外独立验证点验证,所得土壤图(制图单元为土壤组合-排水等级)精度高出原土壤图约20%。因此,该方法是一种有效的更新传统土壤图的方法,可增加土壤图的空间详细度、提高土壤图的属性精确度。  相似文献   

A map of soil cover patterns in the Tugnuisk Depression of the Transbaikal region has been compiled on a scale of 1:500 000. This map contains information on the distribution of soil complexes and soil combinations and on the genetic and geometric characteristics of soil areas. It is derived from the original large-scale soil maps. The theory of soil cover patterns was used as the basis for cartographic generalization. This made it possible to preserve information on soil types and subtypes identified on the original maps and to show the real distribution pattern for all the components of the soil cover.  相似文献   

Specific features of the soil cover in the Western Transbaikal region are discussed. The soil cover has been studied during soil survey works on scales of 1: 25000 and 1: 100000 in the Kizhinga district. On this basis, a generalized map of the soil cover patterns has been compiled on a scale of 1: 500 000. Data of the large-and medium-scale soil mapping are not lost upon the generalization procedure due to the reflection of soil combinations on the small-scale map, which makes the latter very informative.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the potential of using soil-landscape pattern extracted from a soil map to predict soil distribution at unvisited location. Recent machine learning advances used in previous studies showed that the knowledge embedded within soil units delineated by experts can be retrieved and explicitly formulated from environmental data layers However, the extent to which the models can yield valid prediction has been little studied. Our approach is based on a classification tree analysis which has underwent a recent statistics advance, namely, stochastic gradient boosting. We used an existing soil-landscape map to test our methodology. Explanatory variables included classical terrain factors (elevation, slope, curvature plan and profile, wetness index, etc.), various channels and combinations of channels from LANDSAT ETM imagery, land cover and lithology maps. Overall classification accuracy indexes were calculated under two validation schemes, either taken within the training area or from a separated validation area. We focused our study on the accuracy assessment and testing of two modelling parameters: sampling intensity and spatial context integration. First, we observed strong differences in accuracy between the training area and the extrapolated area. Second, sampling intensity, in proportion to the class extent, did not largely influence the classification accuracy. Spatial context integration by the use of a mean filtering algorithm on explanatory variables increased the Kappa index on the extrapolated area by more than ten points. The best accuracy measurements were obtained for a combination of the raw explanatory dataset with the filtered dataset representing regional trend. However, the predictive capacity of models remained quite low when extrapolated to an independent validation area. Nevertheless, this study offers encouragement for the success of extrapolating soil patterns from existing soil maps to fill the gaps in present soil map coverage and to increase efficiency of ongoing soil survey.  相似文献   

从分析珠江三角洲第2次全国土壤普查成果土壤类型图入手,指出了该区目前土壤类型图所存在的质量问题及其在广州省土壤分类系统的差异,由此提出更新土壤类型图的必要性,并具体说明了更新土壤类型图,建立土壤类型数据库的方法和过程。  相似文献   

邱霞霞  李德成  赵玉国  刘峰  宋效东  张甘霖 《土壤》2016,48(5):1022-1031
对土壤景观格局进行的研究多是基于发生分类土壤图或通过参比转换得到的系统分类土壤图,尚无通过土壤系统分类调查直接得到的土壤图为基础进行相关研究的报道。本文依据目前可获得的我国西北黑河流域中游的20世纪80年代形成的发生分类土壤图和2012年及2013年通过系统调查采样形成的1︰50万系统分类土壤图,进行土壤景观格局分析对比。结果表明:无论系统分类还是发生分类,从类型水平来看,土壤的破碎化程度不高,被分割程度小、连通性高,土壤类型斑块形状偏简单;从景观水平来看,景观异质性较大,土壤类型数目较多,各土壤类型所占比例较均匀,土壤类型具有一定程度的积聚,土壤类型的连通度较高。与发生分类土壤图相比,系统分类的土壤类型斑块数较多,多样性指数和均匀度指数较高,蔓延度指数较低,说明在一定尺度和区域上,系统分类能更多地反映土壤类型空间上的差异,制图精度更高。  相似文献   

陈荣  韩浩武  傅佩红  杨雨菲  黄魏 《土壤》2021,53(5):1087-1094
获取准确的土壤-环境关系是数字土壤制图的关键,目前遥感影像已作为环境因子应用于土壤-环境知识的建立过程,但单幅遥感影像所包含的光谱信息差异难以将不同土壤类型区分开来。因此本文提出了一种基于多时相遥感影像的土壤制图方法:选取红安县滠水河流域为研究区,以母质类型图、等高线数据和多时相哨兵二号遥感影像为基础,提取与土壤形成有关的环境因子,通过随机森林算法获取土壤-环境关系,预测研究区各土壤类型的空间分布并成图,利用野外实地分层采样点验证推理图的精度。结果表明:推理土壤图总体分类精度高达86%,与原始土壤图对比,各土壤类型的空间分布具有一定相似性,展现了更为详细的空间细节信息,该研究成果可为更新土壤图工作提供新方法。  相似文献   

基于县域耕地资源管理信息系统的土壤综合肥力评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用ArcGIS 9.3,MapGIS 6.7和县域耕地资源管理信息系统,综合运用层次分析法、模糊数学法,将临泽县土壤图、土地利用现状图、行政区划图叠加求交生成评价单元图,进一步采用层次分析法确定土壤肥力评价因子的权重,对评价指标建立相应的隶属函数,通过计算其隶属度,求得每个评价单元的土壤肥力综合指标值,并依据综合值确定了土壤肥力等级及其面积。结果表明:临泽县土壤综合肥力较高的区域占临泽县耕地总面积的46.51%;土壤综合肥力中等区域占18.54%;土壤综合肥力一般区域占14.17%;土壤综合肥力较差区域占20.68%。利用县域耕地资源管理信息系统与GIS可以快速科学地对土壤肥力进行科学评价,与传统的评价方法相比,可以节约大量的人力、财力和物力。  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope   The economic growth that Nigeria has enjoyed as a result of oil revenue has its drawback through exposure of people in the oil producing areas to environmental contamination, due largely to the increase in the movement of oil. Activities associated with oil well drilling on agricultural lands have led to serious economic losses on the communities affected. The local people in most of these communities are peasants who do not know how to react to drilling wastes or polluted fields where they have their crops. A case under study is the Kutchalli oil drilling area. Methods   Waste pit soil from drilling waste dumps in Kutchalli oil drilling area was tested whole and in combinations with 'clean' soil for their abilities to support plant growth and development in common bean (Vigna unguiculata) and maize (Zea mays). Seed germination, plant height, leaf area, biomass accumulation, respiratory activity as well as soil chemical analysis were used to access the ability of waste pit soil to support plant growth and development in the test plants. Results   Discussion and Conclusions. Waste pit soil completely inhibited the germination of bean and maize seeds. Waste pit soil in combinations with different proportions of Kutchalli soil gave growth (germination, height of plants, number of leaves, leaf area, etc.) values that were inferior to the control soil (Kutchalli) and the independent control soil (Monguno). Seeds planted in the test soil combinations containing waste pit soil showed significantly low respiratory activity. Waste pit soil seems to be toxic to plant growth and development. Drilling mud in combination with native Kutchalli soil significantly enhanced plant growth and development. Recommendations and Outlook   The seed germination, growth and development inhibition by waste pit soil suggests its toxicity. We want to suggest the need for strict control and monitoring of waste pit soil in oil drilling sites.  相似文献   

Regularities of soil distribution in the basin of the Vorovka River on the northern macroslope of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge are discussed, and the grouping of soil cover patterns in this area is suggested. Dissected middle-mountain areas covered by taiga forests are characterized by a combination of predominate soddy podburs with small homogeneous areas of podburs and lithozems. Within the piedmont part of the basin, components of soil combinations are different. The major areas are occupied by sandy soils under dry grassy pine forests; poorly developed soils are formed on recent alluvial and colluvial deposits in the depressions and hollows.  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区土壤侵蚀遥感目视解译与计算机制图   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 新疆维吾尔自治区面积1649590Km~2(不包括国界争议地区),占全国土地面积的1/6,是我国最大的一个省区。除了部分绿洲,绝大部分是沙漠。可利用地面积很少。为了了解新疆可利用地的分布情况,为新疆的整体规划提供依据。我们用遥感目视解译与计算机制图,建立了新疆维吾尔自治区的土壤侵蚀图的8位  相似文献   

基于CSLE模型的巴基斯坦土壤侵蚀评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过制作土壤侵蚀图,分析土壤侵蚀主控因子,为巴基斯坦水土流失与保护提供合理的科学依据及治理参考.以土壤侵蚀抽样调查单元数据和土壤侵蚀因子数据为数据源,基于CSLE模型分别以空间插值法和地图代数法定量计算巴基斯坦水蚀区土壤侵蚀图,以空间插值结果为参照对地图代数计算结果做直方图匹配得到巴基斯坦水蚀速率图;采用水利部SL 1...  相似文献   

以玛纳斯河流域47个残遗荒漠植被样方数据为基础,发现研究区植被与土壤理化性状存在着非常明显的分异规律,白梭梭群落、梭梭群落、琵琶柴-梭梭群落、梭梭-柽柳群落、柽柳群落、盐化灌木群落对应土壤的总盐含量、总有机碳含量依次递增,而土壤中砂含量却依次递减,这充分说明荒漠植被类型和对应的土壤类型之间有较好的指示关系。基于上述分析,利用玛纳斯河流域的土壤图复原研究区大规模开垦前植被格局,并将复原的植被图和基于TM影像解译的研究区现状植被图比较分析,发现近50年来玛纳斯河流域大约有20.37万hm2的荒漠被开垦为农田,主要分布在灰漠土上。利用荒漠植被和土壤之间较好的指示关系复原玛纳斯河流域未开垦前的原生植被有助于指导干旱区绿洲土地利用。  相似文献   

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