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Traumatic body wall hernias (TBWH) are serious sequelae to traumatic injury in dogs and cats. During the study period, 26 dogs and 10 cats with surgically managed TBWH were identified. Five cases (four dogs, one cat) did not have their hernias identified during the first 24 hours of hospitalization. Bite wounds were the most common cause of TBWH, accounting for 54% of canine and 40% of feline hernias. Twelve cases (nine dogs, three cats) had serious intra-abdominal injuries diagnosed in addition to their TBWH. Seventy-three percent of dogs and 80% of cats survived to hospital discharge. In addition, the authors report the occurrence of a unique cause of herniation, termed an autopenetrating hernia.  相似文献   

Intussusception in dogs and cats: A review of 36 cases   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Intussusception is recognized as a common cause of bowel obstruction in small animals. This study documents the clinical and surgical findings in nine cats and 27 dogs diagnosed as having intussusception. The main purposes of the study were to define the predisposing causes and clinical signs of intussusception and to evaluate various surgical techniques commonly employed in its treatment. No common predisposing cause could be established. Diagnosis of intussusception was based most often on clinical signs of bowel obstruction in association with the palpable abdominal mass. The majority of the intussusceptions involved the enterocolic junction. Formation of adhesions was more frequent in cats. Surgical treatments included simple reduction, manual reduction with plication, intestinal resection/anastomosis, and intestinal resection/anastamosis with plication. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) in the recurrence rate of the intussusceptions when the various surgical techniques were compared. Recurrence of an intussusception was not related to either the bowel segment involved or whether a simple reduction, bowel resection, or intestinal plication was performed at the initial surgery.  相似文献   


A survey of factors which predispose the canine ear to otitis externa is presented In restected ear specimens of 106 dogs, otitis externa without tumour was found on 58 occasions. In 46 dogs tumours were diagnosed in 15 cases with an ototis externa. In two dogs an inflammatory polyp was found.

In the resected ear specimens of 48 cats, otitis externa was diagnosed 27 times, in 6 cases combined with an inflammatory polyp. In 21 cases neoplasia was present.

The otitis externa was mainly a chronic proliferative inflammation characterised by hyperkeratinisation, hyperplasia of the sebaceous and ceruminous glands, fibrosis and infiltration with plasma cells, lymphocytes and macrophages, often containing ceroid pigment.  相似文献   

A survey of factors which predispose the canine ear to otitis externa is presented. In resected ear specimens of 106 dogs, otitis externa without tumour was found on 58 occasions. In 46 dogs tumours were diagnosed in 15 cases with an otitis externa. In two dogs an inflammatory polyp was found. In the resected ear specimens of 48 cats, otitis externa was diagnosed 27 times, in 6 cases combined with an inflammatory polyp. In 21 cases neoplasia was present. The otitis externa was mainly a chronic proliferative inflammation characterised by hyperkeratinization, hyperplasia of the sebaceous and ceruminous glands, fibrosis and infiltration with plasma cells, lymphocytes and macrophages, often containing ceroid pigment.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome of minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis (MIPO) for nonarticular tibial fractures stabilized using bone plates with or without an intramedullary rod (IMR). Study Design: Prospective study. Animals: Dogs (n=28) and 8 cats. Methods: After closed reduction, fracture fixation was achieved using an epiperiosteal plate inserted percutaneously through epiphyseal small incisions. In some fractures, an IMR was inserted via medial parapatellar arthrotomy. Radiographs were recommended every 3 weeks until clinical union. Postoperative tibial length and alignment were compared with contralateral measurements (P<.05). Time to clinical union and complications were recorded. Results: An IMR was used in 30.5% of the cases. Repaired tibiae were 1% shorter than contralateral tibiae (P<.05). Frontal and sagittal alignment were similar between repaired and contralateral tibiae (P>.05). Six dogs were lost for follow‐up; owners indicated normal function. In 30 cases for which bone healing was documented, mean±SD healing time was 45±20.8 days; however, when considering the 23 cases, which completed preestablished scheduled follow‐ups, healing time was 36±11.6 days. Minor complications occurred in 4 cases (11%). One major complication (3%) consisting of a plate fracture was successfully revised using MIPO with a larger plate. Conclusions: Consistent restoration of alignment was accomplished using MIPO techniques. Furthermore, MIPO appeared to yield faster healing times and lower complication rates than those reported with conventional plate osteosynthesis.  相似文献   

Proteinuria is defined as the presence of protein in the urine. Normally, circulating serum proteins are blocked by the glomerulus due to size and/or charge. Any small proteins that pass through a healthy glomerulus are reabsorbed by the renal tubules or broken down by renal tubular epithelial cells. Persistent proteinuria, in the absence of lower urinary tract disease or reproductive tract disease, is usually an indication of renal damage or dysfunction. Less commonly persistent proteinuria can be caused by increased circulating levels of low molecular weight proteins. This article reviews mechanisms of proteinuria in dogs and cats and discusses the importance of screening for and ultimately treating proteinuria.  相似文献   

Contrast‐enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) is increasingly available for veterinary patients, however limited studies describe the use of this method for characterizing intrathoracic mass lesions. The aim of this prospective, observational study was to describe CEUS enhancement patterns for intrathoracic mass lesions in a sample of cats and dogs. Sixty patients (36 dogs, 24 cats) were included. Standardized CEUS examinations were performed for 41 pulmonary masses (68%) and 19 mediastinal masses (32%). Final diagnosis was based on cytology and/or histopathology. Absolute time to enhancement (TTE) values were recorded for the intrathoracic mass lesions and spleen. The spleen was used as a reference parenchymal organ to calculate relative TTE (rTTE) values. Absolute TTE of the spleen and intrathoracic mass lesions differed for dogs and cats (P = 0.001). The rTTE values significantly differed between lesions of neoplastic versus non‐neoplastic origin (P = 0.004). The majority of neoplastic pulmonary masses were supplied by bronchial arteries (63%), while most nonneoplastic pulmonary masses were supplied by pulmonary arteries (78%). The sensitivity and specificity for detecting pulmonary neoplastic masses with rTTE were 63% and 78%, respectively. Enhancement patterns for mediastinal thymomas and lymphomas significantly differed (P = 0.002). Thymomas enhanced heterogeneously in a centripetal pattern (86%), whereas lymphomas typically enhanced uniformly in a centrifugal pattern (75%). Findings indicated that CEUS is a feasible method for characterizing intrathoracic mass lesions in dogs and cats, however, the diagnostic sensitivity for detecting neoplastic pulmonary masses was low.  相似文献   

Frozen lamellar corneal grafts and nictitating membrane flaps were used in 18 dogs and 12 cats to repair deep corneal defects. In all dogs either melting corneal ulcers or descemetoceles were present. In the 12 cats, nine had either a melting corneal ulcer or descemetocele, two animals had acute bullous keratopathy, and one cat had corneal sequestrum. Initial vascularization with gradual clearing of the graft occurred during the first 45 days postoperatively. At 60 days postoperatively, all eyes were visual. Frequent postoperative complications included: focal dehiscence of the wound ( n  = 9); melting of part of the graft ( n  = 7); and pigmentation of the graft ( n  = 4). The frozen lamellar corneal graft was a very safe technique, and restored the tectonic and the optical function of the cornea. It provided the best results in corneas with nonperforating corneal defects. This technique provides poorer results when the cornea was perforated prior to surgery or during the surgical procedure.  相似文献   

Ringworm is an uncommon disease of dogs, but cats, especially the longhaired breeds, are more frequently infected. Of the several dermatophytes involved, Microsporum canis causes 94 per cent of ringworm in cats and 65 per cent in dogs. This species is highly contagious for man but the true incidence of human infection is unknown. Ringworm caused by M canis usually responds readily to treatment, but when the infection establishes in a colony of cats, eradication can be difficult and expensive. Other forms of ringworm in dogs and cats are caused by dermatophytes acquired from wild animals, mainly small rodents such as mice and voles. This is an uncommon and trivial disease of cats, but some infections in dogs can be remarkably persistent and difficult to resolve.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Faecal samples from 110 dogs and 71 cats were examined for sporozoan parasites by flotation. Isospora spp were present in 5.5% dogs and 4.2% cats; Sarcocystis spp in 20.9% dogs and 1.4% cats. 74.5% dogs and 77.5% cats were fed raw meat from various sources; beef was fed most often. Animals fed raw meat were more frequently infected with protozoa. No Toxoplasma oocysts were found. The results are compared with those from other surveys in Australia and New Zealand.  相似文献   

Histoplasma capsulatum is endemic throughout most of the United States with a high prevalence of infections in the Midwest and South. Histoplasmosis is the second most common systemic fungal disease in cats that may be more susceptible than dogs. Infection occurs by inhalation of conidia from the mycelial phase, which subsequently convert to the yeast form. Histoplasma capsulatum is phagocytized and harbored by cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Infection may be subclinical or cause clinical pulmonary granulomatous disease or dissemination. Disseminated disease predominantly affects the liver, spleen, gastrointestinal tract, bone and bone marrow, integument, and eyes. Primary gastrointestinal histoplasmosis also occurs. Clinical signs of histoplasmosis often are nonspecific, including chronic wasting, fever, anorexia, respiratory signs, and lameness. Gastrointestinal signs (eg, diarrhea with hematochezia or melena) are common in dogs. The definitive diagnosis is made by identification of the yeast in tissue samples. Itraconazole is the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

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