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In their natural habitat, the antMonomorium floricola prefers to colonize inner cavities of certain plants such as bulb-basedTillandsia species. A colony ofM. floricola was imported from Haiti to Northern Germany with an infested tillandsia. Propagation of the insects was possible under the favourable conditions of a heated room with plants and terrariums. The ant population could be markedly reduced by insecticide-containing baits which are used for the control of pharao ants. The food preferred byM. floricola appeated to be similar to that accepted byM. pharaonis. The paper describes worker and queen ofM. floricola (morphological structures are illustrated by SEM pictures) and gives some notes on their biology.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von 1968–1970 in Polen durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden als bisher nicht bekannte Parasiten der in Lärchensamen lebendenMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae) die ChalcidoidenEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) undMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) nachgewiesen.Die Zuchten aus Samen und Zapfen von 69 polnischen Oberförstereien (104 Standorte) zeigten, daß die beiden Parasiten eine beträchtliche Rolle bei der Einschränkung der Population vomMegastigmus pictus spielen können. Die Untersuchungen bilden die Grundlage für einen eventuellen Einsatz beider Parasitenarten zur biologischen Bekämpfung des Samenschädlings.
Summary The autor demonstrates, as a result of investigation carried out in the years 1968–1970, thatEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) andMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) being parasites ofMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae), an insect damaging the seeds of the European and Polish larch.It was stated from 69 forest districts (104 localities) in the area of Poland, that these parasites are able to play a considerable role in the limitation ofMegastigmus pictus populations. An indication of the se parasites may presage the possibility of a biological restriction of damages caused by this harmful insect.

A report is given on the introduction and establishment of the ChalcididAphelinus mali in the Wadi Lia, Taif region, in Saudi Arabia in 1976, for the purpose of controlling the woolly apple aphid,Eriosoma lanigerum.  相似文献   

The adaptation of the primary internal parasitoid,Trichogramma evanescens (Westw.), as an egg parasitoid ofLobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) was the first report in Alexandria region, Egypt. The life-span of this parasitoid on eggs ofL. botrana andSitotroga cerealella Ol. was investigated. The duration from egg to adult, longevity of adult stage, sex-ratio and total life cycle each of the two hosts were recorded. The ovipositional periods of mated females ofT. evanescens on egg ofL. botrana at 27±2co and 75±2% R.H. were studied. Also, percentages of parasitism byT. evanescens ranged from 22%–64% on the eggs ofL. botrana. Therefore, this parasitoid was very efficient as a biocontrol agent against the most serious grape pestL. botrana in Egypt.  相似文献   

Three moulting inhibitors, Dimilin, Nomolt and Alsystin, were tested against the sawflyPristiphora abietina by helicopter-application. The hatched larvae showed a low susceptibility to these bioinsecticides; in all cases the mortality ran up to 20% max. only, and the damage of the buds could not be prevented. The eggs of the sawfly were much more susceptible. Dimilin and Nomolt caused an oocidal effect of about 35–40%, whereas after application of Alsystin the mortality of the eggs increased up to 80–100%. Areas sprayed with Alsystin during the egg period ofP. abietina showed no damage at all.  相似文献   

A hitherto unknown parasite of theMegastigmus suspectus larvae, the pest of fir-seeds (Abies alba Mill.), was found and identified asMesopolobus pinus. It was stated from the Roztoczański National Park in Poland. That this parasite is able to play considerable role in the limitation ofMegastigmus suspectus population.  相似文献   

The female parasite,Bracon bebetor is not able to distinguish the host that she or other female of its species attacked. Thus, a host larva ofG. mellonella bearing numerous eggs of this parasite most probably was superparasitized. This phenomenon induces obvious decreases in the length of the parasite developmental period and its progeny and increases the rate of mortality in immature stages and number of males in the progeny. Individuals parasitising the host earlier are always survivors and those attacking it later are losers. Losers are either devoured early by the older larvae or die, later, under the state of starvation when the host individual provides insufficient supply of food for all attacking larvae.  相似文献   

Impatiens parviflora andI. glandulifera, two invasive touchme-not species of exotic origin were found to be associated with two aphid groups in Central Europe: a) Exotic species subsequently following their invasive plant hosts (Impatientinum asiaticum Nevsky), b) native species secondarily adapted to the new exotic hosts (Aphis fabae cirsiiacanthoidis Scop.). The species number (listed) of associated syrphid flies in the newly developed guilds was rather high, consisting of broadly oligophagous species. The plant phenology and adaptation of the aphids have resulted in associations which apparently represent seasonally significant sources of prey, their importance apparently increasing with the decreasing season. Antattendance was determined in both aphid species, and no adverse interference with the preying syrphid larvae was observed. In spite of an overall classification of the target plants as expansive weeds, they are classified positively as contributing to the enhancement of syrphid fly populations in the biocorridors in the cultivated landscape.  相似文献   

Studies on the biology of Phygadeuon trichops Thoms. (Hym., Ichneumonidae.) Studies on the biology ofPhygadeuon trichops Thoms. (Hym., Ichneumonidae). Biological data, which were pointed out with one or several couples of ichneumonids per testcage, are reported such as life-span, reproductive capacity, duration of larval development, sex ratio, rhythm of oviposition, duration of copulation, supra parasitying, number of exit holes in the host pupa and the ratio of the F1-progeny and real produced eggs. As host pupae for the ichneumonids pupae of the onion fly were used, which can be breeded easily in large scale.  相似文献   

Investigations on longevity and fertility of Megastigmus bipunctatus Swederus (Hym., Chalc., Torymidae)Investigations on the influence of different climatic and nutritional factors on longevity and fertility of adult femaleMegastigmus bipunctatus showed that differences in relative humidity had little effect. In higher temperatures longevity and fertility were reduced; the number of undeveloped eggs was reduced more than the number of mature eggs. Food formulas containing protein in the form of chicken egg albumen had a negative effect on longevity and fertility when compared with data fromM. bipunctatus femals kept without food and water. An increase of both, life span and number of eggs, was observed after giving distilled water, aqueous honey solution or aqueous honey solution enriched with vitamin mixture. A maximum increase was obtained with femals living only on honey solution.  相似文献   

Eight percent of larvae ofSemanotus undatus in a heavyly attacked fir trunk were parasitized byOrussus abietinus. Only few host species are known of the rare Orussidae, which had formerly been wrongly allocated to the wood wasps (Siricidae). The Orussidae form part of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), although they are their only family not to have vegetarian habits; instead they have parasitarian habits similar to the parasitical wasps.  相似文献   

Diadegma semiclausum was reared in the laboratory on 2nd and 3rd instar larvae ofPlutella xylostella. At 25°C, the incubation period of the parasite's egg was 38h; the following stages lasted 5.4 days (5 instars), 33h (pre-pupa), and 5.9 days (pupa). Superparasitism occurred but only one parasite developed from one host larva. Sex ratio inD. semiclausum was found to be 11 in nature as well as in laboratory. The daily and total rate of eggs deposited per female were 13.6 and 164.2, respectively. The parasite male and female, fed on honey, lived for 11.2 and 14.6 days, respectively. Laboratory trials failed to rearD. semiclausum on certain lepidopterous larvae other thanP. xylostella. Percentages of parasitism byD. semiclausum inP. xylostella larvae collected from cabbage fields during 1982 ranged between 0 and 66%.
Zusammenfassung Diadegma semiclausum wurde im Labor in L2- und L3-Raupen vonPlutella xylostella gezüchtet. Bei 25°C dauerte die Entwicklung 1,6 (Ei), 5,4 (L1–L5), 1,4 (Präpuppe) und 5,9 (Puppe) Tage. Superparasitismus kam vor, doch entwickelte sich nur jeweils eine Parasitenlarve. Das Geschlechterverhältnis vonD. semiclausum betrug im Freiland und im Labor 11. Die tägliche und die Gesamtzahl an abgelegten Eiern betrugen 13,6 und 164,2. Bei Fütterung mit Honig lebten die männlichen Parasiten i.M. 11,2, die weiblichen i. M. 14,6 Tage. Die Laborversuche zeigten, daßD. semiclausum sich ausschließlich ausP. xylostella-Raupen ziehen ließ. Die Parasitierungsquoten vonD. semiclausum inP. xylostella variierten bei Raupen von Kohlfeldern aus verschiedenen Landesteilen 1982 zwischen 0 und 66%.

This paper deals with the influence of the mixed biocide GCSC-BtA on the pupal and adult stages of Apanteles plutellae Kurd. (Hym., Braconidae) and its host, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae). The results show that mortalities of the pupae of P. xylostella in the direct-dip bioassay were 84.67?%, that of the adults in the residue bioassay at 1.2500?mg/ml concentration of GCSC-BtA were 78.00?% which were significantly higher than the mortality values for the pupae with 54.62?% and adults with 48.13?% of A. plutellae. In contrast, cypermethrin showed extremely high toxicity to the pupae with 94.58?% and adults with 86.00?% mortality values of A. plutellae as compared to the low mortality values of 42.14?% for the pupae and 32.11?% for the adults of P. xylostella, with the same concentrations and bioassay methods. The LC50 values of GCSC-BtA were 0.3402, 0.5516 and 1.2405, 1.9480?mg/ml for the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and A. plutellae, respectively, while the LC50 values for cypermethrin were 1.5652, 2.3471 and 0.1096, 0.1152?mg/ml, respectively. GCSC-BtA was found more toxic to the pupae and adults of P. xylostella and safer to the pupae and adults of A. plutellae than cypermethrin. The possibilty of using GCSC-BtA against P. xylostella under partial control by A. plutellae in vegetable fields is discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were undertaken to study the interrelationships which may be detected when rearing the ectoparasitoid,Bracon brevicornis onSesamia cretica larvae after being injected with the bacterial pathogen,Serratia marcescens at five constant temperatures. Many effects detrimental to the parasitoid were found through rearing onSerratia-infected larvae ofSesamia e.g. decreased the deposited eggs especially at 35°C; reduced the formed cocoons and produced adults at all temperatures (15–35°C); and prolonged developmental, repriod especially at 20 or 25°C. Number of infected host larvae which allowed complete successful development for the parasitoid was significantly decreased especially at the extremes of temperatures.  相似文献   

The Relative Growth Rate of the larvac ofA. rosae at a temperature of 20°C amounts to 0.45–0.63 (RGR of Myzus persicae=0.17–0.39) corresponding to a doubling of the body weight within 1.1 to 1.5 days. The daily intake of plant material reached twice the amount of the respective initial body weight. The diapause ofA. rosae is induced by the photoperiod; temperature seems to be of minor importance. The onset of pigment evasion from the larval eye signalizes the termination of diapause. Diapause ended earlier at temperatures of 5°C and 12°C than at 20°C but even at the latter temperature diapausing individuals eventually yielded adults.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Nachkommenzahl von einem Weibchen vonSitophilus oryzae oderSitotroga cerealella in Sorghum-Körnern nahm mit dem Ansteigen der ursprünglichen Elterndichte ab. Jedoch nahm die Gesamtzahl an Nachkommen beiS. oryzae bis zu einem Maximalwert zu und danach bei weiterem Anstieg der Elterndichte wieder ab (Crowding-Konkurrenz). BeiS. cerealella dagegen tendierte die Nachkommenzahl dazu, von einem Grenzwert ab—unabhängig von der Elterndichte—konstant zu bleiben (Wettkampf-Konkurrenz).
Intraspezific competition and progeny production inSitophilus oryzae (L.) (Coleopt.) andSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.) (Lepid.) in Sorghum grain
The number of progeny produced per femaleSitophilus oryzae (L.) orSitotroga cerealella (Oliv.), on sorghum grain, decreased as the initial parental density increased. However, the total number of progeny (off-springs) produced inS. oryzae increased to a peak then declined with further increases in parental density (Scramble competition). InS. cerealella the progeny produced tended to be fairly constant once a certain parental density was passed (Contest competition).

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