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Imidacloprid has been used as a key insecticide for controlling sucking insect pests of cotton, whereas Spodoptera litura also has been indirectly exposed to this insecticide in Pakistan. To evaluate the risk of resistance evolution and to develop a better resistance management strategy, a field collected population was selected with imidacloprid in the laboratory. Thereafter, fitness cost, realized heritability and cross resistance of imidacloprid resistance in S. litura were investigated. After 14 generations of selection with imidacloprid, S. litura developed a 137.48-fold resistance to the insecticide. Bioassay revealed that this strain showed cross-resistance to acetamiprid (RR 8.52) and a little to lamdacyhalothrin (1.92) but negative cross-resistance was found to methomyl (−0.19). The resistant strain had a relative fitness of 0.38, with substantially lower rates of larval survival, larval duration, male pupal duration, development time, emergence rate of healthy adults, fecundity, hatchability, and prolonged larval and pupal duration. Mean relative growth rate of the larvae, intrinsic rate of population increase, and biotic potential was lower for the selected populations. The estimated realized heritability (h2) of imidacloprid resistance was 0.15 in the resistant strain of S. litura. Development of the resistance may cost significant fitness for the resistant population. This study provided valuable information for further understanding the impact of imidacloprid resistance on physiological parameters of S. litura and for facilitating the development of resistance management strategies.  相似文献   

Only a few of the registered insecticides against Cydia pomonella L. are still effective in areas where insecticide resistance has emerged in this pest. Resistance mechanisms are multiple, and their lone or cumulative effects in a single population are not completely understood. A detailed estimation of resistance spectrum is still required to define the suitable insecticides to use against a given population. The efficacy of ten insecticides was therefore investigated together with the resistance mechanisms expressed in four laboratory strains and 47 field populations of C. pomonella from five countries. Bioassays were performed using topical applications of diagnostic concentrations on diapausing larvae, and resistance mechanisms were analysed on adults emerging from control insects. All populations exhibited a reduced susceptibility to at least one insecticide when compared with the susceptible laboratory strain. Cross-resistances were observed between azinphos-methyl or phosalone and more recent compounds such as spinosad and thiacloprid. Resistances to azinphos-methyl, diflubenzuron, spinosad, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were significantly correlated with mixed-function oxidase activity, while increased glutathione-S-transferase and reduced non-specific esterase activities were correlated with resistance to azinphos-methyl and emamectin, respectively. Conversely, resistances to azinphos-methyl, tebufenozide and thiacloprid were negatively correlated with increased esterase activity. None of the observed mechanisms explained the loss of susceptibility of populations to chlorpyrifos-ethyl, and no significant correlation was detected between resistance to deltamethrin and the presence of the kdr mutation. The suitability of such non-target instars to monitor insecticide resistance in field populations is discussed.  相似文献   

Jordan 《Weed Research》1999,39(6):493-505
Fitness costs of the triazine resistance mutation were estimated in experimental populations of Amaranthus hybridus L. from Maryland and Virginia (USA). Estimated costs were attributed directly to effects of the resistance mutation, through comparisons of lines bearing similar nuclear genomes, but either resistant or susceptible cytoplasm. Experimental weed plants were established from seed in the field at a wide range of A. hybridus and crop (maize or soyabean) densities, and experiments were repeated over 3 years. Resistant cytoplasm caused large reductions in several components of fitness, but substantial differences were observed among years in these fitness costs of resistance. For the fitness component of total biomass above-ground biomass production, relative fitnesses of resistant genotypes (resistant/susceptible ratios) ranged between 0.42 and 0.70. Costs of resistance were similar in weeds growing with either maize or soyabean crops. Certain costs of resistance differed between populations: impairment of seedling establishment and early growth by the resistance mutation was evident in the Virginia population, but not in the Maryland population. This functional difference between populations was associated with greater costs of resistance in the Virginia population with respect to mid-season leaf number and total above-ground biomass production; however, only the former population difference in fitness cost was statistically significant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The insect growth regulator pyriproxyfen has provided effective control of the whitefly Bemisia tabaci Gennadius in many countries. Here, whether or not fitness costs were associated with pyriproxyfen resistance in a laboratory‐selected resistant strain (QC02‐R) of the B biotype was determined. RESULTS: Mortality caused by pyriproxyfen and fitness traits over time were measured in unselected and selected hybrid strains, which were created by crossing individuals of the resistant strain with individuals of a susceptible strain. Fitness costs were not associated with resistance in QC02‐R, as mortality caused by pyriproxyfen did not increase over time in unselected hybrid strains and fitness traits were similar in unselected and selected hybrid strains. Using a new method to examine the inheritance of resistance, based on data from fitness cost experiments, it was estimated that pyriproxyfen resistance is controlled by two loci in the QC02‐R strain. CONCLUSION: The lack of fitness costs associated with pyriproxyfen resistance could promote the evolution of resistance in field populations with similar traits to QC02‐R. Copyright © 2008 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Base‐line susceptibility for six‐day‐old larvae of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, against Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (Biobit®) was studied by a cabbage leaf disc dip bioassay technique. Diamondback moth from 13 locations in seven different states spread over a distance of about 3000 km longitudinally was used for these studies. Forty‐eight‐hour LC50 values varied from 1.0 to 10.97 mg AI litre−1. Further investigations on the development of resistance under laboratory conditions showed an increase in LC50 from 2.76 (for unselected F1 generation) to 5.28 mg AI litre−1 (for selected F9 generation), using a selection concentration of 6.4 mg AI litre−1. This suggested a possibility of the development of resistance under field conditions if there were to be extensive and indiscriminate use of B thuringiensis. These findings are discussed in relation to integrated pest management and the mechanisms of resistance in resistance management tactics. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

In addition to the allele frequencies of the L1014F and T929I mutations which are involved in nerve-insensitive resistance to a pyrethroid, those of the M918I mutation were examined using field strains obtained in China, Thailand, and Japan during 2009-2011. Results show that the resistance allele frequencies at the L1014F site were 89-100%, 97-100% and 65-85%, respectively, for strains in China, Thailand, and Japan. The respective allele frequencies at the T929I site were 86-100%, 70-97% and 58-84% for Chinese, Thai, and Japanese strains. With low frequencies up to 27%, M918I was found in Japan and China, but not in Thailand. The strain homozygous for the M918I and L1014F mutations was established and its resistance level to a pyrethroid was examined. The strain lacks a portion of the sodium channel gene corresponding to the 3′ portion of exon 18a, intron 18, and the 5′ portion of exon 18b. Nevertheless, the strain showed a similar level of resistance to that which was homozygous for the T929I and L1014F mutations.  相似文献   

 蔓枯病是威胁甜瓜最重要的病害之一,该病是由西瓜壳二孢菌(Ascochyta citrullina Smith, 无性世代是泄根亚隔孢壳Didymella bryoniae)引起的,在甜瓜的幼苗期至采收期均可发生。在中国厚皮甜瓜栽培品种中尚未发现蔓枯病抗性较好且综合性状优良的品种,多数甜瓜抗蔓枯病材料均为薄皮小果,关于甜瓜与蔓枯病菌的互作机理目前报道较少,厚皮甜瓜和薄皮甜瓜与蔓枯病菌的互作机理差异以及不同品种的薄皮甜瓜间与蔓枯病菌的互作机理差异未见任何报道。在低温高湿环境下甜瓜发生蔓枯病的几率比在适宜生长环境下大大增高,抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(ascrobate peroxidase gene,APX,EC1. 11. 1.11) 是植物耐受逆境胁迫的主要因子,调节活性氧水平,与过氧化氢、一氧化氮一起参与防卫反应和细胞死亡,有可能调节MAPK的级联反应,应对多种环境胁迫因子。本研究拟探讨不同甜瓜品种与蔓枯病菌互作时APX转录水平的变化,初步解释APX在甜瓜与蔓枯病菌互作中的作用。  相似文献   

经分离、培养对不同菌种培养性状的观察,确定了侵染黄瓜、黑籽南瓜造成死秧的镰刀菌主要为尖镰孢菌黄瓜专化型、尖镰孢菌西瓜专化型、串珠镰刀菌和腐皮镰孢菌4种。经致病性测定,4种镰刀菌均能侵染黄瓜,引起发病造成死秧,可分为强致病类型和中强致病类型。经抗病性鉴定,黑籽南瓜种子只有南瓜4号为耐病品种;黄瓜种子也只有津优31号为耐病品种。  相似文献   

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