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我国12个地区草莓叶螨种类分子鉴定及遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确草莓上的叶螨种类及其遗传多样性,以便准确有效地指导草莓叶螨防治。本研究选取我国12个代表性的地区,采集草莓上的叶螨。采样范围覆盖了我国华北、华中、华东和西南的草莓产区。扩增和测定线粒体cox1基因部分序列,将所获得的序列通过BLAST与GenBank数据库中的序列进行比对,确定叶螨种类,并对cox1基因序列的多样性进行分析。测序获得了长度为632bp的cox1基因片段。BLAST比对结果和系统发育分析表明,来自我国12个地区的91个样品均为二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae。遗传多样性分析发现我国草莓上二斑叶螨的cox1基因有2种单倍型,其中11个地区仅存在1种单倍型,北京昌平检测到2种单倍型。两种单倍型之间有1个核苷酸的同义突变。本研究表明,二斑叶螨为这些地区草莓上唯一的叶螨种类,种群内遗传多样性非常低。研究结果对于制定草莓上叶螨的防治策略具有指导意义。  相似文献   

西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)是世界性的大害虫,对温室中蔬菜花卉造成巨大的危害。20世纪70年代后在世界范围内广泛而迅速地传播蔓延,近年入侵中国。西花蓟马对农药产生了广泛的抗性,使得生物防治一直作为其综合治理中的主导措施。本文综述了世界上西花蓟马生物防治的现状,以期为中国西花蓟马的治理提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

A field-collected multiresistant strain of Tetranychus urticae Koch exhibiting high resistance to bifenthrin was investigated in comparison with a susceptible laboratory strain. The esterase inhibitor S,S,S-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate (DEF) was able strongly to synergise bifenthrin toxicity in the resistant strain. Optimal conditions for determining esterase activities in T. urticae were determined, and a higher esterase activity towards several artificial substrates was found in this resistant strain, which had a preference for hydrolysing 4-nitrophenyl butyrate. Bifenthrin was able to bind the active centres of T. urticae esterases in vitro, as was determined after competition experiments by a Dixon plot, revealing a higher affinity of bifenthrin in the resistant strain. Bifenthrin-hydrolysing activity in the resistant and susceptible strains was examined in vitro and quantified with gas chromatography. A 7.2-fold higher metabolising rate was found in the resistant strain.  相似文献   

Insecticide resistance continues to be one of the most important issues facing agricultural production. The challenges in insecticide resistance and its management are exemplified by the situation with the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). This highly invasive pest has a great propensity for developing insecticide resistance because of its biological attributes, and cases of resistance to most classes of insecticides used for its management have been detected. To combat insecticide resistance in the western flower thrips, several insecticide resistance management (IRM) programs have been developed around the world, and these are discussed. Successful programs rely on non-insecticidal tactics, such as biological and cultural controls and host plant resistance, to reduce population pressures, rotations among insecticides of different mode of action classes to conserve insecticide efficacy, resistance monitoring, sampling to determine the need for insecticide applications and education to assure proper implementation. More judicious insecticide use is possible with the development of well-founded economic thresholds for more cropping systems. While growers will continue to rely on insecticides as part of western-flower-thrips- and thrips-transmitted virus management, more effective management of these pests will be achieved by considering their management in the context of overall integrated pest management, with IRM being a key component of those comprehensive programs.  相似文献   

为探讨阶段性组合猎物在饲养南方小花蝽过程中的适合性,本研究用蚕豆蚜、阶段性组合猎物(1豆蚜和二斑叶螨)分别饲喂南方小花蝽。研究发现,饲喂蚕豆蚜的成虫获得率最低为34.2%;连续2代饲喂阶段性组合猎物与混合猎物的成虫获得率均在80%左右。用阶段性组合猎物饲养的南方小花蝽第1代和第2代的未成熟期(15.30和15.28 d)都略长于混合猎物的14.71 d,但明显短于蚕豆蚜饲养的21.48 d。阶段性组合猎物饲养南方小花蝽连续两代的净生殖率(27.85、40.13)、内禀增长率(0.16、0.18)与取食混合猎物时的净生殖率(31.38)、内禀增长率(0.16)相差不大,均明显高于饲喂蚕豆蚜时的净生殖率(4.27)、内禀增长率(0.06),能够很好地满足南方小花蝽种群增长的营养需求。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many plant essential oils show a broad spectrum of activity against pests. This study investigated the effects of two essential oils on Tetranychus urticae, one of the most serious pests in the world. RESULTS: The chemical composition of the two oils was characterised by GC‐MS. The most abundant component in the Santolina africana (Jord. & Fourr) oil was terpinen‐4‐ol (54.96%), while thymol (61%) was prevalent in the Hertia cheirifolia (L.) oil. Mortality and fecundity were measured upon treatment with oil concentrations ranging from 0.07 to 6.75 mg L?1 with a Potter spray tower. Mite mortality increased with oil concentration, with LC50 values of 2.35 mg L?1 for S. africana and 3.43 mg L?1 for H. cheirifolia respectively. For both oils, a reduction in fecundity was observed at concentrations of 0.07, 0.09 and 0.29 mg L?1. Artificial blends of constituents of oils were also prepared and tested with individual constituents missing from the mixture. The results showed that the presence of all constituents was necessary to equal the toxicity of the two natural oils. CONCLUSION: S. africana and H. cheirifolia oils can provide valuable acaricide activity with significantly lower LC50 values. Thus, these oils cause important mortality and reduce the number of eggs laid by females. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The spread of the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), resulted in the worldwide destabilization of established integrated pest management programs for many crops. Efforts to control the pest and the thrips‐vectored tospoviruses with calendar applications of broad‐spectrum insecticides have been unsuccessful. The result has been a classic ‘3‐R’ situation: resistance to numerous insecticides; resurgence of the western flower thrips populations as a result of natural predators and native competitor thrips being eliminated; replacement by various other pests. This paper reports on integrated pest management programs for fruiting vegetables that are effective, economical, ecologically sound and sustainable. RESULTS: The components include the following: define pest status (economic thresholds); increase biotic resistance (natural enemies and competition); integrate preventive and therapeutic tactics (scouting, ultraviolet‐reflective technologies, biological control, compatible insecticides, companion plants and fertility); vertically integrate the programs with other pests; continually communicate latest science‐based management tactics with end‐users. CONCLUSION: These programs have been widely implemented in Florida and have significantly improved the management of western flower thrips and thrips‐transmitted viruses. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The tospoviruses Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), Tomato chlorotic spot virus (TCSV), Groundnut ringspot virus (GRSV) and Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus (CSNV) are well-known pathogens on tomato in Brazil. The thrips species Frankliniella occidentalis , F. schultzei , Thrips tabaci and T. palmi were studied for their competence to transmit these tospoviruses. Frankliniella occidentalis transmitted all four tospoviruses with different efficiencies. Frankliniella schultzei transmitted TCSV, GRSV and CSNV. Although F. schultzei has been reported as a vector of TSWV, the F. schultzei population in the present study did not transmit the TSWV isolate used. A population of T. tabaci known to transmit Iris yellow spot virus (onion isolate) did not transmit any of the studied tospoviruses, and nor did T. palmi . Replication of these tospoviruses could be demonstrated by ELISA, not only in the thrips species that could transmit them, but also in those that could not. The results strongly suggest that competence to transmit is regulated not only by the initial amount of virus acquired and replication, but also by possible barriers to virus circulation inside the thrip's body.  相似文献   

西花蓟马抗药性研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西花蓟马是世界范围内蔬菜和花卉上的重要害虫之一,使用化学药剂是防治西花蓟马的主要手段,目前西花蓟马已对有机氯、有机磷、氨基甲酸酯、拟除虫菊酯、阿维菌素和多杀菌素等多种杀虫剂产生了抗药性。本文从抗药性现状、抗性机制和抗性治理等几个方面介绍了国内外有关西花蓟马抗药性的研究进展。  相似文献   

三种药剂喷雾和灌根施药方式对西花蓟马的残留毒力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取生产中常用的阿维菌素、噻虫嗪和螺虫乙酯,分别采用喷雾和灌根的方式施于甘蓝、甜椒和菜豆上,药后不同时间分别取3种作物上的老叶片及新生叶片,采用离心管法测定其对西花蓟马的残留毒力.结果表明,噻虫嗪灌根对西花蓟马的残留毒力最高,持效期长达一个月左右,可作为防治苗期西花蓟马的有效药剂和方法.  相似文献   

云南石榴蓟马种类组成及其种群动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2007-2008年对云南甜石榴和酸石榴两种石榴上蓟马种类及其种群动态进行了系统调查、标本采集、种类鉴定。结果表明,为害石榴的蓟马有10种,分别为西花蓟马(Frankliniella occidentalis)、丽花蓟马(F.intonsa)、黄蓟马(Thripsflavus)、黄胸蓟马(T.hawaiiensis)、棕榈蓟马(T.palmi)、烟蓟马(T.tabaci)、茶黄硬蓟马(Scirto-thrips dorsalis)、端大蓟马(Megalurothrips distalis)、华简管蓟马(Haplothrips chinensis)和Thripssp.,其中西花蓟马是云南石榴蓟马的优势种。不同石榴品种上蓟马种类不同,甜石榴上有西花蓟马、丽花蓟马、黄蓟马、棕榈蓟马、烟蓟马、黄胸蓟马、端大蓟马、茶黄硬蓟马和蓟马属1种,酸石榴上蓟马种类有西花蓟马、丽花蓟马、黄蓟马、棕榈蓟马、烟蓟马、端大蓟马、茶黄硬蓟马、华简管蓟马和蓟马属1种,黄胸蓟马仅在甜石榴上发生为害。在石榴不同生育时期,发生为害不同,其中成虫和若虫集中为害花,造成麻点特征。  相似文献   

The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is a serious pest in the south-east of Spain owing to its direct feeding on crops, transmission of the tomato spotted wilt virus and its very high level of resistance to insecticides. Mechanisms of resistance were examined using field populations of F. occidentalis with different susceptibilities to acrinathrin, methiocarb (selective insecticides), endosulfan, metamidophos and deltamethrin (broad-spectrum insecticides). Esterase activity towards alpha-naphthyl acetate and p-nitrophenyl acetate in resistant strains was significantly higher than in the reference strain (MLFOM) for both model substrates. This higher activity was significantly correlated with acrinathrin and methiocarb resistance.  相似文献   

蓟马对农作物的危害逐年加重, 为筛选防治蓟马的高效低毒药剂, 采用叶管药膜法测定了10种常用药剂对4种蓟马的室内毒力, 并开展了田间防效试验。室内毒力测定结果表明, 6%乙基多杀菌素SC和10%虫螨腈SC对4种蓟马的毒力相对较高, 25%噻虫嗪WG和5%甲维盐EC的毒力较低, 西花蓟马和瓜蓟马对10种药剂的敏感性低于花蓟马和烟蓟马。田间药效结果表明, 25%噻虫嗪WG、10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺SC和4.5%高效氯氰菊酯EC对西花蓟马的防效较高, 药后7 d药效最高达到90%以上。综合室内毒力和田间药效试验结果, 推荐4.5%高效氯氰菊酯EC和10%溴虫氟苯双酰胺SC为防治蓟马的首选药剂, 可与25%噻虫嗪WG、48%多杀霉素SC、1.8%阿维菌素EC和10%吡丙醚SC等药剂轮换使用。  相似文献   

A strain of Tetranychus urticae (Koch; Acari: Tetranychidae), collected from hops (Humulus humuli L; Cannabaceae) in England with a short history of tebufenpyrad use, exhibited resistance to four METI (mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor)-acaricides; tebufenpyrad, pyridaben, fenazaquin and fenpyroximate. Resistance factors for these compounds in a microimmersion assay were 46, 346, 168 and 77 respectively, and corresponded to those exhibited by a Japanese METI-acaricide-resistant reference strain. Levels of resistance remained stable without further selection, and selection with tebufenpyrad did not increase them. The UK strain was also resistant (c 6-fold) to bifenthrin. Crosses of homozygous, diploid females with hemizygous, haploid males showed that, in the UK strain, METI-acaricide resistance was paternally and maternally inherited, and was an incompletely dominant trait. Another tebufenpyrad-resistant strain from the UK, originating from a chrysanthemum nursery (Chrysanthemum foeniculaceum Giseke; Asteraceae) was collected eight months later at a site c 210 km distant from the first. These are the first published incidences of METI-acaricide resistance in Europe and implications for the future use of these compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

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