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The gingival crevices of the four central incisor teeth of 396 sheep with known sires were measured at the mid-labial, mid-mesial and distal (interproximal), and mid-lingual aspects to test the hypothesis that gingival crevice depths were heritable. In total, 6336 gingival crevices were examined. Mean crevicular depths were 1·50 mm (labial), 3·16 mm (interproximal) and 6·52 mm (lingual). Within breed-strain genetic variation was examined and paternal half-sib heritability estimates were found to be high for the interproximal crevice depth (0·66 ± 0·20) and the lingual crevice depth (0·69 ± 0·21), but lower, and non-significant, for the labial crevice depth (0·24 ± 0·17).  相似文献   

Using standard techniques, semen was collected from six normal Beagles, aged 1–2 years, at monthly intervals on seven occasions. The mean value of ejaculate was 3.1 ml, and the mean sperm count was 47.7 million/ml. Libido was maintained over the experimental period and the results were consistent throughout.
Résumé. Au moyen des méthodes habituelles, on a fait sept prélèvements, espacés d'un mois, de spermatozoïdes de six chiens beagles courants normaux, âgés de 1 à 2 ans. Le volume moyen de l'éjaculation était de 3,1 ml et le compte moyen était de 47,7 millions/ml. La libido a persisté pendant la période expérimentale et les résultats étaient consistants tout au long.
Zusammenfassung. Unter Venvendung von Standardmethoden wurde Sperma von sechs normalen Beagle-Rüden im Alter von 1–2 Jahren in monatlichen Abständen bei sieben Untersuchungen gewonnen. Die mittlere Ejakulatmenge betrug 3, l ml, und die rnittlere Spermienzahl 47,7 Millionen/ml. Die Libido blieb während der ganzen Versuchsperiode erhalten, und die Ergebnisse waren ebenfalls konsistent.  相似文献   

Vitreous haemorrhage is described in the Beagle dog. Résumé. On décrit une hémorragie vitreuse chez le Briquet. Zusammenfassung. Glasartige Blutung ist im kleinen Spürhund beschrieben.  相似文献   

Using a Schiotz tonometer, measurements of intraocular pressure were made on 128 conscious Beagles of 5–36 months and on twelve anaesthetized Beagles aged 3–5 years. The normal range of pressures was between 10 and 31 mm Hg; up to 3 years no significant age or sex differences were found.
Résumé. L'auteur a mesuré à l'aide d'un tonomètre Schiotz la pression oculaire de 128 chiens beagles éveillés, âgés de 5 à 36 mois, et de douze chiens beagles anesthésiés, âgés de 3 à 5 ans. La tension normale oscille entre 10 et 31 mm Hg; jusqu'à l'âge de 3 ans, on n'observe aucune différence significative suivant l'âge ou le sexe.
Zusammenfassung. Unter Verwendung des Schiötzschen Tonometers wurden Messungen des Augeninnendrucks an 128 nicht narkotisierten Beagle-Hunden im Alter von 5 bis 36 Monaten und an zwölf narkotisierten Beagle-Hunden im Alter von 3–5 Jahren durchgeführt. Der normale Druckbereich lag zwischen 10 und 31 mm Hg; bis zum Alter von 3 Jahren wurden keine signifikanten Alters— oder Geschlechtsunterschiede dabei festgestellt.  相似文献   

Blue discoloration of the iris was found in the left eye of a male laboratory Beagle dog, which had a normal tricolor coat and clinically showed no visual impairment. Ophthalmoscopically, the affected eye revealed red-colored tigroid fundus, in which no tapetum was present. The retinal vasculature and the optic disc showed no noticeable changes. Histopathologically, in the left eye melanocytes had extremely few melanin granules in the anterior segment, including the anterior border layer, in the stroma and sphincter muscle of the iris and in the stroma of the ciliary body and choroid. However, the posterior pigment epithelium of the iris, the pigment epithelium of the ciliary body and the retinal pigment epithelium showed normal pigmentation. The tapetal elements were completely absent. Number and distribution of the S-100 protein-positive melanocytes with or without melanin granules in the iris, ciliary body and choroid of the left eye were similar to those of the normal right eye. Ultrastructurally, melanocytes in the anterior segment of the affected iris possessed no or few melanosomes which were incompletely melanized. In the right eye, no abnormal features were observed. Based on these results, the present case was diagnosed as unilateral ocular subalbinism with tapetal aplasia in a Beagle dog.  相似文献   

The effects of serial percutaneous testicular biopsy on testicular size, semen characteristics and plasma testosterone have been assessed. Testicular atrophy occurred in one dog after the first biopsy, but apparently there were no permanent deleterious effects on semen characteristics or testosterone concentrations. The histological changes 72 hours and 14 days after bilateral testicular biopsy were examined in one dog. Initial haemorrhage and necrosis with subsequent fibrosis and atrophy occurred at the biopsy site. The surrounding tissue remained normal in appearance. The technique may be worthwhile for establishing diagnostic criteria in cases of male canine infertility. Not enough tubules are obtained in circular cross-section to allow detailed histomorphometric analysis of spermatogenesis under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Changes with age in the eyes of Beagle dogs are described clinically and histologically. Lenticular changes involve increased prominence of the posterior lens sutures and opacity within the fetal nucleus. Cystoid degeneration of the retina was found in 85% of 8–year–old animals examined. A pigmentary change of the retina was found to be associated with focal degenerative change of the tapetum. No case of retinal atrophy was recorded.  相似文献   

A single mass was found on the left submandibular salivary gland at necropsy of a 15-month-old male commercially bred laboratory Beagle dog from a control dose group from a repeat toxicity study. Microscopically, the mass was composed of a well-demarcated area of coagulative necrosis surrounded and separated from the normal salivary gland tissue by a thick fibrovascular capsule. Necrosis was admixed with areas of hemorrhage, fibrin, edema, fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular tunica media, and thrombosis of small and large vessels. Within the necrotic tissue, there was marked ductal hyperplasia, and squamous metaplasia of duct and acinar epithelium. The mass was diagnosed as necrotizing sialometaplasia of the submandibular gland. Hyperplastic ductal elements and squamous metaplasia can be mistaken microscopically with squamous cell carcinoma. Therefore, pathologists should be aware of this lesion as to avoid errors in the diagnosis of this benign pathologic condition.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old Beagle dog had focal mastocytosis in the midtracheobronchial and left tracheobronchial lymph nodes. The cells were well-differentiated and were arranged in well-defined follicles. There were neither skin tumors nor mast-cell accumulations in other tissues.  相似文献   

A case of retinal atrophy is described.
Résumé. On décrit un cas d'atrophie de la rétine.
Zusammenfassung. Ein Fall von Netzhautatrophie wird beschrieben.  相似文献   

Theophylline was administered to six Beagles intravenously (Aminophyllin Injectable, Searle Laboratories) and orally as four sustained-release formulations (Choledyl -SA Tablets, Parke-Davis; Theo-Dur Tablets, Key Pharmaceuticals; Theo-24 Capsules, Searle Laboratories, and Slo-bid Gyrocaps, William H. Rorer, Inc.). Values were determined for mean residence time, mean absorption time, absolute bioavailability, time to peak plasma concentration, and peak plasma concentration normalized to a theophylline dose of 20 mg/kg. In this order the values found for each formulation were: Choledyl (10.2 +/- 1.8 h, 2.8 +/- 2.2 h, 63 +/- 10%, 3.9 +/- 1.0 h, 10 +/- 1.1 micrograms/ml), Theo-Dur (12.1 +/- 5.2 h, 4.9 +/- 5.3 h, 76 +/- 18% 4.7 +/- 3.1 h, 12 +/- 3.7 micrograms/ml), Theo-24 (15.6 +/- 8.9 h, 8.1 +/- 8.4 h, 30 +/- 16%, 3.6 +/- 1.7 h, 3.5 +/- 1.3 micrograms/ml), and Slo-bid (11.9 +/- 1.9 h, 4.4 +/- 1.3 h, 60 +/- 9%, 4 +/- 1.1 h, 8.6 +/- 0.8 micrograms/ml). Choledyl, Theo-Dur and Slo-bid appear to have absorption characteristics which, if given twice daily, would maintain therapeutic plasma concentrations of theophylline between 10 and 20 micrograms/ml in the dog. Of these, Theo-Dur was predicted to provide the least peak:trough fluctuation in theophylline plasma concentrations.  相似文献   

An anomaly of the fundus in a strain of pure-bred Beagle dogs is described clinically and histologically.
Résumé. On décrit une anomalie du fond d'oeil observée cliniquement et histologiquement dans la Iignée de chien beagles pur-sang.
Zusammenfassung. Eine Anomalie des Fundus bei einem Stamm reinrassiger Beagle-Hunde wird klinisch und histologisch beschrieben.  相似文献   

Semen samples were collected from mature Beagle dogs, using digital manipulation, at differing frequencies. Ejaculation once a day for five days did not affect libido or seminal characteristics. Ejaculation twice a day for five days reduced libido and sperm output. Ejaculation three times a day dramatically reduced libido and semen quality, and it was only possible to collect six or seven ejaculates. In a separate study semen quality was not altered after 6 weeks sexual rest.  相似文献   

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