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本研究利用southern blotting技术从羊驼皮肤cDNA文库中筛选出核糖体蛋白S5(Ribosomal proteinS5,RPSS)基因,测序后利用生物信息学方法对该基因进行了相关分析。经分析发现羊驼RPS5基因序列中存在CCGG位点,推测羊驼RPS5基因在此位点发生甲基化。RPS5基因通过调节处于不同凋亡方式的黑色素细胞,保证黑色素数量的产生,从而对羊驼毛色产生调控作用。  相似文献   

本研究利用southernblotting技术从羊驼皮肤cDNA文库中筛选出核糖体蛋白S5(RibosomalproteinS5,RPS5)基因,测序结果表明该片断大小为436bp,含有一个完整的ORF。并利用生物信息学方法对该基因进行了分析,发现该基因编码的氨基酸在第1到88位之间含有一个典型的CARD结构域,即六个反平行的螺旋结构形成的结构域,该结构域对RPS5基因功能的体现起决定作用。  相似文献   

核糖体蛋白S5(ribosomal protein S5,RPS5)是真核生物核糖体的重要组成部分,目前对RPS5功能的研究主要侧重于以下几方面:RPS5的晶体结构及其在核糖体结构上的分布特点;RPS5与蛋白质的翻译;RPS5具有DNA连接蛋白Ⅱ的功能;RPS5具有转录延伸因子3(EF-3)的功能;RPS5与物种进化;RPS5突变体的研究。本文对RPS5基因的研究概况及功能进行综述。  相似文献   

测定了7种金线鱼属(Nemipterus)及2种锥齿鲷属(Pentapus)鱼类S7核糖体蛋白基因(S7基因)内含子1部分序列,以二线眶棘鲈(Scolopsis bilineatus)做为外类群初步探讨了其分子进化关系.测序所得S7部分序列为734~746 bp,序列比对后得到同源序列743 bp.其中保守位点386个,变异位点351个,简约性信息位点289个.A+T含量(54.1%)高于G+C含量(45.9%).基于Kimura 2-Parameter模型计算出7种金线鱼的遗传距离为0.042~0.294.S7序列存在大量碱基插入与缺失,其中日本金线鱼(Nemipterus japonicus)与苏门答腊金线鱼(N. mesoprion)在第167、182、474、608、662 bp位置,金线鱼(N. virgatus)与印度洋金线鱼(N. bipunctatus)第227、332、401、604 bp的位置具有相同的碱基插入缺失特征,且具有种类特异性.最后利用最大似然法(ML)与贝叶斯分析(BI)构建分子系统进化树,7种金线鱼聚在一起,其中日本金线鱼与苏门答腊金线鱼聚为一支,金线鱼、深水金线鱼和印度洋金线鱼聚成一支.结论认为需要结合多方面的形态与分子证据,才能进一步明确金线鱼属鱼类的系统进化关系.  相似文献   

谢潮添  张元  陈昌生  徐燕  纪德华 《水产学报》2011,35(12):1814-1821
为了研究坛紫菜在高温胁迫条件下的分子应答机制,应用引物退火控制(ACP)技术对耐高温型纯系(Z-61)叶状体在高温胁迫条件下的差异表达基因进行筛选时,获得了一条核糖体蛋白S7基因的全长序列,命名为Phrps7(GenBank登录号:JF719273).该基因序列全长702 bp,包含一个585 bp的开放阅读框,其编码195个氨基酸的核糖体S7蛋白( PhRPS7),蛋白分子式为C984H1604N294O283S2,由5条α螺旋,6个片层及6个环状连接组成,与多个物种的RPS7蛋白具有较高的序列一致性(>55%).系统进化树分析表明,PhRPS7蛋白与真菌的亲缘关系较近,而与其它物种的亲缘关系较远.实时荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,Phrps7基因的表达水平与高温胁迫密切相关,在高温胁迫刚开始时(0 ~6d),Phrps7基因的表达水平极显著上调,而随着胁迫的继续(>6 d),表达量又有所下调,但仍显著高于胁迫开始前.  相似文献   

坛紫菜核糖体蛋白S15a基因的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
梅高尚  纪德华  李兵  徐燕  陈昌生  谢潮添 《水产学报》2012,36(12):1826-1833
坛紫菜栽培中经常遭遇高温胁迫危害而产生烂菜现象,为研究坛紫菜在高温胁迫条件下的分子应答机制,分离并克隆高温胁迫应答的相关基因,应用引物退火控制(ACP)技术对耐高温型纯系Z-61叶状体在高温胁迫条件下的差异表达基因进行筛选时,获得一条在高温胁迫条件下表达水平显著降低的基因片段,通过5'-RACE技术获得了它的全长,命名为Phrps 15a(GenBank登录号:JN991055.1).该基因序列全长676 bp,包含一个390 bp的开放阅读框编码130个氨基酸的核糖体S15a蛋白(PhRPS 15a),蛋白分子式为C664H1066N188O180S7,由3条螺旋、7个片层及8个环状连接组成,与多个物种的RPS15a蛋白具有较高的序列一致性(78%~80%).系统进化分析表明,动物、高等植物、绿藻和坛紫菜PhRPS15a蛋白均享有独立的进化分支,但坛紫菜PhRPS 15a蛋白与团藻和莱茵衣藻的亲缘关系更近.实时荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,Phrps 15α基因的表达水平与高温胁迫密切相关,在高温胁迫条件下,Phrps15a基因的表达水平极显著下调.  相似文献   

为了研究不同鱼类胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端调控序列转录因子差异与鱼类食性分化之间的关系。通过PCR克隆测序和查询NCBI数据库,获得32种鱼类胰α淀粉酶基因5'端824 bp序列,并对鱼类胰α淀粉酶基因5'端序列进行转录因子和系统发育分析。按不同的营养类型将鱼类分为杂食性、植食性和肉食性,通过百分比相似性分析不同食性鱼类的胰α淀粉酶基因转录因子的组成差异以及转录因子与鱼类食性的关系。结果显示:不同食性鱼类的胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端序列存在转录因子种类差异,植食性-肉食性鱼类差异主要体现在E47、C/EBPalpha、NF-Y和Pax-2,植食性-杂食性差异主要体现在deltaEF1、MyoD、NF-Y、AREB6和Pax-2,杂食性-肉食性差异主要体现在GATA-1、SRY、MyoD、HFH-8、AREB6、Pax-2、STAT5A和AP-1。系统发育结果与传统形态分类学大体相符,相同食性的鱼类并没有聚为一类。鱼类胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端调控序列中与食性分化相关的转录因子有E47、C/EBPalpha、NF-Y、Pax-2、deltaEF1、MyoD、AREB6、GATA-1、SRY、HFH-8、STAT5A和AP-1;胰α-淀粉酶基因5'端序列的转录因子与鱼类食性分化具有一定的关系。  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白(Metallothionein,MT)是一类能选择性地结合重金属离子的低分子量蛋白质。自Marafante及其同事于1970年证明MT在真骨鱼类中的存在以来,人们就对MT在动物体内和体外的作用和功能进行了广泛的研究。Dunn等(1987)对鱼类MT的研究表明,这类蛋白质长度极为均一,由60~61个氨  相似文献   

多巴色素异构酶(dopachrome tautomerase,Dct)是酪氨酸酶家族的重要成员之一,在黑色素合成过程中具有重要作用。为了解多巴色素异构酶基因()的“粉花”体色类型为研究对象,在对该基因进行克隆和表达分析的基础上,应用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术研究了该基因对瓯江彩鲤黑斑体色的影响。结果发现,瓯江彩鲤存在2个Dct1与在“粉花”体色瓯江彩鲤的黑斑皮肤中的表达量显著高于白色皮肤,而Dct1和基因突变对瓯江彩鲤黑斑体色存在重要影响,与在鲤的黑斑体色形成中发挥着更大的作用。  相似文献   

Fish of the family Gerreidae, mainly species of the genera Diapterus and Eugerres, have high potential for cultivation, because of their saline tolerance. A detailed cytogenetic analysis of Diapterus auratus, Diapterus rhombeus and Eugerres brasilianus was conducted using conventional staining, C‐banding, Ag‐NOR, AT/GC‐specific fluorochrome staining and mapping of ribosomal sequences with 5S and 18S rDNA probes. All the species exhibited symmetrical karyotype, 2n = 48 acrocentric chromosomes. Ag‐NORs and 18S rDNA are present in the interstitial position on pair 1 (genus Diapterus) and pair 6 in Eugerres brasilianus. The 5S rDNA sites, located in the interstitial position (pair 11), are conserved in the three species. Heterochromatic regions are similar in the Diapterus species, showing a pattern of reduced and centromeric bands, differing from E. brasilianus, where, in addition to these, more prominent interstitial bands were observed. GC‐rich regions are located at ribosomal sites. Karyotypic comparison between Diapterus and Eugerres reveals similarity in chromosomal macrostructure, differing in C‐positive heterochromatin distribution and position of 18S sites, indicating the occurrence of structural microrearrangements. Although complementary analyses are needed, the similarities observed for these and other species suggest the possibility of breaking postzygotic barriers and their potential use, through induced interspecific or intergeneric hybridizations.  相似文献   

鲹科鱼类在传统形态分类与分子遗传水平构建的系统分类存在争议,本文通过PCR扩增获得了鲹科(Carangidae)8属9种的线粒体16S rRNA基因片段序列约598bp碱基,结合来自GenBank的3种鲹科鱼类的相应片段序列,并以大斑石鲈Pomadasys maculates为外群,生成供系统发育分析的序列矩阵,利用MEGA version 3.0软件分析序列的碱基组成、差异百分比和转换/颠换值等,应用最大简约法和邻接法构建系统树。结果显示:(1)支持鲹科下设四个亚科(鲹亚科,鰤亚科,鲳鲹亚科,鰆鲹亚科)阶元的分类系统;(2)所测种类鲹亚科鲹属下不宜设亚属分类阶元;(3)及达副叶鲹与丽叶鲹亲缘关系近,16S rRNA基因片段序列碱基只有1.07%的差异,未达到分属水平,应同属于副叶鲹属的两个不同种,并建议丽叶鲹的中文名用“丽副叶鲹”。  相似文献   

The effects of aquarium background colour and feed colour on survival, growth rates and feed utilization efficiency of thinlip mullet (Liza ramada) larvae (0.035 g) were investigated in two experiments. In the aquarium background colour trial, 50 larvae were stocked in duplicates in 120 L glass aquaria filled with dechlorinated tap water. The outside walls and bottoms of each pair of the aquaria were covered with coloured paper sheets to achieve one of six colours (white, black, red, green, yellow and blue), while noncoloured aquaria served as a control. The fish were fed an experimental diet (35% crude protein) at a daily rate of 5% of their body weight (BW), twice a day for 8 weeks. The best growth rates, feed efficiency and survival were achieved in larvae reared in light‐coloured aquaria (white, noncoloured and yellow). Fish performance was significantly retarded in larvae reared in dark‐coloured aquaria (red, green, black and blue). Body composition was not significantly affected by aquarium colour. In a feed colour trial, duplicate groups of larvae (0.035 g) were stocked at 50 fish per 120 L aquarium and fed a test diet (35% crude protein) with six different colours [dark blue, red, yellow, light brown (control), light green and dark brown] at a daily rate of 5% BW, twice a day for 8 weeks. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets (red, dark blue and dark brown). Light‐coloured diets (yellow, light green and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Body composition was not significantly affected by feed colour. These results suggest that light‐coloured tanks should be used for rearing thinlip mullet, L. ramada larvae, while dark‐coloured diets are more preferable to light‐coloured diets.  相似文献   

An individual‐based model (IBM) was used to investigate the effects of physical and biological variables on the transport via a jet current of anchovy (Engraulis capensis) eggs from spawning to the nursery grounds in the southern Benguela ecosystem. As transport of eggs and early larvae is considered to be one of the major factors impacting on anchovy recruitment success, this approach may be useful to understand further the recruitment variability in this economically and ecologically important species. By coupling the IBM to a 3D hydrodynamic model of the region called Plume, and by varying parameters such as the spatial and temporal location of spawning, particle buoyancy, and the depth range over which particles were released, we could assess the influences of these parameters on transport success. A sensitivity analysis using a General Linear Model identified the primary determinants of transport success in the various experimental simulations, and model outputs were examined and compared with patterns observed in field studies. Model outputs compared well with observed patterns of vertical and horizontal egg distribution. Particle buoyancy and area of particle release were the major single determinants of transport success, with an egg density of 1.025 g cm?3 maximizing average particle transport success and the western Agulhas Bank being the most successful spawning area. This IBM may be useful as a generic prototype for other upwelling ecosystems.  相似文献   

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