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The review article which appeared in the Jubilee Issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Stafford et al 2002) provided a good summary of recent research into the animal suffering associated with normal farming practices and pest control. In many cases, such research has been helpful in making improvements to animal welfare regulations, and the knowledge gained may prove even more useful in making further beneficial changes during the current submission round on codes of ethical conduct.  相似文献   


AIMS: To ascertain the levels of awareness of legislation governing the welfare of cats, and provision of basic care, including vaccination, by cat-owners within two locations in New Zealand. To assess the ability of respondents to differentiate between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’.

METHODS: A face-to-face questionnaire, consisting of 12 questions in three sections, was distributed by volunteers within Auckland (n=255) and Kaitaia (n=99) to gather information pertinent to the study's aims. Section 1 covered respondents’ personal details; Section 2, ownership and care of cats, including whether or not the cats were vaccinated against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV); and Section 3, awareness of legislation and differences between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’.

RESULTS: Overall, fewer than half of respondents were aware of the animal welfare legislation within New Zealand or the semantic differences between the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’ as they appear in the dictionary. Respondents ≥41 years old, and individuals employed in the animal-related sector, were significantly more likely to be aware of the legislation and make the correct distinction between the terms compared with those aged ≤40, and those working in a non-animal-related profession.

A significantly greater percentage of cat-owners (42%) provided care for cats they did not own compared with non-owners (26%). Results also indicated a large majority of cat-owners may consider standard annual vaccinations to include vaccination against FIV and FeLV.

CONCLUSION: Dissemination of information about animal welfare legislation is important for the care of cats within New Zealand, and the definitions of the terms ‘stray’ and ‘feral’ need to be more clearly stated in order to prevent confusion. This is especially important when cats may be controlled using lethal measures under different legislative precedents that are not necessarily consistent with one another.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Veterinary clinics may act as a primary source for the dissemination of information about relevant welfare acts as well as preventative health care, thus improving the welfare of cats. Cat-owners need to be better educated about the diseases covered by annual vaccination.  相似文献   


We wish to record the source of Figures 1a and 2 from the report “Porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome in New Zealand” published in the New Zealand Veterinary Journal 56, 94–99, 2008. These images were kindly provided by AF Julian from Gribbles Veterinary, Hamilton, New Zealand, and illustrate the gross cutaneous and renal lesions that were typical of those seen in pigs in the reported disease outbreak. The images were obtained from a pig with porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome submitted by one of the authors (DEBL) from a similar outbreak of the disease that was examined by Gribbles Veterinary, Hamilton. The failure to properly acknowledge this contribution is regretted.  相似文献   


Molybdenum is the most recent addition to the group of trace elements that are important in agriculture. In New Zealand it has a special importance, for here it has great possibilities for doing good to animal production, and almost equal possibilities for doing harm. The good comes from improved pasture and crop yields when molybdates are used as fertilizers for deficient soils. The harm is due to stock poisoning by excess molybdenum already present in some pastures or getting there through careless use of molybdate fertilizers.  相似文献   

动物福利(animal welfare)萌生于20世纪60年代初,正是畜禽集约化生产模式在世界各地开始流行的时代。为了满足全世界超过60亿人口足够的蛋白质供给,每年约有超过500亿头(只)的畜禽被屠宰。同时,为了在有限的土地和饲料资源的情况下,降低养殖成本,提高养殖的效益,生产出更多的畜产品,生成者大力推动畜禽养殖朝集约化的方向发展。  相似文献   


The article which appeared in the Jubilee Issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Marshall and Manktelow 2002 Kirschner, L, Miller, TF and Garlick, CH. 1952. Swineherd's disease in New Zealand. Infection with Leptospira pomona in man, calves and pigs. New Zealand Medical Journal, 51: 98108.  [Google Scholar]) reviewed one of this country's most important zoonotic diseases. I wish to add three important references concerning its first recognition in livestock and humans in New Zealand.  相似文献   

The article which appeared in the Jubilee Issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Marshall and Manktelow 2002) reviewed one of this country's most important zoonotic diseases. I wish to add three important references concerning its first recognition in livestock and humans in New Zealand. The first field cases of leptospirosis in calves due to Leptospira pomona (now L. interrogans serovar pomona) were confirmed in November 1951 on farms in Westland, not in Northland in 1953 as stated in the review. The seminal year for leptospirosis research was 1951 not 1953. Simultaneously, the association with human disease in New Zealand was also recognized and confirmed (Bruere 1952; Kirschner et al 1952). In that year there was a mini-epidemic of cases in Westland involving both calves and humans. It was fortuitous at the time that Kirschner had established methods for the diagnosis of leptospirosis at Otago Medical School. Despite obvious clinical signs, laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis was not confirmed at Wallaceville (New Zealand's only animal diagnostic station available to veterinarians in 1951) because of logistic impossibilities in both transport and sample preservation. From calf sera collected in Koiterangi (now renamed Kowhitirangi) in Westland in November 1951, Kirschner confirmed my diagnosis of leptospirosis ...  相似文献   

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