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[目的]本研究有助于了解EXP基因家族的基本特征,为深入研究其功能搭建平台。[方法]本研究对从巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis Hill)中筛选出35个EXP基因家族成员(Egr EXP1 Egr EXP35),利用生物信息学方法对其基因特征与表达模式进行综合分析。[结果]巨桉EXP基因分布在8条染色体之上,EXP蛋白均定位在细胞质膜上发挥作用,大多数的家族成员具有信号肽。巨桉EXP编码的蛋白质由α-螺旋、延伸链、无规卷曲、β-转角组成。进化分析结果表明,巨桉EXP蛋白与毛果杨(Populus trichocarpa) EXP蛋白的进化关系接近。35个巨桉EXP基因在巨桉未成熟木质部、成熟叶片、韧皮部、茎尖、木质部以及幼叶组织中表达模式存在显著差异。[结论]EXP基因家族各成员的表达模式不同,Egr EXP17、Egr EXP18可能在巨桉木材形成过程中起重要作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a two-stage approach for characterizing the structure of Pinus sylvestris L. stands in forests of central Spain. The first stage was to delimit forest stands using eCognition and a digital canopy height model (DCHM) derived from lidar data. The polygons were then clustered (k-means algorithm) into forest structure types based on the DCHM data within forest stands. Hypsographs of each polygon and field data validated the separability of structure types. In the study area, 112 polygons of Pinus sylvestris were segmented and classified into five forest structure types, ranging from high dense forest canopy (850 trees ha−1 and Loreýs height of 17.4 m) to scarce tree coverage (60 tree ha−1 and Loreýs height of 9.7 m). Our results indicate that the best variables for the definition and characterization of forest structure in these forests are the median and standard deviation (S.D.), both derived from lidar data. In these forest types, lidar median height and standard deviation (S.D.) varied from 15.8 m (S.D. of 5.6 m) to 2.6 m (S.D. of 4.5 m). The present approach could have an operational application in the inventory procedure and forest management plans.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨南亚热带西南桦和尾巨桉人工纯林的凋落叶分解动态及其与土壤化学性质之间的相关关系.[方法]采用原位分解袋法研究凋落叶的分解过程.[结果]表明:西南桦、尾巨桉人工林凋落叶分解系数分别为0.96 a-1和0.88 a-1.在为期12个月的分解试验中,2种凋落叶有机C含量在整个分解过程中呈逐渐下降趋势;全K含量和C/N比在分解前期迅速下降,之后趋于平缓;全N含量和全P含量在整个分解过程中呈逐渐上升趋势;2种凋落叶N/P比则呈先升高后下降的趋势.无论是分解前期还是分解后期,凋落叶质量损失与N含量均呈显著正相关(前期R=0.877;后期R=0.855),与C/N均呈显著负相关(前期R=-0.735;后期R=-0.697).与尾巨桉林地土壤性质相比,西南桦凋落叶分解提高了林地0~10、10~20 cm土壤的有机C、全N、全P、全K、N/P,对2030 cm土壤有机C、全K、pH值、C/N、N/P则未产生显著影响.相关分析表明:凋落叶初始有机C含量与土壤有机C、全N、全P、全K、N/P显著相关;凋落叶初始全N含量与土壤全N、pH值、C/N显著相关.[结论]凋落叶的养分含量与土壤养分的关系紧密;与尾巨桉相比,西南桦凋落叶的养分含量明显较高,分解速率更快,释放到土壤中的养分也更多.  相似文献   

[目的]为正确认识台风对桉树人工林蒸腾耗水的影响。[方法]采用热扩散茎流计对尾巨桉树干液流在台风前后进行连续监测,分析其对台风天气的响应,并同步测定林分气象条件,分析台风过程中树干液流与气象因子之间的相关性。[结果]表明:台风当天,树干液流密度与台风登陆前后(单峰)不同,呈不规律多峰型曲线,树干日均液流密度(2.89 mL·h~(-1)·cm~(-2))较台风前减少53%,夜间液流波动较大;日间最大峰值(7.76 mL·h~(-1)·cm~(-2))出现在下午,峰值较台风前降低55%,树干液流日通量极显著小于台风登陆前后;台风登陆前树干液流密度峰值(17.4 mL·h~(-1)·cm~(-2))及平均液流密度(6.15 mL·h~(-1)·cm~(-2))分别是台风登陆过后的1.24倍和1.14倍,台风后树干液流日通量较台风前均有所下降;台风当天,影响液流的主要气象因子为风速、大气温度、空气湿度、水汽压亏缺和降雨量,液流与风速的相关系数较台风前增大52%,与降雨量的相关系数是台风前的2.6倍,与其他因子的相关系数较台风前均下降了50%左右,而台风登陆前后之间的主要影响因子差异不大。[结论]台风当天的日均液流密度、白天的平均液流密度和日通量均极显著小于台风前后,而夜间液流显著大于台风前后;台风前后的日均液流密度差异不显著,夜间液流台风前显著大于台风后;台风过程中风速成为影响液流的关键因子,与太阳辐射相关性不显著,其他影响因子与台风前后相同,但相关系数除风速和降雨量外均显著下降。  相似文献   

The sustainability of plantation forests is closely dependent on soil nitrogen availability in short-rotation forests established on low-fertility soils. Planting an understorey of nitrogen-fixing trees might be an attractive option for maintaining the N fertility of soils. The development of mono-specific stands of Acacia mangium (100A:0E) and Eucalyptus grandis (0A:100E) was compared with mixed-species plantations, where A. mangium was planted in a mixture at a density of 50% of that of E. grandis (50A:100E). N2 fixation by A. mangium was quantified in 100A:0E and 50A:100E at age 18 and 30 months by the 15N natural abundance method and in 50A:100E at age 30 months by the 15N dilution method. The consistency of results obtained by isotopic methods was checked against observations of nodulation, Specific Acetylene Reduction Activity (SARA), as well as the dynamics of N accumulation within both species. The different tree components (leaves, branches, stems, stumps, coarse roots, medium-sized roots and fine roots) were sampled on 5–10 trees per species for each age. Litter fall was assessed up to 30 months after planting and used to estimate fine root mortality. Higher N concentrations in A. mangium tree components than in E. grandis might be a result of N2 fixation. However, no evidence of N transfer from A. mangium to E. grandis was found. SARA values were not significantly different in 100A:0E and 50A:100E but the biomass of nodules was 20–30 times higher in 100A:0E than in 50A:100E. At age 18 months, higher δ15N values found in A. mangium tree components than in E. grandis components prevented reliable estimations of the percentage of N derived from atmospheric fixation (%Ndfa). At age 30 months, %Ndfa estimated by natural abundance and by 15N dilution amounted to 10–20 and 60%, respectively. The amount of N derived from N2 fixation in the standing biomass was estimated at 62 kg N ha−1 in 100A:0E and 3 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N natural abundance method, and 16 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N dilution method. The total amount of atmospheric N2 fixed since planting (including fine root mortality and litter fall) was estimated at 66 kg N ha−1 in 100A:0E and 7 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N natural abundance method, and 31 kg N ha−1 in 50A:100E by the 15N dilution method. The most reliable estimation of N2 fixation was likely to be achieved using the 15N dilution method and sampling the whole plant.  相似文献   

[目的]为了解雷州半岛尾巨桉速生人工林生态系统的C、N、P分配格局及化学计量特征。[方法]采用空间换时间的方法,选取雷州半岛4种不同林龄(1、3、5、7 a)的尾巨桉人工林为研究对象,对尾巨桉叶片、凋落物及土壤的C、N、P含量及化学计量特征进行测定分析。[结果]表明:C、N含量表现为叶片凋落物土壤,P含量表现为叶片土壤凋落物,且3个库间差异显著;土壤的C含量随林龄增加而增加,N、P含量差异不显著,土壤C∶N随林龄的增加而增加,说明土壤有机质分解速率逐渐下降;凋落物的C∶N为54. 07 92. 18 ( 25),表明尾巨桉林下凋落物分解速率较慢,N元素成为主要限制凋落物分解的元素,凋落物的C∶N随林龄的增加先增加后下降,凋落物分解速度先降低后升高;叶片的N∶P为10. 80 12. 98,说明中幼林龄尾巨桉受N限制较明显。相关性分析表明:凋落物养分元素含量受叶片限制,土壤养分含量受凋落物限制,表明生态系统内部C、N、P元素在植物、凋落物与土壤之间实现了运输和转换。[结论]雷州半岛尾巨桉中、幼林龄时期土壤有机质及凋落物分解速率较慢;随林龄的增加,土壤有机质、凋落物分解速率下降,N元素成为其主要分解限制性元素,林分生长受N限制明显。  相似文献   

The most common canopy trees in the savannas of northern Australia, Eucalyptus tetrodonta and E. miniata are also two of the most common species harvested to make didgeridoos, the traditional musical instrument of northern Australian Aboriginal peoples now experiencing high demand from international markets. Most of the trees of the area naturally have hollow cores, or pipes, due to termite activity, but little is known of the relationships of the cores to size of tree, tree growth or survival. In a wooded savanna of northern Australia, 267 individual trees with known growth and survival rates were cored to determine degree of termite-piping. Generalized linear modelling and multi-model inference showed that frequency of piping increased with diameter (dbh) tree for E. tetrodonta, but >85% of E. miniata trees were piped regardless of dbh. Growth (dbh increment) and survival (4-year) were size-dependent. Survival of both species decreased strongly with degree of piping (pipe ratio). For any given diameter, the growth rate of E. miniata trees was independent of pipe ratio, but for E. tetrodonta trees decreased strongly with pipe ratio. From modelled data, a 10-cm tree with pipe ratio of 0.60 was very vulnerable, growing at 0.0 cm year−1 with 46% survival rate, whereas a 40-cm tree, even with large pipe ratios (0.80), grew 0.05 cm year−1 with 98% survival rate. Traditional methods of tree harvesting remove only those smaller hollow trees that are already suffering low growth rates and are likely to die before reaching maturity, whereas current large-scale commercial methods also remove trees with higher growth and survival rates—those trees most likely to contribute to sustainable tree populations. Incorporating traditional selection and harvest methods into current commercial operations would help ensure longevity of this source of livelihood for indigenous peoples of the region.  相似文献   

The sap flux density (SFD) was used as a measure of water capacity through stems of eucalyptus in this paper. It was found that daily SFD increased with daily vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in nonlinear regression Y=AX 3+BX 2+CX+D (R 2=0.702 1, n=135, p=0.01) at both sites (Hetou and Jijia) in the Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, China, where Y was daily SFD, X was mean daily VPD, A, B, C, D were constants. But extremely high VPD might limit stem water conductivity. The environmental factors, such as air vapor pressure deficit (VPD), solar radiation (RAD), etc., were the main determinants of SFD for E. urophylla plantations. The upper threshold of diurnal SFD was 51.55–55.65 mL·cm−2·h−1 under the selected extremely high environmental conditions.  相似文献   

[目的]评估Resistograph钻刺法间接测定尾叶桉×细叶桉木材密度的可靠性,检测杂交亲本对子代表型的效应以及生长与木材密度的相关,评选速生、优质的尾细桉杂种。[方法]基于10株尾叶桉与10株细叶桉不完全析因交配产生的56个杂交组合的7.5年生试验林,利用79株分析容积法与Resistograph钻刺法测定的木材密度的相关,通过方差分析检测亲本对杂种生长和木材密度的效应,结合多重比较和独立淘汰法进行材积和木材密度的联合选择。[结果]容积法与Resistograph钻刺法测定的木材密度的表型相关系数为0.52(P0.001),遗传相关系数为0.55(P0.05);树高、胸径及材积的母本间和父本间均呈极显著差异(P0.001或0.01),但母本×父本互作的效应不显著;对钻刺木材密度,父本间呈极显著差异(P0.001),母本×父本互作显著(P0.05),但母本间差异不显著;树高、胸径和材积间的表型相关和遗传相关均极显著(P0.001),其与钻刺木材密度的表型相关极显著(P0.001),但遗传相关不显著;评选出速生、木材密度较高的杂交组合14个、单株17株。[结论]Resistograph钻刺法是一种间接测定尾细桉木材密度的简便、经济和可靠的方法;母本和父本选择以及母本与父本的组配对培育速生、材质优良的尾细桉杂种均较重要;尾细桉生长与木材密度的遗传相关不显著,需要对这两类性状分别进行选择;评选的尾细桉杂交组合和单株为培育速生、优质的桉树良种提供了有用的材料。  相似文献   

[目的]通过尾叶桉与赤桉杂种F1材质性状的遗传参数估算及其分析,为桉树杂交育种材性改良亲本选配和交配设计提供理论依据。[方法]以尾叶桉与赤桉6×6正反析因交配杂种F1测定林为材料,并以相应亲本自由授粉的半同胞子代作对照。9年生时,对各小区的杂种和家系(5株小区,6次重复)选取2株平均木,在胸高1. 3 m处沿南北向钻取木芯,共984个,测定木材基本密度、纤维长、纤维宽和纤维长宽比,利用ASReml-R估算4个材质指标的特殊配合力、杂种优势、父母本单株狭义遗传力、遗传相关和表型相关系数。[结果]表明:尾叶桉与赤桉正反交的杂种木材基本密度优于对照,呈明显的杂种优势;反交组合杂种其木材基本密度优于正交组合杂种,正交组合杂种的纤维特性优于反交组合的;在正交组合杂种中,木材基本密度、纤维长和纤维长宽比的母本效应低于父本效应;而反交组合杂种中,4个材质指标的母本效应均高于父本效应。木材基本密度和纤维特性指标受中至低遗传控制。正反交组合杂种中,除纤维长宽比外,其余3个材质指标的显性效应大于加性效应。对于遗传相关,杂种的木材基本密度与纤维宽呈极显著的负相关,与纤维长宽比呈极显著的正相关,与纤维长呈不显著负相关,纤维长与纤维宽呈显著正相关。对于表型相关,除纤维宽与纤维长宽比呈不显著正相关外,其余性状间均呈极显著正相关。[结论]尾叶桉与赤桉杂种的材质性状遗传差异因亲本和交配方式而异,表明通过种间杂交和正向选择进行材质性状的遗传改良具有潜力。  相似文献   

The study compares two methods of stand table projection based on data from young Eucalyptus nitens (Maiden) plantations in Chile. The projected diameter distributions were estimated using the methods proposed by Nepal and Somers (1992) [For. Sci. 38 (1992) 120] and Cao and Baldwin (1999) [For. Sci. 45 (1999) 506]. The evaluation compared the observed and estimated diameter distributions for different projection intervals, using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and an error index called ‘relative discrepancy’. The evaluation showed that both methods are suitable for application in the Eucalypt plantations. However, the method proposed by Nepal and Somers proved to be more accurate, especially when the projection period extends over 4 years or more. Expected error and bias for the observed and estimated total and merchantable volumes at stand level were also evaluated. The observed error and bias were relatively low for both methods; however, some differences were detected when the volume distributions were analyzed at diameter class level.  相似文献   

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