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The objective of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters, genetic trends and breeding values using linear model (LM) and threshold model (TM) for the development of hip dysplasia (HD) in Labrador Retrievers in the Czech Republic (n = 3151). The right and left hip joints were evaluated separately using the Fédération Cynologique Internationale scoring system. Four linear and four TMs were tested for the correct estimation of genetic parameters. All the tested models utilized fixed effects of sex, assessor, year of birth, regression of age at evaluation, random direct genetic effects and the effect of the animals' permanent environments. The models differed in the inclusion of the following effects: fixed effects of regression of inbreeding coefficient, random maternal effect and random effect of the maternal permanent environment. Compared to the TM, the LM provided lower coefficients of direct (0.25-0.29 versus 0.26-0.35) and maternal heritability (0.01-0.02 versus 0.03-0.05), repeatability (0.76-0.77 versus 0.78-0.83) and of the correlation between direct and maternal effects (-0.55 to -0.21 versus -0.80 to -0.27). In the tested models, no statistical significance was found for fixed regression of inbreeding coefficients or for the random effect of the permanent maternal environment. In spite of the similarity of the LM and TM results, the TM is recommended as the more suitable model for estimating genetic parameters and subsequent breeding values for HD in Labrador Retrievers in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and genetic trends for hip (HD) and elbow dysplasia (ED) in Swedish Rottweiler (RW) and Bernese Mountain Dog (BMD). Analyses were based on screening results of hip status for 14 693 RW and 8221 BMD and elbow status for 11 891 RW and 7963 BMD, as well as pedigree data for 16 614 RW and 9835 BMD, recorded by the Swedish Kennel Club. Components of (co)variance and breeding values were obtained with a mixed linear animal model. The model included the fixed effects of sex, birth month, age at screening and a combined random effect of clinic and year of examination. The need to include genetic groups for phantom parents in the model was evaluated by comparison of two different models: with and without genetic groups. Estimated heritabilities for HD and ED were between 0.34 and 0.42. The genetic correlation between the traits was weak and positive for RW (rg = 0.23 ± 0.05) and not different from zero for BMD (rg = 0.06 ± 0.06). F‐statistics of the genetic group effects were not significant, implying that genetic groups do not need to be included in the model. Genetic trends indicated a genetic improvement in both traits. However, a faster genetic progress is expected if selection is based on predicted breeding values rather than phenotype. Based on the results, a statistical model for routine prediction of breeding values for HD and ED in Swedish dogs was suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To quantify inheritance of tricuspid valve dysplasia (TVD) in a population of Labrador Retrievers and evaluate the possibility of the effect of a major locus on TVD. ANIMALS: 521 Labrador Retrievers (345 with known phenotypes and 176 related dogs with unknown phenotypes). PROCEDURES: Dogs were considered normal, equivocal, and affected for TVD on the basis of echocardiographic appearance of the tricuspid valves. Information on related dogs was collected for estimation of heritability of the 3 categories of phenotype, using a threshold model. Complex segregation analysis was performed to evaluate the possibility of the effect of a major locus on TVD. RESULTS: Heritability of TVD in this population of dogs was found to be 0.71, a value sufficiently large to suggest a segregating major locus. Subsequent complex segregation analysis did not provide sufficiently strong evidence to indicate influence of a major locus on the prevalence of TVD. However, complex segregation analysis for 2 categories of phenotype (eg, equivocal dogs were grouped with affected dogs) suggested that there was a single recessive allele with a substantial impact on the expression of TVD. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In Labrador Retrievers, TVD is a heritable disorder. Affected dogs and dogs closely related to affected dogs should not be used for breeding. There was insufficient evidence to suggest the influence of a major locus on TVD, although this conclusion was affected by the classification of dogs for diagnosis of the condition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was the analysis of environmental factors and estimation of genetic parameters for hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers. We analysed hip dysplasia scores of 2970 dogs from the official screening programme of the Labrador Club Deutschland (LCD) according to the FCI protocols. Traits evaluated were HD-Mit (average value of HD scores), HD-Max (higher score of both hip joints), HD-LI and HD-RE (HD score of the left or right hip joint). A linear animal model was employed to estimate heritabilities, additive genetic and residual correlations using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML). Only inbreeding was significant after testing all non-genetic effects. Higher inbreeding coefficients were associated with higher HD scores. Heritability estimates and their standard errors were 0.38 +/- 0.04 for HD-Mit, 0.40 +/- 0.04 for HD-Max, 0.33 +/- 0.03 for HD-LI and 0.38 +/- 0.04 for HD-RE. The additive genetic correlation between HD-LI and HD-RE was 1. Heritability for female dogs was 0.31 and 0.30 for male dogs. The analysis of HD scores of Labrador Retrievers showed that the highest HD score of the hips should be used in breeding programmes, that heritabilities are not different among females and males, and that genetic components are much more important than environmental factors.  相似文献   

Hip as well as elbow dysplasia (HD, ED) are developmental disorders leading to malformation of their respective joints. For a long time both disorders have been scored and targeted for improvement using selective breeding in several Dutch dog populations. In this paper all scores for both HD and ED, given to pure bred dogs in the Netherlands from 2002 to 2010, were analyzed. Heritabilities and correlations between HD and ED were calculated for the 4 most frequently scored breeds. Heritabilities ranged from 0.0 to 0.37 for HD related traits (FCI-score, osteoarthritis, congruity, shape and laxity (Norberg angle); FCI: Fédération Cynologique Internationale) and from 0.0 to 0.39 for ED related traits (IEWG score, osteoarthritis, sclerosis and indentation; IEWG: International Elbow Working Group). HD related traits showed high genetic and residual correlations among each other but were only to a minor extent correlated with ED related traits, which also showed high correlations among each other. Genetic correlations were higher than residual correlations. Phenotypic and genetic trends since 2001 for the four most scored breeds were slightly positive but decreasing over time, indicating that selection over the past decade has not been effective.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether age, breed, sex, weight, or distraction index (DI) was associated with the risk that dogs of 4 common breeds (German Shepherd Dog, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever, Rottweiler) would have radiographic evidence of degenerative joint disease (DJD) associated with hip dysplasia. DESIGN: Cross-sectional prevalence study. ANIMALS: 15,742 dogs. PROCEDURE: Hips of dogs were evaluated radiographically by use of the ventrodorsal hip-extended view, the compression v ew, and the distraction view. The ventrodorsal hip-extended view was examined to determine whether dogs had DJD. For each breed, a multiple logistic regression model incorporating age, sex, weight, and DI was created. For each breed, disease-susceptibility curves were produced, using all dogs, regardless of age, and dogs grouped on the basis of age. RESULTS: Weight and DI were significant risk factors for DJD in all breeds. For German Shepherd Dogs, the risk of having DJD was 4.95 times the risk for dogs of the other 3 breeds combined. In all breeds, the probability of having DJD increased with age. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicated that the probability of having hip DJD increased with hip joint laxity as measured by use of DI. This association was breed-specific, indicating that breed-specific information on disease susceptibility should be incorporated when making breeding decisions and when deciding on possible surgical treatment of hip dysplasia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the heritability of atopic dermatitis in Golden and Labrador Retrievers. ANIMALS: 429 dogs related to 13 dogs with atopic dermatitis. PROCEDURE: Atopic dermatitis was defined on the basis of the type and frequency of clinical signs recorded in the clinical records, and each dog was classified with atopic dermatitis or probable atopic dermatitis or as nonatopic. By use of data from atopic and nonatopic dogs, regression analyses of parental status on offspring status were performed to estimate heritability. RESULTS: There was no difference in the frequency of atopic dermatitis between sexes or between breeds. There was a marked association between the atopic status of the parent and that of the offspring, particularly for sires. By use of data from 32 litters in which the status of both parents was known and considering only those dogs classified with atopic dermatitis or as nonatopic, the heritability (+/- SE) of atopic dermatitis was estimated to be 0.47 (+/- 0.17). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Atopic dermatitis has a strong genetic component, and breeding of dogs with clinical signs of atopic dermatitis should be discouraged.  相似文献   

Malignant histiocytosis in Bernese Mountain dogs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Malignant histiocytosis was diagnosed in 10 male and 1 female Bernese Mountain Dogs. Nine of these dogs were closely related. The disease was characterized by a rapidly progressive and inevitably fatal course. Clinical signs varied, but lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, and respiratory and CNS abnormalities predominated. The lungs were the primary site of tumor involvement in 10 dogs. The eleventh dog had lymphadenopathy and severe anemia. Metastatic lesions were detected in all dogs. Anaplastic pulmonary carcinoma was diagnosed originally in 6 of the 11 cases, but this diagnosis was changed to malignant histiocytosis after electron microscopic examination of tissues and immunohistochemical identification of histiocytic markers in the tumor cells.  相似文献   

Multiparametric flow cytometry was used to compare peripheral blood lymphocyte subset distribution between healthy working police Labrador Retrievers (LRs; n=12) and German Shepherd dogs (GS; n=11) living in the same environment. The CD4/CD8 ratio was significantly higher in LR than in GS because of the lower percentage of CD8+ T lymphocytes in LR. GS showed the highest relative percentage of CD3-/CD21- lymphocytes, whereas LR had the highest percentages of MHC II+ lymphocytes. Because age, sex, environmental and housing conditions, dietary patterns, and training or working routines were similar in both breeds in the study, differences in peripheral blood lymphocyte subset distribution could be attributed to the influence of breed on the immune system.  相似文献   

Results from the elbow dysplasia screening program in Bernese Mountain Dogs of Germany were analysed in respect to its relevance for genetic evaluation and breeding. In total 2677 gradings were used. The grading was performed radiographically according to the recommendations of the International Elbow Working Group (IEWG). 75.8% of the dogs were free from visible dysplastic signs, 10.8%, 6.8% and 5.5% were classified to be of Grade 1, 2 and 3, respectively. 1.1% were classified as a borderline case between ED-free and Grade 1. A slight reduction of ED could be observed over years. Males had a 3.1 higher rate of dysplasia than females. Treating ED as a numerical trait, coded proportional to the severity of clinical relevant signs, gave a heritability estimation of 0.188 and a maternal effect of 0.07. From different mating combinations it was found, that ED average was higher in the progeny if one mate was affected but there was no increase in the prevalence with increasing grade of ED in the affected mates. About 10% more affected dogs could be observed, if one mate is affected. Heritability for dichotomic coding the trait was found to be 0.20. From these results can be suggested, that the differentiation in various grades of ED to describe the clinical relevance for the specific dog is helpfull, however, from a breeders point of view, dogs with ED should be treated equally for genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

Objective To determine if anthropometric measurements of the Labrador scapula, humerus, ulna and radius, or their ratios, are related to the presence of elbow dysplasia (ED). Methods Digital calliper measurements of the lengths of the left scapula, humerus, radius and ulna, and their ratios, were analysed by gender in 103 volunteer Labradors (41 dogs, 62 bitches) against the ED radiological scores derived by the International Elbow Working Group (IEWG). The IEWG score is an umbrella score used to classify for ED and includes fragmented coronoid process, osteochondritis dessicans, incongruity and ununited anconeal process, the last of which occurs rarely in Labradors. Results Of the 103 Labradors studied, 31 were diagnosed radiographically with ED (20 bitches (32%), 11 (27%) dogs). Scapula length was significantly shorter for bitches with ED (P = 0.02), but not for dogs with ED. However, dogs showed a trend for a difference in the ulna:radius ratio (P = 0.06), which bitches did not. Although a greater percentage of bitches than dogs had ED in this study, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusions Labrador bitches diagnosed with ED have a shorter scapula, which is a new finding associated with this condition. The difference in presentation associated with gender is unexpected and further research is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper examines the outcomes from recent genetic analyses of hip and elbow scores from British Veterinary Association (BVA)/UK Kennel Club (KC) screening programmes targeted at reducing the prevalence of hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow dysplasia in UK Labrador retrievers. The analyses made use of 25,243 hip scores and 3613 elbow scores. Heritabilities (± standard error) for hip score, analysed on a log scale, and for elbow score were 0.35±0.02 and 0.19±0.04, respectively, with a genetic correlation of 0.41±0.09. For both hip and elbow scores, there was a near perfect genetic correlation between the left and right joint; analysis of hip score showed a predictive benefit of using the total of left and right scores rather than worst score and the benefit of using all component scores rather than their aggregate score. Downward genetic trends were observed in both hip and elbow scores, although the latter was consistent with it being correlated to response to genetic change in hip score. Estimated breeding values (EBVs) offered substantial benefits in accuracy and hence genetic progress when compared to the use of phenotypes for both hip and elbow scores. There are major opportunities for improving selection against elbow dysplasia through the use of bivariate evaluations, although progress against dysplasia would be improved by more widespread elbow scoring. The studies highlighted a number of ways in which data recording for addressing complex traits may be improved in the future. Ongoing advances in genomic technology may be utilised for increasing the rate of genetic progress in selection against HD and for complex diseases in general, through the use of genomic evaluations.  相似文献   

Background: Previous research suggests that low serum concentrations of the third component of complement (C3) are associated with both the susceptibility to infectious agents such as Borrelia burgdorferi and the development of glomerular disease. We hypothesized that low levels of C3 are associated with the coincident occurrence of B. burgdorferi infection and glomerulonephritis in Bernese Mountain dogs. Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate the serum concentration of C3 in Bernese Mountain dogs with and without antibodies against B. burgdorferi and to compare this concentration with that of healthy control dogs. Methods: Eighty‐three clinically healthy Bernese Mountain dogs and 46 control dogs were included. Antibodies against B. burgdorferi were determined using an ELISA with a whole cell sonicate as antigen. Results were confirmed using Western blot. C3 was measured using a single radial immunodiffusion test. Results were reported as the percentage concentration of C3 compared with that in pooled preserved canine serum (100% C3 concentration). Results: Median C3 concentration was 128.5% in Bernese Mountain dogs with antibodies against B. burgdorferi, 133.5% in B. burgdorferi‐negative Bernese Mountain dogs, 87.8% in positive control dogs, and 102.2% in negative control dogs. Within Bernese Mountain and control groups, C3 was lower in dogs with antibodies against B. burgdorferi compared with those without. Percentage concentration of C3 was higher in healthy Bernese Mountain dogs compared with control dogs. Conclusion: Low C3 concentration is not an explanation for the high prevalence of B. burgdorferi infections and glomerular disease in Bernese Mountain dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate genetic population variables for 6 radiographic criteria of canine hip dysplasia (CHD). ANIMALS: 664 full- and half-siblings from a colony of Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: Heritability estimates and genetic correlations were calculated for 6 radiographic criteria of CHD. Two evaluation protocols were compared: the grade of the most severely affected hip joint and the sum of the scores for both hip joints. The predictive performance of estimated breeding values was also evaluated. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of CHD (Federation Cynologique Internationale grades C, D, and E) was 29.6%. Median age at radiographic examination was 377 days. Heritability for the total CHD grade, Norberg angle (NA), coverage of the femoral head (COV), craniodorsal acetabular rim (ACR), subchondral bone sclerosis (SUBCH), shape of the femoral head and neck (FHN), and osteoarthritic changes at the insertion site of the joint capsule (JC) was estimated as follows: 0.44, 0.43, 0.46, 0.37, 0.32, 0.21, and 0.05, respectively. Heritability estimates were slightly higher for the sum of the scores for both hip joints. If NA and COV were included as fixed effects in the model for the dependent variables ACR, SUBCH, FHN, and JC , then heritability of these traits significantly decreased (0.08 to 0.15). High scores of NA and COV lead to a significant increase of the scores of the remaining criteria. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Canine hip dysplasia is heritable to a moderate degree. Signs of subluxation revealed the highest heritability estimates. The criteria ACR, SUBCH, FHN, and JC were strongly influenced by NA and COV.  相似文献   

Elbow angles were measured in X-rays of both elbows to elucidate the usefulness of such data for selecting against elbow dysplasia (ED) in German shepherd dogs. These measurements record the size, proportions and alignments of the anconeal process (PA), the radius (RA), the olecranon (OL), and the ulnar trochlear notch (UL). The reference system for evaluating the information content of the measurements was the score for ED (ED-SV) as recommended by the International Elbow Working Group. Data from 2645 X-rayed dogs born from 1998 to 2001 in 1331 kennels were analysed by using residual maximum likelihood procedures to estimate heritabilities, additive genetic correlations and residual correlations. The pedigree file included 11,426 dogs and contained ancestors for up to six generations. ED-SV was significantly influenced by sex, by age within sex and by month of birth. The elbow angles were significantly influenced by the month and year of birth, X-ray positioning of the dog's forelimbs, angle of elbow flection, litter size and number of dogs X-rayed by the veterinary practitioners. The following heritability estimates were found: h2=0.18+/-0.04 for ED; h2=0.76+/-0.04 for OL; h2=0.52+/-0.05 for PA; h2=0.50+/-0.04 for UL; and h2=0.39+/-0.04 for RA. The additive genetic correlations of ED-SV with three elbow angles (OL, UL and RA) were close to zero. A higher additive genetic correlation to ED-SV was found only for PA, for which r(g)=0.31. The distributions of predicted breeding values for susceptibility to ED were not affected by regarding the elbow angles as additional traits in the multivariate prediction procedure. Measurements of elbow angles were thus shown to be unsuitable for use in selection programmes against ED in German shepherd dogs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypothyroidism has been associated with a variety of neurologic signs, but the mechanism for this association is not completely understood. Hypothyroidism also is associated with hyperlipidemia that predisposes to atherosclerosis, increased blood viscosity, and thromboembolic events. OBJECTIVE: The objective is to characterize neurologic signs potentially associated with hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis in canine hypothyroidism. ANIMALS: This study used dogs referred to North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital for evaluation of neurologic signs. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted in which medical records of dogs with neurologic signs and a diagnosis of hypothyroidism and hyperlipidemia were reviewed. Details of the history, presenting signs, results of routine blood tests, thyroid tests, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and diagnostic imaging, and response to therapy were compiled. RESULTS: Three Labrador Retrievers and one Labrador Retriever cross fit the inclusion criteria. All dogs were hypothyroid and severely hyperlipidemic. Neurologic signs included tetraparesis, central and peripheral vestibular signs, facial paralysis, and paraparesis. Two dogs had an acute history and rapid resolution of signs consistent with an infarct, the presence of which was confirmed in 1 of the dogs by magnetic resonance imaging. Two dogs had chronic histories of cranial neuropathies and paraparesis. One of these dogs had evidence of iliac thrombosis and atherosclerosis on ultrasound examination. All dogs improved with thyroid hormone supplementation. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Labrador Retrievers may be predisposed to the development of severe hyperlipidemia in association with hypothyroidism. One possible consequence of severe hyperlipidemia is the development of neurologic signs due to atherosclerosis and thromboembolic events.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reliability of goniometry by comparing goniometric measurements with radiographic measurements and evaluate the effects of sedation on range of joint motion. ANIMALS: 16 healthy adult Labrador Retrievers. PROCEDURE: 3 investigators blindly and independently measured range of motion of the carpus, elbow, shoulder, tarsus, stifle, and hip joints of 16 Labrador Retrievers in triplicate before and after dogs were sedated. Radiographs of all joints in maximal flexion and extension were made during under sedation. Goniometric measurements were compared with radiographic measurements. The influence of sedation and the intra- and intertester variability were evaluated; 95% confidence intervals for all ranges of motion were determined. RESULTS: Results of goniometric and radiographic measurements were not significantly different. Results of measurements made by the 3 investigators were not significantly different. Multiple measurements made by 1 investigator varied from 1 to 6 degrees (median, 3 degrees) depending on the joint. Sedation did not influence the range of motion of the evaluated joints. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Goniometry is a reliable and objective method for determining range of motion of joints in healthy Labrador Retrievers.  相似文献   

In the present study genetic parameters for canine hip dysplasia (CHD), canine elbow dysplasia (CED) and osteochondrosis dissecans of the humeral head (OCD) were analysed in Bernese mountain dogs. The data set included the official scores for CHD and CED from 5534 Bernese mountain dogs born in the years 1995-2008. A multivariate linear animal model was employed to estimate heritabilities, additive genetic and residual correlations using residual maximum likelihood (REML). Heritability estimates were h2 = 0.26 for CHD, h2 = 0.22 for CED and h2 = 0.40 for OCD. The additive genetic correlation between CHD and CED was 0.31, between CHD and OCD 0.25, and between CED und OCD -0.49. A further multivariate analysis of the prevalence of the FCP (fragmented coronoid processus), CHD and OCD revealed a heritability of h2 = 0.59 for FCP. The additive genetic correlations among FCP and CHD as well CED except FCP were positive, but negative with OCD. Multivariately estimated breeding values will lead to higher genetic progress because the correlation structure of the traits can be taken into account and possible genetic antagonisms among traits are better reflected in the breeding values.  相似文献   

Canine Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi after transmission by an Ixodes tick, typically resulting in joint pain, fever and lethargy. Lyme nephritis is a poorly characterized syndrome associated with severe glomerular and tubular renal injury and poor clinical outcome in young to middle-aged dogs positive for exposure to B. burgdorferi. The aims of this study were to identify associations between natural exposure to B. burgdorferi and the presence of microalbuminuria in nonclinical young Labrador and Golden Retrievers and to compare two commonly used serologic tests available to document B. burgdorferi exposure: the Western blot and the commercial point-of-care C6 peptide enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests. Microalbuminuria was assessed using a commercial point-of-care ELISA specific for canine albumin. Blood and urine samples from 268 asymptomatic Labrador and Golden Retrievers were included. Of these, 18.7% were positive for B. burgdorferi exposure according to the C6 ELISA; 21.2% were positive for natural exposure to B. burgdorferi and 11.5% for vaccinal antibodies according to the Western blot. The agreement rate was 93% between the two tests (kappa = 0.78, P < 0.0001) for natural exposure. Urine from 6.1% of the dogs was positive for microalbuminuria. There was no association between microalbuminuria and exposure to B. burgdorferi based on results of a Western blot (P = 0.57) or C6 ELISA (P = 0.53). Microalbuminuria is likely not a consequence of B. burgdorferi exposure in young nonclinical Labrador and Golden Retrievers.  相似文献   

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