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三樱椒是我县"三辣"作物之一,近十年来,主要是以大量元素的形式施基肥,还没有注重叶面喷施微量元素和活性物质等方面的研究。2008年我们着手研究叶面喷施微量元素和活性物质对三樱椒产量因子和产量的影响,我们于2008年至2009年连续两年进行了三樱椒叶面喷施黄腐酸钠盐试验,两年试验的结果都表明,在三樱椒初花期和辣椒果实膨大期各叶面喷施一次黄腐酸钠盐,每次每667m2用黄腐酸钠盐300g加水60kg,三樱椒长势健壮,产量构成因子和产量显著增加,可使三樱椒增产12.70%,早熟4天。  相似文献   

1.材料和方法 1.1 试验材料 试验所用的黄瓜品种为新泰密刺(保护地栽培),育苗营养钵,育苗营养土等,供试的农业投入品为黄腐酸钠盐。 1.2 试验方法 本试验采用温室育苗,苗期不设重复,黄腐酸钠盐处理和对照处理各设一个大区,每个大区面积60㎡。育苗营养土配制的体积比为葱地土占40%,炉灰碴占30%,优质农家肥占20%,陈年大粪干占10%。育苗营养钵的上口半径为5cm,高为10cm。2月8日催芽,2月10日播种,4月10日在大棚内定植,定植密度为100cm×25cm。大棚内设两个处理,即黄腐酸钠盐处理和对照处理(ck),三次重复,六个小区,小区呈“V”排列…  相似文献   

NaHSO3是光吸收的抑制剂,对地膜辣椒有明显的增产效果。我们于2008年3月至2009年10月连续两年做了地膜辣椒叶面喷施NaHSO3田间试验,结果表明,地膜辣椒在初花期和结果盛期两次叶面喷施NaHSO3溶液,增产幅度高达21.61%。  相似文献   

长岭县是辣椒产区,辣椒栽培面积大,分布广,在过去的十多年中,农户只注重施用氮磷钾大量元素,还没有应用叶面活性物质的经历。2008年和2009年两个年度,我们做了地膜辣椒叶面喷施施必丰的试验,连续两年的试验结果表明,地膜辣椒叶面喷施施必丰,可使商品椒增产18.68%,并且不污染环境。  相似文献   

NaHSO4对地膜辣椒有明显的增产效果。我们于2007年3月至2009年10月连续做了三年试验,三年的试验结果表明,地膜辣椒叶面喷施NaHSO4溶液,增产幅度在14.11—47.33%这间,并且随着叶面喷施次数的增加,辣椒的产量呈递增趋势。  相似文献   

以麦冬为试材,采用田间小区试验,研究了叶面喷施不同浓度黄腐酸对麦冬农艺性状、产量、内在质量、药材商品等级占比、中微量元素吸收及重金属的影响,以期为黄腐酸在麦冬种植过程中的合理施用提供参考依据。结果表明:黄腐酸对麦冬药材产量呈低、中浓度促进而高浓度抑制的规律。1.0~2.0 g·L-1的黄腐酸处理后,促进了钙、铁、铜元素在块根中的吸收,单粒块根质量增长明显,最高增长34.19%;也促进了钙元素在叶片中的累积,促进了麦冬植株地上与地下物质积累量的增加,实现了块根产量的增长,在1.0 g·L-1时药材产量最高,增产23.59%,且药材中一等商品占比增长14.16%。而药材质量方面,在1.0~2.0 g·L-1浓度区间内,浸出物高于对照,而总多糖、总黄酮、总皂苷类药效成分也并未显著降低;指纹图谱的相似度高达0.977,与对照组分的一致性和稳定性较好;重金属及有害元素含量也符合《中国药典》2020年版的要求。综上所述,建议麦冬种植过程中黄腐酸叶面喷施的浓度为1.0~2.0 g·L-1。  相似文献   

以川芎苓种为试材,采用随机区组设计并开展大田试验,研究了不同浓度黄腐酸叶面喷施对川芎农艺性状、产量、质量及重金属含量的影响,以期为黄腐酸在川芎上的合理施用提供参考依据.结果 表明:叶面喷施黄腐酸能够显著提升川芎分蘖数和冠幅;川芎在H2(1.0 kg·hm-2)和H3(1.5kg·hm-2)处理后产量较CK提升23.47%以上;H3处理(1.5 kg·hm-2)能增加川芎挥发油和浸出物含量,H1处理(0.5 kg·hm-2)、H2处理(1.0 kg·hm-2)对川芎水溶性浸出物、醇溶性浸出物、挥发油、有效成分等影响较小;川芎施用黄腐酸后对其铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、汞(Hg)、铜(Cu)5种重金属含量影响较大,其中重金属镉(Cd)含量与黄腐酸施用浓度呈明显的正相关关系,在不同浓度的黄腐酸处理后镉(Cd)含量与CK相比皆高出16.67%以上.综上,叶面喷施黄腐酸对川芎产量及品质提升有促进作用,但增加了其重金属超标风险.  相似文献   

叶面喷施氨基酸肥料对辣椒经济性状及产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验结果表明,叶面喷施氨基酸肥料可以促进辣椒的生长发育,大幅度提高辣椒的产量,增加果长、果重、维生素C含量和叶片叶绿素含量。辣椒叶面喷施氨基酸肥料浓度以800~1000倍为宜。  相似文献   

叶面喷施稀有元素肥料对辣椒经济性状及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
把稀有元素与植物所需的大量、微量元素进行科学的混配,研制成的新型肥料即稀有元素肥料.稀有元素肥料在农业上的作用越来越受到重视,探讨在辣椒叶面上喷施稀有元素肥料对辣椒生长发育的影响是本试验的目的.  相似文献   

以遵椒2号辣椒为试材,研究了辣椒现蕾期不同浓度硫酸锌对辣椒生长及产量的影响。试验结果表明,在辣椒现蕾期喷施适当浓度的硫酸锌,对辣椒生长有促进作用,当其浓度为0.04%时,辣椒植株生长最好,单果质量最大,产量最高。  相似文献   

三樱椒、白萝卜和大葱是我县推广的“三辣”作物,其中三樱椒在我县有近十年的种植史,但我们一直没有注重叶面肥方面的研究。2004年我们着手研究高效腐殖酸液肥对三樱椒产量的影响效果。我们于2005年和2006年连续两年进行了三樱椒叶面喷施高效腐殖酸液肥试验,试验的结果表明,在三樱椒幼苗期、初花期和辣椒果实膨大期各叶面喷施一次高效腐殖酸液肥,分枝明显增加,可使三樱椒增产13.34%,早熟3天。  相似文献   

One of the most important factors limiting agricultural expansion and production is the restricted supply of good quality water. The present study examines the effects of K+ and Ca2+ fertilization on sweet pepper production, blossom-end rot (BER) incidence and fruit quality of pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) grown under moderate saline conditions. Pepper plants were grown in a controlled-environment greenhouse under hydroponic conditions with different nutrient solutions obtained by modifying the Hoagland solution. The experiment consisted on four K+ treatments (0.2, 2, 7 and 14 mM) +30 mM NaCl, and four Ca2+ treatments (0.2, 2, 4 and 8 mM) +30 mM NaCl, having in common a control without salt with 7 mM K+/4 mM Ca2+. Salinity decreased total fruit yield and marketable fruit yield by 23% and 37%, respectively. The marketable fruit yield reduction by salt treatment was mainly due to the increase in the number of fruit affected by BER. This typical physiopathy of the pepper fruits occurred between 18 and 25 days after anthesis (DAA), when the highest fruit growth rate was reached. Fruit quality parameters were also affected by salt treatment where the fruit pulp thickness and firmness were decreased, and fructose, glucose and myo-inositol fruit concentrations increased with salinity relative to fruits from control treatment. Under saline conditions an increased supply of K+ reduced the fruit fresh weight, the percentage of BER and the marketable yield although promoted the vegetative growth. However, increasing Ca2+ concentration in the nutrient solution increased the fruit production, and the marketable yield as consequence of decreasing the percentage of fruit affected with BER. Fruit quality parameters also were affected by the K+ and Ca2+ treatments.  相似文献   


Water and calcium uptake are important factors affecting the incidence of fruit blossom-end rot (BER) in tomato and pepper. In the present study an attempt was made to manipulate these factors by severe root pruning and to examine the effect on BER in greenhouse-grown bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L., cv. Mazurka). Pepper plants were transplanted, with the root system split into four separated compartments, each containing a single root quarter. Removal of half, or three quarters, of the root from fruit-bearing plants significantly reduced fruit BER incidence compared with plants with intact roots, especially in fruits which were at the rapid expansion stage at the beginning of the treatments. Removal of three quarters of the root reduced midday leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, and plant height. The number and weight of fruits were not affected by these treatments. Root pruning caused only a slight reduction in stem sap flow, as measured by the heat pulse technique. Calcium concentrations in the distal part of fruits from quarter-root-plants were higher than in fruits from non-pruned plants, whereas magnesium and potassium concentrations were not affected. On the other hand, in the leaves, calcium, magnesium and potassium concentrations were all reduced by root pruning. The K/Ca ratio decreased in the blossom-end of the fruits and increased in the leaves of root-pruned compared with control plants. The results suggest that root pruning did not affect the total uptake of calcium, apparently driven by transpiration, but did enhance calcium partitioning to the developing fruit. Root pruning also affected calcium distribution within the fruit and therefore attenuated BER incidence.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of different air temperatures (10, 20 and 30 °C) on the response of sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Herminio) to foliar urea applications after growing plants for 20 day with and without nitrogen (N) applied to the growing substrate. Leaf CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence, root respiration, lipid peroxidation and antioxidative enzymes were analysed. Spraying plants with urea increased leaf CO2 assimilation of N-deficient plants when applied at 20 or 30 °C, compared with non-sprayed plants. When plants were sprayed with urea at 10 °C chlorophyll fluorescence of leaves was similar to that of plants that were supplied with full N in the nutrient solution. Root respiration was not affected by urea sprays whilst leaf NO3 concentration was increased by urea but only when it was sprayed at 10 or 20 °C. Lipid peroxidation and ascorbate peroxidase in N-deficient plants were reduced significantly by urea sprays, especially when plants were sprayed at 20 °C with N-limitation in the growing substrate. This study shows that N-limitation in the growing substrate induces a temperature-dependant increase in the activities of antioxidant enzymes in leaves of pepper and applications of foliar urea can be optimised, when applied at the appropriate temperature, to partly replace the N supplied to the roots of sweet pepper.  相似文献   

赤霉素和复硝酚钠对辣椒种子萌发及幼苗活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高辣椒幼苗素质并培育壮苗,用不同浓度的赤霉素和复硝酚钠处理辣椒种子,检测各处理的发芽率、幼苗质量和根系活力。结果表明,赤霉素和复硝酚钠浸种处理能促进辣椒种子萌发,提高幼苗的质量、壮苗指数和根系活力,低浓度处理的效果优于高浓度处理。综合来看,30~80 mg·L~(-1)赤霉素处理对促进辣椒种子萌发和提高前期根系活力的效果较好,10~70 mg·L~(-1)复硝酚钠处理对提高辣椒幼苗的质量和壮苗指数的作用比较显著。从培育壮苗方面考虑,10~70 mg·L~(-1)复硝酚钠处理效果最佳。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of uric acid sodium salt (UANa) as adjuvant on humoral and cellular immune response in BALB/c mice. METHODS: BALB/c mice were immunized with trichosanthin (TCS) as antigen together with UANa suspension as adjuvant. The antibody titers of IgG were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Dendritic cells (DC) were induced in vitro, the phenotypes of DC were analyzed by flow cytometry and the effect of UANa on DC maturity was evaluated. A delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) model was used to analyze the effect of UANa on cellular immune responses in vivo. The in vitro proliferation of lymphocytes was determined by ConA stimulation. RESULTS: Freunds adjuvant greatly enhanced the antibody response of mice to TCS, while UANa adjuvant failed to promote the antibody response but significantly reduced the antibody response as compared to TCS only. No effect of UANa on the expression of CD11c and CD83 in DC was observed by flow cytometry analysis. However, UANa significantly enhanced the expression of MHC II molecule. In the DTH model, UANa enhanced the degree of allergen-induced ear swelling and promoted the ability of lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. CONCLUSION: UANa suspension as adjuvant significantly enhances the cellular immune response but inhibits the humoral immune response to a certain degree, suggesting that UANa has potential application in the vaccine research.  相似文献   

探讨氯化钠盐胁迫对葡萄砧木‘3309C’叶片光系统Ⅰ(PSI)和光系统Ⅱ(PSII)活性的影响,为滨海盐碱地葡萄栽培提供理论参考。以1年生葡萄砧木‘3309C’为试材,通过同时测定葡萄叶片叶绿素荧光快速诱导动力学曲线和P700+再还原动力学曲线,结合叶绿素荧光淬灭分析,探讨了持续盐胁迫(100 mmol/L)对葡萄砧木叶片PSI和PSII活性的影响。随着盐处理时间的延长,PSII最大光化学效率逐渐降低,PSII放氧复合体受破坏的程度和反应中心电子传递受阻程度均明显增大,最大荧光显著降低,盐胁迫导致葡萄叶片PSII与PSI间激发能分配严重偏离平衡,最大光氧化P700显著降低,且发生降低时间明显早于PSII最大光化学效率。P700+再还原动力学曲线分析表明持续盐胁迫下葡萄叶片P700+再还原半衰期逐渐增大,环式电子传递受阻。持续盐胁迫导致葡萄砧木叶片2个光系统激发能分配严重偏离平衡状态,抑制了光系统活性,更多的能量被用来进行热耗散,而围绕PSI的环式电子传递活性的降低则进一步加剧了葡萄叶片光系统的光抑制程度。  相似文献   

The effects of incorporating 5-aminolevulenic acid (ALA) into the priming solution on low-temperature germination and emergence percentage performance of red pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Sena) seeds before and after seed storage were investigated. Seeds were primed in 3% KNO3 solution for 6 days at 25 °C in darkness containing 0 ppm, 1 ppm, 10 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm or 100 ppm ALA. Following priming, seeds were either immediately subjected to germination and emergence tests at 15 °C or stored at 4 °C or 25 °C for 1 month after which they were subjected to germination and emergence tests at 15 °C. Priming pepper seeds in the presence of ALA improved final germination percentage (FGP) and germination rate (MGT) at 15 °C compared to non-primed seeds. The highest FGP was obtained from seeds primed in the presence of 25 ppm and higher ALA concentrations while the highest MGT was obtained from seeds primed in KNO3 supplemented with 10 ppm ALA. Emergence percentages were the highest for the seeds primed in the presence of 25 ppm ALA and 50 ppm ALA while non-primed seeds had the lowest emergence percentage. Highest emergence rates (MET) and heaviest seedlings were also obtained from seeds primed in KNO3 supplemented with 50 ppm ALA. Although all priming treatments improved germination and emergence performance of pepper seeds at 15 °C following 1 month of storage under two different temperatures, inclusion of 25 ppm and 50 ppm ALA into the priming solution resulted in higher germination and emergence percentages and faster germination and emergence compared to seeds primed in KNO3 only and non-primed seeds. These results indicate that priming seeds in 25 ppm and 50 ppm ALA incorporated into the KNO3 solution can be used as an effective method to improve low-temperature performance of red pepper seeds and that these seeds can be stored for 1 month at 4 °C or 25 °C and still exhibit improved germination and emergence performance at 15 °C.  相似文献   

在大樱桃盛花期、果实硬核期、着色期叶面喷施EM液,不仅显著提高大樱桃坐果率,增加单果重及产量,而且还可以提高果实可溶性固形物、酸和维生素C的含量,改善果实品质。其效果明显好于硼砂和磷酸二氢钾。  相似文献   

以10年生骏枣为试验材料,探究不同枣吊摘心时间和不同喷施赤霉素GA3时间对其产量及品质的影响,分别以不摘心和喷清水为对照。结果表明:骏枣花期枣吊留5节叶摘心和不同时间开始喷施20mg/kg赤霉素3次,可提高坐果率、产量和果实品质。在新疆阿克苏地区,骏枣6月17日前后摘心效果最好,坐果率和产量高于其他时间摘心,较对照分别提高28.65%和33.26%,平均单果重达20.01g;6月10日前后开始喷施赤霉素,坐果率、产量和果实品质高于其他时间开始喷施,较对照增产35.73%,商品果率达93.57%。  相似文献   

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