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The summer distribution of three juvenile anadromous salmonid species was compared in the mainstem sections and nine tributaries of the Upper South Umpqua River Basin, Oregon, USA. Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum), was found at highest densities in the mainstem and mid-elevation tributaries. Coho salmon, O . kisutch (Walbaum), was essentially absent from the mainstem, but was found at high densities in the low-elevation tributaries. Steelhead trout, O . mykiss (Walbaum), was found in the mainstem and all nine tributaries; the highest densities of this species were in the upper mainstem reaches and high-elevation tributaries. No significant correlations were found between ranks of mainstem and tributary densities among the three species (Spearman's rs; P > 0.05). Observed spatial segregation of basin habitat by these species during summer indicated that protection provided at the level of the river basin will be necessary to assure the continued existence of all stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Technological advances have lead to the production of micro radio-transmitters capable of being implanted in fish as small as c . 5 g. Although the actual tags are small, transmitters are equipped with long antennas that can increase drag and tangle in debris. We examined the effects of radio-transmitter antenna length on the swimming performance of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , ( N  = 156, mean mass = 34 g, mean fork length = 148 mm). Although we tested a variety of different antenna lengths up to a maximum of 300 mm, only the longest antenna significantly impaired swimming performance relative to control fish ( P  < 0.001). There was no difference in swimming performance between the sham (surgery, but no transmitter) and the control fish (handled, but no surgery), suggesting that the surgical procedure itself did not negatively affect the fish. Regression analysis, however, indicated that there was a significant decrease in swimming performance associated with increased antenna length ( R 2 = 0.11, P  < 0.001). In addition, when held in laboratory tanks, fish with the three longest antennas (150, 225 and 300 mm) frequently became entangled with the standpipe. We suggest that researchers, under the guidance of the tag manufacturer, trim antennas to the shortest possible length required to detect fish in their specific study area. Antenna length is clearly an important issue for small fish, especially for species that inhabit complex habitats where antennas may become entangled, and where fish must attain speeds near limits of their swimming capacity.  相似文献   

Abstract –  An individual-based early life history model demonstrated that the timing and distribution of St Lawrence River northern pike ( Esox lucius ) spawning could affect subsequent young-of-year (YOY) production during nursery and influence year-class formation. Three different spawning patterns have emerged from empirical studies, where egg deposition occurred along the entire littoral gradient beginning in seasonally flooded emergent habitats in tributaries, progressing to submerged aquatic vegetation in shallow bays, and ending in deep water littoral habitats (up to 6 m). The spawning period is protracted, and typically lasts 6–8 weeks due to the presence of a strong thermal gradient. The model used temperature as the driving variable to predict egg abundance, stage-specific development, growth, survival, and ultimately relative production of YOY northern pike within 1-ha plots representative of the three habitats. Earlier spawning (mean 21 days) and higher mean daily survival and growth yielded higher YOY net production for tributaries (mean = 3095.4 g ha−1, SD = 2028.6) relative to the shallow bay habitat (202.5 g ha−1, SD = 125.7). In contrast, deep littoral habitat represented an ecological sink with little production (<0.9 g ha−1). The results demonstrate the importance of the linkage between spawning and nursery processes in determining reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract  Hatchery-reared age-0 red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey), were released onto artificial habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. Fish showed 12.7% survival after 7 months on small habitats (0.86 m3) and 3.1% survival after 8 months on large habitats (3.9 m3). Emigration was estimated by the movement of fish to unstocked habitats and accounted for 76.8% of the total decline in abundance at release sites after 26 days. Fish showed higher survival and growth rates on small habitats (27.6% at 26 days; 0.33 mm day−1) compared with large habitats (13.2% at 34 days; 0.26 mm day−1), which may have been due to increased predation and competition on large habitats. Fish became evenly distributed among adjacent habitats 26 days after release, indicating that stocking densities at release habitats were above carrying capacities. These observations suggested that providing additional habitat around red snapper release sites would increase survival.  相似文献   

Small, adventitious tributaries (<3 orders of magnitude smaller than the stream it flows into) are a conspicuous feature of many river–floodplain systems, but their value as fish reproduction and nursery habitat is not well understood compared to oxbow lakes and the main river channel (MRC). Moreover, connectivity of tributaries to the MRC is often less impacted by anthropogenic modifications (e.g., dams and levees) compared to oxbow lakes. From April to July 2012, larval and juvenile fish were collected in the Fourche LaFave River (Arkansas, USA) system to better understand fish nursery habitat function of tributaries relative to oxbow lakes and the MRC. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of juvenile and larval fish genera revealed distinct fish assemblages in MRC and floodplain habitats. Ordination of juvenile fish at the species level resulted in distinct fish assemblages in tributary versus oxbow lake habitats. Tributaries had more unique species and higher abundance of shared species than oxbow lakes and MRC. Additionally, of the 46 species identified, all but six were collected in lower tributary reaches. Connectivity was strongly associated with both ordinations and was important in describing patterns of fish variation among habitats and between tributaries. Of the tributaries sampled, the least fragmented stream had the most similar fish assemblages between upper and lower sections. Findings of this study revealed tributaries are an important, yet overlooked, feature in the river–floodplain model. Especially in years of drought, channel–floodplain connectivity can be limited, but tributaries can be used by fishes for reproduction and nursery habitat.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Sixty-five large (>385 mm fork length) bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ), a threatened relict charr (Family Salmonidae), were captured in the upper East Fork South Fork Salmon River (EFSFSR), Idaho, USA and implanted with radio tags to investigate their spatial and temporal movements and distribution throughout the South Fork Salmon River (SFSR) basin and beyond. All radio-tagged fish were migratory. Most fish displayed a fluvial migration pattern. They typically overwintered in the larger rivers downriver of the EFSFSR (SFSR and the Salmon River further downstream), migrated upriver to the EFSFSR in June and further upriver into small (<2 m wide) tributaries to spawn in August and September. Both consecutive-year and nonconsecutive-year spawners were found. A typical migration distance between the overwintering habitat and the spawning habitat was 100 km. A minor fraction (<10%) of the fish displayed an adfluvial life history pattern, overwintering in a small (2 ha) 60-year-old flooded mine pit in the EFSFSR upstream of the spawning tributaries. The stock exhibited distinct site fidelity for spawning and overwintering. Similar fluvial and adfluvial migration patterns have been reported for bull trout in the region as well as for other charr species worldwide. Effective management of this and other migratory charr stocks will require protection of a wide range of habitats, from large rivers to the smallest tributaries.  相似文献   

Adult common bullies, Gobiomorphus cotidianus McDowall, are small (total length =  30–120 mm), benthic fish commonly found in the littoral zones of New Zealand lakes where they are a major prey species for trout and eels. Differences in their relative abundance (CPUE) were determined between 21 shallow North Island lakes. Mean CPUE ranged from 2 to >  1000 fish net− 1 night− 1 and was inversely related to water transparency. The abundance of bullies was not reduced in lakes containing rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), but was reduced in all lakes containing self-recruiting populations of eels, Anguilla spp. Mean densities of planktonic larval bullies in the limnetic zone were also inversely related to water transparency. Since low water transparency is related to increased trophic status for these lakes, the abundance of bullies is likely to be related to lake productivity, rather than turbidity.  相似文献   

Fishes that depend on large‐river habitats have declined in many regions due to human alteration of both mainstems and tributaries. Conserving these species is often complicated by their dependence on long‐distance movements to complete their life cycle, but the location of key habitats is difficult to assess across multiple life history stages. Movement of large‐river fishes between mainstems and major tributaries is commonly observed, but the role of these exchanges at the population level is uncertain. We used shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) as a case study for assessing the lifelong spatial ecology of large‐river fishes. Fin ray microchemistry data indicate that shovelnose sturgeon from the Mississippi and Wisconsin rivers represent a unified population that relies on connections among multiple large‐river habitats throughout life history. The tributary serves as an important spawning area, but fin ray chemistry data suggest larvae subsequently drift downstream to nursery habitats in the mainstem; an assertion that is supported by extensive field survey data. Our analyses underscore the lifelong importance of connections within river networks for maintaining viable populations of this, and likely other large‐river species that have been documented to use tributary habitats. These findings support a metapopulation perspective on species that depend on large‐river habitats, many of which are now highly altered and fragmented. For shovelnose sturgeon and species with similar life history, protecting or restoring linkages between mainstem rivers and their tributaries should be a conservation priority.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Many populations of vertebrates display alternative reproductive strategies involving delays in maturation processes and migrations to more productive habitats. Notably for females, migratory patterns and diet could influence reproductive traits such as ova size and number. To test this hypothesis, we targeted anadromous and freshwater-resident female brown trout of various sizes during their return to spawn in tributaries, and carried out stable isotope analyses (δ15N and δ13C) on ova to identify their feeding areas and diet. The study was performed in the Oir River (France), a small coastal system where trout migrations to sea and within the river basin have been monitored for the last 20 years. General trends were observed in reproductive traits, such as the positive correlation between female fork length, fecundity and ova size. Fecundity was size-dependent whatever the migratory origin of females, but major divergences were seen for ova size and isotopic ratios. Freshwater residents displayed a constant increase in ova size and a 15N-enrichment in ova, suggesting an investment in larger ova and a shift to piscivory as the fish become larger and older. Conversely, anadromous females had smaller ova compared with freshwater-resident females of similar body size and achieved higher fecundity as they grew bigger. Our results suggest the existence of a continuum of reproductive traits for freshwater-resident females whereas anadromous females clearly show a break with this continuum. This major dissimilarity could be explained by the difference in growing environments in terms of food availability and quality.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We investigated the variations of population of two cyprinids, Varicorhinus alticorpus and Varicorhinus barbatulus , using long-term survey data (1995–2004) in the subtropical island of Taiwan. Fish abundance data showed that at the mainstem stations, V. barbatulus which used to dominate in the higher altitude had declined significantly, while V. alticorpus that used to occupy only the lower altitude had spread upward. However, at the tributaries, trend of the populations of V. barbatulus were not significantly different over time, while populations of V. alticorpus were absent at higher altitude but began to increase at lower altitude. Environmental parameters revealed that sporadic high turbidity was observed at the mainstem stations, but not at the tributaries. Images taken before and after typhoon also showed habitat destruction by debris flow at the mainstem stations. As some models predicted that suitable fish habitats will shrink because of increasing water temperature due to global warming, we showed that fish distribution may be affected by habitat disturbance due to intensified storms sooner than the actual increase of water temperature.  相似文献   

The density of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was monitored at 57 sites representing different habitats in the River Teno and two of its major tributaries from 1979 to 1995. Cluster analyses were used to combine sites with similar densities and to study trends in densities within clusters. It was found that management measures have played an important role in maintaining salmon stocks and there was some evidence of increasing juvenile salmon densities. Parr densities decreased significantly in one cluster containing 45% of the sites studied in the River Utsjoki, whereas densities increased significantly in one cluster in the River Teno and in one cluster in the River Inarijoki containing 38% of the sites in these rivers. Fry densities increased significantly in two clusters containing 16% of all the sites studied in the three rivers. In general, the mean densities in successive years in the clusters were independent. The results demonstrate the value of long-term monitoring in ecological investigations.  相似文献   

Abstract – Streams in the Aiako Harria Natural Park (Basque Country, Spain) have excellent water quality, but are physically impoverished after centuries of snagging. In an attempt to restore channel complexity and ecosystem functioning, especially in‐channel retention of sediments and organic matter, large woody debris (LWD) was introduced into four mountain streams (channel width 3–13 m) following a before/after, control/impact (BACI) design. Logs were introduced by means of hand‐held machinery and located uncabled, mimicking the natural amount and disposition of LWD in streams. Floods disrupted most of the structures at the large stream, but caused little damage to those in the small ones. Only minnow and brown trout inhabit in the area. Before wood addition, trout densities were fairly high in the small streams, low in the large one, where recruitment seemed very poor. In the small tributaries, trout populations showed a strong imbalance towards young fish, adults being only found in the spawning season. Wood addition produced some interesting trends in trout, although statistical significance was low as a result of large environmental variability. Fish densities showed small changes, but biomass increased, especially in the spawning season. Also, there was a trend towards more aged 2+ or larger, thus suggesting wood addition improved adult habitat. Although restoring LWD is extremely unusual in Spain, the changes in physical habitat and the trends in fish populations detected in the present project suggest it is worth making more experiments, at least in safe settings where there is no risk of flooding or damaging properties.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Human-induced habitat alteration is one of the main causes of the decline of freshwater fish populations. The watershed of the River Bidasoa (Spain) is an example of heavily fragmented habitat. The local brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) population is disturbed, with evidence of poor recruitment as well as low adult densities in the main stem. Forty male and female adult migratory trout were tagged with external or internal radio transmitters and released. Fixed stations with data loggers and mobile antennae were used with daily surveys to track fish movements during the migration and spawning period (3 months). Migration distances did not exceed 10 km, and half of the fish never entered a tributary in the study area. Fragmentation because of weirs on the main stem apparently prevented fish from reaching their spawning destination. Fish that entered the tributaries were first confronted with an accessibility problem because of low discharge. However, each fish chose one tributary, without making attempts to run up in other tributaries. Once in the tributary, fish were restrained in their upstream movements by dams. The study area appeared to be isolated from the vast upper part of the watershed. Within the study area, upper parts of tributaries also seemed strongly disconnected from the main stem. This study illustrates the negative impact of river fragmentation on S. trutta migration pattern. Population sustainability can be directly affected through the low availability of spawning grounds for migratory fish. Long-term effects of fragmentation may cause reproductive isolation within watersheds, which in the case of trout also means isolated phenotypic population units.  相似文献   

Two strains of hatchery-reared adult brown trout, Salmo trutta L., [208–334 mm total length (TL); n =  591] were individually marked and released into a limestone stream. The estimated survival after one month (86%; n =  508) was comparable to that for resident brown trout and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), (89%; n =  771), but declined to 14% ( n =  83) after 8 months compared with 52% ( n =  451) for resident trout. The movement of resident trout out of stocked stretches was higher (14%) than from control sites (5%), but the population size in both individual sites and the overall study area were unaffected. The growth of resident brown trout was unaffected by stocking, but rainbow trout showed lower growth rates in stocked versus unstocked stretches both one and 8 months after stocking ( P <  0.002).  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study investigates differentiation in egg size among five sympatric brown trout ( Salmo trutta (L.)) demes. We explore a hypothesis predicting high density-dependent interactions among juveniles to favour large eggs by sampling closely located (<100 m) deme pairs with low and high fry abundances. A mancova model fitted the egg size versus egg number relationship as a function of large-scale spatial habitat heterogeneity (basin) and maternal phenotype revealed that demes have significantly different egg size versus fecundity relationships and that the differentiation is mainly due to interdeme variation in egg size. Fry density was significantly and positively associated with egg size and a post-hoc test indicated egg size to be significantly greater in high-density than low-density tributaries. The data is consistent with the density-dependent hypothesis and suggest that reproductive investment can diverge over small geographic distances, potentially in response to environments favouring greater investment in offspring quality.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Minnow trapping was used to determine the distribution and abundance of two small, benthic species of fish, common bullies ( Gobiomorphus cotidianus ) and koaro ( Galaxias brevipinnis ), in five oligotrophic lakes varying in both turbidity and the extent of water-level variation. Koaro were 5–20 times more abundant in the large turbid lakes than in the clear ones, indicating that turbidity may reduce the extent of salmonid predation on koaro. However, the scarcity of koaro in the clear lakes was related mainly to the prevalence of brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) compared with rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) as the former were more piscivorous and had a stronger inverse relationship with koaro. Common bullies were more abundant at sites 20 m or more away from the shoreline, and at depths of 9–12 m irrespective of season, year and turbidity level. However, the overall abundance of bullies was reduced by 70–90% in the turbid lakes. As bullies are relatively insensitive to the direct effects of increased turbidity, indirect effects such as reductions in macrophytes from reduced water clarity or smothering of benthic habitats by settled solids are thought to influence their abundance in the lakes affected by glacial turbidity. There was no relationship between the extent of water-level fluctuation and the abundance of koaro or common bullies in the lakes, but the depth distribution of bullies was shallowest in the lake with the least water-level fluctuation and was deepest in the lake with the greatest water-level fluctuation.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Movement and habitat use by bull trout ( Salvelinus confluentus ) was examined using radio telemetry in the Morice River watershed, north-western British Columbia, between April 2000 and November 2001. Bull trout principally utilised mainstem habitat. Throughout the watershed, little movement was observed during the winter months. From June to September, movement increased and was correlated with migration into tributaries. We directly observed spawning bull trout only in tributaries of the Morice River and never in the mainstem. Many of the fish ( N  = 48) migrated to the nearest potential spawning sites, but a few fish ( N  = 7) made extensive migrations to other regions of the watershed to spawn. Fish that spawned in both years of the study returned to the same spawning location. Variation in spatial and movement data, therefore, appears to be linked to availability of suitable habitat and not differences in life history that have been observed in large bull trout.  相似文献   

Spawning runs of brown trout Salmo trutta L., and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, were compared in three tributaries of two lakes for timing, numbers and redd characteristics. Redd characteristics for the two species in four other streams were examined. No significant differences in redd characteristics between the two species were observed, but in all lake tributaries the possibilities of superimposition of spring spawning rainbow trout on redds of brown trout were examined. A common feature was the high ratio of numbers of spawners to the area of preferred spawning gravel, and it was concluded that in the lake tributaries, superimposition resulted in increased mortality of brown trout eggs, and in one case elimination of the brown trout population. Management possibilities for control of the species proportions in comparable situations are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined the site fidelity of spawning adult sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) by tagging and releasing fish in the same stream reach (controls) and displacing them among different but nearby sites ( c . 50 m away). Three sites – two above a stream junction ('upper' reach and 'pond') and one below ('lower' reach) – allowed us to compare the behavior of salmon in the presence and absence of olfactory cues and habitat similarity. Most controls of both sexes (90%) remained in the immediate vicinity of the tagging and release site. When displaced downstream, where the odors of both the upper reach and the pond were detectable, most salmon returned to their former site (65%). Displaced sockeye were more likely to return to the pond from the lower reach than from the upper one ( P  = 0.05), consistent with olfactory orientation and the hypothesis that salmon prefer certain habitats. Salmon displaced from the upper to the lower reach were much more likely to return than those displaced to the pond ( P  < 0.01), consistent with the role of odors in orientation and inconsistent with the habitat choice hypothesis.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Recent work demonstrates that tributary inputs are important community reorganisation points for river biota; however, no studies have examined the long-term effects of tributary inputs on fish population dynamics. This study examines nearly 40 years of young-of-year (yoy) paddlefish recruitment data to investigate the hypothesis that tributaries influence mainstem fish population dynamics. We generated hydrological variables from daily mean flow data (1965–2007) from an impounded reach of the mainstem Missouri River and from the Niobrara River, a relatively unaltered tributary, using Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration software. Three multiple regression models using natural-log transformed catch per unit effort (log cpue) as the response variable were created using (1) Missouri River-only flow variables, (2) Niobrara River-only flow variables and (3) Missouri River and Niobrara River flow variables. Flow variables from the Niobrara River explain a greater proportion of yoy paddlefish log cpue variability demonstrating that tributaries can positively impact fish population dynamics in altered rivers.  相似文献   

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