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Field experiments were conducted in 2010 and 2011 in a typical location of North China Plain to evaluate weed control efficacy of four post-emergence herbicides nicosulfuron, mesotrione, topramezone and the combination of mesotrione/nicosulfuron when they were applied at reduced doses at different weed growth stages. Experimental results showed that nicosulfuron, topramezone and the combination of mesotrione/nicosulfuron provided better weed control efficacy than mesotrione when they were applied at their label recommended doses at the 2- to 3-leaf and 4- to 5-leaf stages of weeds; nicosulfuron and mesotrione/nicosulfuron could at least be reduced by 33% and topramezone reduced by 67% without sacrificing total weed control efficacy and maize grain yield. Nicosulfuron and its combination with mesotrione could effectively control broadleaved and grass weeds when their doses were reduced by 67% and by 33%, respectively. Topramezone could effectively control broadleaved and grass weeds when its dose was reduced by 67%. The efficacy of mesotrione in controlling grass weeds was bad even at the label recommended dose. All four herbicides tested did not affect the maize grain yield.  相似文献   

玉米子粒性状种子和母体效应的遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
采用二倍体种子遗传模型及其分析方法,以5个玉米自交系及其间配制的F1,F2,BC1,BC2世代为材料,研究了7个玉米子粒性状的直接效应、母体效应和细胞质效应。分析结果表明,除粒厚外,各性状的遗传均以母体加性效应为主,种子直接显性效应和母体显性效应较小,细胞质基因对各性状均无显著影响,而环境效应极显著。除粒长的直接显性效应与母体显性效应间的协方差外,直接效应与母体效应间的协方差均较小,且不显著。因此,通过母体植株的遗传表现可对这些性状进行有效的直接选择。S22是改良粒重的优良亲本,而NO1,NO2,NO3对改良粒重不利。各部位子粒百粒重的直接显性效应、母体加性效应、母体显性效应及机误均存在极显著正相关。在自交系选育过程中,直接选择粒较宽的分离类型,容易获得大粒的遗传材料,选择粒厚而宽的亲本组配杂交组合有利于提高F1粒重。  相似文献   

Finger millet is a promising source of micronutrients and protein besides energy and can contribute to the alleviation of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and protein malnutrition affecting women and preschool children in African and south-east Asian countries. The most cost effective approach for mitigating micronutrient and protein malnutrition is to introduce staple crop cultivars selected and/or bred for Fe, Zn and protein dense grain. Breeding finger millet for enhanced grain nutrients is still in its infancy. Analysis, detection and exploitation of the existing variability among the germplasm accessions are the initial steps in breeding micronutrient and protein-dense finger millet cultivars. Evaluation of finger millet core collection for grain nutrients and agronomic traits revealed a substantial genetic variability for grain Fe, Zn, calcium (Ca) and protein contents. The accessions rich in nutrient contents were identified and their agronomic diversity assessed. The accessions rich in Zn content have significantly higher grain yield potential than those rich in Fe and protein content. Grain nutrient-specific accessions and those contrasting for nutrient contents were identified for use in the strategic research and cultivar development in finger millet.  相似文献   

The development of resistant maize cultivars is the most effective and sustainable approach to combat fungal diseases. Over the last three decades, many quantitative trait loci(QTL) mapping studies reported numerous QTL for fungal disease resistance(FDR) in maize. However, different genetic backgrounds of germplasm and differing QTL analysis algorithms limit the use of identified QTL for comparative studies.The meta-QTL(MQTL) analysis is the meta-analysis of multiple QTL experiments, which entai...  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,63(2):159-167
After sowing into moist soil, maize seed imbibe although the soil moisture content may be too low to permit seedling emergence. The hypothesis tested here is that in such circumstances, and especially at high temperature, the seed age in the soil with the result that when the moisture restriction is subsequently removed, germination and seedling emergence are reduced.First, maize seed were artificially deteriorated in the laboratory at four elevated moisture and five constant temperature regimes for four different periods in order to determine the effect of ageing on radicle and coleoptile emergence. Next, the responses when seed were deteriorated at alternating temperatures were shown to be the same when the temperature exposure was expressed as thermal time. A base temperature for thermal ageing time was estimated as about 30°C. Finally, when four Sri Lankan maize cultivars were sown in soil, the seed imbibed and experienced temperatures above 30°C with the result that final seedling emergence was reduced. The effect of ageing in the soil appeared greater than that in the laboratory because the moisture content of seed in the soil was not constant but increasing.  相似文献   

Genotype by environment (G×E) interactions for grain yield were investigated in 14 rice genotypes across eight rainfed lowland field environments in Lao PDR, in order to identify stable adapted cultivars for improved farmer livelihood and food security. G×E accounted for 20.3% of the total variance, with three vectors from ordination analysis accounting for 75.1% of the G×E-SS, in 6 genotype?×?6 environment groups. PCA1 indicated water-limited yield potential, PCA2 pre-flowering stress and PCA3 post-flowering stress. Genotype groups (G1–G6) differed in adaptation to these environments. G5 (VT450-2 and TSN9) were widely adapted and high-yielding. G6 (TDK11 and TDK37) were also high-yielding, topping the rankings in three environment groups, but yielded less in Phalanxay 2012 and Phalanxay 2011, where their phenology was unstable under stress. Other genotype groups showed specific adaptations, but failed to exceed yields of G5 and G6. Hence, VT450-2 and TSN9 (G5) were the preferred genotypes for rainfed lowland in southern Lao PDR, due to their high and stable grain yields. Stability in flowering time and high yield in rainfall deficit were desirable traits for improved farmer livelihood and food security.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜杂种优势及产量性状的遗传改良   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:10  
对不同来源的3个甘蓝型油菜自交不亲和系与22个父本品种的遗传距离及它们以NCII法配制的66个杂交组合的产量、物候期性状进行了分析.结果表明,尽管3个自交不亲和系与父本品种间的遗传差异较小,但它们与国外品种间的杂种F1产量性状平均优势均较强.杂种生育期及初花至成熟期日数均介于双亲之间,但前者偏向晚熟亲本,而后者却偏向早熟亲本.与其它产量构成因子相比,一次分枝及其角果数不仅对单株产量贡献率最大,且对单株产量杂种优势贡献率亦最高.在油菜产量性状的遗传改良中,特别是在杂种优势利用中,首选目标性状应为一次分枝及其角果数.在保证一次分枝及其角果数前提下,提高角粒数、千粒重亦是一条有效途径.  相似文献   

The effect of crude oil spillage on growth, productivity and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea mays L.) was assessed in a pot experiment using an Evwreni manifold sample of a petroleum development company, which had aspecific gravity of 0.8778. The Suwan 1 variety of maize was used in the experiment. In crude oil polluted soils, germination was delayed and the germination percentage was significantly affected by oil pollution. Growth was poor in polluted soils using parameters such as plant height, stem girth,ear height, leaf area at four weeks after planting, leaf area at maturity and average length of primary roots as growth indicators. Grain yield was significantly reduced at 95% level of probability with yield (when compared with the control) reduced by as much as 98.6%, 96.5% and 58.3% for preplant,five weeks after planting (5 WAP) and seven weeks after planting (7 WAP) treatments, respectively. Leaf analysis of the maize plants grown in soilscontaminated with crude oil a week before planting (preplant treatment) revealed mean levels of heavy metals (6.18 ppm Zn2+, 0.62 ppm Cu2+,26.24 ppm Fe2+, 10.84 ppm Mn2+, 2.96 ppm Pb2+ and 3.88 ppm Co2+) which are higher than the maximum permissible levels (MPL) for maize in tropical soils. Maize plants that were polluted at other time intervals showed no significant (p>0.05) variation in heavy metal concentrations when compared with the control, and were considered potentiallysafe for human consumption.  相似文献   

Breeding to improve perennial grasses for forage usage aims to increase the whole-plant aerial biomass. However, the ability to increase the whole-plant yield by breeding may be questionable in grasses which are expected to reach an optimal leaf area index during grass stand growth rather rapidly. We carried out a field experiment aiming to compare herbage yield and other performances of seven natural populations and 21 cultivars of diploid perennial ryegrass registered on European National lists in the last 40 years. Cultivars were sampled in the spike emergence earliness range used for pasture usage, i.e. in the semi-late and late earliness range according to the French classification into spike emergence earliness groups. Forage performances of populations and cultivars were tested in four locations in monthly cut dense sward plots. Morphological and phenological traits were recorded in two spaced-plant experiments, and seed yield was assessed in two locations in standard seed production conditions. Trait regression on cultivar registration year pointed out that total dry-matter yield of cultivars increased by +3.2% per decade. However, dry-matter yield was not improved in the most favourable period for grass growth, i.e. in spring. On the other hand, it was improved in summer (+2.8% per decade) and autumn (+7.4% per decade) when the aerial biomass production is on average rather small. Breeders succeeded in significantly reducing aftermath heading. Reduction in aftermath heading is likely to have contributed to the noted increase in summer and autumn dry-matter yields, and to a moderate improvement in herbage feeding value. Breeding was also efficient in improving rust resistance and in bringing forward the start of spring growth. For monthly cut swards, we evidenced a clear association of leaf and lamina lengths with spring and summer dry-matter yields. Breeding for long leaves, or for high leaf elongation rate, should contribute to improve the cumulated intercepted radiation during re-growths, and consequently could be a way of improving the spring dry-matter yield. Seed yield did not improve with breeding for forage performances. However, we did not notice any negative association between the seed yield and traits related with forage usage. Direct selection pressures on seed yield criteria applied at the core of the breeding process should enable to improve the seed yield without any negative impact on forage performances.  相似文献   

硫肥对玉米氮、磷、钾吸收利用影响的基因型差异   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以我国夏玉米主产区的34个玉米基因型(6个自交系,4个特用玉米和24个杂交种)为试验材料,通过不同硫肥供应水平的大田试验,分析了硫肥对玉米氮、磷、钾吸收利用的影响.结果表明,施用硫肥促进了玉米对营养元素的吸收,植株氮、磷、钾的积累总量平均比未施用硫肥的对照分别增加6.07%、11.89%和19.31%,肥料利用效率提高.硫肥对氮、磷、钾吸收利用的影响不完全相同,并且存在明显的基因型差异施用硫肥后,自交系氮、磷、钾的收获指数和利用效率均有大幅度提高;杂交种的氮素收获指数和利用效率均有所提高,磷素利用效率下降,但是不同基因型的变化程度差异较大;另有17个杂交种的磷素收获指数降低,10个杂交种的钾素收获指数和14个杂交种的钾素利用效率降低.  相似文献   

Weed control in smallholder farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa is labour intensive or costly. Many researchers have therefore advocated for the use of cover crops in weed management as an affordable alternative for smallholders. Cover crops may be grown in rotations to suppress weeds and reduce the reliance on herbicides. The use of cover crops creates microenvironments that are either conducive or inhibitive to the emergence of certain weed species. A study, initiated in 2008 in contrasting soils at four different locations of Zimbabwe, investigated the effect of maize (Zea mays L.)-cover crop rotations on the emergence of weeds that showed dominance in those soils. Weed assessments were however, carried out from 2011 to 2014. The weed species Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Commelina benghalensis L., and Richardia scabra L. showed dominance in all four locations with weed densities as high as 500 plants m−2 being recorded for R. scabra L. in a sandy soil. Maize-cover crop rotations resulted in higher densities of Bidens pilosa compared with maize monocropping (control treatment) due to its high nitrogen (N) requirement to produce more seeds. On the other hand, the integration of cover crops such as pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] that had poor shading qualities, due to large gaps or spaces and slower initial growth, had limited effects on competitive weeds such as Cyperus esculentus L. which tend to dominate exhausted soils. The density of C. esculentus was 38% greater in maize–pigeon pea rotations compared with the control treatment. Variability between seasons and sites affected emergence of all weeds in the present study, which masked long-term trends. The results suggest that there is need to identify the germination and emergence requirements of specific weeds and select cover crops best suitable for their control. The study provides useful information for farmers and advisors on the best cover crops for control of certain problematic weeds in different soil types of Zimbabwe.  相似文献   

解淀粉芽胞杆菌、枯草芽胞杆菌和苏云金芽胞杆菌等是重要的有益微生物,被广泛应用于植物病虫的生物防治。前期分离获得1株芽胞杆菌JK05,对其形态、生理生化特征、16S rRNA和gyrA基因序列进行分析,将其鉴定为解淀粉芽胞杆菌植生亚种Bacillus amyloliquefaciens subsp. plantarum。对峙培养实验结果显示,JK05菌株对多种植物病原镰刀菌具有拮抗作用。植物生长促进实验表明,JK05菌株对香蕉和玉米生长具有明显促进作用。盆栽实验结果显示,JK05菌株对香蕉枯萎病具有良好的防治效果。采用特异引物对JK05菌株基因组DNA进行PCR扩增,其可扩增到表面活性素(surfactin)、丰原素(fengycin)、伊枯草菌素A(iturin A)等抗生素合成基因。综上,JK05菌株具有良好的生防潜力,有望应用于生物农药和微生物肥料。  相似文献   

To uncover the genetic contributions of agronomic traits to content of total sugar (TS) and find indicator traits for indirect selection on TS in the flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.), multivariable conditional analysis was conducted based on a genetic model containing additive–dominance and their interactions with environments. Fourteen cultivars (or breeding lines) and derived 41 F1 crosses were grown at four locations in Yunnan province, China. Significant phenotypic contribution to TS was detected for six agronomic traits, plant height (PH), girth of stem (GS), internode length (INL), number of leaves (NL), length of middle leaves (LML) and width of middle leaves (WML). There was large contribution of additive effects due to each of the five agronomic traits (PH, GS, INL, LML and WML). The contribution ratio of dominance effect was high due to PH. By serving as high contributor of additive effects to TS and having high ratios of additive variance to phenotypic variance, INL and PH could be used as indicative agronomic traits for selecting breeding lines with suitable TS. Among the six agronomic traits, PH had the highest contribution to dominance effects of TS for most F1 crosses, and could be used for selecting the crosses with suitable TS.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜产量性状的遗传及相关与通径分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
以7个不育系和4个恢复系为材料,采用增广NCⅡ交配设计进行油菜4个产量性状的遗传及6个产量构成因子间的相关与通径分析,结果显示:(1)油菜千粒重的遗传符合加性—显性模型,单株有效角果数、角粒数和单株粒重的遗传符合加性—显性—上位性模型。(2)育种上应在保持较多角粒数的前提下,提高千粒重,适当控制单株有效角果数,减少分枝尤其是二次分枝进而提高单产。  相似文献   

以郑8903×豫花4号构建的包含215个家系的重组自交系群体为材料,在海南三亚和河南原阳两个环境下种植,采用凯氏定氮仪测定蛋白质含量,运用数量性状主基因加多基因混合遗传模型分析方法,开展了花生蛋白质含量的遗传模型分析。结果表明,两个环境条件下家系间蛋白质含量均存在广泛变异,表现超亲遗传现象,其频数分布图呈正态分布特征。在两个环境中蛋白质含量的遗传均符合多基因遗传模型(C模型),即受多基因效应和环境作用,其多基因遗传率分别为29.63%和18.77%;环境引起的变异分别为46.05%和54.08%。  相似文献   

Summary Bisulfite modification of DNA from potato leaves showing juvenile and mature leaf morphologies and from leaves of autotrophic and heterotrophic microplants showing different morphologies was carried out to deaminate cytosine residues while leaving 5-methylcytosine residues intact. RAPD analysis of the DNA was then performed using selective primers; firstly, with a 50–70% GC content and subsequently with a 50–70% AT content which contained CG or CA 3' ends. Three of the 4 primers used detected band polymorphisms in the juvenile versus mature leaves and all four primers detected band polymorphisms in the autotrophic·versus heterotrophic in vitro leaf samples. These results indicate differences in methylation in the different paired DNA samples. The hypothesised increase in band numbers in the relatively less mature samples was confirmed for both the in vivo and in vitro leaf samples; a higher number of bands was amplified from the DNA of the leaves from heterotrophic cultures compared with those from autotrophic culture when the results for all primer sets were grouped. however, this trend did not apply to the results from all the individual primers. The application of this approach to the evaluation of in vitro protocols for potato micropropagation is discussed.  相似文献   

应用SRAP标记分析白芝麻核心种质遗传多样性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
利用SRAP分子标记技术对中国芝麻资源核心收集品中的209份白芝麻种质进行遗传多样性分析,供试材料间成对遗传相似系数介于0.4215~0.9892,平均0.7003。UPGMA聚类分析表明,不同来源的白芝麻种质在聚类图上相互交错分布,其遗传关系相似程度与地理分布远近之间没有明显的关系;我国不同省份白芝麻种质群遗传关系的远近及其在聚类图上的分布趋势与白芝麻的地理分布状况间有一定的规律性;南方白芝麻种质遗传多样性较丰富,其次是中部种质,北方种质遗传多样性较贫乏。国外种质遗传多样性介于我国北方种质和中部、南方种质之间。  相似文献   

The emphasis plant breeders place on improving seasonal dry‐matter (DM) yield of pasture plants may increase farm profitability through greater supply of DM for livestock in critical seasons. Economic values (EV) for traits can be used to guide plant breeders when selecting ‘top’ pasture plants. Two methods of calculating economic value (EV) for seasonal DM traits were evaluated. These were based on the cost of otherwise acquiring or replacing the unit change in DM (‘replacement cost method’) and the opportunity cost of not having the unit change in DM, based on changes in livestock production either as a change in stocking rate or a change in liveweight gains of growing livestock (‘change in livestock production method’). Using barley replacement cost, the EV of a 1‐kg increase in phalaris DM on Australian sheep and beef farms ranged between AUD0·234 in summer and AUD0·303 in winter. In contrast, the EV for seasonal DM using the change in weaner beef calf liveweight gains ranged between AUD0·256 in summer and AUD0·515 in winter. The change in livestock production method highlighted in this study offers an alternative to the replacement cost method, or more detailed farm system modelling or experimentations designed to estimate pasture EV.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):283-290

Coronatine is a phytotoxin that affects the accumulation of defence-related metabolites in plants but information on how its effects may be mediated by environmental stress is scanty. An experiment was carried out to determine the changes in growth, gas exchange, relative water content, chlorophyll (Chl) content, antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in maize (Zea mays L., var. ‘Nongda 3138’) seedlings treated with coronatine under simulated drought stress. Seedlings raised hydroponically in a growth chamber with simulated drought for 8d (long-period drought) or 3d (short-period drought) were treated with or without coronatine at the three-leaf stage. Under the drought condition, treated with coronatine significantly increased the fresh weight and relative water content in leaves of seedling leaves. The increase was accompanied by increased rates of photosynthesis and transpiration, and the maintenance of Chl pigments. Coronatine had no effects on catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (POD) and glutathione reductase (GR) under normal condition, but it significantly enhanced activities of CAT, POD and GR in stressed seedlings under the long-period drought treatment. Under the short-period drought treatment, the POD and GR activity in the seedlings treated with coronatine were much higher than in those not treated. Malondialdehyde (MDA) increased sharply under drought condition, but treatment with coronatine significantly reduced it by 15%. The total Chl content of leaves under the drought condition was markedly increased by the treatment with coronatine. Seedlings subjected to a short-period drought had reduced water content, but recovered fairly well by the treatment with coronatine with negligible effects on most physiological and biochemical processes. The application of coronatine alleviated the drought stress in maize seedlings and enhanced their tolerance of water stress through changes in physiological and anti-oxidant enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Drought is a major constraint for rice production and yield stability in rainfed ecosystems, especially when it occurs during the reproductive stage. Combined genetic and physiological analysis of reproductive-growth traits and their effects on yield and yield components under drought stress is important for dissecting the biological bases of drought resistance and for rice yield improvement in water-limited environments. A subset of a doubled haploid (DH) line population of CT9993-5-10-1-M/IR62266-42-6-2 was evaluated for variation in plant water status, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under reproductive-stage drought stress and irrigated (non-stress) conditions in the field. Since this DH line population was previously used in extensive quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping of various drought resistance component traits, we aimed at identifying QTLs for specific reproductive-growth and yield traits and also to validate the consensus QTLs identified earlier in these DH lines using meta-analysis. DH lines showed significant variation for plant water status, reproductive-growth traits, yield and yield components under drought stress. Total dry matter, number of panicles per plant, harvest index, panicle harvest index, panicle fertility, pollen fertility, spikelet fertility and hundred grain weight had significant positive correlations with grain yield under drought stress. A total of 46 QTLs were identified for the various traits under stress and non-stress conditions with phenotypic effect ranging from 9.5 to 35.6% in this study. QTLs for panicle exsertion, peduncle length and pollen fertility, identified for the first time in this study, could be useful in marker-assisted breeding (MAB) for drought resistance in rice. A total of 97 QTLs linked to plant growth, phenology, reproductive-growth traits, yield and its components under non-stress and drought stress, identified in this study as well as from earlier published information, were subjected to meta-analysis. Meta-analysis identified 23 MQTLs linked to plant phenology and production traits under stress conditions. Among them, four MQTLs viz., 1.3 for plant height, 3.1 for days to flowering, 8.1 for days to flowering or delay in flowering and 9.1 for days to flowering are true QTLs. Consensus QTLs for reproductive-growth traits and grain yield under drought stress have been identified on chromosomes 1 and 9 using meta-QTL analysis in these DH lines. These MQTLs associated with reproductive-growth, grain yield and its component traits under drought stress could be useful targets for drought resistance improvement in rice through MAB and/or map-based positional analysis of candidate genes.  相似文献   

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