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Albumin and globulin fractions, obtained after modifications of the Osborne's fractionation scheme, were investigated in the seeds of three cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris, after removal of the seed coats, to prevent interactions of tannins and phenols with the globulins. Also, by using an appropriate buffer to separate the globulins more efficiently, no cross-contaminations were observed in SDS-PAGE between these two fractions. The combination of these two procedures resulted in globulin to albumin ratios 70percnt higher than those published previously with the same cultivars. Amino acid compositions of total globulin, phaseolin and albumin fractions are presented. Whereas the albumins contained much more cysteine than the globulins, the concentrations of methionine were evenly distributed in these two fractions. Also, the bulk of methionine was found in phaseolin; cysteine was found in non-phaseolin proteins. In addition, the globulins contained unexpectedly high amounts of lysine.  相似文献   

The requirements that must be met by bean common mosaic virus (BCMV)-resistant cultivars of the common bean in Zimbabwe, and the feasibility of developing such cultivars, were investigated by a survey among farmers, evaluation of resistant and locally adapted inbred genotypes, and backcrossing to transfer the bc-3 resistance gene to the genetic background of the locally adapted genotypes. Genotypes were evaluated by field trials in a range of environments, by consumer assessment and by measurement of seed size, water absorption capacity (WAC) and cooking time. Backcross generations were evaluated in the field and by measurement of the same seed characters.

Most farmers produced beans in monoculture, using bush or semi-climbing cultivars and a single seed type, the most common colour type being cream with red mottles. This is in strong contrast to the production system in many parts of eastern and central Africa, where intercropping, climbing types and seed-type mixtures are common. The BCMV-resistant genotypes had a similar range of flowering dates, maturity dates and canopy heights to locally adapted genotypes, and a similar range of environmental responses with respect to these variables, but were generally small-seeded. Consumers preferred large seeds, and seed colours that were not generally found in the resistant genotypes. However, the bc-3 gene was readily combined with large seed by backcrossing. The resistant genotypes generally had shorter cooking times than the locally adapted genotypes.

It is concluded that it will not be difficult to combine BCMV resistance with the other characteristics required of bean cultivars in Zimbabwe, with the possible exception of seed colour, and that the same is probably true for other production regions in southern Africa.  相似文献   

Acanthoscelides obtectus Say (Coleoptera, Bruchidae), is a cosmopolitan pest that damages its host plant, the kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the field and during storage. The use of aromatic essential oils from Labiatae, Umbelliferae and Lauraceae was investigated. In addition to a fumigant toxic effect on adult insects, inhibition of reproduction through ovicidal and larvicidal effects was also observed. These actions might be combined to improve the management of this bruchid: essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, Thymus vulgaris, T. serpyllum, Ocimum basilicum and Cinnamomum verum were very effective and completely controlled the biological development of this insect.  相似文献   

Phaseolin, the major globulin seed storage protein of common bean,Phaseolus vulgaris L., accounts for up to 50% of the total seed protein. The rapid accumulation of phaseolin in the maturing seeds begins about 14 days after flowering and continues for some 12–14 days longer. However, the amount and rate of phaseolin accumulation, related to variation in onset, length, termination, and rate of synthesis, have been shown to vary between genotypes.Only three phaseolin electrophoretic types, designated T, S, and C after the cultivars Tendergreen, Sanilac, and Contender, respectively, have been identified among over 100 cultivated accessions. The narrow ranges of molecular weights and isoelectric points of the 14 protein polypeptides of phaseolin, as well as the homology observed from peptide mapping, suggest that the phaseolin polypeptides are similar proteins. Based on the results of crosses among cultivars having the three electrophoretic patterns, the genes controlling the polypeptides of each of the phaseolin types appear to be tightly linked, inherited in a block and the alleles are codominant.Substantial variation in phaseolin content, based on estimations using rocket immunoelectrophoresis, has been found among bean lines. Although most segregating populations show continuous distributions and quantitative inheritance, some inbred backcross lines having enhanced phaseolin accumulation appear to carry a few genes with major effects. A single gene that reduces the amount of phaseolin to less than one-half of the normal levels has been identified recently in an accession of wildP. vulgaris.  相似文献   

Four varieties of common bean seeds stored at 4°C, 80% relative humidity, for one to eight years showed no differences in proximal chemical composition, Seeds 5–6 years old absorbed more water than 1 to 4 year-old seeds. The cooking time required for five year-old seeds was 6 hours, while the fresh seeds needed 3/4-to-one hour cooking time. The most remarkable difference was in phytic acid content, which decreased 94% to 98% during long storage.  相似文献   

涂建飞  卢立  张晶 《人参研究》2013,25(2):43-45
目的测定菜豆豆荚总黄酮含量,优化菜豆中黄酮提取工艺。方法以芦丁为对照品通过紫外分光光度法测定总黄酮含量,将回流法、超声法、煎煮法提取黄酮类化合物的提取效率进行对比,采用正交法优化了超声提取工艺。用最佳提取工艺验证实验结果。结果提取次数对黄酮提取率影响显著.超声时间和乙醇浓度对提取率影响不显著。结论最佳提取工艺为85%乙醇、超声60min、提取3次,菜豆中总黄酮含量为158.86mg/100g。  相似文献   

Seed of 34 cultivars of winged bean of different origin were evaluated for their nutritional composition and the antinutritional factor, the trypsin inhibitor. The values ranged from 14.1–17.6, 6.12–8.73, 21.94–34.89 and 30.86–39.05% for their fat, fibre, carbohydrate and protein contents, respectively. The protein content in defatted seed meal ranged from 33.43–47.25%, whereas the trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) registered a wide variation from 63–123 mg g?1 with seed coat and 51–98 mg g?1 without seed coat. The strain selection-12 and NBRI selection contained the minimum TIA (63 mg g?1), while the highest value (123 mg g?1) was in variety V7, a 2-fold higher activity.  相似文献   

There are several mechanisms used by plants for survival in adverse environments such as drought, high temperature and salinity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the drought tolerance of tepary bean as a function of biochemical processes linked to isozyme synthesis and changes in enzymatic activity related to proline metabolism. Mature seeds of common beans var. flor de mayo, Phaseolus vulgaris and tepary beans Phaseolus acutifolius were grown under two water conditions (irrigation and drought), and four levels of urea. Vertical electrophoresis and spectrophotometric techniques were used to evaluate protein patterns, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), proline oxidase (PO) and pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (P5C reductase) enzyme activities. These enzymes were studied because they are directly related to protein synthesis. Electrophoretic patterns showed more proteins in tepary beans than in common beans with limited irrigation. GDH showed only one isozyme, with a molecular weight between 240 to 270 kDa. A decrease in PO activity was observed in common beans under drought stress with a value of 237 mol/min, in comparison to irrigation conditions of 580 mol/min. GDH and P5C reductase enzymes have had higher activity in common beans than in tepary beans under water stress. There was a significant difference only in glutamate dehydrogenase enzyme with respect to urea level. The results suggest that drought tolerance of tepary beans is due to biochemical processes related to proline metabolic enzymes.  相似文献   

Summary When the potato cultivars Arran Banner, Bintje, and Compagnon were inoculated withAzotobacter chroococcum in Libya, only Arran Banner responded significantly; plant growth was stimulated and the yield of marketable tubers increased by 8.5–42.6% above the untreated control. The very large yield increase in one season was associated with unfavourable growing conditions.
Zusammenfassung Im Herbst 1975, im Frühjahr und im Herbst 1976 wurden in Tripolis. Libyen, drei Versuche durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der Inokulation von Pflanzkartoffeln mitAzotobacter auf das Wachstum und den Ertrag von drei Kartoffelsorten (Arran Banner, Bintje und Compagnon) zu untersuchen. Nur bei der Sorte Arran Banner ergab sich eine Beeinflussung durch die Inokulation mitAzotobacter (Tabelle 1 und 3). Der Ertrag war in den drei Versuchen um 42.6% 17.4% bzw. 8.5% gesteigert. Die st?rkste Reaktion ergab sich im ersten Versuch. bei dem niedrige Temperaturen und Bew?lkung vorherrschten und die Wachstumsbedingungen für die Kartoffeln im allgemeinen ungünstig waren. Die Sorten Bintje und Compagnon zeigten keine signifikante Steigerung des Ertrages nach der Inokulation. Die Inokulation erh?hte die Stengell?nge, hatte aber keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Stengelzahl pro Pflanze (Tabelle 2). Z?hlungen im Boden der Rhizosph?re zeigten. dass nach Inokulation des Pflanzgutes mitAzotobacter die Population in der Wurzelzone anstieg (Tabelle 4). Die Ertragssteigerung nach der Inokulation scheint durch eine Anreicherung vonAzotobacter in der Rhizosph?re intokulierter Pflanzen hervorgerufen zu sein.

Résumé Trois expérimentations ont été menées à Tripoli en Libie afin d'étudier l'effet de l'inoculation de tubercules de semence avecAzotobacter sp. sur la croissance et le rendement de 3 variétés de pomme de terre (Arran Banner, Bintje et Compagnon). Ces essais se sont déroulés durant l'automne 1975, le printemps et l'automne 1976. Il n'y a eu que la variété Arran Banner qui a répondu de manière conséquente à l'inoculationd'Azotobacter sp. (tableaux 1 et 3). L'augmentation de rendement a été respectivement de 42.6%, 17.4% et 8,5% dans les 3 expériences. La meilleure réponse a été obtenue dans la première expérimentation où des températures basses et des jours couverts ont dominé et où les conditions de végétation ont été généralement défavorables à la pomme de terre. Les variétés Bintje et Compagnon n'ont pas montré d'augmentation significative du rendement avec inoculation. L'inoculation parAzotobacter sp, augmente la longueur des tiges, mais n'a pas d'effet significatif sur le nombre de tiges par plante (tableau 2). Les comptagesd'Azotobacter sp. dans la rhizosphère ont indiqué que l'inoculation de la semence augmentait la populationd'Azotobacter au niveau de la zone racinaire (tableau 4). Cela est probablement d? au fait que l'augmentation du rendement grace à l'inoculation résulte d'une meilleure adaptationd'Azotobacter sp. au niveau de la rhizosphère des plantes inoculées.

Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) can cause an economically relevant disease in the major tomato growing regions, and no resistance has been identified in commercial and wild tomato cultivars in Iran. In the present study, 34 common bean lines were screened for their reaction to TYLCV-Ir2 under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Bean plants were inoculated at the first trifoliate stage with viruliferous whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci biotype B) and were then sprayed with an insecticide and maintained in whitefly-proof greenhouse. The inoculated plants were monitored for the development of symptoms and the presence of viral DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) four weeks after inoculation. Results revealed that out of the 34 lines, five were resistant. These lines exhibited either no symptoms or very mild symptoms and no viral DNA was detected in them by PCR. Two lines, which showed no typical disease symptoms but contained viral DNA, were identified as tolerant to TYLCV-Ir2. The vector feeding preference for common bean lines was assessed. Results indicated a significant difference in adult whitefly numbers among bean lines but there was no relationship between the number of whiteflies and disease symptom severity. The resistance to TYLCY-Ir2 expressed in common bean lines may be useful as source of resistance for the development of resistant commercial common bean cultivars.  相似文献   

不同基因型油菜耐铝性及其根系形态对铝胁迫的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究旨在为酸性土壤地区筛选耐铝毒的甘蓝型油菜,探讨不同基因型油菜苗期生长发育指标和生理指标的耐铝特性,分析铝胁迫对根系形态的影响。以81个油菜品种为材料,通过水培试验,设置铝浓度(AlCl3)0、100 μmol·L-1两个处理,对根系形态、株型、生物量、生理特性等13指标的耐铝系数进行相关分析、主成分分析和聚类分析,采用隶属函数法综合评价不同基因型油菜的耐铝相关指标,并分析不同耐铝类型的品种根系形态差异。结果表明,铝胁迫对不同基因型油菜苗期各单项指标有不同程度的影响,综合应用主成分分析、聚类分析和隶属函数法筛选出耐铝性较强的品种6个,耐铝性中等的品种65个,耐铝性弱的品种10个。不同直径范围根系对铝胁迫的响应不同,铝胁迫下,D1类根系(直径0.0~0.5 mm)的长度、表面积、体积、根尖数降幅最大,D3类根系(直径>2.0mm)各指标降幅最小,且铝敏感型品种不同类别的根系指标受铝胁迫的抑制程度大于耐铝型品种,其D1、D2(直径0.5~2.0 mm)、D3类根系的长度、表面积、体积、根尖数均少于耐铝型品种。因此,以综合指标对油菜耐铝性进行筛选与评价更为客观;耐铝型品种不同直径范围的根系受铝毒害的影响较轻,通过改变根系形态适应铝胁迫的能力更强,其根系拥有更多细根可能是耐性品种抗铝毒的一种作用机制。  相似文献   

Improvement of grazing-tolerance in lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) is an objective of interest worldwide for the acknowledged potential of this species in pastures. A breeding programme applied standard methods of the selection for this trait, which implies continuous stocking and intensive grazing, to germplasm preliminarily selected for reportedly positive morphological attributes (large and deep crowns; non-erect growth habit). In this study six experimental cultivars, originating from this programme, and three check varieties were evaluated. Grazing tolerance was assessed under continuous sheep stocking for 2 years. Herbage yield in 3 years and seed yield (in the second year) were also evaluated in distinct and contiguous sub-experiments. One experimental cultivar had a prostrate habit, two were semi-prostrate, and three were semi-erect. Under grazing, five of them showed final persistence similar to, or better than, that of the tolerant check variety adopted in the standard test. In particular, the prostrate experimental cultivar (termed Camporegio) had remarkable persistence, although associated with low vigour, associated with the introgression of M. sativa ssp. falcata into its parentage. A semi-erect cultivar (termed Verbena) possessed a good balance between grazing tolerance, potential dry-matter yield and seed yield.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic pattern of the untreated common bean globulin cv. Flor de Mayo had 7 protein fractions ranging from 620 to 120 kilodaltons (kd). The last molecular weight corresponds to the monomeric form. One of the objectives of the present work was to establish a comparison among denaturation by heat, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) and dithiothreitol (DTT). At pH 6.0, two bands were resistant to heat treatment, after SDS treatment of the untreated globulin several bands disappeared and two new bands with 26 and 15 kd appeared. DTT did not change the electrophoretic pattern, due to the small quantity of free SH groups in the globulin. At pH 6.0, phaseolin is partly resistant to heat denaturation due to aggregation in an acidic environment. Isoelectrofocusing (IEF) and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) separated phaseolin into 10 protein fractions. The hypothesis is that phaseolin or globulin aggregation is due to the charge difference of fractions.  相似文献   

Two common production constraints of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in Ontario are annual weeds and anthracnose (caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). Dry bean is not considered a competitive crop and weed interference can result in substantial yield losses, while anthracnose is considered one of the most devastating diseases in dry bean production. A study conducted in Ontario Canada, examined the effect of two herbicide programs on weed management, thiamethoxam insecticide treatment on plant enhancement and three fungicide programs on anthracnose development in a navy bean cv. ‘OAC Rex’. The premium herbicide program (s-metolachlor + imazethapyr) reduced percent weed ground cover relative to the economic herbicide program (trifluralin) in five of six locations. Thiamethoxam increased emergence and vigour at only one location, which contradicts reported benefits of thiamethoxam on plant health. The herbicide or thiamethoxam treatments did not affect anthracnose disease severity, visible seed quality, net yield or economic return. The fungicide seed treatment was often superior to the untreated control, for a number of the parameters measured. The application date of the foliar fungicide, relative to the onset of disease, varied between site-years. This dramatically influenced the fungicide’s effectiveness. Foliar fungicides increased seed quality and net economic return compared to the control when applied prior to disease development. The combination of fungicide seed treatment followed by a foliar fungicide provided the largest reduction in anthracnose severity.  相似文献   

冷害胁迫是造成水稻减产的重要因素。为探讨不同水稻品种的抗冷性,以吉林省25个主栽品种为材料,测定分析了在冷害胁迫条件下这些品种的脯氨酸、丙二醛、叶绿素及可溶性糖含量的变化情况。结果表明,所有参试水稻品种在冷害胁迫下其游离氨基酸含量升高,丙二醛含量显著增加;吉粳515、通禾66及秋田小町脯氨酸积累较多;与常温条件下相比,吉粳809、吉宏9和通禾66的叶绿素含量冷害胁迫下变化不是很显著,生长较好,耐冷性较为突出;吉粳515 、吉农大538和吉农大853在冷害胁迫条件下积累了更多的可溶性糖,进而提高了抗逆性;吉香6、宏科88抗冷性较弱,在栽培过程中,应注意对低温冷害的防御。  相似文献   

我国部分蓖麻品种遗传资源SSR分析及DNA指纹图谱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解蓖麻品种间的遗传多样性、构建指纹图谱,利用171对SSR及EST-SSR引物对30份国内蓖麻品种和1份法国品种进行遗传多样性和亲缘关系分析。结果表明蓖麻品种间呈中度多态性,平均每位点有2.267个等位基因数,香农指数、期望杂合度和多态性信息含量(PIC)分别为0.553、0.347和0.289。聚类分析显示在相似系数0.730处将31份蓖麻品种分为7个类群,来源于相同育种单位或相同省区的大部分品种聚在一起。另外,利用10对扩增清晰、多态性好的引物构建了31份蓖麻品种的指纹图谱,可用于品种鉴别。  相似文献   

Summary Reduction of leaf photosynthesis due to water stress has been analyzed into various components and genetic variation in these components has been evaluated. Five potato cultivars were grown on nutrient solution in a conditioned glasshouse. Water stress was imposed by adding polyethylene glycol to the nutrient solution. Photosynthesis, transpiration and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured on intact leaves during the stress period and after recovery from the stress. Water stress reduced photosynthesis, initially as a consequence of stomatal closure, but after 3 days increasingly by inhibiting directly the photosynthetic capacity (mesophyll limitation). Stomatal closure correlated with the reduction in photosynthesis, but it was not the sole cause of this reduction because the internal CO2 concentration in the leaves was not affected by water stress, indicative of inhibitory factors other than stomatal ones. Chlorophyll fluorescence emission suggested that the Calvin cycle was inhibited, while quantum efficiency was not affected at 17°C. Increasing the temperature to 27°C reduced quantum efficiency but only in the stress environment. The recovery of young leaves after relief of the stress was associated with a lower stomatal conductance but a higher mesophyll conductance compared with the control, which caused a low internal CO2 concentration and probably invoked photo-inhibition and leaf damage. Cultivar differences in photosynthetic rate were highly significant under both optimal and stress conditions, and corresponded with differences in mesophyll conductance.  相似文献   

Three hundred (300) methanol extracts of barks, leaves, flowers and stems of 200 plant species from Alto Rio Grande and Vale do São Francisco regions, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, were prepared and submitted to an in vitro growth test with the fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, causal agent of anthracnose in common bean. Extracts from 13 plant species (Astronium fraxinifolium, Inga marginata, Malva sylvestris, Matayba elaeagnoides, Miconia argyrophylla, Myrcia fallax, Ocimum gratissimum, Origanum vulgare, Rollinia emarginata, Siparuna arianeae, Styrax pohlii, Tabebuia serratifolia and Trichilia pallida) presented antifungal activity and were used in other in vitro assays. Extracts from M. argyrophylla, M. fallax, O. vulgare, S. arianeae and S. pohlii were the most promising for the inhibition of the mycelial growth while the extracts of M. argyrophylla, M. elaeagnoides and O. gratissimum presented the best results for the inhibition of conidial germination. Under greenhouse conditions, the extracts of M. argyrophylla and O. vulgare caused the greatest reductions (41.82% and 37.65%, respectively) in disease severity when a local effect assay was carried out. In the systemic effect assay, also in a greenhouse, the most promising extracts were those from I. marginata, M. argyrophylla, M. fallax, M. sylvestris, O. gratissimum, O. vulgare and S. arianeae, which reduced the severity of the anthracnose to values below 35% of the observed for the control. Therefore, future studies with these plant species should be carried out to develop new products to control the common bean anthracnose.  相似文献   

Imazamox plus bentazon has the potential to provide broad spectrum weed control in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Field trials were conducted in Ontario over a two year period (2003 and 2006) to evaluate the effect of imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence at 25 + 600 and 50 + 1200 g ai ha−1 on black, brown, cranberry, kidney, otebo, pinto, white and yellow eye beans. Treatments included a non-treated check. All treatments were maintained weed free during the growing season. The eight market classes responded similarly to imazamox plus bentazon. Imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence caused less than 4% visible injury at 7, 14 and 28 days after treatment. Imazamox plus bentazon applied post-emergence did not have any effect on plant height, shoot dry weight, seed moisture content and yield of dry bean. Based on these results, imazamox plus bentazon at the proposed maximum use dose can be safely used for weed management in black, brown, cranberry, kidney, otebo, pinto, white and yellow eye bean production in Ontario. Additional research is needed to determine if cultivars within a market class of dry bean differ in their response to imazamox plus bentazon.  相似文献   


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important staple foods in the world, however most improved rice varieties are susceptible to drought stress. A two-year study was conducted to explore the effects of various drought stresses and subsequent recovery on the accumulation and degradation of proline, total soluble sugar and starch in different rice varieties at vegetative stage. The results showed that relative water content in the leaves and sheaths of rice varieties significantly decreased under drought stresses, but not at the same rate. Under control and drought conditions, the water content in sheaths was higher than that in leaves. Interestingly, under severe drought stress in 2015, the leaf water content was higher than the sheath water content. The water distribution between leaves and sheaths might be a response of plants to protect leaf system from devastation by drought. Proline was highly accumulated under drought stress but rapidly decreased after re-watering. The drought tolerant variety DA8 expressed higher ability in accumulation of proline than susceptible varieties. In general, total soluble sugar and starch contents in leaves and sheaths of varieties decreased under drought stress conditions. Total soluble sugar and starch content of DA8 were less affected than other varieties under drought conditions. Our study indicated that metabolisms of total soluble sugar and starch in rice were affected by both environmental conditions and characteristics of varieties. Proline accumulation ability of varieties can be used as a useful indicator for drought tolerant potential in rice breeding for water-limited environments.  相似文献   

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