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OBJECTIVE: To identify causative organisms, treatment, outcome, and prognosis for dogs < 1 year old with community-acquired infectious pneumonia. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 65 dogs. PROCEDURES: Dogs were considered to have community-acquired infectious pneumonia if they had clinical signs of primary respiratory tract disease in conjunction with radiographic evidence of alveolar disease and positive results following bacterial culture of tracheal wash fluid. RESULTS: Most dogs were hypoxemic at the time of initial examination, with pulmonary function becoming worse during the first few days of hospitalization before improving; 57 (88%) dogs survived to discharge. Bordetella bronchiseptica was isolated from tracheal wash fluid from 32 (49%) dogs, and other organisms, predominantly gram-negative enteric bacteria, were isolated from the other 33 (51%). Dogs with Bordetella pneumonia were significantly younger (median, 14 vs 21 weeks), were significantly more likely to have been obtained from a pet store (19/31 vs 7/32), had been owned for a significantly shorter time prior to the onset of illness (median, 18 vs 90 days), had significantly higher PvCO2 values at initial examination (median, 48.7 vs 41.3 mm Hg), were significantly more likely to receive supplemental oxygen (25/32 vs 16/33), and had significantly longer hospitalization times (mean, 7.2 vs 4.9 days) than did dogs with pneumonia caused by any other organism. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that a type of community-acquired infectious pneumonia could be identified in dogs < 1 year old, with disease being more severe in dogs with Bordetella pneumonia than in dogs with pneumonia caused by other bacterial organisms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine disorders associated with vacuolar hepatopathy (VH), morphologic hepatic and clinicopathologic abnormalities, and affiliation with steroidogenic hormone excess in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. Animals-336 dogs with histologically confirmed moderate or severe VH. PROCEDURES: Information on signalment, results of diagnostic testing, definitive diagnoses, and exposure to glucocorticoids (ie, exogenous glucocorticoid administration or high endogenous concentrations of steroidogenic hormones) was obtained from medical records. Dogs were grouped by underlying disorder, glucocorticoid exposure, acinar zonal distribution of lesions, and histologic severity. RESULTS: 12 disease groups (neoplastic, acquired hepatobiliary, neurologic, immune-mediated, gastrointestinal tract, renal, infectious, cardiac disease, diabetes mellitus, portosystemic vascular anomaly, adrenal gland dysfunction, and miscellaneous disorders) were identified. There were 186 (55%) dogs with and 150 (45%) dogs without evidence of glucocorticoid exposure. Acinar zonal distribution of hepatic vacuolation and clinicopathologic values did not differ between dogs with and without evidence of glucocorticoid exposure. However, a 3-fold increased likelihood of severe VH was associated with steroidogenic hormone exposure. Of 226 dogs with high serum alkaline phosphatase activity, 102 (45%) had no evidence of glucocorticoid exposure. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that neoplasia and congenital or acquired hepatobiliary disease are common in dogs with VH and provide support for the suggestion that VH, high alkaline phosphatase activity, and illness-invoked physiologic stress may be associated. Histologic confirmation of VH should initiate a diagnostic search for a primary disease if glucocorticoid treatment and hyperadrenocorticism are ruled out.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the biological behavior of liposarcomas in dogs and identify clinical signs, the effect of treatment on survival time, and potential prognostic factors. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 56 dogs with histologically confirmed liposarcoma. PROCEDURE: Information was obtained on signalment, tumor size, location of the tumor, stage of disease, remission duration, overall survival time, cause of death, type of surgery (incisional biopsy, marginal excision, or wide excision), and any additional treatments given. RESULTS: Surgery consisted of incisional biopsy in 6 dogs, marginal excision in 34, and wide excision in 16. Twenty-five dogs had histologic evidence of tumor cells at the surgical margins and 28 did not (status of the margins was unknown in 3 dogs). Twelve of 43 dogs had local recurrence. Median survival time was 694 days, and the only factor significantly associated with survival time was type of surgery performed. Median survival times were 1,188, 649, and 183 days, respectively, for dogs that underwent wide excision, marginal excision, and incisional biopsy. Factors that were not found to be significantly associated with survival time included tumor size, status of the margins, tumor location, and histologic subtype. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that in dogs, liposarcomas are locally invasive neoplasms that rarely metastasize and occur primarily in appendicular or axial locations and that wide excision is preferred to marginal excision when feasible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine long-term outcome of dogs with gallbladder mucocele. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 30 dogs with gallbladder mucocele, including 23 that underwent cholecystectomy. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, history, and clinical, ultrasonographic, and surgical findings. Follow-up information was obtained for all dogs that survived the perioperative hospitalization period. RESULTS: 23 dogs had signs of systemic illness; 7 had no clinical signs. Median values for serum activities of alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase, serum total bilirubin concentration, and total WBC count were significantly higher among dogs with gallbladder rupture than among dogs without rupture. Sensitivity of sonography for detection of rupture was 85.7%. Overall perioperative mortality rate for dogs that underwent cholecystectomy was 21.7%; mortality rate was not significantly greater for dogs with rupture. Aerobic bacteria were isolated from the bile or gallbladder wall in 8.7% of dogs. All 18 dogs discharged from the hospital had complete resolution of clinical signs. In dogs that underwent in-hospital reexamination, serum liver enzyme activities were significantly decreased, compared with preoperative activities. Persistent increases in serum activities of 1 or more liver enzymes were detected in 9 of 12 dogs; 6 of 12 dogs had persistent abnormalities in hepatic echogenicity. Mean follow-up period was 13.9 months. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that cholecystectomy is an effective treatment for gallbladder mucocele. Although perioperative mortality rate is high, prognosis after discharge from the hospital is excellent. Rupture of the gallbladder warrants emergency surgical intervention but does not preclude a positive outcome.  相似文献   

Uveitis is one of the most common ocular diseases and one of the most common causes of blindness in dogs. The purpose of this retrospective study was to correlate the signalment, history, clinical signs and ophthalmic findings of dogs with uveitis with the underlying etiology. We conducted a retrospective study of 102 dogs presented to the NCSU-VTH from 1989 to 2000 with clinical signs of uveitis. Medical records of dogs presented for uveitis were reviewed. Dogs were included in the study only if a complete diagnostic work-up database was collected, if sufficient follow-up was documented, and if the uveitis was not secondary to trauma or a hypermature cataract. The mean age +/- SD of all dogs in this study was 6.2 +/- 3.6 years. There were 33 intact and 16 castrated males, and 14 intact and 27 neutered females. Fourteen breeds were represented, with the Golden Retriever (n = 14) most common. Fifty-nine dogs (58%) were diagnosed with idiopathic/immune-mediated uveitis, neoplasia was diagnosed in 25 dogs (24.5%) and 18 dogs (17.6%) were diagnosed with infectious causes of uveitis. Aqueous flare was the most common clinical sign, occurring in 88 dogs (86%). The most common infectious organisms associated with uveitis in the dogs of this study were Ehrlichia canis (n = 7). Lymphosarcoma (n = 17) was the most common neoplasm. In approximately 60% of dogs presenting for uveitis an underlying cause was not found, and a diagnosis of immune-mediated or idiopathic uveitis was made. However, approximately 25% of dogs had ocular and/or systemic neoplasia (with 17% of cases having lymphosarcoma) and 18% with an underlying infectious cause for uveitis. Because of the high percentage of systemic disease associated with uveitis in dogs, extensive diagnostic testing is recommended before instituting symptomatic anti-inflammatory therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize concurrent disorders in dogs with diabetes mellitus (DM). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 221 dogs with DM. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed, and clinical signs, physical examination findings, and results of clinicopathologic testing, urinalysis, aerobic bacterial culture of urine samples, coagulation testing, endocrine testing, histologic evaluation, diagnostic imaging, and necropsy were recorded. RESULTS: For most dogs, CBC results were normal. Common serum biochemical abnormalities included hypochloremia (127 dogs, 60%) and high alanine aminotransferase (163, 78%), aspartate aminotransferase (78, 71%), and alkaline phosphatase (188, 90%) activities. Venous pH and serum ionized calcium concentration were measured in 121 and 87 dogs, respectively, and were low in 56 (46%) and 41 (47%) dogs. Lipemia was observed in 92 (42%) dogs. Urine samples from 159 (72%) dogs were submitted for aerobic bacterial culture, and 34 (21%) yielded bacterial growth. Escherichia coli was the most commonly isolated organism. Thirty-six (16%) dogs had dermatitis or otitis. Hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed in 51 (23%) dogs on the basis of clinical signs and results of a low-dose dexamethasone suppression test (41 dogs), an adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation test (5), both tests (4), or histologic evaluation of necropsy specimens (1). Acute pancreatitis was diagnosed in 28 (13%) dogs. Eleven (5%) dogs had tumors for which a histologic diagnosis was obtained. Eight (4%) dogs were hypothyroid. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that dogs with diabetes mellitus may have many concurrent disorders. The most commonly identified concurrent disorders included hyperadrenocorticism, urinary tract infection, dermatitis, otitis, acute pancreatitis, neoplasia, and hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine ultrasonographic abnormalities in dogs with hyperammonemia. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 90 client-owned dogs with hyperammonemia. PROCEDURE: Ultrasonography of the abdominal vessels and organs was performed in a systematic way. Dogs in which the ultrasonographic diagnosis was a congenital portosystemic shunt were included only if they underwent laparotomy or necropsy. Dogs in which the abdominal vasculature appeared normal and dogs in which the ultrasonographic diagnosis was acquired portosystemic shunts and portal hypertension were included only if liver biopsy specimens were submitted for histologic examination. RESULTS: Ultrasonography excluded portosystemic shunting in 11 dogs. Acquired portosystemic shunts were found in 17 dogs, of which 3 had arterioportal fistulae and 14 had other hepatic abnormalities. Congenital portosystemic shunts were found in 61 dogs, of which 19 had intrahepatic shunts and 42 had extrahepatic shunts. Intrahepatic shunts originated from the left portal branch in 14 dogs and the right portal branch in 5. Extrahepatic shunts originated from the splenic vein, the right gastric vein, or both and entered the caudal vena cava or the thorax. Ultrasonography revealed splenic-caval shunts in 24 dogs, right gastric-caval shunts in 9 dogs, splenic-azygos shunts in 8 dogs, and a right gastric-azygos shunt in 1 dog. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that ultrasonography is a reliable diagnostic method to noninvasively characterize the underlying disease in dogs with hyperammonemia. A dilated left testicular or ovarian vein was a reliable indicator of acquired portosystemic shunts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this retrospective study was to determine the prevalence, type, and prognosis of ocular lesions associated with leishmaniasis in dogs. One hundred and five dogs (24.4% of all cases of leishmaniasis diagnosed during the study period) had ocular or periocular leishmaniasis, and 16 dogs (15.2% of ocular cases) had only ocular lesions and systemic signs were not apparent. Anterior uveitis was the most common manifestation and other prevalent findings included blepharitis and keratoconjunctivitis. Several distinct variations of eyelid lesions were seen including a dry dermatitis with alopecia, diffuse blepharedema, cutaneous ulceration, and discrete nodular granuloma formation. In some cases with keratoconjunctivitis, corneal lesions clinically resembled nodular granulomatous episclerokeratitis. Twenty-seven of the 34 cases with ocular lesions had improvement in signs following systemic antiprotozoal and topical anti-inflammatory therapy, although many cases with anterior uveitis required long-term topical therapy. Response of ocular signs correlated highly with overall, systemic response to therapy. Ophthalmic manifestations of systemic leishmaniasis are common in the dog, and this disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of most adnexal and anterior segment ocular inflammatory lesions in dogs in endemic areas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize skin lesions and causative infections in diabetic dogs and evaluate other potential causes of dermatologic disorders, including concurrent endocrinopathies, allergic skin disease, and long-term corticosteroid administration. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 45 dogs with diabetes mellitus (DM) that were examined by dermatologists. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed for signalment; allergic conditions prior to development of DM; prior corticosteroid administration; and results of dermatologic examinations, ear and skin cytologic examinations, skin scrapings for parasites, bacteriologic and fungal culturing of ear and skin specimens, histologic examinations, and endocrine testing. RESULTS: Bacterial skin infection was the most common dermatologic disorder (n = 38 [84%]), followed by otitis (26 [58%]) and Malassezia-induced dermatitis (19 [42%]). Twenty-two (49%) dogs had pruritic skin disease consistent with allergic dermatitis, which preceded diagnosis of DM. Prior corticosteroid administration was reported in 21 (47%) dogs. Concurrent hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed in 13 (29%) dogs, and concurrent hypothyroidism was diagnosed in 5 (11%) dogs. Iatrogenic hyperadrenocorticism was diagnosed in 1 additional dog. Only 10 (22%) dogs did not have a documented concurrent endocrinopathy or allergic disease that could have caused the dermatitis. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Bacterial and yeast-induced dermatitis and otitis develop in dogs with DM. Many diabetic dogs with dermatologic problems have a preexisting allergic condition, history of prior corticosteroid administration, or concurrent endocrinopathy that may be a more likely cause of dermatologic problems than DM alone.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine clinical features, laboratory test results, treatment, and outcome of dogs with pure red cell aplasia (PRCA). DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 13 dogs with severe nonregenerative anemia and bone marrow erythroid aplasia. PROCEDURES: Medical records of dogs determined to have PRCA on the basis of results of blood and bone marrow analysis between 1996 and 2000 were reviewed. Criteria for inclusion in the study were severe nonregenerative anemia (Hct < 20%; reticulocyte count < 1.0%), selective erythroid aplasia in bone marrow, and lack of underlying diseases that may have caused the anemia. RESULTS: Median age of dogs was 6.5 years. Females were significantly overrepresented. Median Hct was 10%, and median reticulocyte count was 0.1%. Direct Coombs' test results were negative for all dogs tested, and spherocytosis was evident in 2 dogs. All dogs were treated with prednisolone, and 2 dogs were treated with prednisolone and cyclophosphamide. Responses to treatment were complete, partial, and poor in 10, 1, and 2 dogs, respectively. Median time required to achieve an increase of 5% or more in Hct was 38 days, and median time to complete remission was 118 days. Of 10 dogs for which follow-up information was available, only 1 required long-term immunosuppressive treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Dogs with PRCA appear to respond readily to treatment with immunosuppressive drugs; however, hematologic responses may not be observed for weeks to months after initiation of treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate results of root canal treatment in dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 127 tooth roots in 64 dogs. PROCEDURE: Radiographs obtained before surgery, immediately after surgery, and during follow-up examinations after surgery were evaluated by 2 individuals. Treatment was considered successful if the periodontal ligament space was normal and possible preoperative root resorption, if present, had ceased. Treatment was considered to show no evidence of failure if possible preoperative root resorption had ceased but a preexisting periapical lesion had remained the same or only decreased in size and not complete resolved. Treatment was considered to have failed if a periapical lesion or root resorption developed subsequent to endodontic treatment, if a preexisting periapical lesion had increased in size, or if possible preoperative root resorption appeared to continue after endodontic treatment. RESULTS: Follow-up time ranged from 1 to 60 months (mean, 13 months). Treatment was classified as successful for 87 (69%) roots, as showing no evidence of failure for 33 (26%) roots, and as having failed for 7 (6%) roots. The success rate was lower for canine teeth than for maxillary fourth premolar teeth. Roots with a preexisting periapical lucency or preexisting root resorption had lower success rates. The use of intracanal medication and the method and quality of obturation were not associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that root canal treatment offers a viable option for salvage of periodontally sound but endodontically diseased teeth in dogs.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of the medical records of 33 horses was performed to determine the clinical and diagnostic abnormalities associated with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. Data collected from medical records included signalment, presenting complaints, history, physical examination findings, laboratory data, results of diagnostic imaging studies, and treatments. Follow-up information was obtained from a review of case records; by telephone conversation with the owner, veterinarian, or trainer; or by both methods. Of 33 horses with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy, 29 presented with facial nerve (cranial nerve VII) deficits and 23 presented with vestibulocochlear nerve (cranial nerve VIII) deficits. Guttural pouch endoscopy was more reliable than radiography for diagnosis. Of horses with unilateral clinical signs, 22.6% actually had bilateral disease. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography identified the lesions in all horses in which these tests were performed. Of 30 horses for which follow-up information was obtained, 20 (67%) were alive. Eight horses were euthanized and 1 died because of problems associated with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy. Nineteen of 20 surviving horses (95%) were considered by the owner or trainer to be suitable for athletic use. Twelve surviving horses (60%) had residual facial nerve deficits; 11 horses (55%) had residual vestibulocochlear nerve deficits. Horses with temporohyoid osteoarthropathy have a fair prognosis for return to some type of athletic function, but there is risk of acute death. The majority of horses would be expected to have some residual cranial nerve dysfunction, and it could take a year or longer for maximal improvement to occur.  相似文献   

The medical records of 29 dogs unable to close their mouths due to flaccid paralysis or paresis of the muscles innervated by the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, were reviewed. Idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy was diagnosed in 26 dogs based on complete resolution of clinical signs and lack of any long-term neurological disease. Of these dogs, golden retrievers were overrepresented. No age, sex, or seasonal predispositions were identified. Trigeminal sensory innervation deficits were observed in 35% (9/26), facial nerve deficits were observed in 8% (2/26), and Horner's syndrome was observed in 8% (2/26) of dogs. Electromyographic examination of the muscles of mastication revealed abnormalities in seven of nine dogs. Results of cerebrospinal fluid analysis were abnormal in seven of eight dogs. Corticosteroid therapy did not affect the clinical course of the disease. Mean time to recovery was 22 days. Lymphosarcoma, Neospora caninum infection, and severe polyneuritis of unknown origin were diagnosed in three of 29 dogs at necropsy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to retrospectively describe the outcome of 127 dogs with naturally occurring diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and to examine the association between outcome of canine DKA and clinical and clinicopathologic findings. Eighty-two (65%) dogs were diagnosed with DKA at the time of initial diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (DM). Eighty-seven dogs (69%) had one or more concurrent disorders diagnosed at the time of hospitalization. Commonly identified concurrent conditions included acute pancreatitis (52, 41%), urinary tract infection (21, 20%), and hyperadrenocorticism (19, 15%). Dogs with coexisting hyperadrenocorticism were less likely to be discharged from the hospital (P = .029). Of 121 treated dogs, 89 dogs (70%) survived to be discharged from the hospital, with a median hospitalization of 6 days. Nonsurvivors had lower ionized calcium concentration (P < .001), lower hematocrit (P = .036), lower venous pH (P = .0058), and larger base deficit (P = .0066) than did survivors. Time from admission to initiation of subcutaneous insulin therapy was correlated with lower serum potassium concentration (P = .0056), lower serum phosphorus concentration (P = .0043), abnormally high white blood cell count (P = .0060), large base deficit (P = .0015), and low venous pH (P < .001). Multivariate analysis showed that base deficit was associated with outcome (P = .021). For each unit increase in the base deficit, there was a 9%) greater likelihood of discharge from the hospital. In conclusion, the majority of dogs with DKA were not previously diagnosed with DM. Concurrent conditions and electrolyte abnormalities are common in DKA and are associated with length of hospitalization. Survival was correlated to degree of anemia, hypocalcemia, and acidosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine causes of death or reasons for euthanasia in a population of military working dogs. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 927 military working dogs. PROCEDURE: Records of all military working dogs that died during the period from 1993 to 1996 were evaluated for cause of death or reason for euthanasia by review of necropsy and histopathology reports, death certificates, and daily clinical treatment sheets. A single primary cause of death or euthanasia was determined. RESULTS: Although sexually intact male dogs were more numerous in the study population, castrated male dogs typically lived longer than spayed females or sexually intact males. Leading causes of death or euthanasia (76.3% of all dogs) were appendicular degenerative joint disease, neoplasia, spinal cord disease, nonspecific geriatric decline, and gastric dilatation-volvulus. Compared with German Shepherd Dogs, Belgian Shepherd Dogs were at increased risk for death attributable to neoplasia, behavior, and respiratory tract disease. German Shepherd Dogs had nearly twice the risk for death associated with spinal cord diseases, compared with Belgian Shepherd Dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For most military working dogs, death or euthanasia results from a few diseases commonly associated with advanced age. Some breed differences in risk for these diseases may exist, which clinicians should consider in the procurement and long-term management of these dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine clinical and radiographic findings, treatment, and outcome for llamas with long-bone fractures. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 6 llamas. PROCEDURE: Medical records of llamas admitted between 1993 and 1998 because of long-bone fractures were reviewed. Data collected included age, sex, type of fracture, method of fracture repair, and postoperative complications. The Fisher exact test was used to compare age and sex of the llamas with long-bone fractures with those of the hospital population of llamas. All owners were contacted by telephone to determine perceived postoperative problems and whether the llamas were able to perform as expected. RESULTS: Mean age was 160.8 days (range, 23 to 365 days). There was 1 male and 5 females. Fractures were more likely to occur in young llamas (< or = 1 year old) than in adults. Five of the fractures were attributed to traumatic episodes. Long bones affected included the tibia (n = 2), radius (2), femur (1), and humerus (1). Internal fixation with lag screws, plating, or both was performed on fractures of all llamas except 1; that llama was treated by use of confinement to a stall. None of the llamas had intraoperative complications, but postoperative complications were reported in 2 llamas. All fractures healed eventually, and clients were pleased with outcomes. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Long-bone fractures in llamas are uncommon. Several types of long bone fractures can be successfully repaired by use of internal fixation, resulting in few complications and minimal convalescent time.  相似文献   

Objective – To characterize the signalment, clinical findings, and prognosis of dogs with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Design – Retrospective study. Setting – North Carolina State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Animals, Intervention, and Measurements – Case selection included all patients at the veterinary teaching hospital with SVT during years 1990–2007. Medical records from dogs with at least 1 recorded episode of SVT were extracted. The signalment, history, electrocardiographic, radiographic, and echocardiographic findings, therapy, and response to therapy were reviewed and summarized. Follow‐up was conducted to determine the date and cause of death. Kaplan‐Meier survival curves were constructed and analyzed. The relationships between patient characteristics and responses to therapy and prognosis were evaluated. Main Results – Sixty‐five records documented a diagnosis of SVT. Sixty‐two percent were males. Labrador Retrievers and Boxers were overrepresented compared with the general hospital population. Median age at presentation was 9 years (range 0.5–15.5 y). The median heart rate during SVT was 270/minute (range 187–375/min). The most common presenting complaint was syncope (30%), 23% were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis. Most dogs had structural heart disease (65%). Median survival was 472 days (<1–2007 d). Identification of sustained SVT (>30 s) did not affect survival (P=0.50), nor did the presence of congestive heart failure (P=0.70). Conclusions – The majority of dogs with SVT had structural heart disease or a severe concurrent illness at the time of SVT diagnosis. SVT, though often a persistent and occasionally sustained arrhythmia, does not appear to be a primary factor in mortality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine causes for discharge of military working dogs (MWDs) from service. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 268 MWDs. PROCEDURES: Records of all MWDs approved for discharge from December 2000 through November 2004 were evaluated for cause of discharge. RESULTS: 23 dogs had been obtained through the Department of Defense breeding program but had failed to meet prepurchase or certification standards. The remaining 245 (120 German Shepherd Dogs, 100 Belgian Malinois, and 25 dogs of other breeds) had been purchased as adults or obtained through the breeding program and had passed prepurchase and certification standards. Eighty-five of the 245 (34.7%) adult dogs were 1 to < 5 years old at discharge, and 160 (65.3%) were >or= 5 years old at discharge. The proportion of adult dogs < 5 years old at discharge that were German Shepherd Dogs (69.4%) was significantly greater than the proportion of adult dogs >or= 5 years old at discharge that were German Shepherd Dogs (38.1%). Within the subgroup of dogs >or= 5 years old at discharge, median age at discharge for the German Shepherd Dogs (8.59 years) was significantly less than median age at discharge for the Belgian Malinois (10.61 years). For adult dogs < 5 years old at discharge, the most common cause for discharge was behavioral problems (82.3%). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that longevity of service for MWDs may be influenced by breed differences and that selection criteria should be evaluated to reduce behavior-related discharge from service.  相似文献   

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