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The present study aimed to analyze the mycoflora and potential mycotoxin contamination of soil and corn samples collected at different plant maturity stages in Cap?o Bonito and Ribeir?o Preto, two regions of the State of S?o Paulo, Brazil. In addition, the data obtained were correlated with the occurrence of wind-dispersed fungi and the predominant climatic conditions of the two regions studied. Corn mycoflora profiles showed that Fusarium verticillioides prevailed in 35% of the samples from Cap?o Bonito and in 49% of the samples from Ribeir?o Preto. Examination of wind-dispersed fungi also revealed a high incidence of F. verticillioides. Soil mycoflora analyses showed that Penicilliumwas the most prevalent genus, although F. verticillioides was present in 55.5% of Cap?o Bonito's samples and in 26.7% of Ribeir?o Preto's samples. With respect to water activity, the corn kernels most contaminated with F. verticillioides had water activity levels of 0.70-0.80. HPLC analysis of fumonisins revealed that 88.5% of Cap?o Bonito's kernels were contaminated with fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) (0.09-10.87 microg/g) and 53.8% with fumonisin B(2) (FB(2)) (0.05-0.52 microg/g); Ribeir?o Preto's kernels presented contamination levels of 93.5% for FB(1) (0.11-17.69 microg/g) and 61.3% for FB(2) (0.05-5.24 microg/g). No aflatoxins were detected by thin-layer chromatography in corn grains of either region. The concomitant occurrence of F. verticillioides and fumonisins in most of the field corn assayed demonstrates the importance of an effective control of cultivation throughout the plant maturity stages.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the quantification of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether on tangerines with and without symptoms of Alternaria brown spot disease. The method employs solid-phase extraction for cleanup, followed by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) for detection. This method was validated on flavedo (exocarp or epicarp, exterior yellow peel) and on albedo tissue (mesocarp, interior white peel). An excellent linearity over a range of 0.50-20.0 mg/kg was achieved, with r2 >or= 0.997. The limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were fewer than 0.13 and 0.50 microg/kg, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) were 相似文献   

The present study is a 1-year follow up of the mycoflora of 140 samples of Brazilian freshly harvested (10) and stored (130) sorghum, the levels of aflatoxin and fumonisin contamination detected in the grains, and the prevailing abiotic factors (grain moisture content, water activity, temperature, relative humidity, and mean rainfall) at the time of sampling. The results show a predominance of the genera Phoma (57.1%), Aspergillus (42.7%), Fusarium (25.0%), and Rhizopus (21.4%) and the presence of nine other filamentous fungi. Fusarium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium, the three most important genera in terms of toxicity, presented numbers of colony forming units per gram of sorghum (CFU/g) that varied from 1 x 10(3) to 36 x 10(3), from 1 x 10(3) to 295 x 10(3), and from 1 x 10(3) to 20 x 10(3) CFU/g, respectively. The species most frequently found were Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium moniliforme. Of the total samples analyzed, 12.8% were contaminated with aflatoxin B(1) (concentration mean = 7-33 microg/kg) and 74.2% with fumonisin B(1) (concentration mean = 0.11-0.15 microg/g). This paper is the first report of the natural occurrence of aflatoxins and fumonisins in sorghum grain from Brazil.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatographic (LC) method for determining tenuazonic acid (TA) and alternariol methyl ether (AME) in tomatoes and tomato products is described. The Alternaria metabolites are extracted from a water slurry of the sample with CHCl3, the mixture is centrifuged, and the extract is fractionated on a silica gel column. Reverse phase LC with an ultraviolet detector (for TA) and a fluorescence detector (for AME) connected in series is used for final separation and determination. The limit of determination for TA and AME is 25 and 3 ng/g, respectively, with average recoveries from catsup of 83 and 68%, respectively. The LC method also detects alternariol, but interfering peaks in some samples prevent accurate quantitation. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry (CIMS) is used to confirm TA. Samples (142) of tomatoes collected from commercial processing lines were analyzed; TA was found in 73 samples (0.4-70 micrograms/g).  相似文献   


Sunflower is a species that is sensitive to local climate conditions. However, studies that use artificial neural networks (ANNs) to evaluate this influence and create tools such as agricultural zoning of climate risk (ZARC) have not been conducted for this species. Due to the importance of sunflower as a human food source and for biodiesel production, and also the necessity of conducting research to evaluate the suitability of this oleaginous species under different climatic conditions. Thus, we seek to construct a ZARC for sunflower in Brazil simulating sowing on different dates and using meteorological elements spatialized by ANNs. Climate data were used: air temperature (T), rainfall (P), relative air humidity (UR), solar radiation (MJ_m?2_d?1) and wind velocity (U2). Climatic regions considered suitable for the cultivation of sunflower had average annual values for T between 20 and 28°C, P between 500 and 1.500 mm per cycle, and soil water deficit (DEF) below 140 mm per cycle. A neural network is an efficient tool that can be used in spatialization of climate variables quickly and accurately. Sunflower sowing in the spring and summer are the ones that provide the largest suitable areas in southeastern Brazil, with 58.13 and 64.36% of suitable areas, respectively.  相似文献   

This study investigated the production of polyclonal (pAB) antibodies and the first time production of monoclonal (mAB) antibodies against the mycotoxin alternariol, and their implementation in enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the rapid determination of alternariol in foods. Both EIAs were highly sensitive, with detection limits (IC??) of 35 ± 6.9 pg/mL (mAb EIA) and 59 ± 16 pg/mL (pAb EIA). Food products (n = 109; apple and tomato products, white wine) from German retail shops were analyzed. At a detection limit of 1-2 μg/kg, alternariol at 1-13 μg/kg was found with high frequency in apple (67%) and tomato (93%) products. Tomatoes with visible signs of Alternaria infection, stored at room temperature for up to 4 weeks, contained alternariol at levels up to 50 mg/kg, as determined by EIA and HPLC-FLD. It is concluded that the alternariol immunoassays present a versatile screening tool which could facilitate food control for Alternaria toxins.  相似文献   

基于APSIM模型分析播期和水氮耦合对油葵产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
播期调控和补充灌溉是保障北方农牧交错带油葵稳产和增产的有效措施,然而播期和水氮管理对油葵产量的耦合效应尚不明确。该文基于农牧交错带武川试验站2 a分期播种试验数据评估了APSIM-Sunflower模型的适应性,应用验证后的APSIM模型分析了播期和水氮耦合对油葵产量的影响。研究结果表明:油葵生育期模拟值与实测值均方根误差(RMSE)小于2.4 d,地上部干物质量和产量模拟的归一化均方根误差(NRMSE)分别为21.9%和5.5%,表明APSIM模型能够有效模拟油葵的生育期、地上部干物质量和产量。在有补充灌溉条件时,仅灌一水时在现蕾期补灌油葵产量最高,灌两水时在现蕾和灌浆期补灌产量最高。油葵最佳施氮量随着灌溉量的增加而上升;干旱年无灌溉、灌一水、灌两水和灌三水时最佳施氮量分别为40、60、60和70 kg/hm~2,正常年分别为50、70、80和90 kg/hm~2,湿润年分别为50、80、80和90 kg/hm~2。在湿润年和正常年时雨养、灌一水和灌两水条件下播期在5月中旬较其他播期产量分别高6.9%和11.6%,9.3%和12.0%,9.3%和16.4%,灌一水的产量变异系数分别低41.9%和8.9%;灌两水的产量变异系数分别低38.5%和12.5%;灌三水条件下播期在5月上旬时产量最高。干旱年时早播可降低产量年际间变异,但调控播期对提高产量作用较小。研究结果可为北方农牧交错带油葵生产播期和水氮管理提供参考。  相似文献   

内蒙古典型生态区不同类型向日葵氮肥响应差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用2006~2016年内蒙古向日葵"3414"田间试验数据,评估食用向日葵和油用向日葵在不同生态区之间的氮肥响应及其差异,并分析土壤基础供氮能力对向日葵氮肥效应的影响。结果显示:推荐施氮条件下,食用向日葵在河套灌区、阴山北麓区和燕山丘陵区的施氮增产幅度分别为35.1%、47.6%和35.5%,偏生产力分别为24.1、22.8和22.7 kg/kg,农学利用率分别为5.6、6.6和5.7 kg/kg;油用向日葵在河套灌区、大兴安岭南麓区和燕山丘陵区的施氮增产幅度分别为32.8%、39.3%和18.9%,偏生产力分别为26.2、39.7和37.7 kg/kg,农学利用率分别为5.6、10.8和6.0 kg/kg。食葵和油葵的100 kg籽粒吸氮量均值分别为4.6和4.7 kg,吸收利用率分别为30.1%和38.9%,生理利用率分别为20.3和20.8 kg/kg。上述结果表明,内蒙古食葵施氮的增产效果优于油葵,食葵产量对外源氮肥的依赖程度也高于油葵,因而食葵相较于油葵更应重视氮肥的管理和调控;不同生态区自然环境和土壤地力的差异也显著影响了向日葵的氮肥增产效应,河套灌区应积极进行土壤培肥,燕山丘陵区和大兴安岭南麓区可适当增加施氮量,阴山北麓区则应以维持向日葵需求为标准适当减少施氮量。  相似文献   

葵花粕中分离蛋白的成分及特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文以水酶法提取葵花籽油后的葵花粕为原料,通过盐提酸沉法提取其中的分离蛋白,并对其进行组分分析、氨基酸成分分析、电泳图谱分析和凝胶色谱分析,同时对其溶解性、吸水性、吸油性、乳化性和起泡性等功能特性进行研究。结果显示葵花籽分离蛋白的氨基酸组成与FAO必须氨基酸需要量模式相比赖氨酸含量较低,功能特性好于或接近大豆分离蛋白。葵花分离蛋白含有3个主要组分,其分子量分别为380×103,100×103和27×103,绿原酸与分离蛋白紧密结合。  相似文献   


Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annutis L. cv. Dwarf) were grown only with increasing saline solutions [0, 50, and 100 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] and potassium (K) supply to determine how salinity and K supply will affect plant germination and growth. Potassium supply under highly saline conditions (100 mM) or nonsaline conditions had a beneficial effect on sunflower seedlings germination which was not significantly altered with moderate salt concentrations (50 mM). During the stage studied, K supply in the absence of salinity increased significantly seedling biomass which reflects what is happening in the aerial part and root. This increase was proportionally higher in the stem than in the leaf with no variations in the foliar surface. In a saline environment, K supply did not markedly alter plant dry matter production, but increased foliar surface with moderate salt concentrations (50 mM) in the root environment.  相似文献   

The phenolic fractions released during hydrothermal treatment of selected feedstocks (corn cobs, eucalypt wood chips, almond shells, chestnut burs, and white grape pomace) were selectively recovered by extraction with ethyl acetate and washed with ethanol/water solutions. The crude extracts were purified by a relatively simple adsorption technique using a commercial polymeric, nonionic resin. Utilization of 96% ethanol as eluting agent resulted in 47.0-72.6% phenolic desorption, yielding refined products containing 49-60% w/w phenolics (corresponding to 30-58% enrichment with respect to the crude extracts). The refined extracts produced from grape pomace and from chestnut burs were suitable for protecting bulk oil and oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions. A synergistic action with bovine serum albumin in the emulsions was observed.  相似文献   

Corn collected in the Mazandaran and Isfahan Provinces of Iran was analyzed for fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)), fumonisin B(2) (FB(2)), and fumonisin B(3) (FB(3)). The samples from Mazandaran Province, situated on the Caspian littoral of Iran, were random samples from farmers' corn lots collected in September 1998, whereas those from Isfahan Province, situated further south in the center of Iran, were bought as corn cobs in the local retail market during October 1998. All 11 samples from Mazandaran showed high levels of fumonisin contamination with FB(1) levels between 1.270 and 3.980 microg/g, FB(2) levels between 0.190 and 1.175 microg/g, and FB(3) levels between 0.155 and 0.960 microg/g. Samples from Isfahan showed lower levels of contamination with eight of eight samples having detectable FB(1) (0.010-0.590 microg/g), two of eight samples having detectable FB(2) (0.050-0.075 microg/g), and two of eight samples having detectable FB(3) (0.050-0.075 microg/g). This is the first report of fumonisin contamination of corn from Iran, in which samples from the area of high esophageal cancer on the Caspian littoral have been shown to contain high levels of fumonisins.  相似文献   

为了充分利用葵花籽的工业生产副产物,该文以葵花籽壳为原料,采用硫酸水解法制备葵花籽壳纳米纤维素。通过单因素试验研究了酸解温度、酸解时间、硫酸质量分数和液料比4个因素对纳米纤维素得率的影响,应用响应面法对工艺参数进行优化,并对制备得到的纳米纤维素进行了透射电镜(transmission electron microscopy,TEM)、红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FT-IR)和X-射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)等分析。结果表明:当酸解温度为42℃、酸解时间为83.71 min、硫酸质量分数为59.97%、液料比为12.33:1时,预测得出纳米纤维素得率为31.67%,验证试验纳米纤维素得率为31.31%。制备的葵花籽壳纳米纤维素呈棒状,直径为10~30 nm,长度为150~300 nm,仍然具有纤维素的基本化学结构,结晶度较高,属于典型的纤维素Ⅰ型结晶结构。该文研究结果可以为葵花籽的综合利用提供参考。  相似文献   


Nitrogen use efficiency and response of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to timing and rate of surface banded N was characterized in a split‐plot 4x2 factorial experiment. Nitrogen rates (main plots) were 0, 34, 67, and 134 kg ha‐1 at Mississippi State and 0, 45, 90 and 180 kg ha‐1 at Brooksville, MS. Nitrogen, applied as NH4NO3, was surface banded either at planting or at the four leaf stage (subplot). Seed yield was significantly influenced by rate of N application at both locations. Seed yield showed a quadratic response at Mississippi State and a Mitscherlich‐type response at Brooksville. Maximum seed yields of 2606 and 2380 kg ha‐1 were obtained at the respective sites. Sunflower responded to N fertilizer application when inorganic N content of the soil to 60 cm depth at planting was less than 50 kg ha‐1. Nitrogen efficiency was influenced by rate and timing of application, exhibiting exponential declines with increasing N rates. Fertilizer losses at the highest rates of applied N were 19 and 52% at Mississippi State and Brooksville, respectively. Clay‐fixed NH^+ accounted for 26% of the applied N fertilizer loss at Brooksville. Nitrogen fertilizer efficiency and recommendations for sunflower could be improved if initial soil inorganic N is taken into account.  相似文献   

向日葵列当(Orobanche cumana Wallr.)是一种根寄生草本植物,对向日葵等经济作物造成严重危害。为了减少向日葵列当对向日葵的寄生,降低土壤中向日葵列当种子库,本试验以新疆地区广泛种植的玉米品种‘京糯一号’和‘新玉57号’为研究材料,通过穴盘试验研究在不同时期(出苗后10 d和15 d)施加两种不同浓度赤霉素(10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)和10~(-5 )mol·L~(-1))对上述两个品种玉米生长发育和分泌列当萌发刺激物质的影响;24 d后收集并提取玉米根系分泌物,用其进行刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发试验,从而筛选出刺激向日葵列当种子萌发能力较强的玉米品种进行盆栽试验。通过盆栽试验,在玉米种植后的不同时期(20 d和40 d)喷施10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素以探究玉米与赤霉素共同防除向日葵列当种子的效果,收获时(105 d后)采集玉米地上部、根和根际土样品,用其甲醇浸提液刺激向日葵列当种子萌发;次年在种植过玉米的盆中种植后茬作物向日葵,收获时测定向日葵的农艺指标并统计向日葵列当的出土数。结果表明:穴盘试验中施加赤霉素对玉米的株高有显著增高作用,对玉米根系分泌萌发刺激物质没有抑制作用,即在玉米生长时期可以施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)和10~(-5 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素。此外,‘新玉57号’根系分泌物的100倍稀释液刺激向日葵列当种子的萌发率显著高于‘京糯一号’,因此选取‘新玉57号’作为盆栽试验的玉米品种。盆栽试验中不同时期施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素,玉米株高同样显著高于对照,增长率分别为22.5%、19.1%。次年种植后茬作物向日葵,在第20 d向玉米施加赤霉素处理的盆中种植的向日葵的花盘直径比对照(种植玉米时不施加赤霉素)显著增加57.1%。与对照相比,在种植玉米后的20 d和40 d施加赤霉素的处理种植向日葵,向日葵列当的出土数分别是1.3个·盆~(-1)、1.8个·盆~(-1),分别降低76.4%和67.3%。因此,可以在玉米种植的后20 d和40 d施加10~(-4 )mol·L~(-1)赤霉素,与玉米共同诱导向日葵列当种子"自杀发芽",以减少向日葵列当对向日葵植株的危害。  相似文献   


Tillage systems and fertilization have important effects on soil microorganism activity. Information regarding the simultaneous evaluation of long-term tillage and fertilization on soil microbial traits in sunflower fields is not available. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the best tillage and fertilization system for soil microbial parameters. The experimental design was a split plot based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Main plots consisted of the long-term tillage systems (1999–2011) including: no tillage (NT), minimum tillage (MT) and conventional tillage (CT). Six methods of fertilization, including farmyard manure (N1), compost (N2), chemical fertilizers (N3), farmyard manure + compost (N4); farmyard manure + compost + chemical fertilizers (N5), and control (N6) were arranged in subplots. Results showed that the highest amount of microbial biomass was observed in treatment NTN4. The highest and lowest values of enzyme activities (acid, alkaline phosphatase, urease, dehydrogenase and protease) were found in organic fertilizers + NT and chemical fertilizers + CT plots, respectively. Highest basal and induced respiration values were found for NTN4 treatment. Correlation coefficients between enzyme activity, respiration and microbial biomass carbon were significant.  相似文献   

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