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随着农业经济结构调整的深入,养羊业在平原农区得到快速发展,不仅新建了一批大中规模的养羊场,而且不少农户也根据自身条件,选择了投资较少,市场较为稳定的养羊业作为一条勤劳致富之路.这些养羊农户中,普遍存在着科学养羊意识差,设施简陋,饲养技术水平低,甚至还有乱引进品种,经济效益低下等问题,对此笔者提出以下养羊的技术措施,以帮助农户提高养羊的经济效益.  相似文献   

笔者针对养羊户的电话及来信咨询,就发展养羊过程中应该注意的问题谈一下自己的看法,供参考。一、舍饲养羊是养羊业的发展方向农户分散放牧饲养的传统养羊方式所造成的农牧矛盾严重阻碍了农区养羊业的快速发展,改传统的农户分散放牧饲养为规模化舍饲养羊是农区大力发展养羊业的必由之路。同时,发展舍饲养羊可以使养羊场(户)养羊数量形成较大规模,便于养羊科学技术新成果在养羊生产中的推广应用,可促进低经济效益、低科技附加值的传统养羊业向高科技附加值的规模化高效生产方式的转变,养殖户可从中获取规模效益。二、舍饲养羊要准备…  相似文献   

目前,我国羊肉价格比国际市场低80%,今后15年养羊业将成为畜牧业发展的首选项目。建一个规模养羊场的目的不外乎两个,一个是盈利,一个是带动当地养羊业的发展。但有的农户有资金,没场地;有的农户有场地,缺资金;还有的是有资金,但没技术,想养羊又没时间养。在这种情况下,河南省新野县的一些农村出现了一种“公司+农户”的养羊新模式——“顺羊”。“顺羊”就是由有资金、想养羊又没时间养的农  相似文献   

养羊具有投资少、市场风险小、经济效益高等优点。因此,农户饲养山羊的热情越来越高,养羊业迅猛发展。但有一些农户不顾客观条件.盲目兴办养羊场.导致不应有的损失。笔者通过近几年来的实践和观察,认为农户兴办养羊场应掌握以下几个关键:  相似文献   

<正>随着社会经济的迅速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,羊肉市场的需求量越来越大以及羊肉价格的稳步上升,越来越多的农户选择养羊。养羊生产在农村经济发展和农民增收中的作用明显,但由于受饲养技术、饲养条件的限制,农户在养羊生产中存在一些问题,比如种羊选种选配不合理、科学饲养管理意识淡薄、管理粗放、缺少相应的饲养技术、圈舍建造不合理、不注重饲草饲料储备、疫病防治观念差等因素导致农户养羊效益不高。为此,就如何提高云南养羊效益提  相似文献   

1农户养羊现状在我国南方中低山区,山羊生产产业化水平较低,工厂化生产极少。农户养羊大部分仍以传统自然放牧为主,即"靠山养羊",虽然饲养成本较低,但营养不均衡,枯草季节草料不足,管理粗放,饲料转化率低,严重制约了山羊生产的快速发展。  相似文献   

多生、快长、少病、不死、赚钱是农户养羊的最大愿望 ,然而据笔者对襄樊市襄阳区农户养羊较为集中的黄龙、峪山、东津、张家集四乡镇的农户养羊调查 ,由于农户养羊长期处于家有户养、分散经营状态 ,养殖户饲养管理水平参差不齐 ,绝大部分养殖户仍然采用传统的经营方式和粗放式喂养 ,以致对羔羊的饲养管理出现了种种认识上和管理上的偏差 ,羔羊冻死、饿死、病死等非正常死亡现象时有发生 ,严重地影响了羔羊的成活率。为从根本上解决这一问题 ,笔者通过深入农户调查 ,找出了影响农户羔羊成活率的主要原因 ,并结合农户养羊的实际提出了相应的改…  相似文献   

农户养羊长期处于分散经营状态,养殖户饲养管理水平参差不齐,绝大部分养殖户仍然采用传统型和粗放式养殖方式喂养,以致羔羊冻死、饿死、病死等非正常死亡现象时有发生,严重地影响了羔羊的成活率。要有效地提高农户养羊繁殖羔羊的成活率,只有充分地了解影响农户养羊羔羊成活率的关键点,并结合农户养羊的实际提出相应的改进方法,才能从根本上解决这一问题。  相似文献   

多生、快长、少病、不死、赚钱是农户养羊的最大愿望,然而据笔者对湖北省襄樊市襄阳区农户养羊较为集中的黄龙、峪山、东津、张家集四乡镇的农户养羊调查,由于农户养羊长期处于家有户养、分散经营状态,养殖户饲养管理水平参差不齐,绝大部分养殖户仍然采用传统型的经验经营和粗放式喂养,以致对羔羊的饲养管理出现了种种认识上和管理上的偏差,羔羊冻死、饿死、病死等非正常死亡现象时有发生,严重地影响了羔羊的成活率.为从根本上解决这一问题,笔者通过深入农户调查,基本摸清了影响农户养羔羊成活率的主要原因,并结合农户养羊的实际提出了相应的改进方法,现报告如下.  相似文献   

近年来辽西地区规模化养羊实现了较大的突破,以农户为主的养羊产业发展迅猛。为了更好地规范辽西地区规模化养羊产业,本文重点介绍了辽西地区规模养羊的饲养管理与重点防疫技术措施。  相似文献   

程奎 《畜牧兽医杂志》2024,43(1):130-131
秦州区汪川镇刘斜村,属贫困村,养殖户共计18户,其中养猪户10户,养鸡户2户,养牛户4户,养羊户2户,总计饲养量达11300余头只,属养殖大村。两户养羊户共计饲养羊82只,发病17只,发病率20.7%。给养殖户造成了重大的经济损失。本文根据发病情况、病因调查、临床检查、综合诊断,提出有效的防治措施,从治疗效果上取得了显著的成效,治愈率100%,为养殖户最大程度地降低了经济损失。获得了良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

杨树幼林地种植紫花苜蓿试验研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
通过2003-2005年在2 001 hm2杨树幼林地内种植紫花苜蓿的试验,结果表明,种植紫花苜蓿既防止了林地水土流失,又可以利用林地内收获的牧草饲养家畜,养猪村民收入共计5 164元,养羊村民收入630元,养鹅村民2005年收入999元。同时种植牧草的林地,2005年测定,杨树的平均株高、周长、地径比2003年高258.56%、252.54%、252.13%,比2004年分别提高53.43%、63.91%、63.86%。  相似文献   

羊养殖产业是新疆地区的支柱性畜牧养殖业,现阶段基层地区的舍饲养殖模式得到不同程度的发展和加强,再加上国家出台的一系列优惠政策,农牧民群众发展舍饲羊养殖的积极性进一步增强。由于很多群众没有掌握正确的养殖管理方式,在养殖管理过程中还面临不少突出问题,对此需要进行认真细致的分析,加快先进养殖管理技术的推广应用。  相似文献   

A postal survey was conducted of 80 sheep farmers in the Kojonup and Esperance districts of Western Australia to establish what they wanted from a veterinary service. Twenty five of the farmers surveyed used a sheep consultant, 25 did not, and 30 were interested in employing one. Farmers were asked questions about themselves and their attitudes to private veterinarians who provide specialist services to sheep farmers. Data reported here showed that farmers wanted a veterinarian who lived in the district, was well trained in sheep management and production, was enthusiastic and had good communication skills. The service provided should be whole-farm and available to members of the consultant's group only. Regular newsletters and field days were necessary, but the provision of contract services, such as mulesing, lamb-marking, drenching, pregnancy testing and sheep classing, and 'fire-brigade' services for sick animals, were not rated as important. Most farmers were unwilling or unable to give a dollar value for the likely benefits of a consultancy service. Non-financial benefits included keeping farmers up to date with new technical developments and information. The survey also showed that a veterinarian specialising in services to sheep farmers could be confident of employment.  相似文献   

红河州建水县地处低纬度、高海拔的喀斯特地区,是国家“十三五”可持续发展实验区之一。近年来,以种草、养羊为模式的畜牧业迅速发展,成为农户增收的有效途径,但在发展过程中,土地利用率低、养殖效益低下等问题也日益凸显,因此,为了提高效益,促进生态畜牧业的发展,在建水县面甸镇五里冲建设了奶山羊种草养殖现代高效农业示范园区,该园区的建设模式对于缓解当地的能源问题、保护生态环境具有重大而深远的意义,并为今后推广种草养畜技术提供技术和理论指导。  相似文献   

Members of the Sheep Veterinary Society and three terminal sire breed societies (A, B and C) were surveyed to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of ovine caseous lymphadenitis in the UK. In total, 264 veterinary surgeons and 510 farmers responded. Eighteen per cent of the vets had seen at least one case of the disease, and 45 per cent of the farmers had seen abscesses in their sheep. Relatively few farmers had had the cause of the abscesses investigated, but 24 of the 32 flocks that had submitted samples to a laboratory had had the disease confirmed. The incidence of the disease and abscesses increased from 1990 to 1999. The disease was more likely to be investigated in certain breeds and when male sheep had abscesses. Risk factors for the disease included the presence of sheep of breed B in the flock, the presence of half-bred sheep, showing sheep, and the use of shearing contractors. Dipping sheep appeared to be protective.  相似文献   

SUMMARY An investigation of sheep flocks with unknown histories of fleece derangement, selected at random from the main sheep raising areas of New South Wales, showed that Psorergates ovis was present in 53 of the 177 flocks surveyed and In 162 of the 3495 sheep examined. Of the single causes of fleece derangement, the most prevalent was grass seed contamination (15.7%) followed by Infestation with sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, (14.7%) and Infestation with Itch mite (7.8%). The prevalence of fleece derangement was significantly higher on sheep In which lice were the only ectoparasites found than on those In which Itch mites were the only ectoparasites present. The greatest prevalence of P ovis was In flocks In the Young, Yass, Mudgee and Tenterfield districts. In most affected flocks, more than one potential cause of fleece derangement was present. Itch mite Infestation was more prevalent in flocks that received no treatment for ectoparasites than in those that had been treated in the year preceding the survey. Our results did not support a commonly held belief among farmers that arsenical compounds control Infestations of Itch mites more effectively than other types of pesticides. There was no significant difference in prevalence of fleece derangement between flocks treated with different pesticide groups and those that received no treatment, but mean fleece derangement score was significantly lower in sheep treated with organophosphates than in untreated sheep. Infestations of lice were significantly more prevalent in sheep from flocks treated with synthetic pyrethroids than from those treated with organophosphates or those that received no treatment.  相似文献   

[目的]为调查落实张掖市基础母牛养殖户补贴政策过程中存在的问题。[方法]张掖市畜牧管理人员随机入乡镇配种站,母牛养殖户,对甘州区基础母牛养殖户补贴政策落实情况进行走访调查,并对调查结果进行了统计、分析。[结果]表明:"零费用配种"政策对养殖户起到了积极作用,但同时存在政策资金不及时到位,会影响养牛生产的矛盾。[结论]"...  相似文献   

黑龙江省城乡养殖专业户饲养奶牛的成本收益对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜法竹 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):252-255
大中城市郊区奶牛饲养作为畜产品匮乏时代的产物,作为国家“菜篮子工程”的重要组成部分,自然有其存在的历史合理性,但由此造成的日益严重的环境污染也不容忽视。以哈尔滨市为代表的黑龙江省大中城市专业户奶牛饲养,与农村专业户奶牛饲养相比,在生产成本、产品产量、收益水平等方面均不具有竞争优势。作为奶牛饲养基地布局,应将重点从大中城市郊区向远郊县区有条件的农村转移。  相似文献   

Despite large numbers of hill sheep reared in the UK, little is known about how hill farmers react to health challenges in their flocks. This paper addresses this lack of knowledge of sheep health management practices and presents farmers' opinions and concerns, particularly regarding ectoparasite control. Focus groups and interviews with UK hill sheep farmers were carried out to collect information on management practices, health concerns, in addition to incidence and impacts of six major ectoparasites (ticks, lice, sheep scab mite, blowfly, keds and headfly), to determine how they viewed the effects of ectoparasites and their control on production practices.

We conclude that despite variations between hill sheep farm conditions and levels of input, similar health concerns and ectoparasite issues were found across different hill sheep farming areas of the UK. Farm labour was also an important issue and most farmers would prefer more labour to be available to effectively manage ectoparasites in their flocks. Finally, there was variation in farmers' opinions of the impact of ectoparasite species on welfare and productivity. This variation in opinion can be related to a trend in their past experience of ectoparasites, but no relationships were found with the animal health treatments farmers use, the number of animals in their flock or variation in the type of grazing land available.  相似文献   

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