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正牛腐蹄病是影响养牛场生产的重要疾病之一,在我国各地都表现出较高的发病率。舍饲牛群中发病率高者可达到30%~40%。腐蹄病的发生不仅影响产奶和运动,严重者常导致淘汰。该病主要是因牛栏过度潮湿,蹄部长期被粪尿浸渍角质软化,感染坏死杆菌,促成蹄间腐  相似文献   

奶牛腐蹄病是以蹄部真皮或角质层腐败,蹄间皮肤及深层组织腐败化脓、发出恶臭气味为特征的局部坏死性炎症。在规模养牛场和散养户中均有较高的发病率。腐蹄病不仅影响产奶和运动,严重者可导致淘汰,是阻碍奶牛业发展的重要疾病之一,不可忽视。  相似文献   

<正> 牛、羊腐蹄病是以蹄底、蹄叉角质腐烂分解为特征的一种蹄部疾病,它主要是由于厩舍泥泞不洁、长期于低洼沼泽地带放牧,或因蛋白质、维生素饲料不足,致使蹄角质生长发育不良,腐败菌或其它杂菌趁机侵入感染,特别是在蹄部发生外伤时,如不及时处理或处理不当,更易引起本病。牛、羊发生腐蹄病时,蹄角质崩解,趾间皮肤潮红肿胀,知觉过敏,频频举患肢、呈现跛行,严重时,跛行加重,行走困难,不能放牧,导  相似文献   

正牛腐蹄病是一种较为常见的高接触性传染病,为了使牛群饲养人员在牛群饲养的过程中减少牛腐蹄病的发生,保护饲养人员的利益,因此,对牛腐蹄病的病因进行分析,并加以预防是非常有必要的。1牛腐蹄病的症状当牛患有牛腐蹄病后,患病牛会出现食欲减退、体温升高的情况,在针对牛群观察时,会发现患病牛不喜站立,经常出现躺卧的情况。当饲养员使牛站立时,牛会出现患病蹄不愿意着地或出现将患病蹄抬起的行为,在牛行走时出现较为明显的跛行,四蹄受力不均匀,在针对患病牛的病蹄进行检查的过程中,牛的病蹄角质较为完整,对病牛牛蹄叩击或按压时,患病牛经常由于疼痛而挣扎或鸣叫,用刀扩创后,会发现牛蹄蹄底出现小孔或大洞,洞中含有乌黑恶臭的脓水,在病牛牛蹄趾间也可找到溃疡面,病牛创面经常附着有坏死物。出现蹄壳脱落、蹄趾皮肤肿胀溃烂的情况。  相似文献   

中药治疗奶牛腐蹄病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
腐蹄病是牛常见蹄病,尤其奶牛更为多见,治疗较棘手,其损失不可低估。笔者通过临床实践,用“雄鸦矾散”治疗牛腐蹄病18例,治愈16例,收到了较好疗效。1症状站立时频频举蹄或不敢负重,跛行,蹄底、趾间有破损,角质崩解、溃疡,从趾间或蹄冠部流出恶臭脓性分泌物,严重者波及蹄冠部,甚  相似文献   

奶牛腐蹄病的防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
调查了一个 1 2 0头存栏的奶牛场 ,每年因疾病原因淘汰牛 1 7头 ,其中腐蹄病 5头 ,占 2 9.4%。奶牛繁殖及泌乳对自身体况依赖程度很高 ,一些疾病所导致的死亡率虽低 ,但病程延长 ,最终导致受胎率、泌乳力下降甚至丧失。奶牛肢蹄养护直接关系到牛的饲养价值。现对北方地区奶牛腐蹄病作一简单分析 :1 症状   1奶牛腐蹄病是指蹄的真皮和角质层组织发生化脓性病理过程的一种疾病 ,其特征是真皮坏死与化脓、角质溶解 ,病牛疼痛、跛行。所统计的发病牛均为成年泌乳牛的右后蹄 ,初期病后蹄不负重 ,站立时患蹄球关节以下屈曲、频频换蹄、打地或踢…  相似文献   

本文通过对海南新海乳业奶牛场奶牛腐蹄病发病情况进行调查分析,探求在海南地处热带区域这个特殊气候、地理条件等因素影响下引发奶牛腐蹄病的原因及其造成的危害,寻求适合本地区奶牛蹄病防治的有效措施,为热带地区奶牛饲养管理及奶牛腐蹄病的综合防治提供参考。调查表明,海南新海乳业奶牛场奶牛蹄病发生呈明显的季节性特点,且与年龄相关。由该病导致淘汰的牛,占淘汰牛的比例为27%。蹄病类型较多,其中蹄底溃疡引发化脓感染的发病率高达23%。  相似文献   

牛腐蹄病是耕牛常发的、以蹄底腐烂为主要病变的一种疾病。笔者近年用中药组方治疗该病8例效果好,现介绍于后供参考。病因:畜舍不洁,久被粪水浸蚀,环境泥泞,久立湿地,刺伤蹄底,湿毒侵害蹄底,瘀血凝滞蹄底,日久腐烂成漏。诊疗病例:(1)2000年7月23日,我市流长乡茶元村杨纯武饲养水牛1头,5.5岁,主诉近1星期以来行走跛行,敢抬不敢落,特别是在硬地行走时跛行加重。临床检查蹄底腐烂,有压痛感,蹄底流出腐臭的脓液。处理首先修削蹄底,除去腐烂组织,排净脓汁,用生理盐水和酒精清洗蹄部,再用方药枯矾500g,…  相似文献   

腐蹄病是指以牛、羊、猪的蹄间皮肤和组织的腐败、恶臭为特征的一种疾病.引起腐蹄病的病原很多,细菌、病毒均可导致该病的发生.2008年12月份,河北省某奶牛场发生了以蹄部溃烂为主要症状的疾病,一部分未成牛死亡,大部分育成牛耐过,但有的牛仍表现为蹄部溃烂、泌乳停止,经多方治疗仍不见好转,遂进行了病原的分离鉴定.  相似文献   

腐蹄病是指牛、羊和猪等家畜以蹄间皮肤和软组织具有腐败恶臭和角质形成破坏为特征的疾病,故又称蹄间腐烂。  相似文献   

Using 12 years of data from the common grazing areas at Store Vildmose on the incidence of foot rot in cattle, it was shown that the disease incidence varied significantly between the sections in which the animals were grazing. Differences also existed between breeds in their foot rot incidence. Extraordinarily wet summers were noted to influence foot rot in cattle, and a possible effect of soil pH was also observed.Key words: foot rot, cattle, incidence, epidemiology, breed differences, climatic factors, lameness  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore whether early analysis of spatial data may result in identification of variables associated with epidemic spread of foot and mouth disease. SAMPLE POPULATION: 37 farms with infected cattle (ie, case farms) reported within the first 6 days of the 2001 Uruguayan foot-and-mouth disease epidemic. PROCEDURE: A georeferenced database was created and retrospective analysis was performed on case farm location in relation to farm density, cattle density, farm type (ie, beef vs dairy cattle production), road density, case farm distance to the nearest road, farm size, farm ownership, and day of infection. Mean or median results of 1 to 3 day versus 4 to 6 day spatial data were compared. Spatial-temporal associations were investigated by correlation analysis. RESULTS: Comparison of mean or median values between the first 3 days and days 4 to 6 of the epidemic and results of correlation analysis indicated a significant increase in road density, cattle density, and dairy cattle production and a significant decrease in farm size and case farm distance to the nearest road that developed over time. A route that linked most case farms by the shortest possible distance and also considered significantly associated variables was created. It included 86.1% of all case farms reported by 60 days into the epidemic. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Epidemic direction can be assessed on the basis of road density and other spatial variables as early as 6 days into an epidemic. Epidemic control areas may be more effectively identified if local and regional georeferenced data are considered.  相似文献   

为探索治疗奶牛感染性蹄病的新药物,以患蹄病的绵羊为奶牛感染性蹄病的动物模型进行临床治疗试验。试验药物是针对奶牛感染性蹄病痛原特点研制的5种配方,即配方Ⅰ~配方Ⅴ。选择自然感染蹄病的绵羊50只,随机分为7个组,各组羊只分别为配方Ⅰ组6只、配方Ⅱ组7只、配方Ⅲ组10只、配方Ⅳ组9只、配方Ⅴ组8只、药物对照组5只、空白对照组5只。结果表明,在本试验药物组中,临床疗效依次为配方Ⅴ〉配方Ⅲ〉配方Ⅱ〉配方Ⅳ〉配方Ⅰ,配方Ⅴ的效果最佳,有效率和治愈率分别达100%、88.9%。综合比较,本试验药物的治疗效果要优于传统药物。  相似文献   

对蚌埠蚂蚁山奶牛场奶牛腐蹄病发病情况进行了分析研究。结果表明,产奶牛1~≥6胎次腐蹄病的奶牛发病率分别为26.09%、27.64%、60.56%、68.09%、73.08%和81.25%,病蹄发病率分别是7.61%、8.13%、18.31%、23.40%、23.08%和23.44%,且3胎以上牛发病率明显大于1、2胎牛。就发病程度而言,1~5胎次间随着胎次的增加“中~ 、重”程度发病所占比例有逐渐加大的趋势,而“轻”程度发病呈现逐渐降低的变化;而6胎以上牛发病程度的变化与前者相反。  相似文献   

羊腐蹄病主要是导致蹄部发生化脓、溃疡,出现跛行,呈现出发病率较高,感染性很快的特点。本文主要以一起羊腐蹄病的诊断与治疗为重点进行报告,较为详细地介绍了综合防治措施,旨在引导广大养殖者借鉴参考,做好该病的防治工作,减少养殖经济损失。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the cattle—exposure factors associated with the risk of a bovine animal reacting to a bovine tuberculosis (bTB) skin test at a whole herd test. There were 148 study farms enrolled. These were located in six counties of the south west of England in an area considered endemic for bovine tuberculosis (bTB): 24% were restocked after foot and mouth disease (FMD) in 2001; all farms were located within the Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT) area. Data on cattle on these farms were sourced from the bTB Vetnet database from 1996 to 2004 and from the British Cattle Movement Scheme database. Individual animal records were created that included data on whether or not an animal became a reactor at a full-herd bTB test between 1 June 2001 and 19 August 2004, their prior exposure to cattle with bTB (defined by presence at a bTB test where at least one reactor was detected), whether the animal was homebred, the farm history of bTB and the farm restocking status. Data from 144 farms were used, 4 farms had no data.Cattle were more likely to react to the bTB skin test when they had been present at a previous bTB herd test (or tests) where other cattle had reacted to the skin test. This positively correlated with age and the number of bTB tests an animal had had. Cattle on restocked farms were less likely to react to the skin test compared with cattle on continuously stocked farms. These results highlight the likely importance of exposure to infected cattle at a previous test as a source of infection to cattle that subsequently became reactors and suggest that there was a lower risk of exposure to bTB to cattle in newly formed herds.  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory disease is the most common health issue affecting stocker cattle. There are several nonrespiratory diseases that affect stockers. The more common diseases include rumen tympany, infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, coccidiosis, photosensitization, and foot rot. Accurate diagnosis, early treatment, and incorporating appropriate preventive measures can assist cattle production.  相似文献   

To provide a basis for effective foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) prevention measures, factors associated with local spread were investigated in this study using data of the 2010 FMD epidemic in Japan. Thirty-eight local clusters within a 500-m radius from source farms were selected. In the clusters with pig source farms, more neighboring farms were infected in a short time compared with the clusters with cattle source farms. The influence of distance and wind upon local spread did not show a significant difference between infected and noninfected neighboring farms. Large-size pig farms posed a greater risk of inducing local spread; the odds ratio with reference to small-size cattle farms was 16.73. Middle-size and large-size cattle farms had a greater risk of infection; odds ratios with reference to small-size cattle farms were 15.65 and 25.52, respectively. The present results are useful for understanding features of local spread and prioritizing farms for control measures.  相似文献   

腐蹄病(foot rot)是侵害反刍动物趾间皮肤及深层软组织为主的,严重影响奶牛生产性能和产奶质量的一种常见疾病。由于传统的灭活菌苗具有免疫效果差、副反应严重及大量生产困难等缺点,使腐蹄病基因工程疫苗的研究成为热点。笔者对坏死杆菌白细胞毒素作为腐蹄病亚单位疫苗候选抗原研究的最新进展进行综述,希望为腐蹄病亚单位疫苗的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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