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In order to test the accuracy of the usually-used fixed calibration factor of the canopy scanner of LAI-2000 for measuring the leaf area index(LAI),a Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation was chosen in the small watershed of Xiangshuihe located at the Liupan Mountains of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of NW China,the LAI was measured in October 2010,a period from full canopy to the total fall of needles,by using both the LAI- 2000 and litterfall collection method.Then,a comparison was made between the LAI values determined by the litter-fall collection and that calculated based on the figures read from LAI-2000 and the fixed calibration factor(1.49).It showed that the average of LAI measurements of the 2 methods was very close,with a difference of only 5%.However,the calculated LAI from LAI-2000 was obviously higher than the true values determined by litter-fall collection when the canopy was full of needles;and obviously lower than the true value when the canopy was sparse after needle falling.The reason may be that LAI-2000 takes the projection of twigs as needles.So,a dynamic calibration factor is needed,especially in the seasons when the needle amount and the percentage of twigs projection in crown projection change quickly.Therefore,a statistic relation in a quadratic polynomial form between the 2 series of LAI data was well fitted. This relation can be used for a more accurate estimation of LAI based on the data read from the easilyused canopy scanners like LAI-2000.  相似文献   

Traditionally, poplar (Populus spp.) have been planted to control erosion on New Zealand’s hill-slopes because of their capacity to dry out and bind together the soil. Two systems: (1) widely spaced, planted poplar for soil conservation, and (2) non-eroded open pasture were compared to determine the relative effect of the poplar–pasture system on the production, nutritive value and species composition of the pasture, and on the water balance. Measurements were made at three sites with mature poplar (>29 years and 37–40 stems ha−1) and at a replicated experiment with young poplar (5 years, 50–100 stems ha−1). Soil water relations did not suggest strong competition for water between poplar and pasture. Pasture accumulation under mature poplar was 40% less than in the open pasture, but under young poplar was similar to that in the open pasture. Chemical composition of pasture suggested that feed quality of pasture in the open was better than under the poplar canopy, except during spring, when most chemical components were similar. At the most, in vitro digestibility of pasture dry matter was 8.9% lower and metabolisable energy of pasture dry matter was 1.5 MJ kg lower under the poplar canopy than in the open pasture. Shade tolerant species were not dominant in the plant community under the poplar canopy with grasses such as browntop (Agrostis capillaris, L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne, L.) being a high proportion of the plant community. Differences in chemical composition were related to differences in the botanical composition between the open pasture and the poplar understorey. It was concluded that the greatest effect of poplar was on pasture production due to shading, and that management of this silvopastoral system needs to focus on control of the tree canopy to lessen the decrease in pasture production.  相似文献   

用吉安市乔木林1999和2004年郁闭度调查资料,分别计算其平均郁闭度与众数比较郁闭度的进展。  相似文献   

Climate change towards a warmer and dryer vegetation period may negatively impact growing conditions for Scots pine monocultures situated on dry, sandy soils in Central Europe. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of thinning on precipitation throughfall in young Scots pine stands on typical pine sites. In 1992, observation of precipitation and throughfall started at the Tyniště research site (lowland of Eastern Bohemia) in a 7-year-old pine stand planted in rows at a stocking of ca 10,000 trees ha−1. Throughfall was measured at weekly intervals during the growing season (April-September) by gauges randomly located in two treatments - variant 1C - Control without thinning and variant 2T - Thinned - and compared to precipitation at an open space outside of the canopy. The results demonstrated the positive effects of heavy low thinning (removal of 47% of the total number of trees and 31% of total pre-treatment basal area) on the water supply of young Scots pine stands. On the Thinned treatment, throughfall increased by 2-8% compared to Control plot. This positive effect persisted for six years after the first canopy reduction and the differences were significant for the first four years after thinning. After the second treatment (high thinning), throughfall on the Thinned treatment showed a nominal, but statistically insignificant increase. The likely reason for this result is that the application of a different type of thinning increased the variability of the canopy and, consequently, the effect of released crowns could not be detected.  相似文献   

叶面积指数(LAI)是森林生态系统的重要结构参数,用来反映植物叶量和群体生长特征[1-4],对生态系统水分和养分循环、地表和大气之间的相互作用等诸多过程都有重要影响[5-6],广泛应用于植物生态、植物生理、生态水文以及一些交叉学科的研究中,也可作为科学培育森林、评价林分质量的定量指  相似文献   

郁闭度对风景游憩林林下植被及林内景观的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章试图通过分析郁闭度对林下植被和林内景观的影响,探讨部分群落生态学因子与林内景观美景度的关系,为风景游憩林经营管理提供数量化指标。研究结果表明:所调查风景游憩林侧柏刺槐林的林内景观美景度不高,急需进行人工干预;不同郁闭度类型林下植被的物种组成成分和物种多样性指数均存在差异,郁闭度0.6~0.7时,Simpson指数、Shannon指数和均匀度最大,生态优势度最小;尽管林内景观美景度与郁闭度的关联性不显著,但林下植被物种Simpson指数、Shannon指数、均匀度与美景度标准化值呈显著负相关,生态优势度与美景度标准化值呈显著正相关。综合考虑风景游憩林的多种功能需求,本研究认为风景游憩林侧柏刺槐林的郁闭度以0.6~0.7为宜。    相似文献   

The canopy rainfall interception modei linked to environmental conditions and biological features is established on the basis of stationary observation and measurements in China. Upscaling from site observation to regional Ievel estimation of canopy rainfall interception has been made. The potential interception value of forests during the rainfall season in China according to rainfall records of May, July and September in the year 1982, has been simulated and mapped under the GIS software package Idrisi. It coincides well with the spatial and chronological pattern of rainfall in China and can be concluded to reflect the reality. The potential canopy rainfall interception of forests in China based on the potential distribution of forests provides a basis to regional water budget as well as rational use of regional water resources. It is also important to the assessment of forest ecosystem service in China, which is demanded by both scientists and policy makers for the evaluation of afforestation and nat  相似文献   

杨飞 《山西林业科技》2013,(3):23-25,43
笔者以7年生-10年生壶瓶枣树为试材,研究了遮雨棚栽培与大田栽培条件下温湿度变化规律和差异。结果表明:遮雨棚在晴天高温时有降温的作用,而阴雨天温度较低时则有保温的作用;遮雨棚阻碍了水分蒸发,使得相同条件下棚内湿度高于棚外;雨后棚内与棚外温度变化趋势基本一致,棚外湿度变化剧烈,棚内较为缓和。  相似文献   

崂山林场森林冠层叶面积指数反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以地处崂山林场东部林区作为研究区,运用逐步分析方法对6种植被指数和海拔、坡向、坡度等立地信息进行比较分析,筛选出3种植被指数NDVI、RVI、SAVI可敏感反映森林冠层LAI,建立分别以NDVI、DVI、SAVI为自变量的二次曲线模型、幂函数曲线模型、指数曲线模型以及包含这3种植被指数的多元线性模型,从决定系数(R2)和标准误差两个方面对基于不同植被指数LAI反演模型进行定量分析。结果表明,崂山林场LAI最佳的统计模型是多元线性模型,模型的R2是0.812,具有较好的估测效果。利用该模型反演了研究区的林分冠层LAI,并把崂山林场的林分冠层LAI分为5个等级,研究区的森林冠层LAI分布呈现西北部和东南部较低,而东北部和南部相对较高的特点。  相似文献   

自动快速获取林分郁闭度参数是林业信息现代化建设的需求。为快速低成本地计算郁闭度,设计了一种郁闭度自动测定系统。系统利用树莓派及算法编程进行开发,具备野外数据采集和远程信息管理的功能。采用同心圆环切割和二值化相结合的图像处理技术实现郁闭度值提取,避免复杂的鱼眼镜头畸变校正过程。系统提供可视化界面,集成树莓派、鱼眼镜头、电池和无线路由器等,操作简便。以三明市金丝湾森林公园的米槠林为研究案例,使用自动郁闭度测量系统获取林分郁闭度值与抬头望法测定的郁闭度值进行对比分析,得出系统测定的郁闭度值与抬头望法的R2为0.699。系统有助于郁闭度的快速测定。  相似文献   

谈郁闭度对沙松天然更新苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对40多年生沙松人工林在不同的郁闭度条件下天然更新的调查,分析了郁闭度与更新幼苗的密度、高生长、径生长的关系及利用天然更新苗更新造林的可行性。  相似文献   

The influence of canopy composition on litterfall and throughfall was investigated in a mixed spruce beech forest in central Germany. We hypothesised that different parts of the mixed canopy created distinct patterns of element inputs via litterfall and throughfall. The investigation was carried out in two plots, representing the most contrasting cases of mixed forests: a stand greatly dominated by spruce (SDP) and a stand greatly dominated by beech (BDP). The canopies of the two plots were classified in four categories: pure beech, pure spruce, mixed canopy and gap. Amounts of throughfall water were lower and major element fluxes were higher under spruce than under beech in both plots, indicating that the nutrient inputs under the canopies of individual trees are driven by species-specific properties of the canopies and are quite independent of the degree of admixture. With the exception of K+, mixed canopies showed intermediate element inputs via throughfall, compared with pure canopy classes. The K+ input was significantly greater under mixed canopies, and these differences were more pronounced in the SDP than in the BDP. Results suggest that individual spruce trees in the BDP induce greater spatial heterogeneity of throughfall input than individual beech trees in the SDP. Nutrient inputs via foliar litterfall were similar among the different canopy classes, but the Mg input was lower under spruce canopy. This effect was balanced by higher Mg input via spruce throughfall. In our study, throughfall was the main source of heterogeneity in nutrient inputs, while foliar litterfall had a homogenising effect.  相似文献   

变量筛选方法对郁闭度遥感估测模型的影响比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较基于偏最小二乘回归的Bootstrap方法与传统的平均残差平方和(RMSq)准则所选变量建立模型的精度差别.结果表明:Bootstrap方法是一种更优秀的变量筛选方法,比RMSq方法精度提高约5%;而且它不受变量多带来的运算困难的限制,更便于实际应用.  相似文献   

于振良  郝占庆 《林业研究》1998,9(3):160-165
lntroductionBroad-leavedKoreanpineforestisacldriaxforestli1tCm-peratezoneofNortheaster11Cl1ina.ltscharacteristichasIligllstabilityandproductivity.Therewerenlanyresearcl1worksfocusedontl1estructure,dynandcsanditsmain-tainingmechanisn1.Researchontheforestregeneratio11wasamali1approaclltoundersta11dtlleforestdynanlicsI;j.ThereweremanyresearcI1eso11tl1erege11erationofh1iskindofforestsincel95ol5~ll].Butfewoftl1emweredoneundertheconsiderationofcanopygapdistUrbance.Sincel99O's,moreandmoreresearch…  相似文献   


A low-cost, hand-held, 10-channel, single-frequency Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver observing pseudorange and carrier phase was used to determine the positional accuracy of 35 points under tree canopies. The mean position error based on differential postprocessing ranged from 0.49 to 3.60 m for 2-20 min of observation at points with basal area <30 m 2 ha -1 . For points with basal area S 45 m 2 ha -1 the mean position error ranged from 2.15 to 5.60 m. Regression analysis revealed that basal area and observation period were the most significant factors to predict the position error that could be obtained by GPS data collection before or during data acquisition ( R 2 = 0.37). After differential postprocessing, the most significant factors to predict position error were the standard deviation reported by the postprocessing software and whether both pseudorange and carrier phase were used to compute the coordinates or pseudorange only ( R 2 = 0.57). The position error decreased with decreasing density of forest, increasing length of observation period, decreasing standard deviation, and combined use of pseudorange and carrier phase.  相似文献   

郁闭度及其测定方法研究与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郁闭度是重要的森林调查因子之一,在森林经营与生态系统管理中具有重要作用。但是,郁闭度的概念模糊、测定方法不完善,制约了郁闭度的调查与应用。文中探讨了郁闭度的内涵,提出了垂直郁闭度与点郁闭度的概念,系统总结了国内外有关郁闭度的调查方法与测定仪器,以期为郁闭度在林业生产和研究中的合理应用与准确测定提供参考。  相似文献   

郁闭度是重要的森林调查因子之一,在森林经营与生态系统管理中具有重要作用.但是,郁闭度的概念模糊、测定方法不完善,制约了郁闭度的调查与应用.文中探讨了郁闭度的内涵,提出了垂直郁闭度与点郁闭度的概念,系统总结了国内外有关郁闭度的调查方法与测定仪器,以期为郁闭度在林业生产和研究中的合理应用与准确测定提供参考.  相似文献   

Epiphytic macrolichen litterfall was collected over 3 years from primary evergreen broad-leaved forests (PF), Populus bonatii secondary forests (PBSF), middle-aged oak secondary forests (MOSF) and old-aged oak secondary forests (OOSF) of the Ailao Mountains in SW China. To assess changes in the epiphyte communities of the subtropical forests, we compared the differences in biomass, species diversity and community structure of epiphytic lichens from the four forest types. A total of 51 species were recorded in this study. Species richness was highest in the PF, while α-diversity was highest in the MOSF. Lichen biomass differed markedly across the four forest types and was highest in the MOSF. The contribution of each dominant species to total biomass, except Nephromopsis ornata, was significantly different among forest types. Moreover, the percent contribution of foliose chlorolichens to litterfall tended to be higher in later-succession forest types, whereas the contributions of cyanolichens and fruticose chlorolichens were lower in these forest types. Compared to the PF, the lichen community structure in secondary forests differed significantly, implying that at least a few hundred years were needed for the restoration of these lichen communities. In particular, nineteen lichens were suggested as indicators, and eleven of them were present in the MOSF. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that the observed differences were mainly attributed to canopy openness and the size of the largest tree, which represented an environmental gradient from exposed to sheltered habitats. The diversity of host tree species was also important in determining the composition and distribution of macrolichens. Our findings support the idea that the maintenance of the forest landscape mosaic of heterogeneous forest types may be an important management practice to maintain or promote the epiphytic lichen community of the subtropical Ailao Mountains.  相似文献   

Woody materials (woody area index, WAI) is a key error source in estimating leaf area index (LAI) by optical methods, but how to correct the error caused by WAI during different seasons has not reached consensus. In this study, effective plant area index (PAIe) was first estimated using two indirect optical methods (digital hemispherical photography, DHP, and LAI-2000) in a deciduous needleleaf forest, and then four different schemes for correcting the contribution of WAI to PAIe were tested here. We also directly estimated the seasonality of LAI by a litter collection method and an allometric method. Directly subtracting WAI from PAI resulted in a greater degree of uncertainty in correcting seasonal changes of PAIe from both DHP and LAI-2000. Therefore, we introduced a new correction factor, the stem-to-total area ratio, which was reasonable and useful for quantifying seasonal changes in the contribution of WAI to PAIe. We finally recommend a practical scheme for correcting PAIe from both DHP and LAI-2000, with accuracies as high as 88% and 87% during most growing seasons, respectively. Additionally, LAI values estimated from allometry were concordant with those estimated from litter collection, indicating that the allometry method is useful for tracking seasonal changes in LAI.  相似文献   

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