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为进一步提高上海市地产葡萄和草莓的安全生产水平,降低消费者的膳食摄入风险,对2018–2019年间上海当地所产152份葡萄和91份草莓样品中的20种植物生长调节剂(PGRs)残留进行了实地调研及检测分析,并就其对不同人群的长期和短期膳食摄入风险进行了初步评估.调研发现:上海市地产葡萄普遍在开花前后使用赤霉酸和氯吡脲,而...  相似文献   

选取额济纳三角洲14口自动观测井日尺度的地下水位埋深观测值(2010.4-2011.4)作为数据基础,运用SPSS 18.0软件中的描述性分析,趋势分析和K-means聚类分析模块,对额济纳三角洲地下水位年内动态变化特征进行了分类分析。结果表明:研究区地下水位年内动态变化空间上存在着较大的差异性,其地下水位动态可分为四种波动类型。其中,类型Ⅰ主要分布在远离河道的荒漠地带,地下水位动态变化较为稳定;类型Ⅱ的观测井靠近东西河,地下水与河水不断的发生交换,多次的抬升下降是该类型地下水位动态变化的典型特征。类型Ⅲ主要分布于东河下游绿洲区,地下水位动态变化主要受人为调控的地表径流影响,地下水位剧升后缓慢下降是该波动类型的典型特征;类型Ⅳ分布在远离河道的绿洲区周边地带,其地下水位动态变化呈显著的下降趋势,地下水位缓慢下降是此波动类型的典型特征,这与地下水不断以蒸散发形式排泄,且得不到补给有关。  相似文献   

JIA Wuhui 《干旱区科学》2021,13(5):455-469
Groundwater is a vital water resource in arid and semi-arid areas. Diurnal groundwater table fluctuations are widely used to quantify rainfall recharge and groundwater evapotranspiration(ET_g). To assess groundwater resources for sustainable use, we estimated groundwater recharge and ET_g using the diurnal water table fluctuations at three sites along a section with different depths to water table(DWT) within a wetland of the Mukai Lake in the Ordos Plateau, Northwest China. The water table level was monitored at an hourly resolution using a Keller DCX-22 A data logger that measured both the total pressure and barometric pressure, so that the effect of barometric pressure could be removed. At this study site, a rapid water table response to rainfall was observed in two shallow wells(i.e., Obs1 and Obs2), at which diurnal water table fluctuations were also observed over the study period during rainless days, indicating that the main factors influencing water table variation are rainfall and ET_g. However, at the deep-water table site(Obs3), the groundwater level only reacted to the heaviest rainfalls and showed no diurnal variations. Groundwater recharge and ET_g were quantified for the entire hydrological year(June 2017–June 2018) using the water table fluctuation method and the Loheide method, respectively, with depth-dependent specific yields. The results show that the total annual groundwater recharge was approximately 207 mm, accounting for 52% of rainfall at Obs1, while groundwater recharge was approximately 250 and 21 mm at Obs2 and Obs3, accounting for 63% and 5% of rainfall, respectively. In addition, the rates of groundwater recharge were mainly determined by rainfall intensity and DWT. The daily mean ET_g at Obs1 and Obs2 over the study period was 4.3 and 2.5 mm, respectively, and the main determining factors were DWT and net radiation.  相似文献   

柑桔矢尖蚧一代幼蚧发生期数理统计预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用1977-1992年共16年的资料,从1-3月的23个气象因子中,通过相关分析逐步变量选择,筛选出5个与矢蚧一代幼蚧发生期紧密相关的预报因子。这5个因子是2月温湿系数、3月均温和相对湿度、1-3月日均温及大于10℃的天数。据此建立了预测矢蚧一代幼蚧发生期的多元回归方程、判别函数和条件频率列联表。经统计检验、对1993年的实测验证和计算历史符合率,均证明它们在理论和实践上是可行的。其中条件频率列  相似文献   

运用甘肃省天水农业气象试验站2004-2009年葡萄物候观测资料及1971-2009年的气象资料,利用Penman-Monteith(98版)公式及作物系数,对葡萄各生育阶段的需水量进行计算,建立估算水分利用程度的水分适宜度模型.结果表明:天水市葡萄生长期的水分条件比较优越,全生育期水分适宜度在0.70以上;近年来全生育期葡萄水分适宜度随时间呈下降状态;虽然全生育期水分适宜性较好,但在各生长阶段分布不均,末期生长阶段降水量大于需水量,但旺盛生长期水分供需矛盾比较突出,水分适宜度较低.在半山区建园应该优先发展灌溉等农业设施,以利于葡萄种植业的持续发展.  相似文献   

依据大安市2000—2009年的降水、蒸发、地下水开采量和地下水埋深等数据资料,首先利用主成分分析法确定了与地下水埋深相关性较大的影响因素,然后利用多变量时间序列CAR模型建立了大安市地下水埋深预测模型,并对模型进行验证,利用模型预测了地下水埋深。结果表明,农业用水量、降水量和蒸发量与地下水埋深的相关系数分别为:0.56,0.46,-0.13,三者对地下水埋深的贡献率分别为:43.09%,27.45%,21.39%,总贡献率达91.93%,是影响地下水埋深的主要因素。CAR模型预测的承压水埋深和潜水埋深与实际观测值之间的相对误差不超过5%。根据预测方案,当降水量减少10%,蒸发量增加9%,农业用水量增加11%时,承压水埋深将达到8.70 m,潜水埋深将达到4.55 m。干旱时期应适当减少农业开采量,增加地表水灌溉,减小土壤沙漠化发生的可能。  相似文献   

为明确草地贪夜蛾对小麦的产卵选择性及其是否对小麦安全生产构成威胁,本研究以玉米和小麦作为测试寄主,比较分析了草地贪夜蛾对两种作物不同部位的产卵选择性,并利用两性生命表方法研究了取食小麦、玉米对其生命参数的影响。结果表明:草地贪夜蛾更喜欢在玉米上产卵,其在玉米、小麦叶片、玉米和小麦茎秆上的产卵量存在显著差异(df=102,F=15.593,P<0.05),以玉米叶片背面卵块数量(7.11±1.55)块/笼最高;草地贪夜蛾取食小麦可以完成生活史,但幼虫存活率、化蛹率、羽化率和世代存活率低于取食玉米。取食玉米的幼虫发育历期为(16.31±0.15)d,显著高于取食小麦的(14.66±0.12)d,蛹期、蛹重、产卵前期、成虫寿命和世代周期无显著差异。取食小麦羽化出的雌虫寿命、平均单雌产卵量显著高于取食玉米,分别为(16.39±0.40)d、(976.31±57.21)粒和(14.64±0.32)d、(831.57±30.55)粒。生命表参数显示取食玉米的净增殖率为363.14,显著高于小麦的258.63,但内禀增长率、周限增长率和平均世代周期无显著差异。研究结果为草地贪夜蛾在小麦上的预测预报和有效防控提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Groundwater is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid areas. Its evapotranspiration is an important part of the water budget because many plants are groundwater-dependent. To restore the degraded ecosystems, the need is pressing to further our understanding of the groundwater evapotranspiration(ET_g) in arid and semi-arid areas. This study employed the White method to estimate ET_g at four sites in the Mu Us Sandy Land in northern China, and the four sites are covered by Salix psammophila(SP site), Artemisia ordosica(AO site), Poplar alba(PA site), and Carex enervis(CE site), respectively. The depth of groundwater table and the duration of drainage were taken into account in calculating the specific yield(S_y) to improve the accuracy of the ET_g estimats. Our results showed that from late May to early November 2013 the ET_g were 361.87(SP site), 372.53(AO site), 597.86(PA site) and 700.76 mm(CE site), respectively. The estimated ET_g rate was also species-dependent and the descending order of the ET_g rate for the four vegetation was: C. enervis, P. alba, A. ordosica, and S. psammophila. In addition, the depth of groundwater table has an obvious effect on the ET_g rate and the effect varied with the vegetation types. Furthermore, the evapotranspiration for the vegetation solely relying on the water supply from unsaturated layers above the groundwater table was much less than that for the vegetation heavily relying on the water supply from shallow aquifers.  相似文献   

G. Liotta  G. Mineo 《EPPO Bulletin》1974,4(3):385-385
Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.) which was accidentally introduced in Sicily in 1968 has since become a dangerous pest requesting special treatments in citrus groves. Experiments have been carried out on Citrus lemon to evaluate the efficacy of several organophosphorous compounds partly in mixture with white oil and this latter applied sole (cf. table 1). The results obtained against young females are set out in table 2; they show excellent results with almost all compounds whereas the same pesticides had a rather poor effect on mature females (cf. table 3).
It is concluded that the replacement of white oils by organophosphorous compounds is not justified providing that the control is directed against larvae and young females. This means that a proper timing is essential to obtain a satisfactory mortality, thus avoiding the use of detrimental broad acting pesticides.  相似文献   

ZHU Lin 《干旱区科学》2016,8(6):921-934
Lucerne(Medicago sativa L.) is a deep-rooted perennial leguminous forage with high evapo-transpiration rate exceeding the annual precipitation in semi-arid areas of Northwest China.Groundwater might be the potential water sources of lucerne in the area with shallow groundwater table.In this study,stable isotopic compositions of oxygen and hydrogen(δ18O and δD) of different water sources and xylem sap were analyzed to determine the seasonal(April,June,July and August) and topographic(three slope positions) variations in water sources for lucerne growing in Ningxia eastern semi-arid area adjacent to Mu Us Desert characterized by shallow groundwater table.Iso Source software was used to calculate the probable contribution of different water sources to the total plant water uptake.Stomatal conductance,stem water potential,carbon isotope discrimination(?~(13)C) of whole plant were also determined for evaluating the water status of lucerne growing at different slope positions.The results showed that soil water content increased as the elevation decreased.Oxygen compositions of soil water in the 0–40 cm profile fluctuated considerably.Soil water δ~(18)O values in deep profile(3.5 m) were similar to those in groundwater,implying the recharge of groundwater to this soil layer.Highest water utilization rate from deep soil profile(below 350 cm) was recorded for lucerne grown at the slope position 1(groundwater table depth of 3.5–3.9 m) in April,June and July.The lucernes at slope position 2(groundwater table depth of 5.8–6.4 m) and slope position 3(groundwater table depth 7.1–8.3 m) mostly used water from deep soil layers(below 350 cm) during dry period,and turned to use water from superficial soil layer in wet period.Higher yield,?~(13)C value of whole plant and stomatal conductance were observed for lucerne grown at the slope position 1 than those at other slope positions.These results indicated that groundwater is a significant water source for transpiration of lucerne grown in Ningxia semi-arid area with shallow groundwater table where lucerne grassland is suggested to be established so as to obtain better yield performance.  相似文献   

Groundwater is a significant component of the hydrological cycle in arid and semi-arid areas. Its evapotranspiration is an important part of the water budget because many plants are groundwater-dependent. To restore the degraded ecosystems, the need is pressing to further our understanding of the groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) in arid and semi-arid areas. This study employed the White method to estimate ETgat four sites in the Mu Us Sandy Land in northern China, and the four sites are covered by Salix psammophila(SP site), Artemisia ordosica(AO site), Poplar alba (PA site), and Carexenervis(CE site), respectively. The depth of groundwater table and the duration of drainage were taken into account in calculating the specific yield (Sy) to improve the accuracy of the ETgestimats. Our results showed that from late May to early November 2013 the ETg were 361.87 (SP site), 372.53 (AO site), 597.86 (PA site) and 700.76 mm (CE site), respectively. The estimated ETg rate was also species-dependent and the descending order of the ETg rate for the four vegetation was: C. enervis, P. alba, A. ordosica, and S. psammophila. In addition, the depth of groundwater table has an obvious effect on the ETg rate and the effect varied with the vegetation types. Furthermore, the evapotranspiration for the vegetation solely relying on the water supply from unsaturated layers above the groundwater table was much less than that for the vegetation heavily relying on the water supply from shallow aquifers.  相似文献   

L. LESCAR 《EPPO Bulletin》1981,11(3):337-346
Fungicide use is rapidly increasing on cereal crops in France: 40 % of the area (3 million ha) was treated at least once in 1980. The yield increases due to these treatments are sometimes very large (up to 1.5 or 2 tonne/ha), but are also very variable. Rational use of fungicides is therefore only possible if reliable practical methods are developed for the farmers. Research in France since 1971 has led to the development of a risk assessment table for the north of France based on the disease status of the crops and on the conditions of its cultivation. Current research seeks to improve this table by bringing climatic factors into account. Models for forecasting disease are currently being examined (Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides) and a control strategy is proposed. It is envisaged that, with the development of improved forecasting models for the major diseases, it will be possible to predict, and to account for, the effects of fungicides on yield.  相似文献   

分析了塔里木盆地南缘和田绿洲洛浦灌区地下水位较高的成因,研究了灌区地下水位年内的动态变化规律,利用小波分析的多分辨率功能和人工神经网络的非线性逼近功能,建立了基于小波变换和BP神经网络的地下水埋深动态预测小波神经网络模型。结果表明:灌区地下水位变化具有周期性、季节性的特点,并且可以被小波神经网络模型准确地模拟,模型预测洛浦灌区在未来几年内地下水位会持续上升,年平均升幅为0.1 m左右,因此当地应加强地下水的科学管理。  相似文献   

分析了银北灌区地下水位较高的成因,研究了灌区地下水位年际和年内的动态变化规律,采用主成分分析方法,确定了灌区地下水位变化的主要影响因素,并用变速率的VLBP神经网络实现了对灌区的地下水位变化的模拟.结果表明灌区地下水位变化具有周期性、季节性的特点,并且可以被VLBP神经网络模型准确地模拟.  相似文献   

As groundwater table declination is an important factor resulting in degradation of eco-environment in the Minqin Basin,China,it is significant to investigate and understand the groundwater table dynamics in this area. According to the physical and geographical conditions of the Minqin Basin,a hydrogeological conceptual model and a mathematical model were established,and the mathematical model was figured out by using Finite Element subsurface Flow system(Feflow).Accurate hydrogeological parameters were acquired,and the spatio-temporal distribution dynamics of groundwater table for 1983–2001 were also simulated.The model performed well with a correlation coefficient of 0.977 and a mean error of 0.9768 m.The inflow and outflow of the groundwater system were predicted by time series analysis,and the groundwater table dynamics for 2011 were further acquired.Generally the groundwater table in the Minqin Basin would continue to decline.The groundwater table would decline during spring and summer irrigation,while it would rise during autumn-winter irrigation.The groundwater depression cones would expand with the increase of center depths.Therefore,regulatory measures should be taken to prevent the declination of groundwater table and improve the eco-environment of this area.  相似文献   

When plant disease control chemicals are partially effective, an epidemiologic analysis of antifungal action may be needed. The life table method is advocated to this purpose. It permits a complete analysis of a monocyclic experiment, and it predicts the maximum relative growth rate of the fungal population in a polycyclic field situation. The life table method, which also determines age-dependent effects of disease control chemicals, can be adapted for use in computer simulation models of plant disease epidemics. An example of the life table method is given comparing a cultivar of wheat resistant to Puccinia recondita (the ‘treated’) with one susceptible (the ‘untreated’) to brown leaf rust of wheat (Triticum aestivum).  相似文献   

不同食物对西花蓟马生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]比较玫瑰花粉、茶花花粉、油菜花粉、10%蔗糖溶液4种不同食物对西花蓟马生长发育的影响,为室内实验种群生命表的建立和种群生态学研究提供更为可靠的实验方法和数据.[方法]采用花粉-生物膜饲养法测定4种不同食物饲喂条件下西花蓟马生长发育和繁殖的参数.[结果]添加花粉能显著增加西花蓟马的产卵量,玫瑰花粉+10%蔗糖溶液饲养下的西花蓟马的平均产卵量最高(114.32粒),而10%蔗糖溶液饲养下的平均产卵量最低(55.21粒).在发育历期上,4种食物饲养的西花蓟马除若虫期有差异外(F=24.01,p=0.012),其余虫态均无显著差异.[结论]采用饲养效果最好的玫瑰花粉+10%蔗糖溶液连续饲养西花蓟马3个世代,编制实验种群生命表,其生命表参数为:平均世代历期(T)22.202 7~23.295 3 d;净生殖率(R0)59.0025~64.5397;内禀增长率(rm)0.177 7~0.183 7.  相似文献   

Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) is a spiny, perennial herb. The species grows in the salinized, arid regions in North China. This study investigated the response characteristics of the root growth and the distribution of one-year-old A. sparsifolia seedlings to different groundwater depths in controlled plots. The ecological adaptability of the root systems of A. sparsifolia seedlings was examined using the artificial digging method. Results showed that: (1) A. sparsifolia seedlings adapted to an increase in groundwater depth mainly through increasing the penetration depth and growth rate of vertical roots. The vertical roots grew rapidly when soil moisture content reached 3%-9%, but slowly when soil moisture content was 13%-20%. The vertical roots stopped growing when soil moisture content reached 30% (the critical soil moisture point). (2) The morphological plasticity of roots is an important strategy used by A. sparsifolia seedlings to obtain water and adapt to dry soil conditions. When the groundwater table was shallow, horizontal roots quickly expanded and tillering increased in order to compete for light resources, whereas when the groundwater table was deeper, vertical roots developed quickly to exploit space in the deeper soil layers. (3) The decrease in groundwater depth was probably responsible for the root distribution in the shallow soil layers. Root biomass and surface area both decreased with soil depth. One strategy of A. sparsifolia seedlings in dealing with the increase in groundwater depth is to increase root biomass in the deep soil layers. The relationship between the root growth/distribution of A. sparsifolia and the depth of groundwater table can be used as guidance for harvesting A. sparsifolia biomass and managing water resources for forage grasses. It is also of ecological significance as it reveals how desert plants adapt to arid environments.  相似文献   

The development, reproduction and life table parameters of the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on four ornamental plants (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., H. syriacus L. (Malvaceae), Brugmansia aurea Lagerh., Cestrum nocturnum L. (Solanaceae)) were studied at 25 ± 2 °C, 60% ± 10% r.h., and 16 hours daily artificial light. Life table data were analyzed by using an age-stage, two-sex life table. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (0.2911 d-1), finite rate of increase (1.3380 d-1), net reproductive rate (258.0 nymphs/female) and gross reproduction rate (342.6 nymphs/female), as well as the shortest mean generation times (19.1 days) were obtained when the mealybug was reared on H. syriacus.  相似文献   

为探究不同寄主对菜豆象发育和繁殖的影响,本文选用7种豆类饲喂菜豆象,观察发育历期、存活率和繁殖力等。结果表明菜豆象在7种豆类上均能产卵,但不同豆类上卵孵化率存在差异。其中菜豆上卵孵化率最高为65.65%,红豆上最低为59.56%。幼虫仅在白芸豆、菜豆、饭豆、红豆和绿豆上蛀入危害,以菜豆上菜豆象的世代存活率最高为61.22%,绿豆上最低为46.15%。菜豆上菜豆象全世代发育历期最短为45.83 d,单雌产卵量较大为52.90粒,净增殖率值和内禀增长率值均较大分别为45.84和0.08,各生殖力生命表参数比较结果显示菜豆生殖力生命表参数优于绿豆和红豆,白芸豆和饭豆与其相类似。说明菜豆象在这3种豆类上发育较快,繁殖力较强,存活率较高。菜豆象在黄豆和黑豆上并未见其完成生活史,初步推断在这2种豆类上菜豆象无法正常发育生存。  相似文献   

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