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Objective To evaluate organoleptic postmortem inspection techniques for bovine livers and kidneys.
Study design At Australian export abattoirs, bovine liver and kidneys are assessed and graded by qualified meat inspectors during normal operations. Over a 12-month period at a large abattoir in eastern Australia during 1997 and 1998, a sample of these organs was reassessed independently using a range of pathological and microbiological methods. Agreement between routine inspection and independent assessment was evaluated using methods of inter-rater agreement.
Results A total of 944 livers and 1374 kidneys were included in the study. All of these organs had been classified during routine inspection. The authors examined 363 livers and 329 kidneys both grossly and histologically, including 36 livers and 14 kidneys that were also subjected to microbiological examination. All other organs were only examined grossly. There was only a moderate level of agreement between the routine and independent assessment methods. For livers, the percentage agreement was 80.2%, McNemar's test of symmetry 55.2 (3 degrees of freedom, P < 0.001) and kappa 0.63. For kidneys, the percentage agreement was 67.8%, McNemar's test of symmetry 9.9 (1df, P = 0.002) and kappa 0.35.
Conclusions The results reinforce concerns from a number of authors about organoleptic postmortem inspection. Risk assessment methodologies offer the opportunity to modify inspection techniques in a manner that is most relevant to current public health concerns.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate organoleptic postmortem inspection techniques for bovine livers and kidneys. STUDY DESIGN: At Australian export abattoirs, bovine liver and kidneys are assessed and graded by qualified meat inspectors during normal operations. Over a 12-month period at a large abattoir in eastern Australia during 1997 and 1998, a sample of these organs was reassessed independently using a range of pathological and microbiological methods. Agreement between routine inspection and independent assessment was evaluated using methods of inter-rater agreement. RESULTS: A total of 944 livers and 1374 kidneys were included in the study. All of these organs had been classified during routine inspection. The authors examined 363 livers and 329 kidneys both grossly and histologically, including 36 livers and 14 kidneys that were also subjected to microbiological examination. All other organs were only examined grossly. There was only a moderate level of agreement between the routine and independent assessment methods. For livers, the percentage agreement was 80.2%, McNemar's test of symmetry 55.2 (3 degrees of freedom, P < 0.001) and kappa 0.63. For kidneys, the percentage agreement was 67.8%, McNemar's test of symmetry 9.9 (1 df, P = 0.002) and kappa 0.35. CONCLUSIONS: The results reinforce concerns from a number of authors about organoleptic postmortem inspection. Risk assessment methodologies offer the opportunity to modify inspection techniques in a manner that is most relevant to current public health concerns.  相似文献   

A study to determine the presence and prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in slaughter cattle in Kenya was carried out in two abattoirs from July to November 2009. Routine postmortem meat inspection was performed on a subpopulation of 929 cattle selected randomly from among 4,984. Carcases were inspected for gross tuberculous lesions which were then examined for acid-fast bacilli, (AFB), cultured for isolation of mycobacteria and the isolates characterised by DNA molecular analysis. Of the carcases examined, 176 (18.95?%, 95?% CI) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis. AFB were observed in 63/176 of the lesioned cattle and mycobacteria were isolated from 64 of them. The isolates were identified as Mycobacterium bovis (19/64), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, (2/64) and mycobacteria other than tuberculosis (43/64). The prevalence of M. bovis by molecular analysis was 2.05?% (95?% CI). This study documents for the first time the presence of bovine tuberculosis among slaughter cattle in Kenya. There is therefore a need to formulate and implement control programmes in order to minimise transmission among animals and to humans. Isolation of M. tuberculosis from cattle underscores the risk tuberculous humans pose to animals.  相似文献   

A systematic quantification of foodborne hazards in abnormal and normal tissues of pig carcases was undertaken to provide a risk-based assessment of the effectiveness of traditional organoleptic meat inspection. A total of 36,059 pigs, representing all major pig-producing areas and systems in Australia, were inspected on a seasonal basis at three abattoirs over 12 months. The prevalence of grossly detectable abnormalities of possible food-borne disease significance was recorded. A subset of the grossly detectable abnormalities, together with tissues classified by inspection as normal (controls) were submitted for the detection of a broad range of food-borne hazards. The potential exposure of consumers to hazards in fresh pork was characterised as the number of carcases per 10,000 containing hazards in selected tissues. The results indicated that the level of exposure of consumers to microbiological hazards in fresh pork is unlikely to be reduced significantly by the detection and removal of gross abnormalities in the tissues examined. On the basis of carcase throughput, the rate of contamination of normal lymph nodes was commonly 100 times higher, and no hazards were isolated from two types of grossly abnormal nodes. While further processing, cooking and handling may alter the exposure characterisation, the study nevertheless identifies the proportional contribution of abnormal and normal tissues to risks to consumers and clearly identifies the need for consideration of 'visual only' inspection in the re-evaluation of traditional inspection procedures.  相似文献   

Skin snips and blood taken from 372 randomly selected slaughtered cattle in Zaria, Nigeria were examined for microfilariae. A total of 293 (78.8%) skin snips and 218 (58.6%) blood samples were positive for microfilariae. Two types of microfilariae, identified as Onchocerca armillata, with a percentage prevalence of 64%, and O. gutturosa with a prevalence of 40% were isolated from the skin. The blood microfilariae were identified as those of Setaria labiatopapillosa.  相似文献   

[目的]为达到迅速准确诊断牛结核病的目的,[方法]用2年时间对我国最常用的牛结核病检测方法进行了对比研究.[结果]试验结果表明,国标皮内变态反应试验(PPD)与皮内变态反应比较试验(SICTT)有较高符合率;国标皮内变态反应试验(PPD)阳性敏感性高于皮内变态反应比较试验(SICTT);皮内变态反应比较试验(SICTT...  相似文献   

Panels of sera from African buffalo with confirmed bovine tuberculosis and from known uninfected controls were used to evaluate the performance of two commercial rapid chromatographic immunoassays (A and B) for the detection of antibodies to Mycobacterium bovis. The sensitivity was 33% and 23%, respectively, while the specificity was determined at 90% and 94%, respectively. Overall the performance of both diagnostic tests under field conditions was not found sufficiently high to support their use in bovine tuberculosis management and control strategies in South African game reserves.  相似文献   

An in vitro cellular assay for bovine tuberculosis has recently been developed. This assay detects gamma-interferon released in response to specific antigen in a whole blood culture system. The bio-assay previously described for the detection of bovine gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma) has now been replaced with a sandwich enzyme immunoassay (EIA) which utilises two monoclonal antibodies to bovine IFN-gamma. The EIA detects less than 25pg/ml of recombinant bovine IFN-gamma and is specific for biologically active bovine IFN-gamma; and does not detect bovine alpha or beta interferon. IFN-gamma from sheep, goat and buffalo, but not from pig, deer or man, are also recognised by the EIA. The bovine IFN-gamma EIA when used in conjunction with the whole blood culture system has resulted in a simple, rapid and sensitive in vitro assay for specific cell mediated immune responsiveness to M. bovis infection in cattle.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is an important livestock disease, seriously impacting cattle industries in both industrialised and pre-industrialised countries. Like TB in other mammals, infection is life long and, if undiagnosed, may progress to disease years after exposure. The risk of disease in humans is highly age-dependent, however in cattle, age-dependent risks have yet to be quantified, largely due to insufficient data and limited diagnostics. Here, we estimate age-specific reactor rates in Great Britain by combining herd-level testing data with spatial movement data from the Cattle Tracing System (CTS). Using a catalytic model, we find strong age dependencies in infection risk and that the probability of detecting infection increases with age. Between 2004 and 2009, infection incidence in cattle fluctuated around 1%. Age-specific incidence increased monotonically until 24–36 months, with cattle aged between 12 and 36 months experiencing the highest rates of infection. Beef and dairy cattle under 24 months experienced similar infection risks, however major differences occurred in older ages. The average reproductive number in cattle was greater than 1 for the years 2004–2009. These methods reveal a consistent pattern of BTB rates with age, across different population structures and testing patterns. The results provide practical insights into BTB epidemiology and control, suggesting that targeting a mass control programme at cattle between 12 and 36 months could be beneficial.  相似文献   

In 1998, a survey was conducted by postal questionnaire to gather basic knowledge about the management, health and productivity of captive deer in Switzerland. In addition, lymph nodes were collected from slaughtered deer from 124 of the 262 holdings surveyed, and tested for Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The total farmed deer population was 8389 animals kept on 485 holdings; 87 per cent were fallow deer, 8 per cent red deer, 4 per cent sika deer, and there were small numbers of other species. The median herd sizes were 12 for fallow deer and eight for red deer. Few owners had handling facilities or crushes. In none of the lymph nodes examined were lesions typical of bovine tuberculosis observed, and neither M bovis nor M tuberculosis was cultivated from any of the samples.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the abattoir inspection procedure introduced for Australian export beef in 1976 was compared to a detailed necropsy procedure for the detection of tuberculous lesions in cattle. In a sample of cattle that were reactors to the tuberculin test, abattoir inspection failed to detect an estimated 47% of cattle with lesions. The detailed necropsy examination of cattle with lesions of tuberculosis identified 21 sites of infection compared with 13 to 18 in cattle examined by routine meat inspection procedures. Of the lesions detected during detailed necropsy, 15.9% did not involve the thoracic cavity or the medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes. The failure to detect lesions during abattoir inspection has its greatest significance in an animal with a single lesion. If the 245 cattle found with single lesions during detailed necropsy had been examined by abattoir inspection using the 1976 or the 1986 procedures, 0.8 and 8.9%, respectively, of these animals would not have been detected because the diseased tissues would not have been examined. If meat inspection is to provide an effective means of monitoring the level of bovine tuberculosis during the final stages of eradication, a procedure no less sensitive than that introduced in 1976 should be used.  相似文献   

Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is the etiological agent of enzootic bovine leukosis, the most common neoplastic disease of cattle worldwide and a serious problem for the cattle industry. Previous studies have shown the molecular prevalence of BLV and the coexistence of BLV genotype-1 and -4 in Egyptian dairy cattle; however, the molecular characteristics of BLV in Egyptian beef cattle are unknown. Therefore, we collected blood samples of 168 beef cattle from slaughterhouses in three governorates in Egypt. Based on BLV-CoCoMo-qPCR-2 targeting long terminal repeats and nested PCR targeting the env-gp51 gene, the BLV provirus infection rates were found to be 47/168 (28.0%) and 42/168 (25.0%), respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on 501 bp of the BLV env-gp51 gene from 42 BLV isolates revealed that at least six distinctive strains (b, e, f, g, x, and z) were prevalent in cattle across the examined regions. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis of the 420 bp sequence of the BLV env-gp51 region of the six strains against 11 known genotypes showed that the strains b, e, f, and g were clustered into genotype-1, and strains x and z were clustered into genotype-4. Our results also indicated that strains b and x exist in both dairy and beef cattle in Egypt. The present study is the first to detect and genotype BLV among beef cattle in Egypt.  相似文献   

牛副结核胶体金免疫层析试纸条的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将提纯的牛副结核分支杆菌重组蛋白MAP0862-2154c作为硝酸纤维素膜检测线的包被抗原,兔抗羊IgG作为硝酸纤维素膜质控线的包被抗体,金标羊抗牛IgG点喷到玻璃纤维素膜上,制成用于检测牛副结核抗体胶体金免疫层析试纸条。用牛的副结核标准阳性血清与检测试纸条反应,在检测线处出现红色反应带,而滴加阴性血清的试纸条检测线处未出现反应条带,上述2种血清在质控线处均出现红色反应条带;试纸条可检出牛副结核抗体的最低抗原包被浓度为400μg/mL;试纸条不与牛结核病、牛布鲁氏菌病的阳性血清发生反应;试纸条37℃保存9d后的检验结果与4℃保存的检验结果相同。所制备的试纸条具有灵敏、特异的优点,稳定性良好;10min左右即出结果,操作简便,可用于临床诊断。  相似文献   

A study aimed at describing the magnitude and distribution of gross lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in Ethiiopian slaughter cattle in five abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in various cattle husbandry systems in Ethiopia was carried out from July 2006 to January 2007 using detailed meat inspection procedure. Five representative abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in distinct livestock management systems were selected. A total of 3322 cattle; 2876 (86.6%) male, 446 (13.4%) female; 3094 (93.1%) indigenous zebu, 140 (4.2%) crossbred and 88 (2.7%) pure exotic cattle were included in the study. A nine-year meat inspection record was also analyzed to elucidate the trend of BTB in the local cattle population.Of the carcasses inspected, 337 (10.2%, 95%CI= [9.2–11.2]) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, 69 (20.5%) generalized and 268 (79.5%) localized.TB prevalence showed a marked variation between categories of age, breed, class of animals, abattoir, geographic origin and husbandry system. It was higher in old and young animals than middle age group; in exotic than local breed; in calves than other classes of animals. The highest and lowest prevalence of TB was recorded in Adama (24.7%, 95%CI= [21.1–28.7]) and Yabello abattoirs (4.2%, 95%CI= [2.6–6.6]), respectively. Cattle whose origin was from Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas had higher prevalence of TB infection (23.9%, 95%CI= [17.6–31.5]).Cattle maintained in dairy farms had high degree of exposure (23.9%, 95%CI= [16.7–32.9]) to the infection than those maintained in other types of management system. Analysis of meat inspection records also revealed an increasing incidence of TB over the years. Our study demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Ethiopian slaughter cattle and this could infer to similar scenario in a reference cattle population in the country. In view of Ethiopia’s increasing involvement in livestock export trade, the reported high prevalence of tuberculosis could be a major obstacle, particularly at this moment when sanitary requirements from importing countries are so much strict. Furthermore, the growing concern over increasing incidence of tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS co-infection, the high incidence of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis and a high risk of acquiring zoonotic tuberculosis among the majority of the population emphasize the need for paying the necessary attention towards the control of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The incidence of blood parasites in trade cattle was surveyed with emphasis on tick-borne parasites, using blood smears and immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) techniques. With the blood smear method, about 9 and 8.9% of cattle examined were found positive for Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale, respectively. Percentage infections with other parasites were 3.33, 1.92, 0.75, 0.75 and 0.58, respectively, for Babesia bovis, Trypanosoma brucei, Anaplasma centrale, Eperythrozoon and Theileria species as well as Trypanosoma congolense. The incidence of A. marginale infection was at its peak during the rainy season while B. bigemina was most prevalent during the dry season. There were mixed infections of Anaplasma and Babesia (1.42%); Babesia and trypanosomes (1.00%); Babesia and Eperythrozoon (0.75%) and Babesia and Theileria (0.75%). Using the indirect fluorescent antibody test, 93, 55 and 68% of cattle sera examined were found to be positive for B. bigemina, B. bovis and A. marginale, respectively. Forty-nine percent of the positive sera of B. bigemina had highest titres. The importance of using serological means for determining the endemic levels of tick-borne diseases in cattle in Nigeria is discussed.  相似文献   

Clinical signs associated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) were studied in 1008 casualty slaughter cattle over 30 months of age to compare the results with the BSE status as determined by postmortem tests. The clinical BSE status was assessed using seven different criteria based on various publications. Only one (0.10%) out of 997 casualty slaughter cattle with a matching postmortem test result was positive for BSE. The BSE case was identified by only two case definitions tailored specifically to recumbent cases. The variety and often equivocal definition of clinical signs associated with BSE is reflected by the difference in the criteria that usually identified different animals as BSE suspects. The BSE status may be more difficult to assess in recumbent animals that do not allow a full clinical examination, and BSE may not be suspected if another disease is present that may mask signs of BSE.  相似文献   

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