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After the independence of Central Asian countries, many international projects have been launched to promote water users’ inclusion into the water management at different levels. The aim of such projects is to achieve sustainable water management through inclusion of interests of different groups on day-to-day water management. Although IWRM in Central Asia has been already promoted for a decade, there are only a few examples of the implementation in real life situations.The Integrated Water Resources Management in Ferghana Valley (IWRM FV) is a pilot project on implementing integrated water resources management elements at the main canal levels and below. The experience gained from IWRM FV project and lessons learnt could be useful for the national and international organizations for their future work on IWRM implementation at the different regions of Central Asia.IWRM FV project has been active since 2001 in the Ferghana Valley, one of the largest irrigated areas of Central Asia. The project has promoted and implemented participatory irrigation management for three pilot canals. This paper presents the process of implementation and some preliminary outcomes of the IWRM VF project.  相似文献   

激光精细平地对畦田灌水质量的影响及节水效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在田间试验基础上,利用WinSRFR3.1模型模拟方法,开展了激光精细平地技术对内蒙古河套灌区畦田秋浇灌水质量影响和节水效果研究。结果表明,实施激光精细平地后,土地平整度达1.85cm,绝对改善程度为2.28cm,相对改善程度为55.2%,土地平整状况可得到大幅度改善。激光精细平地技术可使河套灌区秋浇灌水效率提高9.4%,灌水均匀度提高8.1%,深层渗漏减少17mm,节约水量9.7%,灌水质量提高明显,节水效果显著。  相似文献   

A linear programming model was developed to assess the impact of different water prices on cultivated areas, irrigation water demand, net income and optimal cropping pattern in the Northern Jordan Valley (NJV). The results reveal that the price for irrigation water does not reflect any elasticity in the range of water prices between 0.01 and 0.06 JD/M3 indicating constant real economic water price of 0.06 JD/M3. The change in cultivated areas as well as water demand (reduction) starts at water price 0.07 JD/M3. The expected reductions under optimal cropping patterns are 5%, 24%, and 60% for cultivated area and 4.7%, 18.9%, and 31% for water demand with water prices at 0.07, 0.1, and 0.16 JD/M3, respectively. Significant reductions in net incomes are resulted with increasing water prices over current average water price of 0.025 JD/M3. The expected reductions in net incomes are 33.6%, 53.8%, and 81.4% at water prices 0.07, 0.1, and 0.16 JD/M3, respectively. This result reflects the low land profitability as a result of low land productivity and/or low farm gate sale prices for most crops grown in NJV. The study also shows the inconsistency in quantity of water supplied and water demanded, leading to unbalanced water budget on monthly level and inconsequence, a noticeable waste in the quantity of available water during winter months, although there is a net surplus of water over the year. While the findings of this research reveal that a water price in the range of 0.07?C0.1 JD/M3 does not significantly influence the farmers' socio-economic parameters in the NJV, it may help reach the stated goal of saving water especially when monthly distributions of irrigation water are based on real crops water demands and actual cropping patterns.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal patterns of water depletion in the irrigated land of Khorezm, a region located in Central Asia in the lower floodplains of the Amu Darya River, were mapped and monitored by means of MODIS land products. Land cover and land use were classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with 250 m MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series. Seasonal actual evapotranspiration (ETact) was obtained by applying the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) to 1 km daily MODIS data. Elements of the SEBAL based METRIC model (Mapping Evapotranspiration at high Resolution and with Internalized Calibration) were adopted and modified. The upstream–downstream difference in irrigation was reflected by analyzing agricultural land use and amounts of depleted water (ETact) using Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The validity of the MODIS albedo and emissivity used for modeling ETact was assessed with data extracted from literature. The r 2 value of 0.6 indicated a moderate but significant association between ETact and class-A-pan evaporation. Deviations of ETact from the 10-day reference evapotranspiration of wheat and cotton were found to be explainable. In Khorezm, seasonal maximum values superior to 1,200 and 1,000 mm ETact were estimated for rice and cotton fields, respectively. Spatio-temporal comparisons of agricultural land use with seasonal ETact disclosed unequal water consumption in Khorezm. Seasonal ETact on agricultural land decreased with increasing distance to the water intake points of the irrigation system (972–712 mm). Free MODIS data provided reliable, exhaustive, and consistent information on water use relevant for decision support in Central Asian water management.  相似文献   

Accurate quantification of the rate of groundwater (GW) recharge, a pre-requisite for the sustainable management of GW resources, needs to capture complex processes, such as the upward flow of water under shallow GW conditions, which are often disregarded when estimating recharge at a larger scale. This paper provides (1) a method to determine GW recharge at the field level, (2) a consequent procedure for up-scaling these findings from field to irrigation scheme level and (3) an assessment of the impacts of improved irrigation efficiency on the rate of GW recharge. The study is based on field data from the 2007 growing season in a Water Users Association (WUA Shomakhulum) in Khorezm district of Uzbekistan, Central Asia, an arid region that is characterized by a predominance of cotton, wheat and rice under irrigation. Previous qualitative studies in the region reported irrigation water supplies far above the crop water requirements, which cause GW recharge. A field water balance model was adapted to the local irrigation scheme; recharge was considered to be a fraction of the irrigation water losses, determined as the difference between net and gross irrigation requirements. Capillary rise contribution from shallow GW levels was determined with the HYDRUS-1D model. Six hydrological response units (HRUs) were created based on GW levels and soil texture using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Recharge calculated at the field level was up-scaled first to these HRUs and then to the whole WUA. To quantify the impact of improved irrigation efficiency on recharge rates, four improved irrigation efficiency scenarios were developed. The area under cotton had the second highest recharge (895 mm) in the peak irrigation period, after rice with 2,514 mm. But with a low area share of rice in the WUA of <1 %, rice impacted the total recharge only marginally. Due to the higher recharge rates of cotton, which is grown on about 40 % of the cropped area, HRUs with a higher share of cotton showed higher recharge (9.6 mm day?1 during August) than those with a lower share of cotton (4.4 mm day?1). The high recharge rates in the cotton fields were caused by its water requirements and the special treatment given to this crop by water management planners due to its strategic importance in the country. The scenario simulations showed that seasonal recharge under improved irrigation efficiency could potentially be reduced from 4 mm day?1 (business-as-usual scenario) to 1.4 mm day?1 (scenario with maximum achievable efficiency). The combination of field-level modeling/monitoring and GIS approaches improved recharge estimates because spatial variability was accounted for, which can assist water managers to assess the impact of improved irrigation efficiencies on groundwater recharge. This impact assessment enables managers to identify options for a recharge policy, which is an important component of integrated management of surface and groundwater resources.  相似文献   

影响水平畦田灌溉质量的灌水技术要素分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在开展激光控制土地精细平整技术应用的基础上 ,根据田间畦灌试验资料 ,对影响水平畦田灌溉质量的灌水技术要素进行分析和评价 ,给出适宜于水平畦田灌溉方法应用的田间技术参数组合方式。结果表明 ,在较佳的田间微地形条件下 ,通过选择合理的地面纵坡和畦田规格 ,采用适宜的入畦流量并加强田间灌溉管理 ,可达到改进和提高水平畦田灌溉系统性能的目的  相似文献   

激光控制平地技术是世界上最先进的土地精平技术。该系统以激光平面代替人工视觉,作为平地作业的参考基准面,以自动反馈控制技术代替人工操作,控制平地铲的升降,能够实现更高的平地精度。为此,介绍了激光平地系统的基本原理,开发了用于激光控制平地系统的激光发射器、激光接收器和激光控制器。  相似文献   

在激光平地作业过程中,一般先由人工操作水准仪获取田块定点高程,然后通过计算平均值以作为激光平地的基准高度。显然该作业方法耗时费工,工作效率较低。为此,设计了一套车载式智能测量系统,拖拉机带动激光接收器沿着指定的路线行驶,系统即可自动完成对定点高度的采集、存储以及实时显示。  相似文献   

This paper identifies the economic and physical benefits attributable to precision land leveling. While the work is specific to Pakistan the implications are relevant for other arid areas of the world where irrigation is practiced.Two sets of fields were selected, one set that had been precision leveled and another set that had been leveled using traditional techniques. These fields were resurveyed and then the farmers were interviewed every month during the winter crop season. Cutting samples were taken on all the fields during harvest. The average yield of the precision leveled fields was 2274.7 kg/ha and the yield for traditional leveled was 1681.1 kg/ha. This difference is significant at the 0.001 level. In addition the mean time to irrigate a hectare field was 2.79 h for precision leveled and 5.24 h for traditional leveled. Again this is significantly different at the 0.001 level. The change yield attributable solely to precision land leveling was calculated by regression analysis at 246.1 kg/ha per 3 cm change in max—min range. The remaining difference in yields was attributable to increased use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on the precision leveled fields over the traditional leveled fields.The economic analysis of precision and leveling, assuming a life of 10 years, is positive but not above the two or three to one return that is usually required to persuade subsistent farmers to invest in a new technology. However, the precision land leveling acts as a catalyst and increases the efficiency of the other associated inputs and hence is a more valuable investment than is indicated by simple economic analysis.  相似文献   

在详细分析JGP-2500型激光平地机平地原理及其平地机组自动控制原理的基础上,以常规平地方法为对照,测试验证其平地效果。测试结果表明,该机的土地平整精度高,能显著改善耕地的平整状况。  相似文献   

激光平地机液压控制装置的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在对目前国内外常用平地机液压控制系统工作特性进行分析的基础上,根据我国常用中等功率拖拉机液压系统的类型、特性及性能参数,设计了结构简单、新颖,安装简捷方便的激光平地机液压控制阀及控制装置。试验结果表明,该液压控制装置具有良好的静、动态特性,且传动效率高、能量损耗低、工作平稳、无静沉降。  相似文献   

Capillary rise represents an often neglected fraction of the water budget that contributes to crop water demand in situations of shallow groundwater levels. Such a situation is typical in irrigated areas of Central Asia where water from capillary rise is exploited by farmers to meet production targets in Uzbekistan under uncertain water supply. This leads to higher water inputs than needed and creates a vicious cycle of salinization that ultimately degrades the agricultural land. In this study, capillary rise is quantified at different spatial scales in the Shomakhulum Water Users Association (WUA), situated in the southwest of Khorezm, Uzbekistan. The mathematical model HYDRUS-1D was used to compute the capillary rise at field level for three major crops (cotton, wheat and vegetables) on six different hydrological response units (HRUs). These six HRUs having homogenous groundwater levels (1–2 m beneath the soil surface) and soil texture were created using GIS and remote-sensing techniques. Capillary rise from these HRU was then up-scaled to WUA level using a simple aggregation approach. The groundwater levels simulated by FEFLOW-3D model for these HRUs in a parallel study under four improved irrigation efficiency scenarios (S-A: current irrigation efficiency or business-as-usual, S-B: improved conveyance efficiency, S-C: increased application efficiency and S-D: improved conveyance and application efficiency) were then introduced into HYDRUS-1D to quantify the impact of improved efficiencies on the capillary rise contribution. Results show that the HRUs with shallow groundwater-silt loam (S-SL), medium groundwater-silt loam (M-SL) and deep groundwater-silty clay loam (D-SCL) have capillary rise contribution of 28, 23 and 16 % of the cotton water requirements, 12, 5 and 0 % of the vegetable water requirements and 9, 6 and 0 % for the wheat water requirements, respectively. Results of the scenarios for the whole WUA show that the maximum capillary rise contribution (19 %) to the average of all crops in the WUA was for the S-A scenario, which reduced to 17, 11 and 9 % for S-B, S-C and S-D, respectively. Therefore, it is recommended that before any surface water intervention or drainage re-design, water managers should be informed about the impacts on groundwater hydrology and hence should adopt appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

采用TOPSIS模型,对不同规格的样本田块以内蒙古河套灌区2种常见的平地方式(激光平地和传统方式平地)进行综合评价.首先,在2011—2013年间进行样本的选取及数据的收集工作,并确定评价指标;其次,对各评价指标进行试验及计算,构建评价指标体系;然后,采用TOPSIS模型对评价指标体系进行综合评价;最终得到适用于各样本条件下的优选方案,并结合内蒙古河套灌区实情进行分析.结果表明,田块规格在1 100 m^2以下时,宜选用传统方式进行田块土地平整;田块规格在2 000 m^2以上时激光平地的效果要远优于传统方式;当田块规格在1 100-2 000 m^2时,2种平地方式差异并不大.不过,综合分析激光控制平地更优于传统平地.目前,内蒙古河套灌区多以畦灌为主,田块面积较小,一般为1 000-1 330 m^2,局部地区在670 m^2以下,这既限制了当地大面积推广激光控制平地技术,又限制了当地农业经济的发展.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to present a methodology to analyse the main factors that influence annual water application costs in centre pivot irrigation systems and to determine the most cost-effective centre pivot design, given the variables of machine length, lateral pipe diameter, sprinkler type (LEPA and fixed and rotating spray plate sprinklers (FSPS and RSPS)), system capacity, application efficiency, and water and energy costs for the irrigation of crops such as maize under conditions in Spain. Annual water application costs were calculated as the sum of the investment (Ca), energy (Ce), water (Cw), and equipment maintenance costs (Cm). Parameters used to assess the influences on pivot design were system capacity S c = 1.25 L s?1 ha?1; application efficiency Ea = 80% for FSPS, Ea = 85% for RSPS, and Ea = 90% for LEPA; water price P w = 0.06 € m?3 (0.081 US dollars); energy price Ene = 0.10 € kWh?1 (0.135 US dollars); net annual crop irrigation water requirement N n = 7,000 m3 ha?1 year?1; and net daily peak crop water requirement N nmax = 7.63 mm d?1 for maize. Results indicate that for plots smaller than 30 ha, the recommended pipeline diameter is 127.0 mm (5 in); for 30–40 ha, 168.3 mm (6 5/8 in); for 40–75 ha, 219.1 mm (8 5/8 in); and for 75–100 ha, 254.0 mm (10 in). A multidiameter pipe solution only slightly reduced water application costs in most cases studied. It was also determined that water costs and irrigation efficiency have a major influence on the total annual cost of water application; however, system capacity and energy price did not strongly affect total cost. For this reason, water application uniformity is very important and can be accomplished using a proper nozzle package and regular maintenance. The paper helps farmers determine the most cost-effective centre pivot design and management.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the implementation of four selected IWRM principles in four very different river basins in Europe and Asia. The four principles relate to all the different aspects of sustainable development—environmental, social, economic and institutional—as well as the factor that is particularly crucial in many countries of the South: implementation capacity. The paper is based on the work performed in the EC-funded STRIVER project, “Strategy and methodology for improved IWRM—An integrated interdisciplinary assessment in four twinning river basins”. The four basins—Tungabhadra and Sesan (in Asia), and Tagus and Glomma (in Europe) exemplify very different problems and challenges with regard to IWRM: different levels of socio-economic development and very varying problems with regard to water quality and availability. The paper shows that the implementation of IWRM is at a fairly early stage in all the four STRIVER basins; and that successful implementation of water resources is dependent not only on the existence of relevant policies, but also the degree to which laws and policies are in fact implemented.  相似文献   

董康  孟志军  高华  梁勇  武广伟  付卫强 《农机化研究》2012,34(6):134-137,152
基于田间试验数据,从高程标准差、测点高差分布和农田表面三维地形图等3个角度对1PJ-2500型激光精平机的平地作业精度进行分析评价。研究结果表明:在土地平整中,使用1PJ-2500型激光精平机可以获得高精度的土地平整效果,精平之后的平均田块高程标准差降低到1.54cm,田块表面96.77%的测点主要分布在ED<3 cm的区间内,农田表面平整度和测点高程分布均有大幅改善。  相似文献   

机载式农田三维地形测量系统设计与试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种机载式农田三维地形测量系统.该系统主要由激光测量接收器、GPS接收机、控制器和液压系统等组成,除了可以进行地形测量外,系统还可以实现激光平地作业.其测量原理是利用测量接收器获取测量点的高程信息,利用GPS接收机获取测量点的平面位置信息,将两者在控制器中进行数据融合,从而得到测量点的三维地形信息.在田间试验条件下,对机载式农田三维地形测量系统进行了不同行进速度下的试验研究,并与采用定点测量方法获取的数据进行了比较.试验结果表明,该系统在低速行驶条件下与定点测量方法具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

In 1998, the European Commission (EC) published Guidelines for Water Resource Development Cooperation entitled “Towards Sustainable Water Resources Management: A Strategic Approach”. The Strategic Approach was a major contribution to translating the international consensus on integrated water resources management (IWRM) into development cooperation activities. The approach and guidance were intended for use by decision-makers in government, the private sector, civil society, and international organisations of all kinds involved in water resources management. At the time, the guidance contained in the Strategic Approach was at the forefront of current thinking and provided a practical means of putting IWRM theory into practice. But since its inception new perspectives and priorities have emerged which need to be considered within the Strategic Approach and guidance given. This paper reviews the Strategic Approach against the IWRM trends and needs that have subsequently developed, and identifies how the approach could be amended to respond to these emerging needs.  相似文献   

The word ‘integrated’ is prone to different interpretations in relation to various disciplines and sectors. When approaching operational water management, one would dream that integration would encompass effective links between scientific disciplines and technical features, with a good knowledge of interactions among different environmental compartments (land/water, terrestrial/coastal, surface/groundwater etc.), of pollution pathways, of various pressures and impacts (including from climate change) etc. The world of management effectively involves many different actors, representing different economic sectors (e.g. agriculture, industry), the civil society, stakeholder organisations, including the representation of citizens, and it is often (wrongly) thought that any kind of decision-making is carried out in an agreed and harmonious way. The theory is at least paved through IWRM principles as they are conceived within the framework of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD), so we might say that we have actually no choice but to make it work!! But what is the reality in practice? The difficulty is to consider mandatory policy obligations on the one side, technical feasibility and scientific knowledge on the other side, and reflect whether and how these can be properly interfaced. This has been the subject of dynamic discussions within the past 6 years in the framework of EU-funded research projects aiming to support policy WFD developments and implementation. One of the key conclusions of these discussions among scientists, policy-makers and stakeholders underlined the need to develop a conceptual framework for a science-policy interface related to water, which would enable to gather various initiatives and knowledge. This paper discusses on-going developments in this field with an European perspective.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to evaluate the effect of deficit irrigation under different soil management practices on biomass production, grain yield, yield components and water productivity of spring wheat (Triticum estivum L.). Soil management practices consisted of tillage (conventional and deep tillage) and Farmyard manure (0 and 10 t ha?1 FYM). Line source sprinkler laterals were used to generate one full- (ETm) and four deficit irrigation treatments that were 88, 75, 62 and 46 % of ETm, and designated as ETd1, ETd2, ETd3, and ETd4. Deep tillage significantly enhanced grain yield (14–18 %) and water productivity (1.27–1.34 kg m?3) over conventional tillage. Similarly, application of FYM at 10 t ha?1 significantly improved grain yield (10–13 %) and water productivity (1.25–1.31 kg m?3) in comparison with no FYM. Grain yield response to irrigation varied significantly (5,281–2,704 kg ha?1) due to differences in soil water contents. Water productivity varied from 1.05 to 1.34 kg m?3, among the treatments in 3 years. The interactive effect of irrigation × tillage practices and irrigation × FYM on grain yield was significant. Yield performance proved that deficit irrigation (ETd2) subjected to 75 % soil water deficit had the smallest yield decline with significant water saving would be the most appropriate irrigation level for wheat production in arid regions.  相似文献   

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