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Changes in the structure of tilled soil over a growing season were investigated. Structural data from ten differently tilled plots were collected at the 40–50 mm depth on sectioned tilth block samples impregnated with paraffin wax. At the end of the growing season, significant increases in clod size and decreases in void size were observed. In some plots also a significant reduction in percentage of small (1–5 mm) aggregates was observed, but a crop cover (barley) increased the percentage of small aggregates.  相似文献   

Respiration was measured at daytime during the growing seasons (May–October) of 2011 and 2012 in a young Pinus tabulaeformis plantation with heavy, medium and light intensity thinning and unthinned control plots in Shanxi province in northern China. Soil temperature, moisture, fine root biomass, amounts of soil organic C and litterfall biomass were also measured. We found that immediately following thinning treatments, soil respiration increased by 8 %–21 % compared with the unthinned control plots during both growing seasons. Thinning significantly affected soil respiration and soil temperature with different thinning intensities, while there were no significant differences in soil moisture among the various treatments. During the growing seasons, the soil respiration rates were positively correlated with the soil moisture: the 19.4 %–54.0 % variation in soil respiration rates in the four thinning regimes are explained by the changes in soil moisture. Meanwhile, a positive correlation was found between soil temperature and soil respiration rates at all sites. The best fitting model with temperature and moisture explained 44.3 % of the variation in soil respiration in the high thinning treatment, 27.6 % in the light thinning treatment, 18.6 % in medium thinning and in the control sites during the measuring periods. Overall, soil respiration is better predicted by soil moisture, soil organic C, live fine root biomass and soil temperature when data are pooled for all thinning treatments over the two growing seasons. The best regression model explained 74.7 % of the total variation in soil respiration over the different thinning intensities for the two sampling periods.  相似文献   

A field study was carried out to analyze the short-term impacts of replacing mineral by organic fertilizers on the microbial and biochemical parameters relevant for soil fertility and crop yield. Three types of fertilization regimes were compared: (1) conventional fertilizer regime with inorganic fertilizer, and combined integrated fertilizer regimes in which 25 % of the nutrients were supplied by either (2) rabbit manure or (3) vermicompost. The effects on microbial community structure and function (phospholipid fatty acid [PLFA] profiles, bacterial growth, fungal growth, basal respiration, β-glucosidase, protease and phosphomonoesterase activities), soil biochemical properties (total C, dissolved organic carbon [DOC], N-NH4 +, N-NO3 ?, PO4, total K) and crop yield were investigated in the samples collected from the experimental soil at harvest, 3 months after addition of fertilizer. The integrated fertilizer regimes stimulated microbial growth, altered the structure of soil microbial community and increased enzyme activity relative to inorganic fertilization. Bacterial growth was particularly influenced by the type of fertilizer regime supplied, while fungal growth only responded to the amount of fertilizer provided. The use of manure produced a fast increase in the abundance of PLFA biomarkers for Gram-negative bacteria as compared to inorganic fertilizer. Nutrient supply and crop yield with organic fertilizers were maintained at similar levels to those obtained with inorganic fertilizer. The effects of the organic amendments were observed even when they involved a small portion of the total amount of nutrients supplied; thereby confirming that some of the beneficial effects of integrated fertilizer strategies may occur in the short term.  相似文献   

The effects of soil structure on protozoa in a clay-loam soil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Physical disruption of a clay-loam soil by slaking, grinding and compaction was used to determine the specific effects of soil structure on soil protozoa. Individual air-dry aggregates (1–2 cm diameter) were wetted slowly, or had their structure disrupted by slaking or grinding. They were then moistened with nutrient solution and incubated, at a matric potential of ?10 kPa. The nutrient solution had to supply at least 400 μg C g?1 dry soil before protozoan populations increased measurably. Numbers of ciliate protozoa were enhanced by grinding, regardless of the amount of nutrient added. The moisture content and, therefore, the final nutrient concentration of the disrupted aggregates, changed markedly and could account for the observed increase in protozoan biomass from slowly wet to slaked to ground aggregates. There were no differences in protozoan biomass when the applied nutrient concentration was adjusted so that all treatments contained the same amount of nutrient. Soil cores were prepared from sieved (2–4 mm diameter), ground and ground/compacted soil. Thin sections revealed that the pore space accessible to protozoa decreased in these three treatments from 24% to 13% to 9%, respectively. Protozoan biomass was unaffected by grinding but showed a greater than 30-fold decrease following compaction that could not be accounted for solely by the reduced pore space. Grinding and compacting could have favoured anaerobic conditions in the core which would have reduced protozoan activity. Soil structure had no measurable direct effect on protozoan populations, but it had a much greater indirect effect through its influence on moisture content and aeration status.  相似文献   

A no-tillage system was imposed on a structurally degraded fine-textured soil (Humic Gleysol) that had been under continuous corn with moldboard tillage for more than 20 years. After 3 years of no-tillage, several soil structural properties were compared with the conventional tillage treatment to assess whether the soil structure had improved.

No significant difference (P<0.05) was found between tillage treatments for the saturated hydraulic conductivity, porosity and penetration resistance in the surface 5 cm. Measurements of soil penetration resistance and in situ saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kwp) using the well permeameter method were sensitive to structural changes that had occurred at 5–20 cm depth. The Kwp at this depth was significantly greater in the moldboard treatment than in the no-tillage treatment. Resistance measurements indicated significantly greater soil strengths at 10–20 cm under no-tillage. Aggregate stabilities were assessed by wet sieving twice during the growing season. No-tillage resulted in larger soil aggregates, especially at the surface, compared with the moldboard tillage.

These data suggest that degraded soils with low structural stability may initially suffer further deterioration with the elimination of tillage, owing to the loss or reduction of mechanically formed pores.  相似文献   

Salt and sodicity of saline-alkali soil adversely affect the construction of ecological landscapes and negatively impact crop production. The reclamation potential of biochar (BC, wheat straw biochar applied at 1% by weight), gypsum (G, 0.4% by weight), and gypsum coupled with biochar (GBC) was examined in this laboratory-based study by evaluating their effects on a saline-alkali soil (silt loam) with no amendment as a control (CK). Saline ice and fresh water (simulated rainfall) were leached through soil columns to investigate changes in salt content, sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), alkalinity, and pH of the leachate and the soil. Results showed that saturated water content and field water capacity (FWC) significantly increased by 4.4% and 5.6%, respectively, in the BC treatment after a short incubation time. Co-application of biochar and gypsum (GBC) increased soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) by 58.4%, which was also significantly higher than the sole addition. Electrical conductivity (EC) of the leachate decreased sharply after saline ice leaching; subsequent freshwater leaching accelerated the removal of the rest of the salts, irrespective of the amendment application. However, the application of gypsum (G and GB) significantly enhanced the removal of exchangeable Na+ and reduced leachate SAR. After leaching, the soil salt content decreased significantly for all treatments. The application of gypsum resulted in a significantly lower soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), SAR, and alkalinity values than those recorded for the CK and BC treatments. These results demonstrated that the co-application of gypsum and biochar could improve saline-alkali soil hydraulic conductivity and decrease leaching-induced sodicity over a short period.  相似文献   


Soil aggregate-size distribution and soil aggregate stability are used to characterize soil structure. Quantifying the changes of structural stability of soil is an important element in assessing soil and crop management practices. A 5-year tillage experiment consisting of no till (NT), moldboard plow (MP) and ridge tillage (RT), was used to study soil water-stable aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability and aggregate-associated soil organic carbon (SOC) at four soil depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–20 and 20–30 cm) of a clay loam soil in northeast China. Nonlinear fractal dimension (Dm) was used to characterize soil aggregate stability. No tillage led to a significantly greater aggregation for >1 mm aggregate and significant SOC changes in this fraction at 0–5 cm depth. There were significant positive relationships between SOC and >1 mm aggregate, SOC in each aggregate fraction, but there was no relationship between soil aggregate parameters (the proportion of soil aggregates, aggregate-associated SOC and soil stability) and soil bulk density. After 5 years, there was no difference in Dm of soil aggregate size distribution among tillage treatments, which suggested that Dm could not be used as an indicator to assess short-term effects of tillage practices on soil aggregation. In the short term, > 1 mm soil aggregate was a better indicator to characterize the impacts of tillage practices on quality of a Chinese Mollisol, particularly in the near-surface layer of the soil.  相似文献   

The surface characteristics of soil can have a profound effect on the hydrology of tilled land. Apposite measurements of the surface hydraulic properties of Plainfield sand (Wisconsin, U.S.A.), a Typic Udipsamment, were used to assess the hydrologic impact of 5 years tillage by either moldboard plow or no-till. The crop was always corn (Zea mays L.). The “mean” pore size (λm), weighted in a way relevant to the flow of water through the soil surface, was computed here from saturated and unsaturated measurements of sorptivity (S0) and hydraulic conductivity (K0). Disc permeameters of dissimilar radii were used at two unsaturated supply-potential heads of ψ0=−100 mm and −20 mm to find S0 (ψ0) and K0 (ψ0). At saturation (ψ0=0), infiltration rings of contrasting radii were employed. The saturated and unsaturated values for S0 and K0 of the plowed soil were either the same as, or greater than the corresponding values for the no-till soil. Combination of the values for the saturated S0 and K0 showed that the no-till soil had a λm=1.34 (±0.67) mm, while in the plowed soil the “mean” pore size during saturated flow was only 0.19 (±0.18) mm. The large λm, and the high coefficient of variation, for the no-till soil was presumed to be related to the macropore network associated with the decay of crop residue in the less-sorptive matrix. The small homogeneous λm of both the saturated and unsaturated plowed soil reflects the annual pulverization of the soil surface by tillage.  相似文献   

Andisols are very important land resources supporting high human population density. Maize (Zea mays L.) production on Andisols located in the Purhepecha Region of central Mexico is representative of the highlands conditions of Mexico and Latin America. Farmers struggle with low crop yield and low soil nutrient availability. A 2-year field study was conducted to evaluate the effects of green manures either tilled into the soil (CT) or cut and left on the surface as a mulch (ZT), on maize yield and soil quality. Green manure treatments were: vetch (Vicia sativa L.), oat (Avena sativa L.) and none. No extra N was added to maize. Green manure and tillage had a significant effect on maize grain yield, N uptake and P uptake with CT vetch performing better than ZT oat. Soil organic C and total N were significantly higher under ZT than under CT management. Soils with vetch had higher P concentration. Soil under ZT oat had the highest infiltration rate and penetration resistance compared with other treatments. There appears to be a trade off between soil productivity and intrinsic soil physical properties among soil treatments.  相似文献   

Olive mill waste water (OMW), a by-product of the olive mill industry, is produced in large amounts in Mediterranean countries. Olive mill waste water contains a high organic load, substantial amounts of plant nutrients but also several compounds with recognized toxicity towards living organisms. Moreover, OMW may represent a low cost source of water. Thus, the use of OMW for soil fertigation is a valuable option for its disposal, provided that its impact on soil chemical and biochemical properties is established. Investigations were performed on the short-term influence of OMW on several chemical and biochemical properties of a soil from a continental semi-arid Mediterranean region (Morocco). The soil was amended with 0, 18 and 36 ml 100 g−1 soil of OMW (corresponding to a field rate of 0, 40 and 80 m3 ha−1, respectively) and changes in various functionally related properties such as microbial biomass, basal respiration, extractable C and N, and soil hydrolases and oxido-reductases activities were measured over time. The variations of the main physical and chemical properties as well as the residual phytotoxicity of OMW amended and non-amended soils as assessed by tomato seed germination tests were also monitored. Temporary and permanent changes in several chemical and biochemical soil properties occurred following OMW application, thus being these properties varied in sensitivity to the applied disturbance. A sudden increase of total organic C, extractable N and C, available P and extractable Mn and Fe contents were measured. Simultaneously, a rapid increase of soil respiration, dehydrogenase and urease activities and microbial biomass (at 14 day incubation) of OMW amended soils occurred. In contrast, the activities of phosphatase, β-glucosidase, nitrate reductase and diphenol oxidase decreased markedly. The soil became highly phytotoxic after OMW addition (large decline of soil germination capability), mainly at 80 m3 ha−1 OMW. After 42 days' incubation, however, a complete recovery of the soil germination capability and a residual phytotoxicity of about 30% were observed with 40 and 80 m3 ha−1 OMW, respectively. These findings indicate that the impact of OMW on soil properties was the result of opposite effects, depending on the relative amounts of beneficial and toxic organic and inorganic compounds present. The toxic compounds contained in OMW most likely counteracted the beneficial effect of organic substrates provided, which promoted the growth and activity of indigenous microorganisms.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulations were conducted on a loess derived silt loam soil (Henan province, P.R. China) under conventional tillage. This tillage practice is widespread and involves the turning of the plough layer and the wheat stubble in July (primary tillage), followed by a secondary tillage operation in October. Soil samples were collected and in situ measurements were done before each rainfall simulation in order to analyse soil physical properties after successive simulated rainfall events. The purpose of this study was to determine rainfall induced changes in saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, penetration resistance, water retention and soil erodibility. The results only showed significant differences in soil bulk density and erodibility when applying successive rainfall events. Penetration resistance and water retention (at matric potentials ≤ − 3 kPa) were not significantly affected and soil surface sealing was not observed. This was also confirmed by the infiltration measurements, where no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity were found. From a soil conservation point of view, this study indicated that the primary tillage operation (i.e. ploughing at the beginning of July) is rather disadvantageous: the saturated hydraulic conductivity is not significantly affected, but the soil erodibility is considerably higher in comparison to a consolidated soil. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of the wheat stubble on soil and water conservation are lost by the tillage operation.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of tillage systems on active soil microbial biomass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 Conservation tillage, and especially no-tillage, induce changes in the distribution of organic pools in the soil profile. In long-term field experiments, marked stratification of the total soil microbial biomass and its activity have been observed as consequence of the application of no-tillage to previously tilled soils. Our objective was to study the evolution of the total and active soil microbial biomass and mineralized C in vitro during the first crop after the introduction of no-tillage to an agricultural soil. The experiment was performed on a Typic Hapludoll from the Argentinean Pampa. Remaining plant residues, total and active microbial biomass and mineralized C were determined at 0–5 cm and 5–15 cm depths, at three sampling times: wheat tilling, silking and maturity. The introduction of no-tillage produced an accumulation of plant residues in the soil surface layer (0–5 cm), showing stratification with depth at all sampling dates. Active microbial biomass and C mineralization were higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage in the top 5 cm of the profile. The total soil microbial biomass did not differ between treatments. The active soil biomass was highly and positive correlated with plant residues (r 2=0.617;P<0.01) and with mineralized C (r 2=0.732;P<0.01). Consequently, the active microbial biomass and mineralized C reflected immediately the changes in residue management, whereas the total microbial biomass seemed not to be an early indicator of the introduction of a new form of soil management in our experiment. Received: 23 February 1999  相似文献   

A range of agricultural practices influence soil microbial communities, such as tillage and organic C inputs, however such effects are largely unknown at the initial stage of soil formation. Using an eight-year field experiment established on exposed parent material (PM) of a Mollisol, our objectives were to: (1) to determine the effects of field management and soil depth on soil microbial community structure; (2) to elucidate shifts in microbial community structure in relation to PM, compared to an arable Mollisol (MO) without organic amendment; and (3) to identify the controlling factors of such changes in microbial community structure. The treatments included two no-tilled soils supporting perennial crops, and four tilled soils under the same cropping system, with or without chemical fertilization and crop residue amendment. Principal component (PC) analysis of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles demonstrated that microbial community structures were affected by tillage and/or organic and inorganic inputs via PC1 and by land use and/or soil depth via PC2. All the field treatments were separated by PM into two groups via PC1, the tilled and the no-tilled soils, with the tilled soils more developed towards MO. The tilled soils were separated with respect to MO via PC1 associated with the differences in mineral fertilization and the quality of organic amendments, with the soils without organic amendment being more similar to MO. The separations via PC1 were principally driven by bacteria and associated with soil pH and soil C, N and P. The separations via PC2 were driven by fungi, actinomycetes and Gram (−) bacteria, and associated with soil bulk density. The separations via both PC1 and PC2 were associated with soil aggregate stability and exchangeable K, indicating the effects of weathering and soil aggregation. The results suggest that in spite of the importance of mineral fertilization and organic amendments, tillage and land-use type play a significant role in determining the nature of the development of associated soil microbial community structures at the initial stages of soil formation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of different tillage practices on the nematode community structure. The different tillage systems were: untilled control, conventional deep plough, two-layer plough and cultivator. Sampling was carried out in a field experiment at Wörrstadt-Rommersheim (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) in order to study the effects of these tillage systems in a sustainable farming system. Soil samples were taken every 3?months from June 1994 to March 1995 and divided into two depths of 0–10 and 10–20?cm in order to study the vertical distribution of nematode density and community structure. Nematode density was significantly reduced after the first tillage. The second tillage had no effect on the nematode density, whereas the nematode community structure was strongly influenced on both structural (taxonomic) and functional (trophic group, life strategy) level. After tillage, the density of plant parasitic nematodes decreased and the density and dominance of bacterivorous nematodes increased. In the tilled plots, and especially in the cultivator and the two-layer plough plot, the nematode community was dominated by bacterial feeders, whereas, in the untilled control, plant feeders were more dominant. Our results showed that the nematode Maturity Index and Plant Parasite Index are suitable for indicating immediate tillage effects on the nematode community.  相似文献   

Soil compaction is a big challenge in managing poorly drained clay soils. An on-farm field study was conducted over 2 years in a poorly drained, heavy clay soil, Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada, where soil compaction, crop growth and root development were perceived as serious concerns. To address these concerns, no-tillage and sub-soiling tillage were proposed and compared with the traditional tillage system in which light-duty field cultivators were used at tillage depths ranging from 50 to 75 mm. Measurements of soil cone index indicated that a hardpan existed at approximately 175 mm soil depth in each fall as a result of wheel traffic during the growing season. It may not be necessary to break the hardpan with fall tillage operations in the studied region, as the hardpan was naturally removed over winter. Effects of tillage practices were evaluated using seeding performance and plant development. No-tillage resulted in the similar speed of emergence, plant population and crop yield, but more uniform seeding depth and more roots in the topsoil layer (0–75 mm), when compared with the conventional tillage. Sub-soiling promoted much faster crop emergence, higher plant populations and crop yield as well as deeper root penetration than the conventional tillage. However, the draft force required for sub-soiling was four times that of the conventional tillage.  相似文献   

Tillage is known to decrease soil organic nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) pools with negative consequences for soil quality. This decrease is thought partly to be caused by exposure of protected organic matter to microbial degradation by the disturbance of soil structure. Little is known, however, about the short-term effects of tillage on mineralization of N and C, and microbial activity. We studied the short-term effects of two types of tillage (conventional plough- and a non-inverting-tillage) on mineralization and microbial N and C pools in a sandy loam under organic plough-tillage management. The release of active and protected (inactive) N by tillage was further studied in the laboratory by use of 15N labelling of the active pool of soil N followed by simulation of tillage by sieving through a 2 mm sieve. Results showed that the two types of tillage as well as the simulation of tillage had very few effects on mineralization and microbial pools. The simulation of tillage caused, however, a small release of N from a pool which was otherwise protected against microbial degradation. The use of soil crushing for disruption of larger macroaggregates (>425 μm) and chloroform fumigation for perturbation of the microbial biomass increased the release from both active and protected N pools. The relative contribution from the protected N pool was, however, similar in the three treatments (22-27%), thus the pools subjected to mineralization were characterised by similar degree of protection. On the basis of isotopic composition the pools of N mineralised were indistinguishable. This suggests that the released N originated from the same pool, that is the soil microbial biomass. The study points to the microbial pool as the main source of labile N which may be released by tillage, and thus to its importance for sustained soil fertility in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

The properties of soils, even in short distances differ from point to point. These spatial variabilities may be described by geostatistics. This method determines the spatial structure of a specified variable. In this study, we measured the sorptivity of soil in field under tilled and no-tilled conditions with different sampling distances by using a simple method and performed the geostatistical analysis on the obtained data. The measurements were done on the corners of a regular network having dimensions of 5 m × 5 m in a tilled and no-tilled soil, and 0.5 m × 0.5 m in the same tilled soil. The results revealed that sorptivity had spatial structure in a tilled soil with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances and no spatial structure occured in 5 m × 5 m distances, so it was believed that sorptivity is a structural variable only for short distance. The range of variogram was between 3.09 and 3.42 m for the sorptivity with 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids. The spherical model was the best-fitted theoretical variogram. In addition to the simple method for sorptivity measurement, we measured the sorptivity using double rings, which is known as Talsma method. Statistical tests showed a significant and non-significant difference between the two methods in 5 m × 5 m and 0.5 m × 0.5 m grids, respectively. In the simple method for sorptivity measurement, a ring with 10 cm height, 10 cm diameter, and about 2 cm depth of water was applied, but the rings used in the Talsma method were about three to four times larger. Therefore, it is concluded that for short distances, the sorptivity of simple method is in accordance with that obtained in Talsma method. The kriging method was used to estimate the presumed unknown values of sorptivity in some locations in the 0.5 m × 0.5 m grid distances. Results revealed that kriging method is capable enough to estimate the sorptivity if the variable has a spatial structure.  相似文献   

Knowledge on anisotropy of saturated hydraulic conductivity can improve the understanding of transport phenomena in soil. We hypothesized that saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) in the upper part of the root zone of an agricultural sandy loam soil was anisotropic at different soil depths and times after tillage. Ks was measured on undisturbed 100 cm3 core samples taken in the horizontal and vertical directions in up to four soil layers (Surf: surface layer (0–5 cm); Top: topsoil (10–15 cm); Trans: transition layer between topsoil and subsoil; Sub: subsoil (40–60 cm)) 1, 8 and 32 months, respectively, after mouldboard ploughing and drilling. The ratio between estimated geometric mean values for Ks in the vertical and the horizontal directions (Kms,v/Kms,h) was used to test the hypotheses. A total of 669 soil samples were analysed.Kms,v/Kms,h varied with time after tillage and between soil layers. One month after ploughing, Kms,v/Kms,h was <0.23 (P = 0.975) in the Trans layer with an average value of 0.084, i.e. Kms,h was 12 times larger than Kms,v. Anisotropy could not be documented in this layer 8 or 32 months after ploughing, i.e. Kms,v/Kms,h was not significantly different from 1.0. For the Surf and Top layers 32 months after ploughing, Kms,v/Kms,h was in the intervals 1.4–50 and 3.1–77, respectively, (P = 0.95) with average values of 8.4 and 15, respectively. Thus, Kms,v was 8.4 respectively 15 times larger than Kms,h in the two layers. Anisotropy was not found in these layers 1 or 8 months after tillage. Strong anisotropy was found in the Sub layer with Kms,v/Kms,h averaging to 14 and 32, respectively, 8 and 32 months after tillage. Kms,v and Kms,h generally decreased with time in the Surf, Top and Trans layers, except in the vertical direction in the Top layer between 8 and 32 months after ploughing, and in the Trans layer between 1 and 8 months after ploughing. Overall, the geometric means of Ks varied between 10−4.0 and 10−7.1 m s−1.The results may reflect systematic effects of soil settlement and drying/wetting phenomena coupled with biological activity and the existence of stable, vertically oriented biopores in the subsoil. It appears to be necessary to consider anisotropy of Ks and its variation in the analysis and modelling of water flow and chemical transport in agricultural soils, particularly to explain heterogeneous flow phenomena at the plot and field scales.  相似文献   

Biochar is known to ameliorate soil fertility and improve crop production but information regarding soil microbiota responses on biochar amendment remains limited. The experiment was conducted to study the effect of biochars from palm kernel (pyrolysed at 400°C) and rice husk (gasified at 800°C) in a sandy loam Acrisol from Peninsular Malaysia. The soil was amended with palm kernel shell biochar (PK), rice husk biochar (RH), palm kernel biochar with fertilizer (FPK), rice husk biochar with fertilizer (FRH), fertilizer and control soil. Soil samples were taken during maize harvesting and were analysed for physico-chemical properties, microbial biomass, microbial abundance and microbial diversity. Increase in pH, moisture content, CEC, organic C, and labile C were recorded in all biochar amended soils. Microbial biomass C was 65% and 36% higher in RH and FRH, respectively, than control. Microbial biomass N was greatest in FPK and FRH with respective increment of 359% and 341% than control. β-glucosidase and xylanase activities were significantly increased in all biochar treated soils than control. A shift in microbial diversity was not detected. The biochar affects the microbial community by altering the soil environment and increasing labile active carbon sources in the short-term amendment.  相似文献   

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