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影响杜泊羊超数排卵和胚胎移植效果的因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在生产条件下,探讨了胚胎回收部位、移植胚胎数量、胚胎发育阶段和季节等因素对杜泊羊超数排卵胚胎移植效果的影响.超数排卵处理了39只供体和移植了179只受体,结果表明,从输卵管平均回收胚胎数显著多于从子宫角平均回收胚胎数(10.57 vs 8.41)(P<0.05).移植2枚或3枚胚胎的妊娠率明显高于移植1枚胚胎的妊娠率(63.89% vs 66.67% vs 52.63%) (P<0.05).秋季、冬季和春季超排处理平均回收胚胎数(8.83 vs 9.50 vs 6.83)、平均可用胚胎数(7.92 vs 8.28 vs 5.17)和可用胚胎所占比例(88.68% vs 87.13% vs 75.61%)均显著高于春季(P<0.05).在秋季和冬季进行胚胎移植,妊娠率分别为57.89%和59.43%,高于春季移植的妊娠率(53.33%),但差异不显著(P>0.05).2~8-细胞胚胎的移植妊娠率与桑椹胚/囊胚移植妊娠率差异不显著(60.05% vs 57.47%)(P>0.05).  相似文献   

家畜超数排卵和胚胎移植的影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
家畜的超数排卵和胚胎移值(MOET)是有效提高优良母畜的繁殖潜力、加速品种改良、迅速扩大良种畜群的手段,是家畜繁殖学领域的一项高新生物技术. 家畜胚胎移植的科学试验最先是20世纪30年代在绵羊、山羊方面进行的.1951年出现了牛、猪胚胎移植的报道.1960年以后,科学工作者对胚胎的采集、保存和移植等技术环节做了大量改进,取得很大进展.在国外,70年代末、80年代初,逐步由试验阶段转向畜牧生产.超数排卵为胚胎移值的推广利用提供了可能并开辟了广阔的前景,成为胚胎移植不可缺少的基础.  相似文献   

牛的胚胎移植自70年代中期国际上已从实验转入应用阶段,商业性机构纷纷建立。80年代以来,发展更为迅速,并在胚胎显微切割、基因导入和胚胎性别鉴定等技术方面取得了突破性进展。胚胎移植由许多复杂的环节组成,无论是那一个环节的疏忽,都会影响移植的效果。目前国际上非手术鲜胚移植妊娠率为60—70%,我国为50—60%,冻胚妊娠率则比鲜胚低15—20%。因此,研究影响牛胚移妊娠率的因素,对提高胚胎移植效果,降低成本,具有重要的现实意义。一,胚胎质量胚胎质量对移植能否成功关系颇大。目前胚胎质量的形态学评价及质量级别的划分是主观的,常因评定人员及实验室的不同而有差别。但一般来  相似文献   

本文研究了不同膘情和不同黄体质量对胚胎移植妊娠率的影响,目的是解决肉牛胚胎移植产业化中容易出现的技术问题,以提高肉牛胚胎移植妊娠率.在饲养管理、季节、同期发情处理、胚胎移植技术及环境条件等基本相同的情况下,共处理受体牛169头,移植121头,妊娠71头,受体利用率达到71.6%,比70% 的一般要求提高1.6百分点,多...  相似文献   

近年来随着对影响胚胎移植妊娠率的胚胎质量、供受体同期性、受体体况、受体年龄、营养状况、胚胎移植时间、移植部位和环境条件以及移植后受体的饲养管理等诸多因素的不断深入研究,使该技术被广泛应用于牛羊等动物的良种快速扩繁的生产中。就影响牛胚胎移植妊娠率的主要因素进行了分析,以期为牛胚胎移植提供一定参考。  相似文献   

牛妊娠的确立与胚胎、子宫环境和黄体之间存在相当复杂的关系。据Sreenan报道,乳牛在输精后胚胎的死亡率为30—40%,且主要发生于妊娠后的18日内。因胚胎损失的机理很复杂,故将影响牛胚胎移植妊娠的主要因素报道如下: 一、供受体发情同期化程度因素的影响受精后,胚胎是在一个因内分泌的变化而引起不  相似文献   

皖系粗毛兔超数排卵及胚胎移植的研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
采用国产激素,以FSH+ LH、FSH+ HCG、PMSG+ LH、PMSG+ HCG 4种不同的处理方法对32 只皖系粗毛兔进行超排处理,旨在筛选确立皖系粗毛兔最有效的超排方法及胚胎移植的最佳时期。结果表明:4种超排方法处理后的排卵数分别为42.50枚、46.25 枚、30.63 枚、33.38 枚;回收胚胎数分别为27.63 枚、31.25 枚、22.37 枚、20.75 枚;有效胚胎数分别为20.50 枚、24.13枚、17.63枚、15.25枚。这3 项指标均以FSH+ HCG组最高。将收集到的237枚胚胎移植给24只受体,每只受体移植胚胎10枚左右。结果表明:2- ,4- ,8- 16 细胞期及桑椹胚移植后的妊娠率、产仔率及窝产活仔数分别为50% 、16.6% 和3.3 只,66.7% 、20.6% 和3只,60% 、24.5% 和4.3 只,71% 、40.9% 和5.4只。其中以桑椹胚组指标最高  相似文献   

为进一步提高杜泊绵羊的超数排卵与胚胎移植效果,本次试验供体超数排卵采用CIDR+FSH+PMSG和CIDR+FSH+PG两种方案,使用开膣器输精+自然交配+开膣器输精的方式,将冲出的胚胎移入同期发情处理的受体。其中CIDR+FSH+PMSG注射法供体平均黄体数11.80个/只、可用胚数7.80枚/只和移植妊娠率50.00%,效果较好(P0.05);不同FSH剂量注射比较发现,剂量在180~230 IU组超排平均黄体数、平均可用胚胎数分别为12.87个/只、9.28枚/只,与其他两组相比效果最好(P0.05);对重复超排、移植不同侧的妊娠率进行了比较,差异不显著(P0.05);繁殖季节(秋季)供体平均黄体数13.00个/只、可用胚10.75枚/只,高于春季(P0.05)。  相似文献   

影响牛胚胎移植妊娠率的因素分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

影响牛胚胎移植妊娠率的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胚胎移植作为可以提高家畜生产性能和缩短育种进程的有效途径,近几年来,广泛地应用于牛的生产,不仅加速了良种牛的繁育速度,优化了牛群结构,使牛群生产水平得到大幅度提高,推动了畜牧业及相关产业的快速发展,同时自身也得到很大的发展。目前,常规胚胎移植技术已经成熟,正在向产业化迈进。但胚胎  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the transfer side, transfer location, cervix transfer score, type and diameter of corpus luteum (CL) during embryo transfer on pregnancy rates in beef heifers. Progesterone-based synchronization and superovulation protocol were applied to Simmental cows used as donors (n = 168). Uterine flushings were performed on day 7 following artificial insemination. Obtained Code I (excellent or good) and II (fair) quality embryos were transferred to recipient beef heifers (n = 561). During embryo transfer, side of transfer (right or left), transfer location (the cranial or middle third of uterine horn), cervix transfer score (easy, moderate or difficult) and type (CLa, CLb and CLc) and diameter of CL were determined. Pregnancy rates following the transfer of Code I and II embryos were 44.66% and 33.07%, respectively (p < .05). The rates of pregnancy after transfers to the right and left uterine horn were 37% and 42.2%, respectively (p > .05). The pregnancy rates were 41.2%, 34.9% and 30.3% for cervix transfer scores as easy, moderate and difficult, respectively (p > .05). Pregnancy rates after transfer to the cranial third and middle third were 41.06% and 29.67%, respectively (p < .05). According to types of CL, pregnancy rates were 31.7%, 40.4% and 45.3% for CLa, CLb and CLc, respectively (p < .05). Moreover, it was found that as the CL diameter increased, the pregnancy rates increased. As a result, it was concluded that there was no effect of side of transfer and cervix transfer score, but embryo quality, transfer location, type and diameter of CL had significant effects on the pregnancy rate during embryo transfer in beef heifers.  相似文献   

[目的]为了评估胚胎质量和发育阶段对奶牛胚胎移植妊娠率的影响。[方法]使用63头青年奶牛作为供体进行超数排卵,评估回收胚胎质量和发育阶段。选择334头青年奶牛作为受体鲜胚移植不同质量和发育阶段胚胎。对胚胎质量分布、发育阶段分布、不同质量胚胎和不同发育阶段胚胎移植30 d妊娠率进行统计分析。[结果]可用胚胎中A级胚胎比例(60.78%)显著高于B级和C级胚胎比例(36.70%和2.52%)(P<0.05);致密桑椹胚比例(54.36%)显著高于早期囊胚,囊胚和扩张囊胚比例(18.35%,25.0%和2.29%)(P<0.05)。A级和B级胚胎移植30 d妊娠率(63.55%和64.35%)显著高于C级胚胎移植30 d妊娠率(44.44%)(P<0.05);致密桑椹胚、早期囊胚、囊胚和扩张囊胚移植30 d妊娠率差异不显著(P<0.05),早期囊胚、囊胚移植30 d妊娠率高于致密桑椹胚、扩张囊胚移植30 d妊娠率(P<0.05)。[结论]选择不同发育阶段的A级和B级胚胎能够获得较高胚胎移植妊娠率,增加早期囊胚和囊胚阶段胚胎移植数量能够提高胚胎移植妊娠率。  相似文献   

在应用显微注射、胚胎移植系统技术,进行猪OMT/PGH基因导入的研究中,对移入受体的胚数,PMSG处理受体以及不同的移植方法(自体移植与异体移植)等影响受体受孕率及产仔率的因素,进行了试验分析,结果表明:(1)移入受体的注射胚数分别为10—19枚、20—29枚、30枚以上时,其受孕率为45.5%、64.7%和71.4%,产仔率为8.0%、19.6%和14.5%,以移入20—29枚效率最高;(2)用PMSG对受体母猪做同期发情处理,其受孕率和产仔率比选择自然发情的受体分别下降25%和8.5%;(3)采用自体移植的方式,在移入胚数基本相同的情况下(15枚左右),比异体移植的受孕率和产仔率分别提高14.3%和6.4%。  相似文献   

牛胚胎移植产业化超数排卵的系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了提高供体牛的利用率,加速胚胎移植技术的产业化,试验系统地研究了超排方案、青年奶牛的月龄及发情周期不同阶段、重复超排次数、超排间隔时间、卵巢状态、胎次与产后间隔时间对超排效果的影响,共超排供体奶牛1 127头次,回收胚胎共10 900枚,可用胚胎数量为6 942枚,平均每头次获得胚胎数量为6.73枚.结果表明:①应用PSO1、PSO2和 PSO3三种方案进行超排处理,PSO3方案的超排成功率和平均回收可用胚胎数均高于其他两个方案;②利用发情周期9~11 d的自然发情奶牛直接超排效果最好;③对青年奶牛进行超排处理,应限制超排起始时间,15月龄以上的青年奶牛超排效果较好;④供体牛连续重复超排控制在3次以内,连续4次超排处理后极大降低胚胎可用率;⑤超排处理的间隔最短时间应该选择46~60 d;⑥经产牛1~3胎次超排效果较好,7胎次以上较差;⑦产后间隔时间选取80~90 d.  相似文献   

不同胚胎移植方法对天祝白牦牛受胎率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高胚胎移植技术在牦牛上的运用效果,选用51头甘肃省天祝县健康黑牦牛作为受体,以纯种天祝白牦牛作为供体生产胚胎,分别对同期发情处理和自然发情的受体牛进行鲜胚和冻胚移植试验。结果,同期发情处理的受体牛鲜胚移植的受胎率显著高于冻胚移植的受胎率(P0.05),分别为52%和38.5%;在自然发情受体牛的胚胎移植中也得到了相似结果,鲜胚和冻胚的移植受胎率分别为60%和50%,同期发情处理牛的平均妊娠率则低于自然发情受体牛的平均妊娠率(P0.05),二者分别为47.5%和54.5%。结论,牦牛鲜胚移植的受胎率明显高于冻胚移植的受胎率,而且自然发情受体牛的受胎率高于同期发情处理牛。  相似文献   

[目的]为进一步研究核心群奶牛超数排卵技术影响因素。[方法]试验使用3个FSH剂量和4 个公牛精液对27头青年奶牛进行超数排卵。对供体牛胚胎生产情况和受体胚胎移植妊娠率进行统计。[结果]结果显示供体2次超排获得7.8枚平均可用胚胎显著高于1次超排获得的5.7枚平均可用胚胎(P<0.05);260,280 mg FSH超排供体获得6.0和7.7 枚平均可用胚胎显著高于300 mg FSH超排供体获得的4.6枚平均可用胚胎(P<0.05);供体使用4个公牛精液人工授精后获得的平均可用胚胎数和平均未受精卵数差异不显著(P>0.05);移植前接种疫苗的受体胚胎移植妊娠率显著降低(P<0.05)。[结论]核心群奶牛超排适宜FSH剂量为260-280 mg,使用高受精力公牛精液和对超排反应好的供体重复超排能够提高超排效率,受体移植前避免疫苗接种能够提高胚胎移植妊娠率。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of serum paraoxonase-1 (PON-1) activity on superovulation response and embryo yield was evaluated. The study material comprised 50 Holstein cows aged 3–4 years on postpartum day 90–120 with a body condition score of 3–3.25. A progesterone-based estrus synchronization protocol was initially administered to the selected donors. For this purpose, progesterone source was inserted intravaginally (day 0) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone injection was performed (day 6). Seven days after the insertion of progesterone device, follicle-stimulating hormone injections (total dose of 500 µg in decreasing doses for 4 days) were administered for superovulation. On the morning of the ninth day, prostaglandin (PG) F2α was administered, and the progesterone device was removed from the vagina in the evening on the same day. Two days after PGF2α administration, fixed-time artificial insemination was performed in the morning and in the evening. On the day of artificial insemination, blood samples were taken from the donors to determine the serum PON-1 activity. Uterine flushing was performed seven days after insemination. The results revealed that the serum PON-1 activity (mean ± SD, 562.71 ± 140.23 U/l) of the cows that responded to superovulation (donors with total corpus luteum count of ≥3 in both ovaries) was higher than those (389.91 ± 80.51 U/l) that did not (P<0.05). On the day of insemination, a positive correlation was determined between serum PON-1 activity and the counts of total corpus luteum (r=0.398), total oocyte/embryo (r=0.468), transferable embryo (r=0.453), and Code I embryos (r=0.315, P<0.05). Unlike the Code I embryos, there was no significant correlation between serum PON-1 activity and the number of Code III embryos. Moreover, no significant difference in the number of Code III embryos between the two PON-1 groups was observed. However, embryo yield and quality were found to have increased with increased PON-1 activity. Therefore, it was concluded that serum PON-1 activity may be associated with superovulation response, embryo yield and quality in donor cows.  相似文献   

引进无角道赛特和萨福克肉羊,利用胚胎移植技术,加快良种畜群的纯种繁育进程。阜新市肉羊研发中心利用4年时间共超排供体羊99只,采集可用胚胎883枚,利用手术法移植受体羊850只,受胎558只,胚胎移植受胎率达到63.2%。研究结果表明:胚胎移植技术应用于畜牧生产进入商品化推广阶段是可行的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate various equine follicle-stimulating hormone (eFSH) treatment protocols and the effect of “follicle coasting” on ovulation and embryo recovery rates in mares. Cycling mares (n = 40) were randomly assigned to one of four groups 7 days after ovulation: (1) 12.5 mg eFSH twice daily until follicles were 35 mm or larger; (2) 12.5 mg eFSH twice daily until follicles were 32 mm or larger; (3) 12.5 mg eFSH twice daily for 3.5 days followed by 12.5 mg eFSH enriched with luteinizing hormone (LH) twice daily until follicles were 35 mm or larger; and (4) 25 mg eFSH once daily until follicles were 32 mm or larger. Mares in groups 1 and 3 were injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (2500 IU intravenously) at the end of eFSH treatment, whereas mares in groups 2 and 4 were given hCG approximately 42 and 54 hours, respectively, after the last eFSH treatment (“follicle coasting”). Nonsurgical embryo collection was performed 6.5 to 7.5 days after ovulation. Each mare experienced a nontreated estrous cycle before being reassigned to a second treatment. Ovulation rates for mares in treatment groups 1 to 4 were 3.3 ± 0.4, 4.1 ± 0.4, 3.5 ± 0.4, and 2.8 ± 0.4 (mean ± SEM; P < .05), respectively. One or more embryos were recovered from more than 80% of mares in each treatment group, and embryo recovery rate per flush was similar among treatment groups (1.9 ± 0.3, 2.6 ± 0.3, 1.9 ± 0.3 and 1.9 ± 0.3, respectively; P > .05). The overall embryo recovery rate was 2.1 ± 1.5 embryos per flush. In summary, ovulation rate was higher for mares treated with eFSH (3.4 ± 0.4) compared with non-treated controls (1.1 ± 0.2). Ovulation rate in mares in which hCG was delayed (follicle coasting) was higher (P < .05) when treatments were given twice per day versus once per day. Administration of equine luteinizing hormone (eLH) in conjunction with eFSH did not have an advantage over mares treated only with eFSH.  相似文献   

Background Induction of multiple ovulations, or superovulation, may potentially increase the efficiency of equine embryo transfer programs. Our objective was to investigate the effects of equine follicle‐stimulating hormone (eFSH) treatment on the success rate of embryo transfer programs in mares. Methods In the research facility of the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, we studied 12 donor mares and 37 recipient mares during the physiological breeding season. Donor mares were used in two consecutive oestrous cycles: the first served as the control cycle and in the second an eFSH regimen was applied (eFSH cycle). In the control cycle, mares were administered human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation when a follicle ≥35 mm in diameter was detected by transrectal ultrasonographic examination. In the second oestrous cycle, twice‐daily eFSH treatment was initiated when a follicle ≥25 mm was detected and treatment ceased when a follicle ≥35 mm was present, at which time hCG was administered. All donor mares were artificially inseminated while in oestrus using fresh semen collected from a stallion of proven fertility. At 8 days post‐ovulation, embryos were recovered transcervically and transferred individually to the uterus of a synchronised recipient mare. Results The eFSH treatment stimulated the ovary and resulted in greater numbers of ovulations and recovered embryos; however the recovered embryos tended to have a lower morphological grade than the control embryos, and the recipient pregnancy rate per transferred embryo was lower than anticipated. Conclusion The numbers of recipient pregnancies and foals born that resulted from eFSH treatment were not different from the control.  相似文献   

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