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近年来,广西北流市以牛品种改良为突破口,大力发展奶水牛产业,经过多年努力,在实践中走出了适合广西乃至南方地区农村现实生产条件的奶水牛产奶业发展之路。本文就北流市奶水牛生产发展现状、存在问题、采取的对策措施进行探讨,供奶水牛户及同行参考。  相似文献   

近几年来,北流市,大力发展奶水牛产业,使奶水牛产业成为推动社会主义新农村建设的充满活力的朝阳产业,对增加农民收入,提高市民身体素质发挥了积极作用.但是由于北流市奶牛养殖以水奶牛为主,主要是家庭式的中小规模养殖,在市场及各种综合因素的影响下,虽然没有出现全国各地爆出的"杀牛倒奶"悲剧,但部分养殖户在养殖和销售中仍面临一些困境及问题,影响到北流市奶牛养殖业的持续健康发展.  相似文献   

为了更好地建设云南省现代农业奶牛(奶水牛)产业技术体系,2013年8月6—8日,德宏州畜牧站组织人员对芒市奶水牛生产现状展开调查。芒市目前有奶水牛养殖户148户;饲养奶水牛854头,其中能繁奶水牛487头(挤奶水牛174头,占能繁奶水牛总数的35.79/6)、后备奶水牛184头、犊牛175头、种公牛8头;挤奶水牛月均产奶30.60t,日均产奶1.02t,头日均产奶5.86kg。通过入户调查,进一步摸清了芒市奶水牛生产现状,剖析了目前奶水牛业存在的问题,并针对性地提出了发展建议。  相似文献   

广西北流市自2005-2009年连续5年被农业部定为全国奶水牛科技入户示范工程项目实施县(市)。该项目实施以来,在农业部、广西壮族自治区业务部门支持和帮助下,初步构建了“专家组二技术指导员一科技示示范户一辐射带动户”的科技成果转化通道。科技人户示范工程的实施,有效地辐射带动了全市奶水牛产业的全面发展,全市奶水牛存栏由2004年的456头发展到2009年的3968头,农民饲养1头奶水牛纯收入在5000元以上。科技入户项目示范工程为农民增收,为社会主义新农村建设提供了有效的科技支撑。  相似文献   

按国家规定采用牛型结核分枝杆菌提纯的结核菌素 (PPD)皮内变态反应试验对上林县某奶牛场水奶牛进行结核病检疫 ,被检奶水牛 46头 ,检出结核病阳性奶水牛 3头。文章分析了结核病阳性牛发生原因并提出净化奶水牛结核病的措施。  相似文献   

结核病是由结核分枝杆菌引起的人畜共患慢性、消耗性传染病。检疫淘汰自然感染结核杆菌的牛,是保证奶制品安全、预防人结核病的主要措施。水牛可提供比奶牛更优质的牛奶,但也同样面临结核杆菌感染的问题,且国内尚无针对奶水牛结核病检疫的国家标准或行业标准。笔者于2013年春秋两季,随机选取当地奶水牛304头,用皮试法进行初筛,结果表明,采用PPD变态反应结合抗γ-干扰素ELISA对奶水牛群进行结核病检疫,总体上是可行的。此外,PPD皮内变态反应法检出阳性的牛中有2头用ELISA测定为阴性,该假阳性可能是由抗原性相近的副结核分枝杆菌感染等因素所致,具体原因还有待于进一步证实。  相似文献   

2003年崇左市奶牛的饲养发展较快,规模奶牛场由2002年的1个增加到5个,个体饲养户由2户增加到35户,存栏奶牛由2002年的31头增加到251头(其中奶水牛159头,荷斯坦奶牛92头),其中从外地引进191头,主要分布在江州区、扶绥、宁明、龙州等县地。  相似文献   

近年来 ,北流市把肉牛、奶水牛产业列为富民兴市的优势产业加以扶持发展 ,通过实施政策引导、资金扶持、示范带动、科技推动等综合性措施 ,使肉牛、奶水牛业取得了较大发展。目前 ,全市已建设完善了 12个牛品改示范镇 ,2 3个牛人工授精品改站 ,引进良种公牛3 1头 ,实现杂交改良配种母牛 14 5 48头 ,已产出杂交牛犊 62 42头 ,建立了奶水牛养殖示范场 5个 ,引进高代杂挤奶母水牛 74头。养牛产业取得了良好的经济效益 ,成为北流市农民增收的黄金产业。面对西部大开发和入世后带来的机遇和挑战 ,为使养牛产业进一步发展成为农民增收高效产业 ,北…  相似文献   

本文对北流市奶水牛进行了肝功能血液生化指标检测。实验选取北流市19个养殖场(户)的46头奶水牛,其中养殖场25头,散养户21头。结果发现:养殖场奶水牛的血清丙氨酸氨基转氨酶(ALT)、天冬氨酸转移酶(AST)、白蛋白(ALB)水平显著地、而总蛋白(TP)水平极显著地高于散养户奶水牛的水平。被检水牛中ALT活性异常(偏高)率23.9%,AST活性异常(偏高)率为21.7%,GGT活性异常(偏高)率为47.8%,调查中发现养殖场水牛的TP、ALB含量均明显高于正常参考值。结论,被检奶水牛总体状况良好,散养户水牛肝功能状况优于养殖场水牛的肝功能状况。GGT与蛋白异常可能与1月前疫苗免疫有关,此情况和有异常肝功指标水牛的原因需进一步追踪研究。  相似文献   

广西玉林市奶牛业形势喜人,全市现存栏奶牛约2900头(奶水牛约2200头,荷斯坦奶牛约700头)。年产奶量约为3100吨,其中水牛奶1700吨,荷斯坦牛奶1400吨。主要做法是:⑴政府支持,龙头带动,水牛产业迎来新希望。玉林市坚持龙头带动,产业化经营,积极采取“公司 基地 农户”的模式,带动大批农户养奶水牛致富。2005年8月28日,广西晨光乳业项目在北流市正式开工建设。该项目计划投资总额4500万美元,分四期建设年加工20万吨乳制品生产线及相应的乳源生产基地,其中乳品生产线及仓库占地面积12万平方米,配套建设存栏奶水牛3.5万头的奶源生产基地。晨光项目的建设,进一步增强了农民养牛致富的信心。在项目投资开工建设的短短几个月内,全市养牛专业户便增加了300多户,奶水牛存栏增加了近千头。一大批农民则由前几年养牛出售赚钱,转变为养奶水牛挤奶发财。预计项目建成投产后,销售收入将达4.5亿元,税金3000多万元,可使本地农民直接增收2.5亿多元。⑵农民转变养牛观念,变养牛耕田为养牛赚钱。经过多年推广牛人工授精技术,生产优质杂种牛来解决过去本地牛的产奶、产肉性能低的问题。2005年全市杂交配种母牛达8万头,繁殖杂种牛4万...  相似文献   

鲁录 《中国奶牛》2014,(3):49-52
通过对临夏地区奶牛小养殖户、养殖大户、行了综合分析。数据表明,小养殖户养殖成本较低;小养殖户和养殖大户在鲜奶销售渠道上有竞争优势;合或组成合作社逐渐向养殖大户和养殖场过渡。养殖场的摸底调查,笔者对不同规模养殖的经济效益进养殖场的奶牛单产高于小养殖户和养殖大户,养殖场较小养殖户在整个奶产业中处于劣势地位,今后应通过联  相似文献   

In India, insurance market especially in agricultural sector is usually underdeveloped. The idea of livestock insurance emerged in India before three decades, yet, it has not operated in a significant way till date. It is well noted that livestock insurance scheme is the relevant strategy in managing different risks related to livestock farming but very little attention has been paid to address the livestock insurance needs of the dairy farmers. This study, therefore, addresses the basic question that how many people and to what extent they are willing to pay for livestock insurance and determine the main factors which influence insurance participation of dairy farmers. The data was collected from Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh in India with a sample survey of 120 cattle and buffalo farmers. For eliciting willingness to pay, a contingent valuation scenario was presented to dairy animal owners in the group of five to six. A logit discrete binary regression model was used to know the factors influencing adoption of livestock insurance. The results suggest that most of the farmers were willing to participate in cattle and buffalo insurance. The amount of premium varies across different breeds of dairy animals. The low level of education of many dairy farmers have negatively influenced the decision to purchase livestock insurance. Farmers having more experience in rearing dairy animals are more likely to be willing to pay for cattle and buffalo insurance.  相似文献   

盈江县发展水牛奶业的优势和措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文就盈江县发展水牛奶业的资源优势,发展现状、发展前景,存在的问题及在农业生产中的地位进行分析,认为发展水牛奶业是"十一·五"期间繁荣农村经济,推进盈江新农村建设的重点,是增加农民收入,带动相关产业发展的支柱产业。同时,提出了水牛奶业发展的主要措施及发展前景。  相似文献   

奶牛和水牛同期发情-定时输精技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
同期发情-定时输精技术是在经典的定时输精技术基础上的延伸以及改良,目前已在全世界范围内广泛使用,可以有效提高牛的繁殖水平,避免因发情延迟或不发情等带来的经济损失。本文总结了近几年国内外在奶牛和水牛同期发情-定时输精技术中对激素配伍和输精时间等方面的改良研究进展,为奶牛和水牛的繁殖育种及相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   



Mortality risk in Danish dairy cows has more than doubled since 1990 (from 2% in 1990 to 5% in 2005). Until now, registrations about dead cows in the Danish Cattle Database have not included information about whether the cow died unassisted or was euthanized.


We interviewed a random sample of 196 Danish dairy farmers that had reported a dead cow to the Danish Cattle Database in 2002 and 196 dairy farmers that had reported a dead cow in 2006. Our objectives were to evaluate the proportion of euthanized cows, changes in the behaviour of farmers regarding euthanasia of cows over the years and possible reasons for these changes.


It seems that the threshold for euthanasia of cows among farmers has changed. Farmers generally reported a lower threshold for euthanasia compared to 5–10 years ago.


The threshold for euthanasia of cows has, according to the dairy farmers, become lower. This might have positive impacts on animal welfare as more seriously ill cows are euthanized in the herds and not put through a period of suffering associated with disease and treatment or transported to a slaughterhouse in poor condition.  相似文献   

Su  Q. L.  Song  H. Q.  Lin  R. Q.  Yuan  Z. G.  Yang  J. F.  Zhao  G. H.  Huang  W. Y.  Zhu  Xing Quan 《Tropical animal health and production》2010,42(8):1805-1808
Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos” is a hemoplasma species found in cattle and has been recently reported in Switzerland and Japan. In this study, “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos” was shown to occur in cattle and buffalo in tropical China by PCR amplification and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene from blood samples. Based on the 16S rDNA sequence, a specific PCR assay was developed. Occurrence of “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos” in cattle and buffalo in Guangxi, China, was determined by examining 25 buffalo blood samples, 12 yellow cattle blood samples and 42 dairy cow blood samples. The results showed that 32% (8/25) of buffalo, 41.7% (5/12) of yellow cattle, and 14.3% (6/42) of dairy cows were positive for “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos”, respectively. Direct sequencing of representative PCR products confirmed that the amplified partial 16S rDNA sequence represented “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos”. This is the first report of “Candidatus Mycoplasma haemobos” in buffalo, yellow cattle, and dairy cows in China.  相似文献   

炎热的夏季常引起奶牛发生"热应激"而导致其产奶量下降和发病率增高。因此,如何在夏季保持奶牛高产,是养殖户亟需解决的一个难题。  相似文献   

为完成奶牛结核病净化工程,天津市引进了γ-干扰素检测新技术,结合传统的检测、扑杀、消毒、检疫、流调、监管等技术措施,制定了奶牛结核病净化技术规范。根据本市奶牛结核病防治实际情况,制定了全市奶牛结核病净化项目实施方案,确定了科学的可行的以区县为单位分区实施的净化技术路线。通过4年的努力,全市共完成奶牛结核病检测71.3万头次,检出阳性牛170头,且阳性牛呈逐年下降趋势,2013年无阳性牛检出。至2013年底,全市所有农业区县均达到农业部颁布的奶牛结核病净化标准,并通过市畜牧兽医局组织的考核验收。本文对项目实施过程及成功经验进行了分析和探讨,以期为其它地区开展奶牛结核病净化工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Dairy cow foot health is a subject of concern because it is considered to be the most important welfare problem in dairy farming and causes economic losses for the farmer. In order to improve dairy cow foot health it is important to take into account the attitude and intention of dairy farmers. In our study the objective was to gain insight into the attitude and intention of dairy farmers to take action to improve dairy cow foot health and determine drivers and barriers to take action, using the Theory of Planned Behavior. Five hundred Dutch dairy farmers were selected randomly and were invited by email to fill in an online questionnaire. The questionnaire included questions about respondents' intentions, attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control and was extended with questions about personal normative beliefs. With information from such a framework, solution strategies for the improvement of dairy cow foot health can be proposed. The results showed that almost 70% of the dairy farmers had an intention to take action to improve dairy cow foot health. Most important drivers seem to be the achievement of better foot health with cost-effective measures. Possible barriers to taking action were labor efficiency and a long interval between taking action and seeing an improvement in dairy cow foot health. The feed advisor and foot trimmer seemed to have most influence on intentions to take action to improve dairy cow foot health. Most farmers seemed to be satisfied with the foot health status at their farm, which probably weakens the intention for foot health improvement, especially compared to other issues which farmers experience as more urgent. Subclinical foot disorders (where cows are not visibly lame) were not valued as important with respect to animal welfare. Furthermore, 25% of the respondents did not believe cows could suffer pain. Animal welfare, especially the provision of good care for the cows, was valued as important but was not related to intention to improve dairy cow foot health. The cost-effectiveness of measures seemed to be more important. Providing more information on the effects of taking intervention measures might stimulate farmers to take action to achieve improvement in dairy cow foot health.  相似文献   

充分了解本地奶牛结核病流行病学,预防人畜共患病,采用牛型结核分支杆菌PPD皮内变态反应试验,1996~2006年对武威市奶牛结核病感染情况进行调查,结果11年间共检奶牛17 049头,检出阳性牛255头,平均阳性率为1.49%。该期间武威市奶牛结核病在古浪县、天祝县、民勤县和凉州区均有发生。从奶牛结核病的流行趋势分析,11年间奶牛结核病的发病率呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

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