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Fusariotoxins can be found in imported feed as well as in crops from the Middle-Europe-Region. Concerning frequency of contamination, zearalenone is most important in the Federal Republic of Germany. From the grains, maize and oats are mainly affected. Frequency and intensity of contamination however, variates, depending on several factors as climate or genetical resistance. Typical districts with high frequency of contamination cannot be found in the FRG at the present status of knowledge. Feed-intoxications by zearalenone predominantly can be seen in pigs, cases with ruminants, horses or fowl rarely can be found. As imported feeds--especially those of the by-products of the wet-milling technique of maize--can be contaminated with zearalenone, a consequent control is demanded. Additionally culture techniques, genetical selection, seed treatment and harvesting should be optimized. A scientific-based tolerable limit till now cannot be stated. There are however some hints, that female pigs show cystic degenerations of the ovary receiving 50 microgram per kg diet. Naturally contaminated feed with 100 microgram fed for several weeks to growing female pigs induced signs of hyperestrogenism. Trichothecene contamination was found with lower frequency in the Federal Republic especially with DON, which dominates in Austria and some districts of the USA. From the contaminated feeds, maize and oats should be mentioned with priority. Ensiled products of the maize plant show some degradation during the ensiling process. Husks contain higher levels than the endosperm. No differences between conventionally and alternatively (biologic dynamic) grown crops could be found. A value for a tolerable daily intake cannot be stated at the present status of knowledge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Experimental laboratory animals treated with the trichothecene T-2 toxin, develop various acute and chronic disorders and also tumours of the digestive tract and of the brain. T-2 toxin is teratogenic and immunosuppressive. In livestock, ingestion of fodder contaminated with T-2 toxin and with certain other trichothecenes can cause various disorders, including a haemorrhagic syndrome, neurological and reproductive disturbances. Follow-up studies of survivors in the flocks or herds which suffered fatalities from acute mycotoxicoses could establish whether and which chronic disorders and tumours may develop among the survivors and among their progeny, as a result of exposure to mycotoxins, which caused the acute fatalities. Outbreaks of acute mycotoxicoses are usually preceded by exceptional weather.  相似文献   

Out of a total of 207 gulls--20 Black headed gulls, 185 Herring gulls and 2 Common gulls--128 (62%) and 23 (11%) birds, respectively, were infected with Campylobacter spp. (C.) and Salmonella spp. C. jejuni was predominant in gulls less than two years old (89%) and C. coli in older birds (75%). Furthermore, the infection rate with Campylobacters was depending on the habitats of the birds. The rate for C. jejuni and C. coli, respectively, was in gulls from regional garbage dumps 78% and 4%, from the coast 58% and 21%, and from islands 47% and 47% of the isolations in the corresponding area. Salmonellae were mainly isolated in the period from September to February from gulls less than one year old and from birds from the coast.  相似文献   

Studies of the occurrence of zearalenone in the cutting surface of a horizontal silo were carried out over 12 days. On all sampling days the silage contained less than 0.1 mg/kg zearalenone (detection limit of the thin-layer chromatographic procedure). Zearalenone could not be detected in silage put into interim store over a period of 17 days either. The results document that zearalenone-producing Fusarium species have no considerable share in the decay of maize silage.  相似文献   

张嘉城  方香玲  南志标 《草业科学》2022,38(8):1513-1524
镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)是多种重要农作物的病原体,不仅可造成农作物产量和品质的严重损失还可在离体培养条件下或植物寄主体内产生一系列被称为镰刀菌毒素的次生代谢产物.这些毒素一方面作为致病因子与镰刀菌对宿主植物的致病力密切相关,另一方面可导致家畜生产性能下降和相关病症的出现,进而影响农业生态系统并对人类健康造成威胁.鉴于镰刀菌毒素对农作物生产的影响及其对家畜和人类的毒性作用,目前已有较多关于镰刀菌侵染粮食作物后产生毒素种类的研究,但关于镰刀菌侵染豆科牧草后产生的毒素种类以及毒素在镰刀菌对豆科牧草致病力方面作用的研究则较少.本文对引起主要粮食和饲料作物病害的常见镰刀菌物种产生的主要毒素,以及这些毒素对植物、家畜和人类的危害进行了综述,并对豆科牧草中镰刀菌毒素的研究前景及意义进行了展望.  相似文献   

张嘉城  方香玲  南志标 《草业科学》2021,38(8):1513-1524
镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)是多种重要农作物的病原体,不仅可造成农作物产量和品质的严重损失还可在离体培养条件下或植物寄主体内产生一系列被称为镰刀菌毒素的次生代谢产物.这些毒素一方面作为致病因子与镰刀菌对宿主植物的致病力密切相关,另一方面可导致家畜生产性能下降和相关病症的出现,进而影响农业生态系统并对人类健康造成...  相似文献   

Pasteurella haemolytica was grown in nonsupplemented cell culture medium, or in medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) for 24 hours. The production of leukotoxin (LKT) and endotoxin was sequentially evaluated, as were bacterial antigens associated with bacterial cell lysates and culture supernates. Supplementation of medium with BSA had no effect on bacterial growth curves; however, LKT activity was detected earlier and was greater in culture supernates from BSA-supplemented media than from nonsupplemented medium. Leukotoxin antigen (105 kDa) was detected in culture supernates, using a monoclonal antibody, immunoblot analysis, and densitometry. The relative concentrations of LKT antigen were proportional to LKT activity. Endotoxin activity was initially lowest in the culture supernates from nonsupplemented medium, but increased during the incubation period, whereas endotoxin activity in BSA-supplemented culture supernates decreased with time in culture. In culture supernates from nonsupplemented medium, the number of antigenic bands identified by immunoblot analysis with hyperimmune anti-P haemolytica and densitometry was greater than in culture supernates from supplemented media. In bacterial lysates, a 95-kDa antigen was the major antigen detected, using the anti-LKT monoclonal antibody. The concentration of that antigen varied among lysates from nonsupplemented medium and BSA-supplemented media. Using hyperimmune anti-P haemolytica serum, minor differences were seen in the relative quantities of lysate-associated antigens dependent on time in culture and medium used. Among the major antigens seen, differences were most apparent for 150-, 100-, and 87-kDa antigens, whereas differences were not obvious for 42- 40-, and 30-kDa antigens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the present study, previously characterized Staphylococcus hyicus isolated in Russia (n=23) and Germany (n=17) were investigated for the prevalence of the exfoliative toxin encoding genes exhA, exhB, exhC and exhD by multiplex PCR resulting in the detection of exhD positive strains among the S. hyicus isolated from pigs with exudative epidermitis in Russia and the detection of exhC and exhD for one and two strains isolated from exudative epidermitis in Germany respectively. The toxin gene negative strains were generally isolated from apparently healthy pigs, from other animals and from specimens where the relation between the isolation of S. hyicus and the clinical symptoms remained unclear. Partial sequencing of the toxin genes of selected exhC and exhD positive strains and comparing the sequencing results with sequences of exhC and exhD reference strains revealed an almost complete identity. The results of the present study were in agreement with the findings of Andresen and Ahrens (J. Appl. Microbiol., 96, 2004, 1265) and Andresen (J. Vet. Rec., 157, 2005, 376) that the presented multiplex PCR could be used to investigate S. hyicus for toxinogenic potential and that there is an association between the presence of toxin genes in S. hyicus strains from exudative epidermitis. However, comparable with the S. hyicus strains isolated in Germany which were investigated previously by Andresen (J. Vet. Rec., 157, 2005, 376), exhD seems to predominate in S. hyicus strains from Russia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY A national mail survey of 4880 beef and dairy producers was undertaken to record details of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. One thousand four hundred and fifty eight (29.8%) questionnaires were returned. The survey confirmed the widespread nature of the disease with higher prevalence in the summer months, in calves and dairy cattle, and in Bos taurus breeds. The constant prevalence contrasts with the disease in New Zealand where it is increasing.  相似文献   

The contamination of cereal grains with toxic secondary metabolites of fungi, mycotoxins, is a permanent challenge in animal nutrition as health and performance of the animals may be compromised as well as the quality of animal derived food. Therefore the present article reviews the issue of mycotoxins in animal nutrition. As the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone (ZON) are of particular importance under the production conditions in central Europe and Germany, with respect to their frequent occurrence in toxicologically relevant concentrations, special emphasis is layed on those mycotoxins. The effects of DON and ZON on susceptible animals as well as management strategies to cope with the contamination of grain with those toxins are reviewed.  相似文献   

The formation of zearalenone in a maize plot artificially infected with Fusarium culmorum was studied. The zearalenone concentration steeply increased only in the 8th week after inoculation and reached a maximum value of ca. 7 ppm, whereas zearalenone could not be detected in the control variants. The crude nutrient and dry matter content was not significantly influenced by the fungal infection. The infected crop showed average ear dry weights distinctly lower than that of the control variants (P less than or equal to 0.001). Apart from zearalenone, the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol was qualitatively detected in the infected maize. The toxicological relevance of the ascertained zearalenone content with regard to the health of dairy cattle and pigs was discussed.  相似文献   

1000 random serum samples of pet dogs were examined in the serum tube agglutination test for antibodies to Brucella canis. Agglutinating antibodies to Br. canis antigen were detected in 18 cases in a serum dilution of 1 : 50, in 29 cases in a serum dilution of 1 : 100, in 13 cases in a serum dilution of 1 : 200 and in a serum dilution 1 : 400. But the positive results of the agglutination tests were confirmed by complement fixation, agargel-precipitation and indirect immunofluorescence only in 2 cases (0,2%) with titers of 1 :200 and 1 :400. These serological findings indicate that in the Federal Republic of Germany Br. canis infections are rarely in pet dogs as compared with dogs (Beagles) held in research kennels.  相似文献   


Madam:— Fusarium species fungal infection occurred widely in the 1986 Manawatu and Waikato wheat harvest. A significant amount of grain was rejected because of this infection, commonly indicated by reddish or purplish discolourations.  相似文献   

The influence of silaging on zearalenone already formed and on the growth of Fusarium culmorum in naturally contaminated CCM maize was studied. The zearalenone content remained approximately constant (13.35 +/- 2.94 mg/kg, n = 59) over the whole test period (12 weeks), whereas Fusarium culmorum could not longer be detected after 11 days. Thus the hypothesis that zearalenone survives the silaging process unchanged is experimentally strongly supported. The study confirms the view that zearalenone detected in maize silages is probably already formed in the field or during intermediate storing. Relations between the fermentation process and the toxin content of the silage could not be ascertained.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the occurrence of blowfly strike in sheep flocks in two shires located in south-eastern Queensland. DESIGN: Postal survey of woolgrowers within Stanthorpe and Inglewood shires. PROCEDURE: Questionnaire posted to woolgrowers in June 1999 seeking information on the monthly occurrence of flystrike and number of sheep at risk. RESULTS: Incidence of body strike and breech strike between August 1998 and May 1999 was 1.1 and 0.5%, respectively. The highest incidence of body strike and breech strike was reported in lambs (6.1%) and weaner sheep (1.5%), respectively. The seasonality of the incidence of body strike was bimodal (November and February), whereas the seasonality of the incidence of breech strike was unimodal (April). Occurrence of body strike within a 3-month period in flocks located within 40 to 50 km of each other was significantly (P < 0.05) clustered. CONCLUSION: Body strike appears to be more common than breech strike in the study area, mainly affects lambs and weaners and high-risk periods occur during late spring and autumn. Study results provide valuable information for planning blowfly strike control programs in the area such as timing of management procedures, use of fly traps), and enable the economic impact of flystrike on the industry in this area to be assessed.  相似文献   

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