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Feeding commercial enteral diets to critically ill dogs and cats via nasogastric tubes was an appropriate means for providing nutritional support and was associated with few complications. Twenty-six cats and 25 dogs in the intensive care unit of our teaching hospital were evaluated for malnutrition and identified as candidates for nutritional support via nasogastric tube. Four commercial liquid formula diets and one protein supplement designed for use in human beings were fed to the dogs and cats. Outcome variables used to assess efficacy and safety of nutritional support were return to voluntary food intake, maintenance of body weight to within 10% of admission weight, and complications associated with feeding liquid diets. Sixty-three percent of animals experienced no complications with enteral feedings; resumption of food intake began for most animals (52%) while they were still in the hospital. Weight was maintained in 61% of the animals (16 of 26 cats and 15 of 25 dogs). Complications that did occur included vomiting, diarrhea, and inadvertent tube removal. Most problems were resolved by changing the diet or adhering to the recommended feeding protocol. Nutritional support as a component of therapy in small animals often is initiated late in the course of the disease when animals have not recovered as quickly as expected. If begun before the animal becomes nutrient depleted, enteral feeding may better support the animal and avoid serious complications.  相似文献   

The presence or development of malnutrition during critical illness has been unequivocally associated with increased morbidity and mortality in people. Recognition that malnutrition may similarly affect veterinary patients emphasizes the need to properly address the nutritional requirements of hospitalized dogs and cats. Because of a lack in veterinary studies evaluating the nutritional requirements of critically ill small animals, current recommendations for nutritional support of veterinary patients are based largely on sound clinical judgment and the best information available, including data from experimental animal models and human studies. This, however, should not discourage the veterinary practitioner from implementing nutritional support in critically ill patients. Similar to many supportive measures of critically ill patients, nutritional interventions can have a significant impact on patient morbidity and may even improve survival. The first step of nutritional support is to identify patients most likely to benefit from nutritional intervention. Careful assessment of the patient and appraisal of its nutritional needs provide the basis for a nutritional plan, which includes choosing the optimal route of nutritional support, determining the number of calories to provide, and determining the composition of the diet. Ultimately, the success of the nutritional management of critically ill dogs and cats will depend on close monitoring and frequent reassessment.  相似文献   

A 6-month-old, intact male Great Dane dog fed a veterinary therapeutic liver diet was evaluated after diagnosis of an intrahepatic portosystemic shunt and hind limb angular limb deformity to determine appropriateness of diet. Evaluation of the current diet revealed it to be inadequate to meet the nutrient requirements of a large breed puppy. The dog clinically improved following a change in diet. There was no longer any angular limb deformity and no reported neurological signs. This report highlights the importance of appropriate feeding management during growth and demonstrates that although veterinary therapeutic diets may appear to be an appropriate choice initially, they may not be ideal for growing puppies as a long-term feeding option.Key clinical message:An individual approach is key for nutritional management of complicated canine veterinary medical cases and includes consideration of the patient’s life stage requirements when modifying nutrient intake to manage clinical disease.  相似文献   

Malnutrition associated with critical illness has been unequivocally associated with increased morbidity and mortality in humans. Because malnutrition may similarly affect veterinary patients, the nutritional requirements of hospitalized critically ill animals must be properly addressed. Proper nutritional support is increasingly being recognized as an important therapeutic intervention in the care of critically ill patients. The current focus of veterinary critical care nutrition, and the major focus of this article, is on carefully selecting the patients most likely to benefit from nutritional support, deciding when to intervene, and optimizing nutritional support to individual patients.  相似文献   

The term ‘intensive care’ is becoming increasingly popular in veterinary medicine to describe those techniques employed in caring for the critically ill animal. Application of the techniques required for intensive care is not difficult and can be employed in any veterinary practice. The purpose of intensive care is the uncomplicated conversion of a dramatic disease process into an uneventful one, not the performance of life-saving heroics. Critically ill patients share several common features, particularly the need for diligent monitoring and nursing. Regardless of the primary disease, the function of many organs is frequently impaired in these patients and they require total body care. Critically ill animals may have fluid, acid-base and electrolyte imbalances, increased caloric requirements and an increased susceptibility to infection. This paper describes the equipping and staffing of an intensive care unit and the various techniques for monitoring critically ill animals. It also reviews aspects of fluid and electrolyte disturbances and therapy, and the unusual respiratory problems and nutritional requirements of these patients.  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of feeding puppies and kittens is to ensure a healthy adult. The specific objectives, however, are to optimize growth, minimize risk factors for disease, and achieve optimal health and longevity. Minimum nutrient requirements are easiest to determine in growing animals using growth rates as the nutritional marker. These levels ensure a minimum level of good health in most animals. Nevertheless, the optimal nutrient levels for growth may not represent the optimal levels for other physiologic functions (e.g., immune function, disease prevention, behavior). Nutritional requirements for growing animals are being redefined using physiologic parameters other than growth rate. The most common causes of malnutrition in the neonate seem to be protein-energy deficiency or overnutrition in the perinatal period. Single micronutrient abnormalities are relatively uncommon. Nevertheless, the nutritional status during neonatal development is known to affect genetic expression and to have a lifelong impact. It is thus important to tailor the nutritional plan to the individual at each life stage and to remember that pediatric nutrition should start before conception.  相似文献   

Effective nutritional support requires a sound knowledge of both basic and clinical nutrition of dogs and cats as well as familiarity with products and their administration. Management includes the assessment of a patient's nutritional status and estimation of fuel sources. Most starved or stressed patients utilise fatty acids at over 70 per cent kcalME (metabolisable energy) and protein at over 20 per cent kcalME; appropriate diets contain at least 30 per cent kcalME from protein as well as fat. Approximate calorie needs are based on maintenance energy requirements. Enteral nutritional support is superior to parenteral support in most patients as gastrointestinal integrity and enterocyte viability are maintained. Meat-based pet foods, liquid enteral products and nutrient supplements are offered in slurries and via tubes. Management includes careful monitoring of patients and the gradual transition to diets with more complex nutrient sources.  相似文献   

动物饲养试验是动物营养与饲料科学研究的重要方法之一,常用来评价饲料的营养价值、筛选最佳饲粮配方、研究营养代谢及营养需要等,是目前多数农业院校动物营养与饲料科学课程的实践教学内容,其中涉及多个关键环节,包括考查因素、水平、试验动物、试验日粮、试验设计、考查指标、数据收集与整理、数据统计等,正确把握这些环节是动物饲养试验取得良好效果的关键,也是该课程中需要考核的要素。对动物饲养试验的多个关键环节进行了讨论和总结,供实践教学课程参考和借鉴,以期提高教学效果和推进实践教学改革。  相似文献   

SUMMARY Successful nutritional management requires knowledge of the natural history of exotic pets, nutrient contents of foods, and roles of water, calories, and nutrients in optimal health. Unestablished dietary requirements, lack of balanced commercial diets and mismanagement by owners cause nutritional problems that affect health and recovery from illness and trauma. When presented with a sick exotic pet, veterinarians should check for provision of appropriate wholesome water and food in optimal amounts. Malnutrition and dehydration are common in exotic pets and often result from mismanagement. Starvation is common in carnivores eating whole vertebrate prey, whereas specific nutrient deficiencies are more common in herbivores and insectivores. The more common nutritional deficiencies are calcium and vitamin D3, vitamin A, thiamin, and vitamin E. When treating sick exotic pets, nutrition and fluid support may be critical to recovery.  相似文献   

Access to a diet that provides adequate nutrition is one of the most important environmental factors influencing the well-being of rodent colonies. The dietary ingredient and nutrient composition, as well as the potential biological and chemical contaminant concentrations, are factors for consideration in selecting diets for a specific rodent colony. Estimated nutrient requirements have been published for the rodent species that are commonly used in biomedical research. The nutrient concentrations in adequate diets for other captive rodent species that are not used in biomedical research are more difficult to obtain. However, reasonable estimates of their nutrient requirements can be obtained by extrapolation of data from rodent species of a similar metabolic weight and size or from nutrient concentrations of diets that have a history of acceptable performance in the species of interest. Captive rodent colonies should be provided with nutritionally balanced diets with only limited amounts of succulent foodstuffs. The practice of feeding rodent colonies specific cereal grains is discouraged, since no single grain provides a balanced rodent diet.  相似文献   

The unusually short intestinal tract of ferrets and closely related mustelids lacks a cecum and ileocolic valve. As a result, the transit time of ingesta in these carnivores is very rapid compared with other animals, and their food is inefficiently digested. Although the precise nutritional requirements of ferrets have not been determined by feeding defined diets, information has been compiled from experience feeding commercial and analyzed homemade diets to breeding ferrets, fitch, and mink at all stages of their lives. The requirements of spayed or neutered pet ferrets are met by allowing them constant access to drinking water and a palatable, pelleted, or extruded, 90% dry matter, premium cat or ferret food that, as fed, contains at least 15% fat and 30% high quality, meat source protein, less than 30% carbohydrates, and approximately 4 Kcal of metabolizable energy per gram. Lower density diets with more carbohydrate and less protein are associated with poor reproductive performance and growth and greater susceptibility to infectious and metabolic diseases.  相似文献   

The beef cattle industry relies on the use of high-forage diets to develop replacement females, maintain the cow herd, and sustain stocker operations Forage quantity and quality fluctuate with season and environmental conditions Depending on class and physiological state of the animal, a forage diet may not always meet nutritional requirements, resulting in reduced ADG or BW loss if supplemental nutrients are not provided It is important to understand the consequences of such BW loss and the economics of providing supplementation to the beef production system Periods of limited or insufficient nutrient availability can be followed by periods of compensatory BW gain once dietary conditions improve This may have less impact on breeding animals, provided reproductive efficiency is not compromised, where actual BW is not as important as it is in animals destined for the feedlot A rapidly evolving body of literature is also demonstrating that nutritional status of cows during pregnancy can affect subsequent offspring development and production characteristics later in life The concept of fetal programming is that maternal stimuli during critical periods of fetal development have long-term implications for offspring Depending on timing, magnitude, and duration of nutrient limitation or supplementation, it is possible that early measures in life, such as calf birth BW, may be unaffected, whereas measures later in life, such as weaning BW, carcass characteristics, and reproductive traits, may be influenced This body of research provides compelling evidence of a fetal programming response to maternal nutrition in beef cattle Future competitiveness of the US beef industry will continue to be dependent on the use of high-forage diets to meet the majority of nutrient requirements Consequences of nutrient restriction or supplementation must be considered not only on individual animal performance but also the developing fetus and its subsequent performance throughout life.  相似文献   

Scientific interest in farm animal welfare has grown rapidly in recent years because consumers increasingly demand that farm animals are reared, transported, and slaughtered in a humane way. Additionally, nutrition emerges as an important aspect of welfare since in most codes of recommendations for the welfare of animals, adequate nutrition is one of the primary requirements to be satisfied. We submit that in many cases domestic animals are provided with diets that, even when abundant and nutritious, are not necessarily adequate to foster the welfare of animals. The monotonous diets fed in confinement (total mixed rations) and on pasture (monocultures) often contain excesses of nutrients, nutrient imbalances, and toxins that adversely influence animal welfare. How much of any food an animal can eat will depend on the other foods it consumes, because at the biochemical level, nutrients and toxins interact one with another—nutrients with nutrients, nutrients with toxins, and toxins with toxins. Food intake and preference also depend on differences in how individual animals are built morphologically and how they function physiologically, and marked variation is common even among closely related animals relative to the needs for nutrients and tolerance to toxins. An integral part of an animal's ability to meet its particular nutritional requirements and consume substances that improve health depends on having a variety of foods available so each animal can select a diet that best meets its homeostatic needs. Food choice may also offer animals a means to cope with toxins, as certain food combinations have the potential to ameliorate the negative effects of toxins. We suggest that the availability of alternatives may not only contribute to maintain homeostasis but also reduce levels of stress. Thus, food choice is necessary for individual animals to have freedom to express their normal behaviors. We contend this freedom enables the uniqueness of individuals to be manifest, thereby promoting animal welfare and performance and increasing profitability of the people who manage animals.  相似文献   

Parrots are commonly fed multi‐component seed diets; however, both segregation and feeding behaviour might alter ingredient and nutrient composition of the offered diet. First, the nutritional impact of segregation was assessed as it occurs when multi‐component diets are temporarily stored in food containers that are replenished before completely emptied and birds being fed from the upper layer. The most detrimental effect hereof was a vast decrease in mineral supplements, leading to a decrease in Ca:P ratio in the offered food in relation to the formulated diet. Next, caloric distribution shifted towards more EE energy at the expense of NFE energy, as proportion of oilseeds increased and NFE‐rich seeds decreased. Next, a feeding trial was performed on six yellow‐shouldered amazons (Amazona Barbadensis) in which nutritional impact of parrot‐specific feeding behaviour was assessed as well as the influence of additional provision of fruit next to the seed mixture. Profound selective feeding behaviour and dehusking of seeds resulted in a vast increase in energetic density by up to 64% in the ingested fraction in relation to the offered mixture in toto. Furthermore, the already suboptimal Ca:P ratio further deteriorated and caloric distribution shifted by over twofold towards EE energy accompanied with a vast decline in NFE energy, CP energy remaining similar. Finally, provision of fruit next to the seed diet significantly lowered voluntary energy intake from 936 ± 71 to 809 ± 109 kJ ME/kg0.75/day, without compromising adequate protein intake. In conclusion, notwithstanding efforts of nutritionists to formulate diets to approximate estimated, species‐specific requirements, nutritional composition of the actually consumed fraction of multi‐component seed diets can be vastly deteriorated by both animal and management factors. Furthermore, offering of fruit next to a seed‐based diet effectively reduces voluntary energy intake and can hence be applied to abate obesity.  相似文献   

We evaluated the nutritional adequacy of 2 dry-type commercially prepared dog diets by use of a gestation/lactation/growth protocol outlined by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. Both diets were formulated to contain minimal concentrations of nutrients, compared with canine nutrient requirements listed in the 1974 or 1985 National Research Council publications. Although there were no significant differences in the performance of dogs fed either diet, only one of the diets (diet 2) passed the complete life-stage protocol test. The nutritional profile of diet 1 was only sufficient to support a claim of complete and balanced nutrition for adult maintenance. Any commercial dry dog food meeting the nutrient levels in diet 2, and of similar nutrient bioavailability, should also pass an Association of American Feed Control Officials complete life-stage protocol test.  相似文献   

Nutritional requirements are typically estimated based on feeding trials with animals or birds offered several amounts of the critical nutrient(s). A nutrient response function is then fitted to data from the feeding trials. Modern computer techniques allow for a variety of functional forms to be used as nutrient response functions. However, the performance of these models is almost undistinguishable from a purely statistical perspective. This paper approaches the issue of determining nutrient requirements from an economic prospective. Crude protein amounts that would maximize profits were calculated for combinations of corn, soybean meal, and live broilers prices using several nutrient response models fitted to technical data from a trial with several balanced CP amounts fed to broiler chickens. Under certain combinations of input prices, differences between the models were between 1.5 and 3.0% CP. No model consistently predicted the greatest or least CP amounts or net profits, emphasizing that the (tangential) slopes of the models change at different rates over the range of nutrient (CP) amounts studied. Models providing adequate statistical fits to research data do not necessarily provide functions that are clearly most appropriate for maximizing producer profits.  相似文献   

The following research encompassed two experiments and involved feeding horses two isocaloric diets (diet A and diet B), with an approximate 50% difference in nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) content. There were three main objectives: first, to test the hypothesis that feeding an approximately 50% lower NSC concentrate feed would cause a lower glucose and insulin response; second, to test the hypothesis that feeding meals equal in NSC content would create similar responses in glucose and insulin dynamics; and finally, to test the hypothesis that the time spent eating is correlated with glucose/insulin response. In experiment 1, in which diet A and diet B were fed at the same rate, the main finding was that feeding a meal lower in NSC resulted in a lower glucose and insulin response to the feed. In experiment 2, in which the effects of feeding diets A and B at a rate to provide 0.3 g/kg body weight (BW) NSC per meal were explored, the main finding was that, although glucose responses were similar, the meal containing more NSC/kg and fed at the lower rate resulted in a substantially lower insulin response. Consumption time also was found to be significantly different between treatments.In conclusion, a low NSC formulation and small meal size appear to be sensible recommendations for horses that may benefit from a low glucose and insulin response to feeding. In addition to NSC content, meal size, and nutrient:calorie ratio, nutrient requirements of the individual horse and the entire nutritional balance of the diet also should be addressed.  相似文献   

The comparison of the contents of nutrients determined in commercial hand rearing diets with the nutrient requirements of growing budgerigars and lovebirds estimated by the factorial method revealed satisfactory protein, lysine and arginine concentrations. Regarding sulphur amino acids, a number of products showed marginal methionine and cystine contents. Mineral contents generally met all requirements and were even excessive in some cases. Ultimately, the results gained in this study demonstrate that nestlings' substantial requirements for sulphur amino acids for plumage development are often underestimated, while their calcium requirements in connection with bone mineralization are frequently overestimated. The primary obstacle to successful hand rearing, however, probably lies not so much in energy and nutrient contents, but rather--as revealed by first results of feeding trials with lovebirds--in the passage of the suspended diet through the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. crop disorders) and/or errors regarding feed quantities and feeding frequency.  相似文献   

There are numerous industry situations in which horses are N sufficient, but amino acid deficient. Although simple formulation of diets and consideration of nutrient-to-calorie ratios against requirements may appear to produce feeding programs that are suitable for horses, other factors, such as diet, rate of intake, site of nutrient absorption, horse age, and growth rate, must be considered when determining whether or not requirements are actually met. As an example, some yearlings kept in confinement consume concentrate and hay that fail to satisfy amino acid requirements. Other yearlings grazing very high quality pastures with no supplemental feed are able to meet their lysine requirement and achieve moderate growth. Field studies have documented that trends to manage weanlings and yearlings in a similar nutritional fashion are contributing to problems associated with rapid growth. Weanlings cannot process roughage at levels used effectively in yearlings, yet farms typically provide concentrate-to-hay ratios for weanlings inconsistent with NRC requirements and recommendations. Research on protein intake, site of absorption, concentrate type and intake, and grazing behavior must all be combined to be precise regarding adequate supply of protein quality to horses.  相似文献   

Patterns of tissue mobilisation in ruminants are ill-understood. This hinders nutritional management to mitigate the effects of energy deprivation on protein mass, and nutritional regimens designed to change body composition. An experiment was conducted to comprehensively evaluate the effects of a low-energy high-protein diet in growing lambs. Three diets (CON = concentrate diet ad libitum, STR = straw ad libitum, SFM = straw ad libitum plus 150 g/d fish meal) were fed to growing white-face lambs. Analysis of feed intake and metabolite data provided evidence that greater available N did not have a synergistic effect on intake of low quality forage. Metabolite and hormone profiles of lambs in negative energy balance, supplemented with duodenally available protein, revealed that SFM animals did not respond with an accelerated rate of fat mobilization or maintain protein mass due to available N. This was particularly evident from the leptin profiles, which indicated higher circulating leptin levels for SFM compared to STR animals. Further, the data revealed that in sheep fed below requirements for maintenance, leptin levels did not correspond with acute ME intake, whereas the opposite was true for well-fed animals. Conversely, the response of the GH/IGF-1 axis to high protein–energy ratio (PER) diets was indicative of effects not explained by the difference in energy provided by the two experimental diets.

These results contrast with observations from intra-gastric infusion experiments testing similar PERs and previous conventional feeding trials and provide evidence of: (1) specific differences associated with PER in lambs fed via intra-gastric infusion vs. a conventional feeding approach, and (2) lack of usefulness of high PER diets in the post hoc modification of body composition of growing lambs. While positive N balance is known to occur in ruminants in negative energy balance, the determinants of relative proportions of muscle and adipose tissue catabolised under energy deprivation remain unknown.  相似文献   

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