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Fourteen accessions of rye when crossed to Triticum aestivum cv. C 306 (Ne1ne2ch1Ch2) yielded chlorotic F1 hybrids and six accessions involved in hybrid combination with the same tester produced normal F1 hybrid plants. Two rye accessions, namely, EC 179188 and EC 143825 when crossed to the wheat lines HD 2329 (ne1Ne2ch1Ch2) and NI 5439 (ne1ne2ch1Ch2) also produced chlorosis. The hybrids between T. macha and two rye accessions produced normal plants. Variable degrees of chlorosis were observed among different wheat × rye F1 hybrids. It is suggested that the rye accessions producing chlorosis in combination with wheat cvs. C 306, HD 2329 and NI 5439 (all Ch2-carriers) carry one of the complementary genes for chlorosis. Gene symbol Chr1 is proposed for the chlorosis gene of rye.  相似文献   

Genotypic influence of both male and female parents on haploid production through interspecific crosses was studied using eight wheat and four maize genotypes. The average numbers of embryos and green haploid plantlets obtained per pollinated floret were 17.6% and 10.1%, respectively. Clear genotypic influence of the wheat genotype was detected, but heterozygosity of the wheat did not affect haploid production. Analogous response to anther culture and interspecific crossing was observed, still a wheat variety which did not respond to anther culture, produced 1.1 plantlets per pollinated spike upon maize pollination. This appears to be a major advantage of interspecific crossing compared to anther culture technique in wheat. Circumstantial evidence is presented for specific wheat × maize interaction on haploid plantlet formation. Rye chromatin enhanced haploid production but only in a complete 1B/1R substitution line. Ovaries with an embryo were found to be dispersed evenly all over the wheat spike, suggesting that within certain limits the developmental stage of ovaries and thus time of pollination within a spike are not as important as it was previously assumed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The move toward resilient and productive agriculture requires, among other innovations, the design of new sustainable farming systems in which the variety plays a main role. Plant breeding strategies adapted to organic farming conditions have to deal with limiting factors. Whereas in north-west France, it is known that trials carried out under high-input management do not give a good prediction of genotype performance in organic conditions, less is known about the relative stability of wheat genotypes between low-input (LI) and organic cropping systems. A retrospective analysis of 34 winter wheat trials conducted from 2004 to 2011 was performed to determine whether data obtained on genotypes grown under LI conditions can be used to predict genotype performance in organic (ORG) target conditions. Every year, ORG and LI (no fungicide or growth regulators, N balance sheet-60 kgN/ha, weed control with herbicides) trials including 25–30 genotypes describing a large range of genetic diversity were sown in three different agro-climatic regions across north-west France. Genotype performance in ORG management system was reduced from 25 to 40 % for yield and from 10 to 22 % for grain protein content. Estimates of genotypic values appeared to be more precise under LI than ORG conditions. Because of high genetic correlations between LI and ORG conditions, the relative efficiency of indirect selection from LI to ORG conditions was approximately 1. Spearman’s rank correlations were high (Rs = 0.54–0.92) and genotype rank inversions generally had a minor extent. However, in 2005 and 2010, almost 50 % of the lines had to be retained in LI to keep 80 % of the top 20 % of genotypes in organic conditions. Compared with previous results from high-input conditions, LI management provided a better prediction of genotype performance under ORG conditions but crossover genotype × management interactions could be observed between both systems. Overall, combining information provided from both LI and ORG crop management systems appears to be a good process for building efficient and adapted breeding schemes for ORG farming conditions.  相似文献   

Hard white wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a value-added product because of its processing advantages over red wheat; however, white wheat tends to be more susceptible to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS). To identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with PHS tolerance, we developed a doubled haploid (DH) mapping population from the cross AC Domain (red seeded) × White-RL4137 (white seeded). A genetic map was constructed using microsatellite markers located on chromosome groups 3, 4, 5 and 6. A population of 174 DH lines was characterized for important aspects of PHS including sprouting index, germination index, Hagberg falling number and seed coat colour. A total of 11 QTLs were identified on group 3 chromosomes and on chromosome 5D. Seven QTLs associated with the PHS traits were found to be co-incident with seed coat colour on chromosomes 3A, 3B and 3D. The 5D PHS QTL was notable because it is independent of seed coat colour.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a major downgrading factors for grain producers and can significantly reduce end-use quality. PHS resistance is a complex trait influenced by genotype, environment and plant morphological factors. A population of 185 doubled haploid (DH) lines from the spring wheat cross ‘RL4452/AC Domain’ were used as the mapping population to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with three PHS traits, germination index (GI), sprouting index (SI) and falling number (FN). Six major QTLs linked with PHS traits were mapped on bread wheat chromosomes 3A, 3D, 4A (2 loci), 4B and 7D. ‘AC Domain’ alleles contributed to PHS resistance on 3A, 4A (locus-2) and 4B, and ‘RL4452’ alleles contributed resistance on 3D, 4A (locus-1) and 7D. QTLs detected on chromosome 4B controlling FN (QFN.crc-4B), GI (QGI.crc-4B) and SI (QSI.crc-4B) were coincident, and explained the largest amount of phenotypic variation in FN (22%), GI (67%) and SI (26%), respectively.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridisation with the close relative, Trifolium nigrescens (Ball clover) is a possible strategy to achieve increased reproductive potential of white clover (Trifolium repens). Fertile F1 plants have been used as the basis for two generations of backcrossing to T. repens as the recurrent parent. F1 and backcrossed plants were assessed in both glasshouse and field for a range of morphological traits, including inflorescence production, and the level of water soluble carbohydrates in the stolons. Plants resulting from two generations of backcrossing had an increased allocation of dry matter to inflorescence production in comparison with T. repens. Variation within these plants for agronomic traits (e.g. stolon length, dry weights etc.) suggests that selection for these traits is feasible and in combination with increased inflorescence production offers a potentially valuable approach to germplasm improvement in white clover. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To optimize wheat segregation for the various markets, it is necessary to add to genotype segregation, a prediction before harvest of the values of yield and grain protein concentration (GPC) for the different fields of the collecting area. Different tools allowing a prediction of crop production exist. Among them, the evaluation of nitrogen concentration by a chlorophyll meter (Soil–Plant Analysis Development (SPAD) readings), classically used to adapt the nitrogen fertilizer application, has been used in few works to foresee grain yield and grain protein concentration. But the relationships between N crop status and SPAD measurements varies among varieties and this genotypic effect has rarely been incorporated in models of forecasting grain quality.This paper compares several models to forecast yield, nitrogen uptake in grain (NUG) and grain protein concentration from trials carried out in 2001 and 2002 at the INRA experiment station of Grignon (West of Paris). Trials crossed nine varieties by four (2002) or five (2001) nitrogen rates. Input variables of those models are mainly chlorophyll meter measurements (SPAD) on the penultimate leaf at GS65 and on the flag leaf at GS71 Zadoks growth stages and ear number per square meter (NE).A square root model of yield based on NE × SPAD gave the best fit (RMSE = 0.6 t ha−1 for both stages) if considering three different groups of genotypes. Based on the same variable, NE × SPAD, a quadratic model for NUG without significant effect of genotypes gave the best fit (RMSE, between 21 and 30 kg ha−1 depending of the growth stage). And, for GPC, considering the same three groups of genotypes, the slope of the linear model with the ratio of predicted grain nitrogen concentration to predicted yield, is the same at both stages and very close to the standard value used to calculate protein concentration from nitrogen concentration (5.7), but the predictive quality of the model is more than 10% higher at GS71 (R2 of 0.77) than at flowering (R2 of 0.64). Finally, the sensibility of the models to delay in the stage of measurement is discussed.  相似文献   

Inter-sectional hybrids were successfully obtained by the reciprocal crosses between 11 cultivars (including 6 diploids and 5 tetraploids) of Begonia semperflorens (SS & SSSS genomes) and B. ‘Orange Rubra’ (RR genome) with the aid of in vitro culture of mature or immature seeds on MS medium containing 0.1 mg l−1 α-naphthylacetic acid, 0.1 mg l−1 6-benzyladenine, 10 mg l−1 gibberellic acid, 30 g l−1 sucrose and 2.5 g l−1 gellan gum. Embryo rescue as ovary culture with immature seeds 12th–16th day after pollination (DAP) generally gave higher efficiency of plantlet formation, but in some cross combinations, culture of mature seeds (30 DAP) resulted in higher yield of plantlets. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that they were consisted of the plants with various genomic combinations (RS, RR, RSS, RRS, RRSS and RRRRSS) as estimated by the DNA contents of both parents. Hybridity of these plants with various genomic combinations including RR was confirmed by random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. These results suggested that unreduced gamete formation and spontaneous chromosome doubling were involved in the hybrid formation of various ploidy levels and genomic combinations. These hybrids showed various levels of intermediate traits between both parents according to the genomic compositions, and some of them had desirable characters of both parents.  相似文献   

Pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a significant problem. Introgression of genes controlling grain dormancy into white-grained bread wheat is one means of improving resistance to PHS. In this study seven dormant (containing the SW95-50213 and AUS1408 sources) × non-dormant crosses were produced to investigate the effectiveness of selection for grain dormancy in early segregating generations. Each generation (F1–F4) was grown in a temperature controlled glasshouse with an extended photoperiod (i.e. continuous light). F2 and F3 generations were subject to selection. Five hundred harvest-ripe grains were tested for germination over a 14 day period, and the 100 most dormant grains were retained and grown-on to produce the next generation within each cross. The response to selection was assessed through analysis of the time to 50% germination (G50) in the F2, F3 and F4 generations. In addition, changes in marker class frequencies for two SSR markers (barc170 and gpw2279) flanking a known quantitative trait locus (QTL) for grain dormancy on chromosome 4A were assessed in DNA from F2 plants selected from early germinating (non-dormant) and late germinating (dormant) phenotypic extremes within each cross. Selection for grain dormancy in the F2 and F3 generations effectively recovered the dormant phenotype in all seven crosses, i.e. the F4 generation was not significantly different from the dormant parent. Further, selection based on individual F2 grains changed marker class frequencies for the 4A dormancy QTL; in most cases eliminating the marker class homozygous for the non-dormant alleles. Application of this screening method will enable breeders to better select for grain dormancy and may lead to development of new cultivars offering effective resistance to PHS in the near future.  相似文献   

Agroforesry is a common traditional practice in China, especially in the saline-alkaline regions, like the lower North China Plain (LNCP) characterized by lower yields of food crops. Adding trees to the agricultural land creates additional fruitsets or woody biomass besides food crops, enabling farmers to diversify the provision of farm commodities. However, the productivity of many agroforestry systems has been lower than expected in recent years, highlighting the need for a mechanistic understanding of below- or above-ground interactions. The study combined investigation and experimental data together to evaluate the effects of long-term intercropping agroforestry system [jujube tree (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis (Bunge) Rehd.)/winter wheat–summer maize] on soil fertility balance, crop production and system economic efficiency over the past 22 years in LNCP, with a view to developing an effective fertilization management for the moderately alkaline soils. Except remain higher pH, the soils are basically free of sodic and soil salinity is not the major restriction factor for intercrops, even through there are some fluctuation with season and distance from jujube tree. The intercropping system significantly reduced soil nutrient contents, like soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), available P (avail. P) and K (avail. K) in most parts of the ecotone of the system, but increased those nutrients in the belt of underneath the edge of tree canopy, The growth of intercrops at the belt of 3.5 m from tree was severely negative stressed by jujube tree in term of lower soil moisture, nitrate, avail. P and K although receiving more photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), whereas the winter wheat growing at the 2.5 m row had more water and nutrients supplied and thus produced more grain yield. Uneven fertilization to the ecotone (about 1–2.5 m of the intercrop field boundary) could partly offset the consumption and competition for nutrients between the tree and the intercrops, and improved the grain yields by 12.1% and 14.5% in the ecotone regions (distance from jujube trees) of 1.5 m for winter wheat and 2.5 m for summer maize by increasing respective yield components. Although the mean grain yield of intercropped winter wheat and summer maize was reduced by 35.6 and 35.2%, respectively, compared to sole cropping system, the intercropping system proved to be a profitable land use type based on net income and economic returns, in addition to the wood and ecological benefits of the jujube tree in the moderate desalinate- alkaline regions.  相似文献   

Lilium are Fritillaria-type plants. Triploid lilies, regardless of their male sterility, can be used as female parents to cross with appropriate males, in contrast to other triploid Polygonum-type plants, which are usually seedless. Up to now, however, little attention has been paid to the reason. Here we made allotriploid × diploid/tetraploid crosses in Lilium. Endosperm and progenies of LAA × AA/AAAA crosses were analyzed for ploidy level and genome composition. The endosperm of some LAA × AA/AAAA ovules developed well but there was little or no development of LAA × LL/OO endosperm. The endosperm genome composition of LAA × AA, LAA × AAAA, LAA × LL, LAA × OO are theoretically derived as 5A + 2L, 6A + 2L, 4A + 3L, 4A + 2L + O, respectively. Genomic in situ hybridization showed that the progenies of LAA × AA/AAAA were aneuploid. Based on the experimental results and analyses, our hypothesis is that five same genomes of endosperms are essential for its development in triploid × diploid/tetraploid crosses of Lilium. The hypothesis can explain the success or failure of 3x × 2x/4x crosses in Lilium and is of importance for lily breeders who need to know the likelihood of success when producing new cultivars of this economically important horticultural crop.  相似文献   

Grain and flour samples of 42 high latitude spring bread wheat genotypes from Kazakhstan and Siberia evaluated in a multi-location trial were analyzed for grain concentrations of protein, zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe), as well as flour quality characteristics. The genotypes showed high grain protein concentrations (14–19%), but low dough strength was a common feature for most of them. Significant positive correlations were found between grain protein and flour protein, gluten, gliadin, gli/glu ratio, Zn, and Fe contents. Grain protein was also correlated positively with hardness, sedimentation, farinograph dough development time (DDT), stability time and ash content. Grain Fe concentration was positively associated with sedimentation, stability time, water absorption and valorimeter value, suggesting that improvements in micronutrient concentrations in the grain parallels enhancement in gluten strength. Interestingly, glutenin content correlated negatively with the concentrations of grain and flour protein, gluten, and minerals; and also with gluten deformation index (IDK), DDT, and stability time. Conversely, gliadin content showed strong positive correlations with the concentrations of grain and flour protein, gluten, and minerals. Gliadin also correlated positively, but in lesser magnitude, with DDT, stability time and IDK. Environment and G×E interaction were important sources of variation for some quality characteristics. This was reflected in the low broad sense heritability (H) values for traits related to flour strength, such as sedimentation, IDK, stability time and gliadin content. Breeding strategies, including three testing locations at the advanced selection stages, are adequate for the enhancement of most of the quality traits, but faster improvement in flour strength could be achieved with a larger number of locations.  相似文献   

S. H. Jalikop 《Euphytica》2010,173(2):161-171
Atemoya (Annona cherimola Mill. × A. squamosa L) and A. reticulata L. possess several contrasting foliage characteristics. Two hundred and fifty trispecies hybrids of atemoya and A. reticulata were therefore studied to investigate the inheritance of four foliage characteristics. Segregation for leaf colour (green or dark green), leaf angle (erect or drooping), leaf apex shape (rounded or pointed) and time of leaf fall (early or late or intermediate) into discreet phenotypic classes revealed that their inheritance followed simple Mendelian genetics. Based on phenotypes of parents and the segregating population, and the genetic ratios obtained, allelic symbols were assigned to four leaf characteristics. Duplicate dominant gene interaction governed the leaf colour and leaf position. Thus individuals with single or both the dominant genes (A-B-, A-bb, aaB-) produce green colour leaves and those with recessive genes (aabb) dark colour leaves. Likewise erect leaf individuals are C-D-, C-dd, ccD- and those with drooping leaves are ccdd. Further a single gene determined shape of leaf apex that was either rounded (Rr) or pointed (rr). Segregation of progenies for leaf fall into early (J E J E ), intermediate (J E J L ) and late (J L J L ) suggested that codominant alleles were responsible for time of leaf fall. The inheritance studies reported in this paper should guide in Annonaceous fruit breeding for foliage characteristics or could be used as selection criteria for those important traits with which they are associated.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid, which was obtained from interspecific crosses between tetraploid Primula denticulata (2n = 4x = 44) and P. rosea (2n = 2x = 22), successfully produced 11 plants by backcrossing with pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. Analysis of ploidy level using flow cytometry and chromosome counting in the 11 BC1 plants revealed that all progeny had much larger DNA contents and chromosome number than both parents. In this triploid-tetraploid (3x–4x) crossing, progeny was predominantly true or near pentaploid presumably produced by the fertilization between true or near triploid female gamete produced from triploid hybrid and diploid pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. These results suggest that unreduced (3x) or near triploid female gametes were partially produced by single step meiosis, either first-division restitution or second-division restitution process. The zygotes formed by the fertilization between true or near triploid egg produced by single step meiosis in triploid hybrid and diploid pollen produced by normal meiosis of tetraploid P. denticulata might be the only survivors in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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