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番茄溃疡病是由密执安棒形杆菌密执安亚种引起的番茄最具毁灭性病害之一,选育和种植抗耐病品种是防治该病最经济有效的防治手段。本研究收集上海种植的21个番茄品种进行温室育苗,在苗期和成株期分别采用打顶法接种进行抗病性测定。分级调查病情,根据病情指数划分反应型,确定供试品种的抗感类型。在供试的21个番茄品种中,只有欧宝318、粉丽、浙粉202和世纪粉冠王表现为中度感病,其余全为高感品种,没有免疫、抗病或耐病品种。  相似文献   

东北地区番茄细菌性溃疡病的发生和病原鉴定研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
 1988~1989年从北京市、辽宁和黑龙江省等地调查采集的患溃疡病的病株和病果上分离到17个细菌菌株,接种番茄幼苗、果实及叶片,均能产生典型的溃疡病症状,各菌株致病力无明显差异。各菌株经细菌染色反应,形态特征,培养性状,生理生化反应,血清学反应(ELISA法)及蛋白质凝聚丙烯酰胺胶电泳等鉴定,认为番茄溃疡病的病原细菌是:密执安棒杆菌密执安亚种(Clavibacter michiganense subsp.michiganense (Smith) Davies et al.)。试验表明病原细菌可经种子带菌传染,病残体和病土壤可能是初侵染菌源。抗病性测定45个番茄品种均属感病品种。寄主范围除番茄外,尚能侵染茄子、龙葵和心叶烟。  相似文献   

番茄溃疡病鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘泮华  张乐 《植物检疫》1989,3(1):31-32
1985年7月在北京市发现番茄溃疡病,其病原细菌为Clavibacter michiganense subsp.michiganense,这个病害在国内未曾正式报道。寄主植物除番茄外,尚可侵染其它茄属植物。该病害为害严重,随种子传播蔓延,我国已列为危险性检疫病害。从病株和病果实上分离到病原细菌,其培养和生化性状与标准菌株完全一致。蘸根法接种番茄幼苗,7天后出现典型萎蔫症状。有较强的致病力。  相似文献   

猕猴桃品种对细菌性溃疡病的抗性机制   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
研究了安徽省猕猴桃主栽品种金魁(高抗)、早鲜(中抗)、魁蜜(抗病)、华美2号(感病)、秦美(中感)和金丰(高感)对细菌性溃疡病的抗性机制.结果表明:形态结构抗性方面,感病品种的皮孔密度和长度及气孔密度、长度和宽度都明显高于抗病品种,抗、感品种间皮孔、气孔的排列方式也存在一定差异.相关分析表明,皮孔密度和长度及气孔密度、长度和宽度与品种发病率都有较高的相关性,尤其以皮孔长度和气孔长度相关性最高,r分别为0.9278和0.9794;生理生化抗性方面,品种未感染溃疡病菌前,芽中的POD酶活性与品种抗性存在规律性不强,一年生枝条、叶片中的POD酶活性与品种抗性有密切关系.品种感染溃疡病菌后,POD酶活性均升高,但抗病品种中酶活提高倍数高于感病品种.一年生枝条上病斑越大,POD酶活性越高.POD同工酶谱带表现出与酶活相一致的规律.  相似文献   

种传番茄溃疡病菌直接PCR和免疫捕捉PCR检测方法之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用PBS和种子研磨后的普通病原提取液稀释番茄溃疡病菌纯菌液,并以梯度纯菌液和带菌种子提取液作为模板进行直接PCR和免疫捕捉PCR,比较2种方法在纯菌液和带菌种子提取液中的检测灵敏度,找到一种高特异性、高灵敏度、简便快捷的方法用于检测番茄种子携带的番茄溃疡病菌。结果显示在纯菌液中直接PCR灵敏度为104cfu/mL,免疫捕捉PCR为102cfu/mL;在带菌种子提取液中直接PCR灵敏度为106cfu/mL,免疫捕捉PCR为104cfu/mL;免疫捕捉PCR比直接PCR灵敏度高100倍,尤其在实际种子检测中优势更明显,而且检出时间短,重复性好。  相似文献   

采取选用抗病品种,实施种子检疫、种子处理、棚室及土壤消毒防病以及栽培措施防病和化学药剂防病等综合防治手段,是预防和治疗番茄溃疡病的有效途径。发病株率可控制在7.5%以下。  相似文献   

当番茄叶片上的病原菌〔Claribacter michiganensis 的亚种(ssp.) michiganensis〕种群密度高于10~6cfu/g时,细菌性溃疡病就发生;而种群密度低于10~3~10~5cfu时则不会发生。在露地降雨条件下有利细菌增殖和传播,使病害加重。在塑料大棚下栽培番茄,是防治其细菌性溃疡病的可行方法之一。SMCMM培养基可用于该病害的生态学研究,而ELISA可对该致病菌(C.m.ssp.michiganensis)进行检测及快速诊断其所致病害。  相似文献   

本文描述了番茄溃疡病发病症状、病菌形态及特点、致病机理,介绍了病原菌分离鉴定方法及当前流行的分子检测技术,同时对番茄溃疡病预防控制提出了方法。  相似文献   

由Pseudomonas syringae pv.actinidiae(Psa)引起的溃疡病是猕猴桃生产中威胁最大的细菌性病害。种植抗病品种是防治猕猴桃溃疡病最有效途径,猕猴桃抗源是抗病育种的物质基础。本试验通过离体接种,在室内评价了4个不同种的7个猕猴桃资源及品种对溃疡病的抗性。结果表明:供试材料离体叶片、枝条接种溃疡病菌后,其发病时间、病斑大小、发病率差异明显。按病斑大小排序,其抗性强弱依次为毛花猕猴桃‘M9808’>对萼猕猴桃‘S9801’>美味猕猴桃‘M-06’>美味猕猴桃‘米良1号’>中华猕猴桃‘Z-12’>中华猕猴桃‘东红’>中华猕猴桃‘红阳’(CK)。其中,毛花猕猴桃‘M9808’抗病性最强,表现为发病最晚,离体叶片、枝条分别于接种后10 d、20 d发病,比对照推迟了8 d、10 d;病斑最小,为对照的1/25、1/11;发病率最低,为对照的1/28、1/10。抗病性相关酶活性比对发现,不同材料的PAL、CAT、POD酶活性差异较大,抗性材料均高于感病材料,且峰值出现时间早于感病材料。其中,毛花猕猴桃‘M9808’的PAL峰值最高,接种后5 d出现,比对照早10 d;CAT、POD峰值接种后10 d出现,比对照早5 d。说明毛花猕猴桃‘M9808’对溃疡病抗性最强,可作为今后猕猴桃抗病育种或抗性砧木的理想材料。这为猕猴桃抗病育种提供了理论依据,为猕猴桃溃疡病的防控提供了参考。  相似文献   

不同来源番茄溃疡病菌致病力差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用打顶法接种、半选择性培养基再分离发病植株中的病原菌,以及特异性PCR验证方法,对来自3个国家9个不同地区的46株番茄溃疡病菌进行了致病性测定,以病情指数评价不同菌株的致病力。结果显示,分离自我国河北滦平县、内蒙古包头市等地的24株菌株的病情指数达到75以上,属于强致病力水平;11株菌株的病情指数为50~75,属于中等致病力;而9株菌株的病情指数为50以下,属于弱致病力;检测同时证实,有2株属于无致病力菌株。强致病力、中等致病力、弱致病力和无致病力菌株占供试菌株总数的比例分别为52.2%、23.9%、19.6%和4.3%,表明供试的46株番茄溃疡病菌存在不同程度的致病力差异。  相似文献   

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) strains, collected in greenhouses from 17 farms during tomato bacterial canker outbreaks occurring between 2005 and 2008 in Sicily, were analysed by a multiphasic approach. Population studies were conducted to investigate the possible sources of inocula. Cmm strains were characterized by PCR assays targeting virulence genes, fingerprinting techniques, metabolic profiles and virulence. These strains were comparatively analysed with Cmm strains isolated in other parts of Italy over a period of 15 years. Chromosomal genes encoding virulence determinants tomA, ppaA, chpC, and the plasmid‐encoded genes pat‐1 and celA were detected by PCR in all tested strains, except for four Sicilian Cmm strains where the pat‐1 gene was not amplified. Using BOX‐PCR, Cmm strains were differentiated into 13 haplotypes and clonal populations were identified. Cmm strains isolated from different farms in 2008 showed the same BOX‐PCR haplotype. A distinct BOX‐PCR haplotype was obtained from atypical Cmm strains lacking pat‐1 and isolated in 2006/7 from three farms. Cmm strains with two different haplotypes were detected in one farm, whereas the other farms contained strains with only a single haplotype. A new fAFLP protocol based on the amplification of ApaI/MseI fragments was developed and was able to differentiate C. michiganensis subspecies. Different populations were delineated for the multiple outbreaks occurring in Sicily, whereas similar populations were recorded in other Italian regions over a period of 12 years. The results are consistent with previous studies that demonstrate that Cmm outbreaks are associated with propagation material.  相似文献   

Using tomato seedlings, the plant defence activator acibenzolar-S-methyl (benzo-[1,2,3]-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid-S-methyl ester, ASM; Bion 50 WG) was assayed for its ability to induce resistance against Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis , the causal agent of bacterial canker of tomato. In ASM-pretreated plants, reduction in disease severity (up to 76·3%) was correlated with lower bacterial growth (up to 68·2% lower) during the time course of infection. To understand the possible mechanism of action of ASM, alterations in the activities of peroxidase (POX) and chitinase were assessed as markers of resistance. The enhanced resistance of ASM-treated plants was associated with significant increases in the activities of POX and chitinase  相似文献   

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), the causal agent of bacterial canker and wilt, causes severe economic losses in tomato net‐houses and greenhouses worldwide. In this study, seedlings which were transplanted and inoculated monthly over 2 years wilted and died earlier in the spring (21–24°C) and autumn (18–23°C) than in the winter (15–18°C) and summer (28–31°C): T50 (the time taken for 50% of the plants to wilt or die) was 2 and 3–4 months after inoculation, respectively. A highly significant correlation was found between the average temperatures during the first month after inoculation and T50; the shortest T50 mortality (70 days) was observed for an average temperature of 26°C. Expression of virulence genes (pat‐1, celA, chpC and ppaA) by Cmm was higher in plants inoculated in the spring than in those inoculated in the summer. In another set of experiments, seedlings were inoculated and maintained in controlled‐environment growth chambers for 2 weeks. Subsequently, they were transplanted and maintained in commercial‐type greenhouses for 4–5 months. The temperatures prevailing in the first 48 h after inoculation were found to affect Cmm population size and virulence gene expression and to have season‐long effects on bacterial canker development.  相似文献   

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (CMM) strains collected between 2005-2008 from greenhouses in different locations in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, were fingerprinted by repetitive sequence-based polymerase chain reaction (rep-PCR) with ERIC and BOX primers. One hundred and eighty strains from eight different locations in Okayama were differentiated into four haplotypes (A to D) based on rep-PCR. Regardless of the year of isolation, location or cultivar of tomato, the strains in each greenhouse and location belonged to the same haplotype, suggesting the strains originated from the previous greenhouse population. Based on Morisita's index of dispersion ( I δ ), the distribution of diseased plants in the greenhouses, where disbudding and defoliation using either scissors or by hand were carried out in the same direction to promote the spread of CMM, occurred in an aggregated distribution in a quadrant along a row of plants, but the distribution of diseased plants indicated a random distribution in a quadrant along a furrow of plants (two adjoining rows of plants). These results showed that disbudding and defoliation contribute highly to the secondary spread of bacterial canker in commercial greenhouses.  相似文献   

Several seed extraction procedures, used for detection of Clavibacter michiganensis ssp. michiganensis ( Cmm ) in naturally infected and artificially infested tomato seed lots were evaluated. Extraction methods that included grinding the seeds were significantly better at detecting the pathogen in three different seed lots than methods that used only soaking. The detection threshold of Cmm in relation to seed sample size was determined by adding naturally infected seeds into samples of three different sizes. Cmm was detected by agar plating assay, on three media (CNS, mSCM, D2ANX), and by direct PCR from seeds and Bio-PCR (bacteria cultured on agar media prior to PCR). In samples of 10 000 seeds containing one infected seed, Cmm could be detected only by Bio-PCR and in only one replicate out of five. In samples containing five or 10 infected seeds per 10 000 seeds, three of five and five of five replicates, respectively, were detected by the three detection methods. In samples of 5000 seeds, one infected seed could be detected in all five replicates only after adding a concentration step. A high correlation ( R 2 = 0·9448) between artificially infested seeds and the disease incidence was found. Seed lots infested with less than 58 colony-forming units (CFU) per g did not cause disease under glasshouse conditions, whereas lots with about 1000 CFU g−1 caused disease in 78 plants out of 2000.  相似文献   

Viable cells of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (CMM), the causal agent of bacterial canker of tomato, were discriminated from the dead cells by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), after the bacterial solution was treated with the DNA binding dye ethidium monoazide (EMA). The primers and TaqMan probe, based on the 16S-23S rDNA spacer sequences, were highly specific for CMM at the subspecies level. The detection limit of the direct real-time PCR was 103 colony forming units per mL (cfu mL−1) in samples and with an apparent sensitivity of 2 cfu of target cells in PCR reaction solution. Application of this method allows for selective quantification of viable cells of CMM and facilitates monitoring the pathogen in tomato seeds.  相似文献   

Bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis, is one of the most important diseases of tomato worldwide. Once the pathogen has been introduced into an area, i.e. by contaminated seeds or transplants, it survives mainly on host debris. In different geographic areas the survival time of the pathogen in crop residues under field conditions has been very variable, ranging from 2 months in Morocco to 2 years in Iowa (USA). This study took place in the horticultural belt of Buenos Aires – La Plata, Argentina, where greenhouse production prevails, and monoculture with two production cycles per year is a common practice. The aim was to determine the survival time of this pathogen in plant residues left on the soil surface or buried. During three consecutive years, by the end of both production cycles in July (winter) and December (summer), above‐ (stem, petiole) and belowground (root) tissues were placed into nylon netting bags and left on the soil surface or buried at 10 cm depth. The pathogen population was regularly quantified by dilution plating on semiselective medium. In host debris left on the soil surface, bacteria survived 120–260 days for crop production cycles that ended in winter and 45–75 days for those that ended in summer. In stems or roots buried in winter, this period was 45–75 days. It is concluded that host debris, including roots, might be an important primary inoculum source of the pathogen in greenhouses.  相似文献   

Bacterial canker, caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), can spread in commercial tomato greenhouses causing epidemics. Results of greenhouse experiments with Cmm‐contaminated tools demonstrated disease spread for only a limited distance (<4 plants) from infected plants. However, touching symptomless infected plants bearing guttation droplets prior to touching nearby plants spread the pathogen over longer distances within rows (>22 plants). The pathogen was exuded in large numbers in the guttation fluid of infected plants; its presence in the guttation fluid was not influenced by the inoculation procedures, leaf age or the volume of the guttation droplets. Population size of Cmm and the incidence of leaflets with epiphytic bacteria were significantly higher in plants placed in a guttation‐induction chamber than in those kept in a growth chamber with high humidity, suggesting exudation through guttation contributed to the formation of epiphytic populations on leaflets. This new knowledge may provide a simple and environmentally friendly means for decreasing the spread of the disease by avoiding contact with plants during periods when they bear guttation droplets.  相似文献   

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