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以乳牛L-选择素为免疫抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠1只,相隔14d进行3次免疫,抗原用量每次30big,首次免疫后第116d进行尾静脉加强免疫,抗原用量10μg。免疫脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞融合后接种12块96孔板。以L-选择素包被酶标板,间接ELISA检测阳性孔,有限稀释法克隆阳性孔,筛选出6株杂交瘤细胞。小鼠腹腔注射杂交瘤细胞株制备McAb,并对其分别进行Ig亚类测定。结果,6株杂交瘤细胞7810、10F6、10E2、5C6、12G7和llA3的Ig亚类分别是IgG2a、IgG2a、IgG2b、IgG1、IgG1和IgG1。  相似文献   

KyuL.  E 沈敏 《中国奶牛》1998,(6):39-41
实验选择围产期荷斯担遥牛8头,新生犊牛9头,运用特异性单克隆抗体,通过流式细胞光度术(FCM)检测中性料细胞组成成分CD18(β2-integrin和CD62L(L-selectin)的表达水平。并用血小板活化因子(PAF)体外激活中性粒细胞,以测定其对CD62L的减量调节及CD18的向上调节水平。对围产期奶牛及新生犊牛疾病易感性增加与白细胞计数、中性粒细胞CD18和CD62L表达水平变化之间的关  相似文献   

L-选择素分子结构及功能的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近 1 0年来 ,由于分子生物学及相关学科的理论和技术的飞速发展 ,使得对L 选择素的分子结构、分子功能的研究更加深入。就其分子结构而言目前已经完全清楚 ,而功能与其相应的问题仍在研究和探索之中。作为受体的选择素 ,其功能的实现是在其与相应的配体结合之后。表达与调节是在细胞因子、炎症介质以及其他因素的作用下 ,细胞表面黏附分子表达的水平和构型可以发生改变 ,以调节免疫平衡。L 选择素通过白细胞表面的Ca2 依赖的凝集素结构域和胞内小片段激活酪氨酸酶p56lck和ras的信号途径进行跨膜信号转导。活化依赖和活化独立的脱落、生理和病理意义及基因改造对功能的影响等方面目前仍在进一步的研究之中  相似文献   

在机体的天然免疫系统中,中性粒细胞为主要的效应细胞,它是机体抵御感染性病原体的第一道防线,可以迅速穿越机体生理屏障到达局部组织.中性粒细胞的主要功能为吞噬、清除异物,杀菌和细胞毒作用,因此,中性粒细胞在抗真菌、细菌、病毒感染中的地位非常重要.  相似文献   

旨在研究不同时间与浓度的佛波肉豆蔻酸乙酸酯(PMA)对奶牛中性粒细胞(PMN)形成中性粒细胞胞外诱捕网(NETs)效果,筛选出PMA刺激时间与浓度,通过流式细胞术检测NETs状态下沉默中性粒细胞Orai1,检测钙离子与ROS水平。尾静脉肝素抗凝采集血液分离中性粒细胞,分别在不同时间与不同浓度PMA刺激下,根据激光共聚焦镜下观察NETs的形态状态。结果显示,在PMA在100 nm状态下刺激3 h时NETs形成状态效果最好。在沉默Orai1状态下,通过流式细胞检测结果显示,NETs内钙离子与ROS水平极显著降低。  相似文献   

"免疫抑制"一直是临床医学上关注的焦点,而内源性的雌激素、孕酮和糖皮质激素等主要的类固醇激素水平的剧烈变化被认为是导致PMN等免疫细胞功能障碍,进而诱发免疫抑制的原因。本文就类固醇激素受体介导类固醇激素对中性粒细胞功能影响的分子机制进行综述。  相似文献   

中性粒细胞(PMN)是感染性奶牛乳腺炎的重要防御屏障。文章着重介绍了奶牛PMN在光学显微镜、透射电子显微镜和扫描电子显微镜下的形态特点,并叙述了PMN动力学和各类PMN的生长期、PMN生存期调节与发生奶牛乳腺炎之间的关系,最后提出奶牛PMN的研究方向。  相似文献   

旨在研究泌乳初期高产奶牛高发的低血钙症是否影响细胞内Ca~(2+)通路进而影响中性粒细胞活性并增加泌乳初期的炎症反应。尾静脉肝素抗凝采集血液分离中性粒细胞(PMN),采用Western blot检测ORAI1蛋白的表达,利用流式细胞仪测定静息状态下、离子霉素刺激的中性粒细胞表面ORAI1蛋白丰度以及ROS水平。结果显示,健康对照组奶牛中性粒细胞表面ORAI1蛋白丰度与表达水平均显著高于低血钙症试验组。低血钙症中性粒细胞经离子霉素刺激后细胞表面ORAI1蛋白丰度显著高于未经刺激的低血钙症PMN。健康对照组奶牛中性粒细胞中的ROS水平显著低于低血钙症试验组。这些结果表明,奶牛低血钙症降低中性粒细胞内钙离子进入的调控,以及低血钙症能降低中性粒细胞内的ROS水平,导致泌乳初期的炎症反应。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)单独和联合脂多糖(LPS)刺激对肺脏募集中性粒细胞(Neu)的影响, 以及猪肺微血管内皮细胞(MVECs)在其中的作用。【方法】 取约10日龄仔猪的肺脏组织, 采用Ⅱ型胶原酶消化和差速贴壁法, 分离培养原代MVECs, 采用密度梯度离心法分离猪外周血Neu; 以PRRSV HN株或PRRSV-LPS刺激Neu和MVECs后, 将Neu加入培养MVECs的培养板, 孵育1 h, 4%多聚甲醛固定, 瑞氏染色, 观察并计数分析各组黏附的Neu数量; 采用免疫细胞化学染色法检测MVECs对P-选择素和E-选择素的表达; 采用虎红溶液染色法测定分析P-选择素和E-选择素抗体封闭MVECs时, PRRSV HN株或PRRSV-LPS刺激对Neu黏附于MVECs数量的影响。【结果】 分离培养的MVECs呈CD34免疫荧光染色阳性, 阳性率约为92%;PRRSV HN株刺激18 h, 黏附于MVECs的Neu数量显著增加(P<0.05);PRRSV-LPS联合刺激时, 黏附的Neu数量显著多于LPS单独刺激(P<0.05);PRRSV或PRRSV-LPS刺激Neu和MVECs二者时, 黏附Neu数量的增加比单独刺激MVECs或Neu更明显; 免疫细胞化学染色显示, MVECs强阳性表达P-选择素和E-选择素; 用P-选择素和E-选择素抗体封闭MVECs时, PRRSV或PRRSV-LPS刺激诱导的Neu黏附增加呈不同程度下降, E-选择素封闭时具有显著差异(P<0.05)。【结论】 PRRSV感染能促进Neu与MVECs黏附, 亦能增加后继LPS刺激时黏附的Neu数量, MVECs表达的E-选择素是介导PRRSV致Neu黏附增加的重要分子之一。  相似文献   

为了研究不同生理状态下的卵巢卵母细胞基因的表达情况,采集乳牛的卵巢,分离了卵母细胞,以单个卵母细胞的mRNA作为模板,用设计的随机引物和锚定引物,采用一步法RT-PCR扩增了卵母细胞基因。经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,发现有功能黄体和无黄体卵巢卵母细胞基因的电泳条带之间无明显差异,对一条明显差异条带进行回收、纯化,将纯化的PCR产物连接到T载体,阳性克隆经鉴定后,进行测序和同源性比较。结果显示,与体外培养的牛早期胚胎的一条序列具有很高的同源性。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the endometrial gene expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), nodal growth differentiation factor (NODAL), prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 2 (PTGS2), oestrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) and progesterone receptor (PGR) in repeat breeder cows (RBC) and non-RBC during diestrus. Endometrial samples were collected by cytobrush technique and stored in RNA stabilizing solution at −20°C until RT-qPCR analysis. Differences in endometrial mRNA expression of selected genes were assessed by ANOVA and simple (r) and the partial correlations (rp) among selected genes were performed. Results demonstrated that mRNA expression of EGFR and NODAL were higher in RBC than in non-RBC (3 and 25-fold change, p < .01 and p < .01, respectively), while the mRNA expression of PTGS2 was lower (1.56-fold change, p < .01). Although there were no differences detected in the mRNA expression of ESR1 and PGR, there was a positive correlation between the expression of ESR1 and EGFR (0.84, p < .05) and a negative correlation between PGR and PTGS2 (−0.49, p < .05). In conclusion, the difference on the endometrial mRNA expression of the genes included in the study between RBC and non-RBC indicates a deregulation of important mechanisms that are vital to establish a successful pregnancy. Thus, the present study provides useful insight as a base for future studies to elucidate the causes of RBC.  相似文献   

Blood plasma and hepatic parameters were identified that describe the differences between metabolically robust or vulnerable dairy cows grouped according to their past health status. Data from a field study on dairy cows were used from which metabolically challenged dairy cows were selected that had a milk fat percentage of >4.5 mg/g and a fat to protein ratio of >1.5 in their previous early lactation. The selected cows were either classified as metabolically robust or vulnerable based on the occurrence of various metabolic and (re)production disorders in their previous lactations. Blood and liver tissue samples were collected in week 3 ante partum (a.p.) (-3 wk), in week 4 (+4 wk) and in week 13 (+13 wk) post-partum (p.p.). Plasma concentrations of metabolites and hormones and mRNA expression of genes involved in metabolic pathways in the liver were used as variables for a two-group discriminant analysis (DA). Average discriminant scores (centroids) were different (p < 0.05) in -3 wk, +4 wk and in +13 wk. In -3 wk, significant variables that best explained the differences between metabolically robust and vulnerable cows were parity, plasma triglycerides, glucose and mRNA abundance of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 2 (CPT2). In addition, based on the classification matrix, 69% of the dairy cows were correctly classified. In +4 wk, identified significant parameters were parity, plasma glucose and urea, and 67% of the cows were correctly classified. In +13 wk, significant variables that explained the differences between the groups were parity, mRNA abundance of acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain 1 and CPT1, and 66% of the cows were correctly classified. In conclusion, the identified variables may distinguish from metabolically challenged cows, those cows that had a poorer health performance in their previous lactations.  相似文献   

Lameness is a major health issue and likely the single most common cause of pain and discomfort in dairy cattle. Appropriate treatment is delayed or neglected due, in part, to lack of reliable detection. Assessment of cows with lameness is currently limited to subjective visual scoring systems based on locomotion and posture abnormalities. These systems are unreliable to detect lameness, and therefore, a large number of cows remain undiagnosed. The objective of this research was to search for potential biomarkers for lameness-associated painful inflammatory foot lesions in dairy cattle using microarray-based gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). BOTL5 microarrays spotted in duplicate with cDNA representing bovine immune response genes were interrogated with cDNA samples in an eight-array, balanced complete block design with dye swap. Samples from eight lame cows with inflammatory foot lesions and from eight sound cows were pair-matched by age, weight, days in lactation, and pregnancy status at time of PBMC collection and directly compared with each other on individual arrays. Statistical analysis of resulting fluorescence intensity data revealed 31 genes that were putatively differentially expressed in lame versus sound cows (P < 0.05). Of these, BLASTn analysis and gene ontology information showed that 28 genes had high similarity or homology to known human and/or rodent genes. Validation of 15 of these genes known to be important in inflammation and pain was carried out using relative quantitative real-time RT-PCR, which confirmed the up-regulation of interleukin (IL)-2 (12.68 ± 1.47-fold increase) and IL-10 (2.39 ± 0.55-fold increase), matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13) (10.44 ± 1.14-fold increase), and chemokine C–C motif receptor-5 (CCR5) (5.26 ± 1.05-fold increase), in lame relative to sound cows (P ≤ 0.05). Similarly, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor alpha chain precursor (GM-CSF-R-alpha) (2.30 ± 0.63-fold increase) and IL-4 (2.06 ± 0.59-fold increase) showed a tendency (P = 0.10) for up-regulation in lame compared to sound cows. PBMC co-expression of IL-2, MMP-13, CCR5 and IL-10, and potentially IL-4 and GM-CSF-R-alpha appears to be a promising, objective sign of lameness-related inflammatory foot lesions in dairy cattle. In conclusion, this study revealed potential biomarkers of the presence of foot lesions that could boost diagnostic accuracy of lameness and, ultimately, help identify animals in need of pain relief.  相似文献   

L-selectin (CD62L) gene expression in neutrophils is commonly referred to as "constitutive" because circulating neutrophils require a constant supply of this adhesion molecule for continuous trafficking into peripheral tissues. Under normal circumstances, marginating blood neutrophils and neutrophils that become activated for migration into infected tissues rapidly shed surface CD62L that is ligated to the vascular endothelium. However, this does not shut down CD62L gene expression because these cells continue to express surface CD62L. In contrast, glucocorticoid challenges resulting from stress and hormone injections result in gradual and chronic down-regulation of CD62L on the surface of blood neutrophils. Rather than being associated with migration, this type of CD62L down-regulation associates with pronounced neutrophilia and increased susceptibility to infections. Nothing is currently known about glucocorticoid regulation of CD62L expression in neutrophils. In other cell systems, however, this steroid hormone binds to cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors (GR) that influence expression of glucocorticoid-responsive genes at multiple pre-translational levels. Thus, the hypothesis of the present study was that glucocorticoid challenge suppresses CD62L mRNA expression in blood neutrophils. Suppressed CD62L gene expression might help explain the chronic down-regulation of surface CD62L in neutrophils and accompanying neutrophilia. The main objectives of the study were to monitor neutrophil CD62L mRNA abundance before and during subtle and severe glucocorticoid challenges and to determine if CD62L mRNA expression correlates with degree of glucocorticoid challenge. Parturient dairy cows and dexamethasone-treated steers were used as models of subtle and severe (respectively) glucocorticoid challenges. Data presented from both models support the hypothesis and show for the first time that glucocorticoids regulate neutrophil CD62L at a pre-translational level. Results also showed that inhibited CD62L mRNA expression correlated precisely with down-regulated surface expression of CD62L on neutrophils and peak neutrophilia during severe glucocorticoid challenge. Therefore, results of this study indicate that bovine neutrophils are highly sensitive to the blood environment, displaying full capacity to alter CD62L gene expression and trafficking patterns in response to changing glucocorticoid levels. This may serve animals well when heightened inflammatory responses begin to lead to tissue damage, but may be detrimental to overall health if animals are exposed to opportunistic pathogens while stressed or undergoing glucocorticoid therapy. Although this study did not elucidate how glucocorticoids inhibit neutrophil CD62L mRNA expression, presented data implicate GR as possibly being involved because neutrophils from cattle in both models expressed GR mRNA. Further in vitro studies using purified populations of neutrophils will be required to determine if GR is directly involved in glucocorticoid regulation of CD62L gene expression and, if so, at what level.  相似文献   

Impaired polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocyte (PMN) function around parturition has been associated with increased clinical mastitis in dairy cows. Rolling and attachment of PMN to the endothelium is the first step in the recruitment process and is accomplished by interaction between L-selectin on PMN and its ligand on endothelial cells. Furthermore, tyrosine phosphorylation is involved in the initiation of many PMN functions. The objective of this work was to determine changes in expression of L-selectin and tyrosine phosphorylation in the perinatal period. Eight clinically healthy Holstein cows were used as PMN donors at d-21, -14, -7,0 (calving), +1, +2, +7, +14, +28. Evaluation of L-selectin expression was carried out on activated and resting PMN. Anti-bovine L-selectin monoclonal antibody (MAB) and flow cytometric analysis were used to measure the percentage of PMN fluorescing and receptor expression (log mean fluorescent channel, LMFC). Activated and resting PMN showed similar trends in % PMN fluorescence and LM FC. The percentage of PMN fluorescing tended to decrease at parturition, followed by a significant increase at d +14 and +28 (P < 0.02). For LMFC a decrease was observed on d +1 followed by an increase through d +28 (P < 0.01). Protein tyrosine phosphorylation of lysates prepared from PMN isolated throughout the study was detected by electrophoresis and western blotting using anti-phosphotyrosine MAB. Several protein bands were tyrosine phosphorylated. Two of these bands (42-44 kDa and 90 kDa) varied in intensity over time. The intensity of the 42-44 kDa band gradually increased from d -7, peaked at d +7 (P < 0.03), and steadily decreased to d +28 (P < 0.02). Antibody to activated mitogen protein kinase reacted with the 42-44 kDa band. Reduced PMN function during the periparturient period could be related to reduced L-selectin adhesion molecules on the cell surface, and to modulation in the phosphorylation of functionally important molecules.  相似文献   

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