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Forest debris on ground surface can interact with soil biota and consequently change ecosystem processes across heterogeneous landscape. We examined the interactions between forest debris and litter decomposition in riparian and upland sites within a tropical wet forest. Our experiment included control and debris-removal treatments. Debris-removal reduced leaf litter decomposition rates in both the riparian and upland sites. Debris-removal also reduced soil microbial biomass C in the upland site, but had no effect on microbial biomass C in the riparian site. In contrast, debris-removal altered the density of selected arthropod groups in the riparian site. Litter decomposition rates correlated with both soil microbial biomass and the density of millipedes in a multiple stepwise regression model. Removal of forest debris can substantially reduce rates of leaf litter decomposition through suppressing soil activities. This influence can be further modified by landscape position. Forest debris plays an essential role in maintaining soil activities and ecosystem functioning in this tropical wet forest.  相似文献   

The aim of this field experiment was to quantify the contribution of soil fauna to plant litter decomposition in three forest sites differing in C/N ratio under natural conditions in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China. We conducted a survey of soil fauna communities, the forest floor litter and investigated mass loss of mixed tree species leaf litter for two years in a tropical secondary forest, an evergreen broad-leaf forest and a tropical rain forest. Exclusion treatments of different sized soil fauna from the leaf litter by using varying mesh size litter bags (2 mm and 0.15 mm) were also performed. Mass loss and C and N concentrations in litter bag leaf materials were determined at monthly intervals. We found that: (1) the three forests differed in floor litter biomass and nutrient contents but not in soil fauna richness and abundance; (2) litter mass loss and decomposition rate were slower when soil macrofauna and most of mesofauna were excluded; and (3) greatest soil fauna contribution to plant litter decomposition occurred in the rain forest, where leaf litter C/N ratio was also highest (41.5% contribution: 54.8 C/N ratio), in comparison to 8.69% in the broad-leaf forest and 19.52% in the secondary forest, both with low leaf litter C/N ratios (<32). Our results suggested that, soil fauna played a more pronounced role in the decomposition of mixed leaf litter in tropical rain forest, and significantly bigger effects from fauna were ascribed to the enhancement of N concentration and decrease of C concentration of the initially high C/N ratio litter in this forest site.  相似文献   

Land-use changes can drastically alter earthworm communities. Native species are often lost and few exotic species, such as Pontoscolex corethrurus, rapidly prevail when tropical forests are converted to pastures. However, this process can be reversed when forests recover from abandoned pastures through secondary succession. We hypothesized (1) that the formation of forest floor mass during secondary succession in pastures promotes the recovery of native, anecic earthworms and (2) that the shift from grass vegetation in pastures to woody plants in secondary forests decreases the abundance and biomass of the exotic, endogeic P. corethrurus. To test the first hypothesis, we developed a litter manipulation experiment by removing and adding plant litter in plots of mature secondary forests in the Cayey Mountains, Puerto Rico. To test the second hypothesis we performed a greenhouse experiment to examine the influence of a pasture grass species Axonopus compressus and a dominating woody species Miconia prasina of the secondary forests on the number and biomass of the earthworm P. corethrurus. We found in the litter manipulation experiment that earthworm diversity, density and fresh weight were not affected by litter input. However, in the greenhouse experiment, A. compressus increased the number and biomass of P. corethrurus, whereas M. prasina decreased the exotic, endogeic earthworm. Our results suggest that the quantity of litter does not promote rapid changes (<1 year) in native, anecic earthworm diversity, and that the exotic, endogeic P. corethrurus is favored by grass A. compressus compared to the woody plant M. prasina. The shift in vegetation from grass to woody plants promotes the decrease in the density and biomass of the exotic, endogeic P. corethrurus during secondary succession in old tropical pastures.  相似文献   

Earthworms are known to influence water infiltration in soils, but most of the existing knowledge relates to grasslands and arable systems; little is known on the role of earthworms for water infiltration in forests. We studied earthworm populations and water infiltration rates in woodland flooding sites used for groundwater recharge and the production of drinking water. Intensive flooding may detrimentally affect earthworm populations and simultaneously result in clogging of the topsoil, with the latter being a common problem in groundwater recharge systems. However, clogging does not occur at our study site, the “Lange Erlen” (Basel, Switzerland) and total earthworm numbers and biomass in flooded sites exceeded those of non-flooded sites (+51% and +71%, respectively). Total earthworm numbers (r = 0.85***), numbers of endogeic (r = 0.64*) and epigeic (r = 0.81**) earthworms and numbers of two species (Lumbricus rubellus, r = 0.62* and Allolobophora chlorotica, r = 0.77**) significantly correlated with water infiltration rates. The results suggest that short-term flooding (max. 10 days) interrupted by longer recovery periods favor earthworm populations which likely contribute to the long-term (ca. 100 years) sustainability of the studied forest groundwater recharge system and thereby to effective and cost efficient drinking water production.  相似文献   

Riparian buffers, located in the transition zone between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, are a hotspot for nitrogen (N) removal through denitrification. Earthworms are abundant in riparian buffers and may enhance denitrification. This study investigated earthworm demographics of three earthworm functional groups (anecic, epigeic, and endogeic) and denitrifier activity in temporarily flooded and non-flooded riparian soils from April to October 2012 in southern Quebec, Canada. Nine earthworm species, mostly endogeic, were found in the temporarily flooded soil, while only six earthworm species were found in the non-flooded soil. On average, there were 11.7 times more earthworms with 12.4 times greater biomass (P<0.05) found in the temporarily flooded soil than in the non-flooded soil. The denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) was of similar magnitude in temporarily flooded and non-flooded soils, with temporal variation associated with rainfall patterns. Endogeic earthworm biomass was positively correlated (P<0.05) with DEA, while epigeic earthworm biomass was positively correlated (P<0.05) with 16S rRNA gene copies and nosZ gene copies from bacteria, indicating an association between earthworm functional groups and denitrifier activity in riparian soils. Stepwise multiple regressions showed that DEA in riparian soils could be predicted using soil moisture, inorganic N concentration, and earthworm functional groups, suggesting that endogeic and epigeic earthworms contributed to denitrifier activity in riparian soils.  相似文献   

Earthworms are known to regulate the sequestration of soil and leaf litter carbon (C). However, their impacts on the more accessible rhizospheric C, which represents a major energy source for soil food webs and an essential factor for C sequestration, are still unclear. Previous studies indicate that earthworms regulate the dynamics of SOC and leaf litter-C by increasing C accessibility to microbiota. However, in the case of labile rhizodeposit-C, microbiota might not require any pre-conditioning by earthworms and may rapidly metabolize most of this root-derived C. Consequently, potential pathways by which earthworms may affect the fate of rhizodeposit-C would be to regulate the biomass and/or activity of rhizosphere microbiota and, further, to mineralize/stabilize microbial products. A 13CO2 labelling experiment was performed to determine the impacts of four different earthworm species on the fate of tree rhizodeposit-C in a subtropical soil. We hypothesized that endogeic earthworm species, representing primarily geophagous species, would closely interact with soil microbiota and sequester the microbially metabolized rhizodeposit-C more efficiently than epigeic and anecic earthworm species. We found that irrespective of ecological group affiliation, the three native earthworms did not affect rhizodeposit-C sequestration. In contrast, the exotic endogeic species stimulated the immobilization of rhizodeposit-C in the biomass of root-associated bacteria and/or arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and, further, accessed the microbiota-metabolized rhizodeposit-C more efficiently. As a consequence, the exotic endogeic earthworm species transiently tripled rhizodeposit-C retention in soil. We propose that the weak linkages between native earthworms and rhizodeposits-related microbiota limit earthworm impacts on rhizodeposit-C sequestration. However, the exotic endogeic species Pontoscolex corethrurus may potentially alter rhizodeposit-C dynamics in invaded areas by shifting rhizosphere microbial community composition. This work highlights a distinct mechanism by which earthworms can regulate C dynamics and indicates a significant contribution of invasive earthworm species to belowground processes.  相似文献   

The effect of the endogeic earthworm species Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny) on decomposition of uniformly 14C-labelled lignin (lignocellulose) was studied in microcosms with upper mineral soil (Ah-horizon) from two forests on limestone, representing different stages of succession, a beech- and an ash-tree-dominated forest. Microcosms with and without lower mineral soil (Bw-horizon) were set-up; one O. tyrtaeum was added to half of them. It was hypothesised that endogeic earthworms stabilise lignin and the organic matter of the upper mineral soil by mixing with lower mineral soil of low C content. Cumulative C mineralization was increased by earthworms and by the addition of lower mineral soil. Effects of the lower mineral soil were more pronounced in the beech than in the ash forest. Cumulative mineralization of lignin was strongly increased by earthworms, but only in the beech soil (+24.6%). Earthworms predominantly colonized the upper mineral soil; mixing of the upper and lower mineral soils was low. The presence of lower mineral soil did not reduce the rates of decomposition of organic matter and lignin; however, the earthworm-mediated increase in mineralization was less pronounced in treatments with (+8.6%) than in those without (+14.1%) lower mineral soil. These results indicate that the mixing of organic matter with C-unsaturated lower mineral soil by endogeic earthworms reduced microbial decomposition of organic matter in earthworm casts.  相似文献   

Differences in tree species may lead to contrasting soil environments via differences in litter chemical quality and physical environmental factors, such as soil type and soil moisture. However, separating the effects of litter quality and physical environment is difficult under field conditions. Both litter quality and soil environment affect the species composition of the soil animal community. A diversity gradient of canopy tree species (11–25 species) located on homogeneous soil substrate at Tomakomai Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University was used to analyse the relationship between tree species diversity and oribatid mite community structure. Soil samples were collected from three levels of tree species richness (high, intermediate and low) with three replicates each, in July 2000. Leaf area index (LAI) was positively correlated with tree species diversity suggesting higher litter input into the soils with increasing tree diversity. However, the tree species diversity gradient affected neither accumulation of litter on the forest floor nor abundance and species richness of oribatid mites. Canopy and understory plant species richness, LAI, total soil carbon and biomass of epigeic and endogeic earthworms did not significantly affect mite community structure as indicated by redundancy analysis (RDA). The results suggest that oribatid mite community structure is minimally affected by tree species diversity and associated changes in litter diversity.  相似文献   

This study examined an ‘invasional meltdown’, where the invasion of a Midwestern woodland by an exotic shrub (Rhamnus cathartica L.P. Mill) and the invasion by Eurasian earthworms facilitated one another. Using a litterbag approach, we examined mass loss of four substrates (R. cathartica, Acer saccharum, Quercus rubra, and Quercus alba) along a gradient of Eurasian earthworm density and biomass throughout a 40.5 ha oak woodland in Glencoe, Illinois. Earthworm densities and biomass were greatest in patches where R. cathartica prevailed, and populations were lowest in an upland forest subcommunity within the woodland. At each of three points along this earthworm gradient, we placed replicated litterbags constructed either to permit or to deny access to the litter by earthworms. The treatments were, therefore, plot treatments (low, medium and high earthworm density and biomass) and litterbag treatments (earthworm access and earthworm excluded). We found that earthworms promoted a very rapid loss of litter from R. cathartica bags. Within 3 months greater than 90% of this litter was lost from the litterbags. Earthworm impacts on other substrates followed the sequence A. saccharum>Q. alba=Q. rubra. Effects of both litterbag and plot treatments were found within 3 months for A. saccharum but Quercus species were affected only after a year. We propose that the impact of earthworms on litter breakdown creates conditions that promote and sustain invasion by R. cathartica. Previous work has demonstrated that R. cathartica may alter soil properties in a way that promotes and sustains invasion by earthworms. These findings have implications for the restoration management of these systems, since the legacy of R. cathartica on soil properties and earthworm populations may persist even after the plant has been physically removed.  相似文献   

One year field exposures of leaf litter from replicated plots of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis Barrett and Golfari, Carapa guianensis Aubl., Euxylophora paraensis Hub., a Leguminosae combination (Dalbergia nigra Fr. All., Dinizia excelsa Ducke, Parkia multijuga Benth.), and adjacent upland (terra firme) forest at the Curuá-Una Forest Reserve, Pará, Brazil were used to examine the factors controlling leaf litter decay and N dynamics in a lowland tropical environment. Initial leaf litter N concentrations ranged from 4.4 (P. caribaea) to 16.3 mg g−1 dry matter (Leguminosae), and initial lignin concentrations from 190.8 (Leguminosae) to 459.3 mg g−1 dry matter (forest). Pinus caribaea leaf litter lost the least mass (28%), and the Leguminosae leaf litter the most (61%), during the year long incubations. Initial and 1-y proximate C fractions, N concentrations and polyphenol concentrations were not related to mass loss. Annual N accumulation or depletion from leaf litter under the plantations and forest was related to C loss (R2=0.93, P=0.007) and holocellulose loss (R2=0.84, P=0.02). When leaf litter was placed outside its stand of origin, there was a significant location effect on decay rates, indicating that differences in the physical and biological microenvironments under the monospecific plots affected litter decomposition.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to improve our understanding of how earthworms and microorganisms interact in the decomposition of litter of low quality (high C : N ratio) grown under elevated atmospheric [CO2]. A microcosm approach was used to investigate the influence of endogeic earthworm (Aporrectodea caliginosa Savigny) activity on the decomposition of senescent Charlock mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) litter produced under ambient and elevated [CO2]. Earthworms and microorganisms were exposed to litter which had changed in quality (C : N ratio) while growing under elevated [CO2]. After 50 d of incubation in microcosms, C mineralization (CO2 production) in the treatment with elevated‐[CO2] litter was significantly lower in comparison to the ambient‐[CO2] litter treatment. The input of Charlock mustard litter into the soil generally induced N immobilization and reduced N2O‐emission rates from soil. Earthworm activity enhanced CO2 production, but there was no relationship to litter quality. Although earthworm biomass was not affected by the lower quality of the elevated‐[CO2] litter, soil microbial biomass (Cmic, Nmic) was significantly decreased. Earthworms reduced Cmic and fungal biomass, the latter only in treatments without litter. Our study clearly showed that A. caliginosa used the litter grown under different [CO2] independent of its quality and that their effect on the litter‐decomposition process was also independent of litter quality. Soil microorganisms were shown to negatively react to small changes in Charlock mustard litter quality; therefore we expect that microbially mediated C and N cycling may change under future atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

While the benefits of earthworms to crop production are widely acknowledged, the mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We examined the effects of an anecic earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) on the distribution of plant residue N in a corn (Zea mays)/soil system. Soil (mixed Ap and B horizons) mesocosms (10 cm diameter, 39 cm deep) were amended with 15N-labeled corn litter, inoculated with one earthworm per mesocosm (WORM) or none (CTRL), and pre-incubated for 1, 2 or 3 weeks. Earthworms and remaining plant residues were removed and sweet corn grown in the mesocosms in a greenhouse for 3 weeks. Litter, earthworms, shoots, roots and bulk and burrow soil were analyzed for total N and 15N. Plant and earthworm biomass were also determined. Earthworms had no significant effect on the N content of shoots, roots or bulk soil. Recovery of 15N ranged from 92.6 to 101.9% in CTRL and 60.2 to 83.2% in the WORM treatment. The 15N content of bulk soil in the WORM treatment was significantly higher than in CTRL and increased with pre-incubation time. Excess at.% 15N of burrow soil was 10–100 times higher than in bulk soil. Incorporation of 15N by shoots and roots was significantly higher in the WORM treatment and increased significantly with pre-incubation time only in the WORM treatment. In WORM mesocosms pre-incubated for 3 weeks, the distribution of added 15N was 9.8% in litter, 6.5% in plant, 31.5% in soil, 12.0% in earthworms and 39.8% presumably lost as gas; in CTRL mesocosms, the values were 75.7% in litter, 3.2% in plant, 13.7% in soil and 7.4% in presumed gas losses. The activities of L. terrestris altered the distribution of plant residue N significantly, increasing the transfer of N to plants and soil and enhancing losses of N in the gas phase as pre-incubation time increased.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the effect of adding two tropical earthworm species, Rhinodrilus contortus and Pontoscolex corethrurus, to mesocosms on the availability of mineral N (NH4 + and NO3 concentrations), soil microbial biomass (bio-N), and the decomposition rates of three contrasting leaf litter species, in a glasshouse experiment. The mesocosms were filled with forest soil and covered with a layer of leaf litter differing in nutritional quality: (1) Hevea brasiliensis (C/N=27); (2) Carapa guianensis (C/N=32); (3) Vismia sp., the dominant tree species in the second growth forest (control, C/N= 42); and, (4) a mixture of the former three leaf species, in equal proportions (C/N=34). At the end of the 97-day experiment, the soil mineral N concentrations, bio-N, and leaf litter weight loss were determined. Both earthworm species showed significant effects on the concentrations of soil NO3 (p<0.01) and NH4 + (p<0.05). Bio-N was always greater in the mesocosms with earthworms (especially with R. contortus) and in the mesocosms with leaf litter of H. brasiliensis (6 µg N g–1 soil), the faster decomposing species, than in the other treatments (0.1–1.6 µg N g–1). Thus, earthworm activity increased soil mineral-N concentrations, possibly due to the consumption of soil microbial biomass, which can speed turnover and mineralization of microbial tissues. No significant differences in decomposition rate were found between the mesocosms with and without earthworms, suggesting that experiments lasting longer are needed to determine the effect of earthworms on litter decomposition rates.  相似文献   

Earthworms play an important role as primary decomposers in the incorporation and initial mixing of plant litter. This study explored the response of earthworms to increasing fertiliser inputs, pasture production and livestock numbers (and their influence on food availability and soil physical condition) on six different managements in sheep-grazed and fifteen different managements in dairy-grazed pastures in a variety of New Zealand soils.Native earthworms were only found in some low-fertility pastures. Accidentally introduced peregrine earthworms, when present, dominate pasture soils. Of these, endogeic earthworms dominated the earthworm community and were positively associated with soil types with higher bulk densities. Peregrine anecic earthworms were absent from most hill-country sheep-grazed pastures, however in more fertile and productive dairy-grazed pastures they reached a biomass of up to 2370 kg ha?1. Only anecic earthworms showed a positive response to the increasing pressures associated with higher potential dry matter inputs and liveweight loadings of grazing livestock on soil, while epigeic earthworms declined. The positive response of anecic earthworms probably reflects the combined effect of the increase in food resources, including dung and plant litter, available on the soil surface, and their lower susceptibility to livestock treading pressure. Anecic species may be a suitable substitute for incorporation of surface litter in those soils where livestock treading limits epigeic earthworm populations.This study confirmed previous observations of limited distribution of the introduced Aporrectodea longa in pastoral hill-country soils in the North Island, and their near absolute absence from the South Island of New Zealand. This would suggest that large areas of New Zealand pastoral farmed soils could benefit from the introduction of anecic species from other parts of New Zealand which already contain A. longa.  相似文献   

Decomposer animals stimulate plant growth by indirect effects such as increasing nutrient availability or by modifying microbial communities in the rhizosphere. In grasslands, the spatial distribution of organic matter (OM) rich in nutrients depends on agricultural practice and the bioturbation activities of large detritivores, such as earthworms. We hypothesized that plants of different functional groups with contrasting nutrient uptake and resource allocation strategies differentially benefit from sites in soil with OM accumulation and the presence of decomposer animals. In a greenhouse experiment we investigated effects of spatial distribution of 15N-labelled grass litter, earthworms and collembola on a simple grassland community consisting of Lolium perenne (grass) and Trifolium repens (legume). Litter aggregates (compared to homogeneous litter distribution) increased total shoot biomass, root biomass and 15N uptake by the plants. Earthworms and collembola did not affect total N uptake of T. repens; however, the presence of both increased 15N uptake by T. repens and L. perenne. Earthworms increased shoot biomass of T. repens 1.11-fold and that of L. perenne 2.50 fold. Biomass of L. perenne was at a maximum in the presence of earthworms, collembola and with litter concentrated in a single aggregate. Shoot biomass of T. repens increased in the presence of collembola, with L. perenne generally responding opposingly. The results indicate that the composition of the decomposer community and the distribution of OM in soil affect plant competition and therefore plant community composition.  相似文献   

Earthworms and mulch can have positive or negative effects on mycorrhizae (fungus-roots) and N uptake by plants. In the present experiment, maize plants were grown under greenhouse conditions with or without tropical earthworms (Balanteodrilus pearsei) and mulch of velvetbean (Mucuna pruriens var. utilis). The formation of vesicles and hyphae of arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in roots and N uptake by maize plants was measured at harvest. The addition of earthworms and velvetbean reduced AM root colonization. Earthworms had no effect on plant root or shoot biomass. In the absence of velvetbean, earthworms reduced AM colonization, but when velvetbean was present, this effect disappeared. The addition of velvetbean mulch, on the other hand, had an effect on plant biomass (above- and belowground) and a positive effect on AM fungal colonization of roots in presence of worms, but a negative effect when worms were absent. When both M. pruriens and B. pearsei were added, shoot and root biomass and N concentrations increased. Vesicle formation was related to velvetbean mulch decomposition as well as the higher N concentration in maize roots. Management of mulch–earthworm interactions may be of value, particularly in low-input and organic agricultural systems, and deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

To monitor the effects of liming on forest ecosystems, experimental plots were installed in forests in mid-western Germany. In addition to soil chemical indices, earthworm communities were investigated on these plots about 15 years after first lime applications took place. As a “natural reference”, communities were compared to earthworm records that derived from a beech forest on limestone. In the non-acidified plots that had never been limed only epigeic earthworms were detected in small numbers and low species richness. Forest liming caused higher pH and a higher base saturation in the mineral topsoils. To a large extent, epigeic earthworm species seemed to benefit from this and had increased in number and biomass at all three different locations selected for the investigations. The epigeic dominated communities were completed by anecic Lumbricus terrestris that was rarely found in some of the samples from one location and a number of endogeic species that showed a very patchy distribution in limed plots. In contrast to this, the soil of the beech forest on limestone showed a different community composition. It was dominated by endogeic species in abundance and by anecic species in biomass. On limestone the total biomass of earthworms clearly exceeded the biomass values from all other plots. In conclusion, a long-term support of forest earthworm fauna due to liming was detected. This support was mainly effective for epigeic species, but in some cases for endogeic and anecic species, too.  相似文献   

Endogeic earthworms play an important role in mobilisation and stabilisation of carbon and nitrogen in forest and arable soils. Soil organic matter is the major food resource for endogeic earthworms, but little is known about the size and origin of the organic matter pool on which the earthworms actually live. We measured changes in body mass of juvenile endogeic earthworms, Octolasion tyrtaeum (Savigny), in soils with different C and N contents resulting from different fertiliser treatments. The soil was taken from a long-term experiment (Statischer Düngungsversuch, Bad Lauchstädt, Germany). The treatments included (1) non-fertilised soil, (2) NPK fertilised soil, (3) farmyard manure fertilised soil and (4) NPK + farmyard manure fertilised soil. The soil was incubated in microcosms with and without one juvenile O. tyrtaeum for 80 days.Earthworm biomass decreased in non-fertilised soil by 48.6%, in NPK soil by 9.4%, but increased in farmyard manure soil by 19.7% and 42.8% (soil with additional NPK application). In farmyard manure treatments the biomass of bigger individuals decreased, but in smaller individuals it increased. In NPK fertilised soil without farmyard manure only small O. tyrtaeum increased in body mass, whereas in the non-fertilised soil all individuals decreased in body mass. Generally, soil respiration correlated positively with soil carbon content. Earthworms significantly increased soil respiration and nitrogen leaching and this was most pronounced in farmyard manure treatments. Microbial activity was generally higher in farmyard manure soil indicating that farmyard manure increases labile organic matter pools in soil. Also, biomass of earthworms and microorganisms was increased in farmyard manure soil. The presence of earthworms reduced microbial biomass, suggesting that earthworms feed on microorganisms or/and that earthworms and soil microorganisms competed for similar organic matter pools in soil. The results demonstrate that NPK fertilisation only is insufficient to sustain O. tyrtaeum, whereas long-term fertilisation with farmyard manure enables survival of endogeic species due to an increased pool of utilisable soil organic matter in arable soil.  相似文献   

 A soil microcosm experiment was performed to assess the uptake of Hg from various Hg-spiked food sources (soil, leaf litter and root litter of Trifolium alexandrinum) by two earthworm species, Lumbricus terrestris (anecic) and Octolaseon cyaneum (endogeic). Treatments were applied in which one of the three food sources was Hg spiked and the other two were not. Additional treatments in which all or none of the food sources were Hg spiked were used as controls. Uptake of Hg from soil into tissues of both earthworm species was significantly higher than uptake of Hg from leaf litter or root litter, indicating that soil may be the most important pool for the uptake of Hg into earthworms. In addition, the anecic L. terrestris significantly accumulated Hg from all Hg-spiked food sources (leaf litter, root litter and soil), whereas the endogeic O. cyaneum took up Hg mainly from soil particles. Interestingly, there was no further increase in Hg in L. terrestris when all food sources were Hg spiked compared to the single Hg-spiked sources. This may be attributed to the relatively high Hg content in the soil, which may have influenced the feeding behavior of the earthworms, although their biomass did not significantly decline. We suggest that, in addition to the physiological differences, feeding behavior may also play a role in the contrasting uptake of Hg by the two earthworm species.  相似文献   

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