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玉米与旱地作物间作套种研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米是重要的谷类作物之一,其丰产与否将对中国的粮食安全起着举足轻重的作用。实践证明,作物合理的间作套种具有充分利用资源和大幅度增加产量的特点。本文总结了旱地种植玉米与豆科作物、小麦、蔬菜以及其他一些旱地作物的间作套种的研究进展及一些实施成效。通过文献综合分析得出,玉米与旱地作物间作或套种的生产模式与单作栽培模式相比,不仅有利于提高作物产量与品质,而且有利于提高资源利用率。提出如何拓展与深化系统研究,着力构建技术体系与栽培标准,无疑是至关重要的,并且认为要将研究成果转化为能够应用于大面积实际生产的技术规范和栽培方法,服务于当今现代旱地农业生产是必要的也是亟待要探讨的。  相似文献   

构建创新型种业 提高核心竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭然 《中国种业》2011,(12):15-16
随着《国务院关于加快推进现代农作物种业发展意见》、新的《农作物种子生产经营许可管理办法》等相关文件的出台,中国种业发展将进入一个重要战略机遇期和转型期,新一轮“种子工程”实施为中国种业发展提供了更为广阔的空间和舞台。面对新一轮种业发展政策的战略性调整.各种子企业都在积极寻找和研究自身未来发展规划,应对扑面而来的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

黄淮海玉米秸秆还田麦区土壤环境与管理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着机械化进程,黄淮海小麦玉米轮作地区2季作物秸秆还田的比例逐年加大,其中玉米秸秆还田面积的逐年提高给产区土壤环境和生产管理技术提出了新的挑战。笔者系统介绍了黄淮海地区玉米秸秆还田的现实背景以及不合理处理方式对产地环境带来的负面影响,分别从玉米秸秆还田机具选择与应用、田间操作规格、配套栽培耕作方式、秸秆还田麦田养分管理与施肥等方面,综述了新生产条件下的管理技术。为丰富秸秆还田技术体系,从土壤与气候条件、联合机械运用、肥料养分与添加剂施用、土壤微生物等方面进行了下一步研究展望。  相似文献   

随着<种子法>的颁布实施以及中国加入WTO后种子行业面临着新的机遇和挑战,如何搞好种子生产、提高种子质量、以质量求生存、以效益求发展已成为种子行业共同的目的.因此,要想搞好棉花繁种,生产出高质量的种子,就必须有一套科学、周密和切实可行的棉花繁种管理操作规程,严格按照规程进行管理和操作.  相似文献   

由中国作物学会栽培研究委员会主办 ,四川农业大学承办的“中国作物生理第八次学术研讨会”拟定于 2 0 0 5年 8月在四川雅安召开。本次会议的主题是“食物安全—作物生理学面临的机遇和挑战” ,总结和交流作物生理研究领域的新成果、新思路、新技术和新方法 ,讨论植物生理学与食物安全及农业可持续发展 ,以及作物生理学发展新方向。现将会议有关事宜通知如下 :一、会议主要内容为了适应我国市场经济新形势的要求 ,会议研讨涵盖大田作物、设施栽培作物、野生食用植物及其他用途的栽培植物。研讨会的内容主要包括以下几个方面 :1.轻简栽培的作…  相似文献   

张晓英 《种子科技》2006,24(3):49-50
红小豆起源于中国,是我国古老的栽培作物之一。由于红小豆生育期短,耐瘠、耐阴,适应性广,并有固氮、养地能力强的特点,是禾谷类、棉花、薯类等作物问作、套种的适宜作物和良好前茬。长期以来,红小豆种子供应与其他小宗作物一样,以农民自留种为主,种子公司调剂为辅的供种机制,种子繁育体制不健全,导致种子品质不断下降,在国际市场上没有竞争力,产量徘徊不前,甚至呈逐年下降的趋势。生产和使用红小豆良种,提高单产和品质成为解决这一顽疾的根本出路,为解决这一问题,特总结出一套红小豆原种生产技术要点以供参考。  相似文献   

中国作物学会栽培研究委员会玉米栽培学组1988年5月27~31日在江苏省扬州市召开了第3次学术讨论会。得到江苏省农林厅、农科院、农学院、泰兴县农科所等单位赞助。来自16个省、市的112名代表对玉米栽培的应用基础理论、模式化栽培、地膜覆盖栽培、玉米生产的发展战略以及栽培上的  相似文献   

周峰  华春  贲爱玲  杨平 《种子》2017,(3):50-53
种子对作物生产、人类营养和食品安全至关重要.种子最重要的一个性能指标就是种子活力,它是指决定一批种子在不同环境条件下能够萌发的活性和性能,它是提高作物产量的关键,也是农业化生产和种子产业的一个基本目标.本文介绍了种子活力在农业生产中的重要性和种子活力的测定指标,并从生理生态学、分子生物学和生物物理学等方面概述了种子活力及其影响因素,讨论了在提高作物产量和改善播种性能方面的策略.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,哈尔滨市种子产业得到了长足发展,在良种繁育、体系建设、质量控制、生产经营、市场管理以及对外合作与交流等方面,都取得了较大成绩。但随着市场经济体制的建立和逐步完善,种子产业的发展遇到了前所未有的新情况。《中华人民共和国种子法》颁布实施。依法治种。对种子产业进行重大调整;加入世贸组织,争夺市场空间,给种子产业带来严重冲击;农业经济结构的战略性调整,提高综合竞争力,对种子产业提出新的挑战。深刻反思哈尔滨市种子产业发展现状,仍然存在着与新阶段农业发展不相适应的问题,应在创新中求发展。  相似文献   

由中国作物学会主办,山东农业大学承办的“第十次全国小麦栽培科学学术研讨会”于2002年5月10~13日在山东农业大学召开,来自农业部、中国农业科学院、中国农业大学、国家小麦工程技术研究中心,各省农业院校、科研院所、农业管理部门的领导、专家、学者出席了会议。与会代表总结了“九五”以来我国小麦栽培科学发展的新技术、新成果,研讨了我国加入世贸组织以后,面向21世纪我国小麦栽培科学技术、生产和学科发展的方向与任务。特别对优质专用小麦节本增效栽培与技术,信息技术在小麦研究与生产中的应用,小麦栽培与环境和可持续发展等新的研究方向进行了深入探讨。代表们考察了山东农业大学小……  相似文献   

Rapid adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) transgenic hybrid cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in China is greatly attributed to high-quality hybrid seed produced in northern Shandong cotton production area; however, seed yield has reached a plateau in this area in recent years. Shifting the growing season earlier in the year by planting earlier in a greenhouse-like hut and transplanting the raised seedlings to the open fields later may allow the crop to produce more seeds. Four-year consecutive experiments conducted in Huimin County (northern Shandong, China) showed that early-season chilling stress on seedlings was avoided in such a hut, and that the blooming period was extended by about 1 week longer and the peak blooming occurred 5 days earlier in the year in the transplanting system than in the normal planting system. The number of early-season blooms and the number of bolls retained per unit area in transplanting system were significantly higher than those in normal planting system, but there were no significant differences in boll size and lint percentage between the two planting systems. Seed yield and quality parameters were significantly improved in the transplanting system through the increased number of bolls per square metre and earlier blooming respectively. As a result of improvement in seed yield and quality, the net revenue for seed producers with the transplanting system was increased by 20.8 and 22.5 % in 2002 and 2003, respectively, compared with the corresponding net revenue in the normal planting system. Seedling transplanting is a potent way to enhance hybrid seed production in Bt transgenic cotton.  相似文献   

花生是我国重要的油料作物和经济作物,目前国内花生的产量远远不能满足消费者的所需,进一步提高花生单产是解决花生生产供不应求的重要途径。花生种子大小相关性状是花生的重要农艺性状,对提高花生单产至关重要。本文综述了植物种子大小的调控途径以及近年来花生分子标记、遗传图谱构建、种子大小相关性状QTL定位研究中取得的进展,探讨了目前花生种子大小相关性状研究中面临的挑战和机遇,对花生产量遗传改良进行了展望。  相似文献   

The number of seeds per unit land area, the major yield component in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) is largely determined after the beginning of flowering, particularly from R3 to R6. Environmental factors increasing crop growth rate (e.g. radiation) or extending the duration of the reproductive phases (e.g. photoperiod) increase the number of seeds. We aimed to compare the mechanisms by which photoperiod and radiation affect the definition of final seed number during the critical period of R3–R6. Two field experiments were conducted with indeterminate soybeans at intermediate maturity group. All plots in each experiment were grown under natural conditions until the beginning-pod stage (R3); and from then onwards different treatments were imposed. Treatments consisted of the factorial combination of two levels of radiation (natural or shading) and two photoperiod regimes (natural or extended). Extended photoperiod increased the duration of reproductive phases, the number of nodes and the number of pods produced on the nodes that flowered during or after the applications of the treatments. Shading had negligible effects on development and node number, but reduced crop growth rate and also reduced the number of pods produced on most nodes of the plants. The number of seeds was positively related to the crop growth rate during R3–R6, but photoperiod increased the number of seeds produced per unit of crop growth rate, due to the lengthening of the phase. The number of seeds was therefore even better related to accumulated growth during R3–R6, irrespective of the factor that increased the accumulated biomass (higher daily radiation or longer duration of the phase) suggesting that long photoperiods increased the number of pods and seeds established per unit land area, mainly through increasing the total resource availability during a phase that is critical for the determination of seed number in soybean. However, photoperiod regulation involved additional changes in the development, evidenced by changes in the pod distribution pattern within the canopy.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids between white clover and the annual, profuse flowering ball clover have been developed as a strategy to improve the potential seed yield of white clover. The seed yield and seed yield components of advanced white clover × ball clover hybrids were compared with white clover in replicated field experiments over two harvest years. The backcross 3 hybrid had more reproductive nodes per stolon than the control variety ‘AberHerald’ which was reflected in more inflorescences per unit area but inflorescences with fewer florets and seeds. The hybrid had a greater potential seed yield than the control variety in 2002 but not 2001. Backcross 3 hybrids have also been produced across the range of leaf size categories. Medium and large leaved hybrids produced significantly more inflorescences and a higher potential seed yield than control varieties of comparable leaf size in both harvest years. The small leaved hybrid was not significantly greater than the control variety ‘AberDale’ in either inflorescence production or seed yield.  相似文献   

气候变化对陇东塬区界限温度和作物种植结构的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杜军  刘英 《中国农学通报》2015,31(27):253-257
为了应对气候变化对现代农业生产的影响, 利用西峰 1971—2014年连续 44年气象资料及作物资料, 分析气候变化对陇东塬区界限温度以及作物种植结构的影响。结果表明: 44年来 0、 10、 15℃界限温度的初日都有提前的趋势, 终日都有推后的趋势; 各界限温度的间隔天数和积温都呈增加趋势。0℃初终日期间天数增加, 生长期延长, 种植北界扩展, 使农业结构向多元化发展。10℃初终日期间天数、 积温的增加, 使农田的复种指数提高, 单位土地面积上的产量增加, 线性倾向率为 472.3 kg/(hm2·10 a)。各界限温度间的积温增加, 加剧了气候暖干化发展。  相似文献   

棉花不同熟性品种栽培技术新途径的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1997~1999年对中早熟春棉和短季棉品种在一熟条件下的不同播期和密度进行了试验研究。结果表明,晚播有利于一播全苗,并能调节结铃盛期与山东棉区的最佳结铃期自然重叠,伏桃增多;密植矮化可使单位面积的总铃数显著增加,从而提高了皮棉单产。据此认为棉花晚播密植栽培是山东棉区棉花增产的又一种栽培新途径。  相似文献   

山西省粮食产量及粮食作物结构变化趋势的相关分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张建平 《中国农学通报》2006,22(12):516-516
根据山西省50多年来粮食生产的相关调查与统计资料,运用静态分析与动态分析相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法对山西省粮食产量和作物结构的变化趋势及影响因素进行了分析。结果表明:1949年以来山西省粮食总产与单产在波动中呈增长趋势;粮食作物结构也发生了很大变化。粮食总产的提高主要归功于粮食单产的增加,其中玉米单产的增加对粮食平均单产的提高作用最大,其次是小麦。并提出如下建议:依靠改善农业生产条件和提高农业科技水平增加粮食单产;稳定小麦播种面积,满足人们对小麦口粮消费的需求;玉米作为粮食和饲料兼用的高产高效作物,今后的种植面积应进一步扩大。  相似文献   

Two‐ and six‐rowed barley with different intrinsic ability to produce tillers and kernels per ear, would differ in responsiveness to nitrogen availability with environmental improvements. Two field experiments were carried out to elucidate how nitrogen supply (N40 and N150) affects yield and its components in two‐ and six‐rowed barley. High nitrogen increased aboveground dry matter at anthesis, by improving cumulative solar radiation intercepted by the crop, determining an increased dry‐matter production at maturity without changes in harvest index. In both barley types, variations in grain yield were explained by changes in kernels per unit land area rather than by differences in the average kernel weight. However, changes in the number of kernels were due to variations in the number of ears per m2 in two‐rowed barley and the number of kernels per ear in six‐rowed barley. Ears per unit area showed a greater responsiveness in two‐ than in six‐rowed barley due to a higher nitrogen supply treatment, associated with their intrinsic higher tillering capacity, while the number of kernels per ear was more responsive in six‐ than in two‐rowed types. The fact that responses to nitrogen by the number of kernels per unit land area in two‐ and six‐rowed barley is better explained by different yield sub‐components, allows the speculation that the critical period for yield determination would differ between barley types.  相似文献   

Brasisca Juncea , cv. Pusa Bold, and B. campestris , cv. Pusa Kalyani, were raised under field conditions with varying levels of N supply from 0–120 kg ha-1. The production profile of branches and pods thereon was measured, per unit area basis, throughout the crop ontogeny. At maturity, data on the yield contributing characters, viz. pod dry weight, pod number, seed number per pod, 1000 seed weight, seed wall ratio and seed yield in different order branches, was recorded.
The branching pattern and the number of pods produced on different order branches, in the two species, was favourably modified by the increasing levels of N supply. Primary and secondary branches contributed to the seed yield to an extent of 80 % of the total yield. Nitrogen treatment had no significant effect on 1000 seed weight. B. juncea exhibited significantly higher yield over B. campestris. N supply up to 120 kg ha -1 linearly increased seed yield in both the species. However, it exerted a negative effect too partitioning of assimilates from pod wall to seed. The study indicated that rapeseed-mustard, grown under short winter-season environment with adequate soil moisture, has the potential for higher N-fertilizer optima exceeding 120 kg ha -1.  相似文献   

气候变化对中国水稻生产的影响研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
水稻生产系统是响应气候变化最敏感的农业生态系统之一,本文综述了当前和未来气候变化对我国水稻生产的影响。气候变化背景下,我国水稻生长季的热量资源增多,辐射资源减少,降水不均一性加大。高温热害、干旱、暴雨和洪涝灾害发生更频繁,这可能降低水、热资源的有效性。气候变化使我国单季稻和双季稻潜在种植边界显著北移,导致单季稻、早稻和晚稻的主要生育期缩短。基于统计模型和水稻生长模型的研究结果表明,如果不考虑品种改良和栽培技术的进步,气候变化使单季稻、早稻和晚稻产量下降,但不同稻作区和方法间存在差异。我国水稻生产重心北移、实测生育期延长和产量增加的变化趋势,反映了水稻生产系统通过种植分布调整、品种改良和技术改进来适应气候变化的能力。未来气候变化将进一步导致水稻生育期缩短和产量下降,对我国水稻生产和粮食安全带来严峻挑战。仍需加强气候变化影响机制的研究及其在影响评估中的应用,减小影响评估的不确定性并增加其系统性,为制定有效的应对策略提供可靠的理论支持。  相似文献   

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